Arbiter April 2017

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Volume 34 No.9 APRIL 2017

104, Prospect Chambers, Dr. D. N. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel.: 2204 4084 • Email :
Editor : Dr. R. Krishna Murthy
Editorial Page 4

In the News Page 6

Salient Features
Labour Reform & Social Safety Net Page 12
In order to protect the lowest income groups, the young, the old and the disabled, particularly
arising out of structural adjustments, resulting in unemployment in the short term, if not in
the long run, R. K. A. Subrahmanya reminds us that while a number of developing countries
introduced unemployment insurance schemes for their labour, Indian government dragged
its feet inspite of all the tall talk by practically all concerned, and the fact remains – there is
no unemployment insurance scheme in India.
Overtime Work - Legal, Human & Social Dimensions Page 20
In this in-depth analysis of legal provisions in respect of overtime and payment in respect
thereof under the Factories Act, 1948, P. Somaraju envisages that in view of emerging
competitive global environment, the government shall take care of both, the demands of
the employers and the welfare of workers.
Maternity Benefit Page 24
Having provided extensive and minute details of the latest amendments to the Maternity
Benefit Act, SV Ramachandra Rao has advised the HR professionals have a relook at
their HR manual and also the contract of employment to comply with the amended Act.

VRS Application
Withdrawal after the Expiry Date Page 26
Referring to the problems relating to the Voluntary Retirement Schemes, particularly when
the employees decide to withdraw their consent to retire prematurely, R. N. Misra has
cited and quoted the judgments of the Supreme Court to stress that the terms and conditions
of the VRS Schemes should be specific, including the fixed period of validity of the offer.
Wellness Through Music – II Page 29
In this Part II of his article on wellness through music, Dr. S. Srinivasan tries to tell us
about the intricacies of our brain and its functions and impacts, probably on our own
behaviour, working methods, and activities.
Views expressed in the Journal are not necessarily those of the Industrial Relations Institute of India


Striking Doctors
The recent protest where doctors have now a law in place that provides serious
taken the recourse to go on strike because deterrence to individuals who indulge in such
of the patients relatives assaulting a doctor wanton violence when there is a perceived
has brought in untold misery for the patients, deficiency in service of the hospital. The
particularly those who have come from patient and the relative are not the best
outstation to the metro hospitals for their placed persons to judge whether there was
treatments. Many of them scheduled for a deficiency in service. The persons best
surgeries, life threatening ailments and for placed are peers and others in the Hospital
their routine checkups were put to severe business, who can certainly evaluate
hardships because of the strike. Even the whether the right type of treatment was
intervention of the High Court directing the provided to the patient when he or she was
Doctors not to strike work has had little relief, brought in called The Maharashtra Medical
though there is hope that the striking doctors Service Persons and Medicare Services
who have been on strike for the last five days. Institutions (Prevention of Violence and
Damage or Loss of Property) Act, 2008.
There can be no two opinions on the
The Act not only makes slapping of a
need for providing better security to the
doctor a cognizable offence warranting
doctors at work and who are required to
im mediate arrest and lockup till a
treat patients, some of who are terminally
magistrate orders bail, but also a fine as
ill. Some of them have faulted on treatment,
well as penalty amounting to double the
medicines and there is very little the doctor
market price of the equipments or items
can do to save the patient. If the patient
which were damaged in the violence.
dies, thrashing the doctor will not bring the
patient back to life but venting the anger The doctors were protesting not just
and frustration on the doctor or the hospital against the failure of the police to book the
is not correct. One hospital was burnt down miscreants under this law, but under the
when a prominent politician injured in a car IPC, where they were not subjected to
accident was brought critically wounded immediate arrest. It is not without a reason
and passed away in the hospital. The the doctors are protesting against this
action of the supporters, who felt it mindless violence against the doctors. Most
appropriate to blame the hospital and not of the hospitals (government run) lack basic
the minister’s driver, whose rash and amenities and facilities. In addition to this,
negligent action not only caused the the number of patients in a government
demise of the politician but in many cases, hospital is huge, straining the sparse
also the lives of innocent pedestrians. infrastructure and space where the services
are rendered. Many of the patients are
It is not that the issue and concern of the
accompanied by a huge set of relatives who
doctors have not been addressed. There is
want to be there with the patient in case of examination where the defense lawyer will
any eventuality. While one can understand put innumerable questions about the life
the grief and anguish of the relatives when style of the doctor and other irrelevant
their near and dear ones depart, blaming the questions to delay a verdict, if not avert it.
