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Q. why do you want to work in a call centre?

A. I would want to work in a call centre because it provides a great opportunity to

interact with customers from different parts of the world. This can help me improve
my communication skills and build my confidence. Additionally, call centres offer
flexible work hours and a competitive salary package, which can make it an
career option. By working in a call centre, I can also develop transferable skills
can help me in any future job I pursue. Overall, working in a call centre can be a
fulfilling career path that offers growth, stability, and the opportunity to
develop my
Q. how will you provide high quality customer service to your callers?
A. If I were working at a call centre, I would provide high-quality customer
service by
first actively listening to the customer and understanding their needs. I would
use clear and concise language to provide the customer with accurate information
and helpful solutions to their problems. I would also maintain a positive and
professional attitude throughout the interaction, remaining patient and empathetic
towards the customer's concerns. In addition, I would follow up with the customer
ensure that their issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. Overall, by
clear communication, active listening, and empathy, I would provide high-quality
customer service and leave a positive impression on the customer.
Q. How will you handle a call from angry customer?
A. If I were working at a call centre and received a call from an angry customer, I
first remain calm and patient. I would actively listen to the customer's complaints
empathize with their frustration. I would then take ownership of the situation and
apologize for any inconvenience caused. Next, I would ask clarifying questions to
better understand the customer's issue and offer a solution that addresses their
concerns. If necessary, I would escalate the issue to a supervisor or manager.
Throughout the interaction, I would maintain a professional and respectful tone and
seek to de-escalate the situation by reassuring the customer that we are committed
to resolving their issue. Overall, by showing empathy, taking ownership, and
solutions, I would aim to turn the angry customer into a satisfied one.

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