doctor or the nurses or the hospital staff for But it is not just this that the doctors are
the death and taking law into one’s own hand agitating. It is the rule of anarchy that is left
and assaulting the doctors, nurses or loose in the hospital by hooligans, who do
hospital ward staff or damaging the not care for the law and presume they are
equipment cannot be permitted and the law the law makers. Listen to them or be
intends to do just that. prepared to face the consequences of brutal
violence. These thugs, who are only in the
However, inspite of the law, the behaviour
streets and used to ugly brawls find the
of relatives and friends of the patients have
doctors, nurses and the hospital soft targets.
not changed. In the Indian environment,
The degree of violence and assault will numb
people are used to facing lousy service and
the mind of the civilized.
at times even for this lousy service, they are
required to pay a bribe. They carry these Such mindless violence occurs
frustrations and unfortunately, in some elsewhere also. In Maruti, recently the
circumstances, they vent their spleen on Gurgaon Court convicted 31 persons for the
these poor unfortunate professionals, who murder of the DGM HR, Avanish Kumar, but
are already overworked, strained and this conviction comes after nearly four and
working in abysmal conditions. If one were half years after the incident of violence.
to visit the residential quarters of the interns, About 117 workers were also acquitted of
doctors, nurses in these government the charges and were released.
institutions, one would really be amazed at Incarcerated for over four and half years for
the amount of adjustment these brilliant what they consider false charges for which
minds of the Indian society put up with and they were implicated by the police at the
how we have never given the doctors, behest of the management. Travesty of
nurses and the hospital staff their dues to justice. Those convicted are challenging the
work in such conditions and circumstances. verdict on the ground that they were
implicated by false evidence.
One issue which the doctors have raised
is very important. They do not want more It is not just the ordinary who take to such
than any two relatives to accompany the extraordinary behaviour. One MP did not
patient. Here in India, hordes come with one mind boasting of how he thrashed an Air
patient putting the services to other patients India official who could not provide him
as well as other critically ill patients and Executive Class seating in an Economy
persons who have come for treatment at Aircraft while travelling as he was entitled to
great inconvenience. The law provides for this privilege. He refused to disembark
severe punishment once the conviction is thereby delaying the departure of the plane
made, but the process is so long and drawn and did not take lightly to not giving him his
out requiring the doctor to go to court several
time to testify, spend several hours in cross (Continued on page No. 11)


In the News
Maruti Violence: lawyers defence team says union leaders
31 Convicted; 117 Acquitted were booked on the basis of planted
evidence and that they will challenge the
Thirty one workers were convicted and
decision in Chandigarh High Court.
117 acquitted in a case of violence and rioting
at Maruti Suzuki plant at Manesar, 20 kms Following extensive arguments in the
from Gurgaon city. Thirteen accused have case – the accused were defended by a team
been held guilty of murder whereas 18 are of lawyers comprising Vrinda Grover,
convicted of rioting and other crimes under Rebecca John and R.S. Cheema – the court
various sections of the IPC. The quantum finally convicted 31 employees of Maruti
of punishment will be pronounced on March Suzuki India Limited (MSIL), including 13 for
17.117 workers were acquitted by the district murder. According to the news reports, the
and sessions Judge RP Goyal on Friday, late Awanish Kumar Dev, who hailed from
March 10, 2017 according to the news Ranchi in Jharkhand and was a resident of
report. The police took 22 accused into Malviya Nagar in south Delhi, lost his life under
custody after the verdict was announced tragic circumstances. He was survived by
amid heavy police presence. Administration his wife Suparna, a deputy director in the
had imposed section 144 in the district court defence ministry in New Delhi, and a 10-year-
premises and within 500 meters of Maruti old son Abhyudit. In the violence at the
Suzuki plant in Manesar. Awanish Kumar Manesar factory, apart from Dev over 100
Dev, General Manager (Human Resources) other employees, including some from
of Maruti Suzuki, was burned to death and foreign countries, and a large number of
several executives injured in the violence in police personnel sustained injuries.
the car plant allegedly triggered by workers
The riot, as per the management, had
on July 18, 2012. The police had arrested
its origin in a disciplinary issue involving an
148 workers in connection with the case,
employee. Workers, however, claimed that
which was under trial.
they were targeted as they raised concerns
Rajender Pathak, counsel of the accused over their rights. According to the workers,
workers, said that they would challenge the one of the supervisors had used a caste
conviction in the Punjab and Haryana High abuse against a worker, and he slapped the
Court. Iqbal, one of the accused, was not supervisor. But the worker was suspended
present in the court whereas 147 others but no action was taken against the
were present when the verdict was supervisor. The issue became the flash point
announced. Pathak said that the contention and subsequently, the second shift workers
of the prosecution that the murder was also joined the first shift employees and then
planned has been set aside. The defence violence was let loose when no decision
took the plea that this was an accident and from the management came for the errant
acquittal of 117 persons has vindicated its supervisor. It was a trigger point that led to
stand according to Pathak. The worker’s the violence over many issues that were


pending. Following the violence, the plant alive. The said occurrence led to lodging of
remained shut for several weeks and the FIR No. 184/2012 at police station Manesar.
unit, which manufactured lakhs of vehicles After completion of the investigation, the
every year, lost nearly $500 million due to police filed charge sheet against 148
idle production capacity. workers in respect of various offences
before the competent court which, in turn,
The prosecution case before the trial
committed the matter to the court of session
court – as observed by the Supreme Court
and during trial the accused persons were
in an order in the case of State of Haryana
charged for the offences punishable under
versus Ram Meher and others – was that
Sections 147/ 148/ 149/ 452/ 302/ 307/ 436/
“on July 18, 2012 at about 7 pm, the accused
323/ 332/ 353/ 427/ 114/ 201/ 120B/ 34/ 325/
persons, being armed with door beams and
381 & 382 of IPC.”
shockers, went inside M1 room of the
Manesar factory of Maruti Suzuki Limited, According to the Union’s Counsel, Mr.
smashed the glass walls of the conference Grover, the case of the defence was that
room and threw chairs and table tops the “accused have been falsely implicated
towards the management officials”. The by the police in collusion with Maruti Suzuki
workers then allegedly surrounded the and what was important to understand of
conference hall from all sides, blocked both the 13 who have been convicted of murder
staircases and warned that they would kill was that these are largely office bearers of
company officials. the union and the leaders of the union.
According to him, if this is not just false
The court had added that “as the implication, this is targeted framing of
allegations of the prosecution further unfurl, leaders of the workers in a criminal case in
the exhortation continued for quite a length order to crush the workers’ movement and
of time. All kind of attempts were made to the management which has in a parrot-like
burn alive the officials of the management. manner only named these people.”
During this pandemonium, the entire office
was set on fire by the accused persons and The defence has all along insisted that this
was a case of very unfortunate incident of
the effort by the officials to escape became
an exercise in futility as the accused persons the death of one official in a fire and there
was no evidence of who lit the fire or what lit
had blocked the staircases. The police
the fire. “The company and the management
officials who arrived at the spot to control
used that unfortunate incident to specifically
the situation were assaulted by the workers
name the labour leaders and frame them as
and they were obstructed from going
though they were the only ones responsible.
upstairs to save the officials. Despite the
The criminal law is now a route to eliminate
obstruction, the officials were saved by the
from the workplace strong voices in favour
police and the fire was brought under control
of workers’ rights,” claimed Grover.
by the fire brigade.”
New IR Code:
The court further observed: “In the
Changed Labour Law
incident where chaos was the sovereign, Mr.
Awanish Kumar Dev, general manager, It is reported that the ministerial panel on
human resources of the company was burnt labour issues headed by Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley has met to finalise drafts of the the second leg of the Budget Session, which
new industrial relations code and the wage began on March 9.
code. The ministerial panel broadly agrees
The two legislations are significant as
on the wage code while m ore
they form part of the efforts of the
deliberations will be held on the industrial
government to improve ease of doing
relations code. After ministerial panel’s
business. The labour ministry has plans to
approval, the two Bills will be put up for
condense nearly 44 labour laws into four
Cabinet approval before introducing the
codes — wages, industrial relations, social
same in Parliament for passage.
security and safety, health and working
The Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya conditions. Trade unions are opposed to
addressing reporters on the sidelines of a certain amendments in these codes and
conference ‘Vision Zero’ on occupational have already submitted their dissent note.
safety and health, stated that
The new industrial relations code
in the inter-ministerial meeting, they have proposes to raise the ceiling on number of
cleared the wage code. There was a first workers for units that can go for closure,
phase of discussion on the industrial retrenchment or layoff without government
relations code. He stated that on the Code approval to 300 from 100.  At present, all
on Wages, everybody was in agreement units with up to 100 workers are not required
and the Government would proceed in the to seek government nod for closure,
matter. The minister also indicated the retrenchment or layoff. The government has
government’s intent to push amendments completed tripartite discussions on these
in the Payment of Gratuity Act to enhance two codes to seek view of stakeholders,
the ceiling of tax-free gratuity to Rs 20 lakh including the industry, unions and states.
from the existing Rs 10 lakh in the ongoing The proposed code on wages will subsume
session of Parliament. He stated that the the Minimum Wages Act of 1948, the
government has cleared the amendments Payment of Wages Act of 1936, the Payment
in the Payment of Gratuity Act in the of Bonus Act of 1965 and the Equal
tripartite meeting and it was taken it up to Remuneration Act of 1976. Similarly, the
the Cabinet. After clearance from the code on industrial relations will subsume
Cabinet, it will come to Parliament. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Trade
Earlier last week, the ministerial panel Unions Act, 1926, and the Industrial
headed by the finance minister had Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
deliberated on the suggestions for the two Karnataka Government:
codes at a meeting. It was attended by Retirement Age Raised to 60 Years
Labour  Bandaru Dattatreya and Power
Minister Piyush Goyal. Asked whether there The Karnataka Government had a Ugadi
will be more discussions on the two codes, gift to the employees working in Private
the labour minister had said there could be Sector Companies by announcing that the
another on the two bills later this month. He retirement age would be extended from 58
had also dropped hints that the two Bills will years to 60. After dilly-dallying on the date of
be pushed for passage in Parliament during implementation, the government issued a
formal notification. More than 33 lakh will be effective from immediate effect. The
employees in the state are likely to benefit total wage package is bifurcated as: a fixed
from the move, which exempts Information rise of Rs.8,600/= (in the ratio of 72%, 15%
Technology and Bio-Technology companies and 13% for a period of 3 years) and
and firms that have fewer than 50 employees. Rs.8,700/= that would be variable and linked
Mr. Santosh Lad, the Labour Minister stated to performance parameters. The Settlement
that his government was dreaming for long gives a wage hike of Rs.17,300/= inclusive
of doing something that will improve the life of the variable component.
of private sector employees. “He was happy
Tata Motors has manufacturing plants in
that the government managed to
Sanand, Jamshedpur and Lucknow too, and
accomplish this before Ugadi,” said Lad, the
there will be expectations of a similar wage
architect of the policy.
increase there. But the situations in the
The new rule will be binding on all different locations are not the same. For
companies covered under the purview of the example, in Saanand, where the Company
Karnataka Factories Act, 1948, and the manufactures the Nano, the capacity
Karnataka Shops and Commercial utilization is very low and the unit is already
Establishments Act, 1961. Companies who into losses. At Pune, there are a slew of
have the certified standing orders that new vehicle introduction that is expected
provide for the retirement age of 58 will take to bring the Company out of the red. Hence,
the plea that the Model Standing Orders Act similar wage increase at Saanand is not
does not apply to them and the Unions will possible according to those in the know.
have to go to court to bring about changes Further, the age profile of the employees is
in the Standing Orders. The move to very young and their market wages are
increase the retirement age is populist as similar to those drawn by similar placed
well as considering the increasing life employees in other companies in Gujarat,
expectancy. For the employer, wage costs which is not a high wage island. Existing
for the senior staff is excessive compared Block Closure has been increased by 6
to the market value for new entrants who days at Pune in the wage settlement which
would do the same job for less pay. is a major achievement for the Company
Employers are bound to protest the move as it was a counter management charter
and challenge the notification in Court. of demands on the Union.
Tata Motors Pune: International Worker:
Wage Settlement Withdrawal Permitted
In a landmark agreement signed with It is reported that the Employees’
Pune plant workers Tata Motors concluded Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has
a long-term wage settlement agreement issued guidelines that would allow
with its Pune workers Union that covers international workers lumpsum withdrawal
6,400 workers, after 19 months of of retirement savings once their
negotiations. The wage settlement has been employment in the country comes to an end.
signed for a period of 3 years —September According to the change announced the
01, 2015 to August 31, 2018. The agreement international workers would be able to
withdraw their dues when they leave the The facility will be available only to
shores and would not have to wait till their workers from establishments in countries
age of retirement. The earlier policy that have a social security agreement (SSA)
mandated that the withdrawal would be at their with India. At present, India has operational
age of retirement and not at the time of leaving SSAs with 17 countries, including Austria,
the shores, which created a lot of heart burn Canada, France and Japan. The move will
and problems for those working in India. allow international workers to take back their
retirement savings accrued in India to their
According to the circular, the EPFO has
country of origin or employment when they
advised employers to pay the contribution
finish their service in India. Till now, there
of the retiring (leaving) worker within the first
was no special provision for international
three days of the particular month. The
workers under the EPF who had to wait until
employer should also submit the claim form
they retired at the age of 58 years to
of such worker duly completed to the
withdraw their money. Alternatively,
concerned provident fund office by the 5th
withdrawal was allowed if they retired due
of the month in which the member is leaving
to a disability or if they stopped being an
service. The provident fund officer shall
employee of a covered under an operational
ensure settlement of such retirement claims
SSA. Under the EPF, international workers
and credit the settlement amount to the
could only make lumpsum withdrawals if
member’s account on the date of leaving
they were covered under an SSA and have
service in India to the bank account
worked for less than 10 years in India.
maintained in India.

Editorial measures put in place that guarantees them

that they will not have to think of ways to
Striking Doctors save their lives when they are saving
(Continued from page No. 5) patients lives. The Health Minister who
invited them for talks announced that they
dues as an MP. The injured ego and pride
have withdrawn their agitation, when the
led to his going berserk and led to violence.
press conference of the doctors, stated
Air India and other Airlines have blacklisted
otherwise. This is the big disconnect
the person, and even his party did not
between the administration and the doctors
outright support his behaviour and conduct,
and no meeting of minds. The government
but a lot of soul searching and corrective
must engage with the doctors and inspire
actions must take place to transform the
in them confidence that their problems are
society. Banning the strikes and sacking the
in safe hands and will be redressed. That
doctors, cutting their stipend and other
assurance and assuaging comes with the
punitive actions by the hospital
relationship and not with dictats. The sooner
administration is hardly the right way to deal
it ends, the better it is for all.
with this creamy layer of society. They must
be taken into confidence and proper security 


Labour Reform and Social Safety Net

Social Safety Net is a term, which has unemployment, where will the retrenched
come into vogue recently to mean social worker or government employee go? How
assistance, a form of social security. long will he take to find another job? And
Social safety nets are intended for a dual what will happen to him and his family, if
purpose. According to the UNDP Human he does not? Small wonder then that trade
Development Report 1993, every country unions stop at nothing to prevent
needs to establish effective social safety retrenchment and political leaders eternally
nets to catch the victims of the competitive shy away from closing the 225,000 sick
struggle – such as the temporarily units that litter the industrial landscape. This
unemployed – and to protect the lowest is not politics but simple humanity.”
income groups, the young, the old and the
The solution to the problem must
disabled. In the context of labour reforms,
therefore also be a humane one. It lies in
social safety net is required for catching
the creation of a comprehensive system
the victims of the competitive struggle.
of unemployment insurance. The scheme
It is well known that labour reforms must first cover the entire organized sector
leading to structural adjustment will result of industry and government and, when its
in unemployment in the short term, if not managers have acquired sufficient
in the long run. There is at present no experience, it be extended to cover the
scheme to protect the workers against self-employed in the unorganized sector.
such involuntary unemployment, and that The proposal is by no means new. At the
is coming in the way of any movement 1990 Annual Meeting of the Federation
towards labour reforms. This was of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
recognized as soon as the new economic Industry (FICCI), the outgoing President
policy was introduced in 1991, but there urged the V. P. Singh Government to
has been no progress in that direction. In consider setting up an unemployment
this connection what the columnist, Prem insurance scheme to which employers
Shanker Jha wrote in November, 1991 is and employees would contribute one
highly relevant. I quote: percent of their gross salaries.
“The obstacles to an exit policy, Such a scheme is long overdue.
whether for sick enterprises or inefficient Despite every effort of the Government
or redundant workers is the same: in a and the trade unions to make
country with an already alarming level of retrenchment as difficult as possible,

Mr. R. K. A. Subrahmanya was Additional Secretary in the Union Ministry of Labour.

He represented the Government of India in the International Labour Conferences in
Geneva for four years, during which he was elected as Chairman of Conference
Committees, including the one on Social Dimensions of Industrialisation for three
consecutive years.
between 25,000 and 40,000 workers do adjustment would not be borne exclusively
get laid off every year. by the working class and that those who
have the least capacity to bear those costs
The then Union Finance Minister,
are not asked to bear them”.
Dr. Manmohan Singh had also accepted
the need for developing credible In the wake of the announcement of the
instruments of social security for the new economic policy, the Social Security
workers in the unorganized sector as well Association organized a seminar on Social
as the workers, who may be affected by Security in the context of the New Industrial
technical change. Inaugurating the Social Policy. It was inaugurated by the then Dy.
Security Association of India on December Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr.
31, 1991, he stated, inter alia: Pranab Mukherjee. The seminar
recommended the introduction of an
“The need for social security is an
Unemployment Insurance Scheme. With
established reality in all civilized societies
the help of Mr. S. K. Jain who had just
today. A caring society, and any civilized
retired from the office of Deputy Director
society must aspire to be a caring society,
General of the ILO, the Association worked
cannot leave those who suffer from these
out an outline of the scheme and submitted
misfortunes to suffer in silence. Society
it to government. A delegation of the
has a responsibility to its unfortunate
Association met the Finance Minister and
members to come to their assistance.
presented the scheme. He gave a patient
Technical change is a fact of life. We
hearing to the delegation and promised
cannot survive in a world in which
to have the matter examined.
knowledge is growing at such a fast pace
Subsequently the Ministry of Industry
without making conscious efforts to
appointed an official committee to go into
absorb, assimilate and adapt this
it. The committee too recommended the
knowledge for improving our living
introduction of an unemployment
standards. But the process of technical
insurance scheme. In the meantime the
change howsoever beneficial it might be
major organizations of employers FICCI
is also disruptive. When you introduce
and ASSOCHAM also submitted
new technologies, it hurts who are using
memoranda to Government suggesting
techniques of an earlier vintage. There is
the introduction of an unemployment
the problem or the fear of unemployment,
insurance scheme so as to enable them
loss of jobs. This cannot be wished away.
to carry out structural adjustment.
If we want our society to accept the need
for technical change, then we need to In a paper prepared by FICCI for a
have credible instruments of social workshop on “Exit Policy for Sick Industrial
security to ensure that the process of Units” the existing arrangements for
technical change will not impose undue retrenchment of workers were described
burden on the working classes. We must and it was stated, “so far what has ruled
work towards a society, which would be a out the formulation of an exit policy is the
caring society, a society which would total absence of social security net to take
ensure that if technical change is essential care of the retrenched workers. Therefore
for the country as a whole, then the costs a social security net broadly on the lines
of technical change and the costs of of an insurance policy should be devised
at the earliest. A formal system of (i) Persons who have just entered the job
providing unemployment benefit should market and have not found a job yet.
be evolved instead of the existing system
(ii) Persons who are in seasonal
whereby individual companies have
employment for part of the year and
provided such benefits on a case to case
remain unemployed for the remaining
basis. The unemployment benefit may be
short periods.
provided under the umbrella of a specific
Act introduced for this purpose.” The (iii) Persons who are thrown out of
paper also set out the details of a scheme. employment due to retrenchment or
closure of establishments
The Associated Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in a paper on (iv) Persons who have lost jobs due to
Deregulation Imperatives had indicated nationwide or global recession.
the need for introducing a “privately run
Unemployment insurance is concerned
industry specific contributory insurance
mainly with the last category of persons.
scheme for risks of unemployment”.
N o action was taken on these The best way to tackle unemployment
recommendations. What was intriguing is to provide alternative employment. If
was why the Government dragged its feet that is not possible the unemployed may
when even the premier organizations of be given assistance for their subsistence
the employers who naturally oppose any either through an unemployment
scheme adding to their costs had insurance scheme or through a social
themselves initiated proposals for assistance programme whereby the
introducing a scheme. unemployed may be given relief directly
by way of an allowance.
It must however be pointed out that
unemployment insurance schemes are As mentioned in the World Labour
not as common as other branches of Report 2000, the first protection against
social security. Social security unemployment is a solid policy towards full
unemployment benefit schemes are to be employment consisting of macro-economic
found mainly in industrialized countries. policies at the national and international
Very few developing countries have such levels; sectoral regional and local policies;
schemes. Unemployment benefit and labor market and training policies.
schemes have recently been set up in Nevertheless there is an increasing need
certain transition countries and in middle- for specific unemployment protection
income countries like the Republic of policies given that full employment policies
Korea. It is therefore understandable that are either not in place or take time to come
the Government is cautious in embarking to fruition and that short term crises may
on such untried ventures. There seems lead to unacceptable levels of
however to be no reason to be unemployment hardship.
apprehensive about introducing an Definition of Unemployment Benefit
unemployment insurance scheme.
Unemployment Benefit is paid to those
There are different types of individuals who through no fault of their own
unemployment, viz., have become unemployed and who, as a
result, have lost the earning on which they to pay severance or dismissal indemnity
and their families depended. The principle to their separated employees.
underlying this scheme is that if a person
Position in China
for no fault of his is deprived of an income
consisting of his earning from employment China has an unemployment insurance
he has a right to expect income support at scheme, which covers workers in state run
least for the necessities of life while he enterprises and some collective
remains available for work. This benefit is enterprises. It is a contributory scheme for
usually paid for a relatively short period which workers contribute at the rate of 1%
under the assumption that he will find and the employers at 2%. Local
alternative employment within that period. governments subsidize the scheme to the
extent necessary. The rate of benefit is
This benefit is usually financed by
determined by the local authorities at a level
contributions from employers and the
higher than local public assistance benefit
employees but sometimes, the
but lower than local minimum wage. The
government may also share in the cost in
benefit is payable for 12 months if the
the form of either regular contributions or
period of coverage is less than 5 years and
a subsidy. According to “Social Security
for 18 months if the period of coverage is
throughout the World”, a biennial
more than 5 years but less than 10 years
publication of the US Government,
and for 2 years if the period of coverage
“Unemployment insurance contributions
is ten or more years.
often are shared equally between
employers and the employees; The Government of China has introduced
alternatively, the entire contribution may a three-tiered program for dealing with the
be made by the employer. However problem of unemployment –
Government subsidies may be quite large
(a) The unemployed persons may report
amounting in some cases to as much as
themselves to reemployment centers
two thirds of the programs expenditures.
for retraining and for reemployment.
Means tested unemployment assistance
programs are financed entirely by (b) If they are unable to get alternative
government, with no contribution by the jobs, they will be put on
employers or the employees”. unemployment subsidy.
Position in Asia and the Pacific (c) After two years they will be handed
over to the third line of urban poverty
Fifteen (out of 49) countries in the alleviation programme.
region provide for unemployment benefits
but they are mostly the former USSR Position in Korea
republics and the developed countries of The Republic of Korea has introduced
Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and New an employer financed unemployment
Zealand. In Thailand this benefit is provided allowance, which took effect in July 1995.
for under the 1990 Social Security Act but The scheme is financed by a contribution
implementation is still pending. In a number equal to 0.6% of total pay roll shared
of countries such as Bangladesh, India, equally between employers and workers.
Iraq, Philippines, Solomon Islands and The Act fixed 1.5% as the maximum total
Turkey, the Labor Laws require employers contribution that could be levied for all
components of the employment insurance Duration of the benefit ranges from 4 to 12
system (which also includes a large months depending on the length of
number of labor market policy measures, coverage between 12 and 36 months.
such as training). From March 1998,
Position in India
Parliament revised this maximum
upwards to 3% of payroll. The There is no unemployment insurance
unemployment benefit is 50% of the scheme in India. Industrial Disputes Act
workers’ earnings during the month prior provides that a worker who is retrenched
of dismissal. In March 1998 the minimum should be paid compensation at the rate
benefit was raised to 70% of the minimum of 15 days wages for every completed
wage. As the minimum wage is about 25% year of continuous service in addition to
of non-agricultural average earnings the gratuity. It is said to be a form of
minimum unemployment benefit is unemployment benefit meant to help the
equivalent to just under 18% of average workers who are thrown out of
earnings. The duration of unemployment employment to maintain themselves until
benefit is calculated on age at dismissal they are able to secure alternative jobs.
and length of the period insured. As an But it is more akin to a terminal benefit
incentive to job seeking, an early than an unemployment benefit. Even this
reemployment allowance is payable to benefit is usually not paid in cases where
unemployed workers who find a new job industrial establishments are closed down
within half the period for which they entitled due to financial stringency.
to unemployment benefit. The coverage of
In 1967, the Government of India drew
the scheme was initially limited to
up a pilot scheme of unemployment
employees in firms with 30 or more workers.
insurance to cover workers in coal mining
It is now applicable to establishment
industry who were members of the Coal
employment five or more persons.
Mines Provident Fund. An expert of the
Position in Brazil ILO was invited to examine the scheme
and to make suggestions for improving it
Brazil has an Unemployment Insurance
in the light of experience in countries in
Scheme, which is wholly financed by the
which such schemes were in operation.
Government. The rate of benefit is 50%
The expert found it feasible and had made
of average earnings in the last 3 months
certain suggestions for improving it.
of employment up to 3 times the minimum
wage. Minimum benefit would be equal In 1969, the National Commission on
to minimum wage. The benefit is payable Labor expressed the view that a long term
after 60 days waiting period for a period solution to the problem of retrenchment
of 4 months in any 16 months period. lies in adopting a scheme of
unemployment insurance for all employed
Position in Argentina
persons. The Commission observed,
In Argentina rate of contributions is 1% “While provisions relating to retrenchment
for insured persons and 1.5% for and lay off compensation afford some
employers. Rate of benefit is 60% of the relief and act as a deterrent to hasty
highest wage the worker received in the 6 retrenchment, certain unsatisfactory
months before the date of unemployment features have come to light in the course
of their working. A permanent remedy may economy. The policy was to provide
be in the form of unemployment benefit. compensation of up to 30% of last drawn
The Central Employers Organizations annual pay for a period of one year to
have suggested in their evidence that workers who lose jobs. It was proposed
since the existing provisions relating to lay- that the policy would initially cover all
offs and retrenchment are adequate, there employees drawing a salary up to
is no justification for grant of additional Rs.10,000 per m onth. The four
financial compensation against the job Government-owned general insurance
security hazard resulting from temporary companies were to administer this policy
unemployment. On the other hand, the on a no profit loss basis and were to
general feeling among workers’ announce full details including premium
organizations is that we must move rates of the proposed policy. The
towards an all-inclusive scheme covering proposal of the Government is unusual
all recognized contingencies including and unprecedented.
unemployment. We feel that the present
arrangement by which layoff and In the course of discussion with the
retrenchment compensation is required to insurance companies mentioned earlier
be borne by the employer at a time when the representative of the Employees
he is already in difficulties, whatever the Provident Fund Organization stated that
reasons, works somewhat harshly on him the organization had proposed to
but even more harshly on the workers who introduce an unemployment insurance
are on many occasions deprived of the scheme for which the rate of contribution
benefits provided under the Act. On the would be 1.80% of salary or 2.20%
other hand, if its incidence is distributed depending on the period for which the
over the whole industry it might under benefit is to be paid. Prescription of a
certain conditions imply subsidizing of high rate of contribution by workers only
inefficient management. W ith due is the surest way to kill the proposal at
safeguards against such contingency the its very birth.
long term solution lies in adopting a Proposals of Study Group on Social
scheme of unemployment insurance for Security
all employed persons”.
The Study Group on Social Security of
Subsequently, the question of
the National Commission for Labour also
introducing unemployment insurance has
proposed the introduction of an
been coming up often and several
unemployment insurance scheme
proposals have been submitted to
conforming to the pattern envisaged in the
Government of India.
Convention of the ILO, brief particulars of
Group Insurance Scheme which were as follows:
The Union Finance Minister in his The scheme should be financed by a
budget speech for 2001-2002 announced tripartite contribution to be determined
that he proposed to introduce a new actuarially. To begin with however, the
scheme for groups insurance, viz, rates of contribution may be at 0.5% to
Ashraya Bima Yojana to extend cover to be contributed by the employees, 1.5%
workers affected by liberalization of the by the employers and the deficit if any
being met by the Central Government the unemployment insurance scheme. If
from the NRF. The rate of benefit should a person is retrenched before the age of
be 50% of last pay/wages drawn. The 50 he will not be entitled to any pension
benefit should be payable for a period and therefore he will have to be paid an
of one year or till reem ploym ent unemployment benefit.
whichever is shorter.
Training & Retraining
It should preferably be implemented
through the EPFO and be applicable to An unemployment insurance scheme
all establishments and employees to is meant to provide to help a worker to
which the EPF Act was applicable, to be tide over a short period of unemployment
extended in future with no wage ceiling when he is switching over from one job to
for coverage but with a ceiling of another. In these days of changing pattern
Rs.10,000 for contributions and benefits. of economic and social relations and fast
rate of scientific and technological
There was a national consultation on
development it may not be easy for a
the various proposals formulated by the
retrenched worker to find new job unless
Study Group to which the organizations
he undergoes fresh training in new trades
of employers and workers had been
and newer techniques of work. An
invited. There was no comment on the
proposal concerning unemployment unemployment insurance scheme may
insurance scheme. It was therefore therefore make the right to receive a
assumed that it was acceptable to all. benefit conditional upon the attendance
at a course of vocational or other
Pension Scheme instructions. More importantly,
There are two ways in which income arrangement should be made to provide
security may be ensued to retrenched training or retraining to such workers. The
employees: one is by way of an National Renewal Fund was established
unemployment benefit and the other by with this as one of the objectives. The
way of a pension scheme. If a person is performance of the Fund in this area
retrenched at an advance age when the has not been encouraging and needs
prospects of his finding alternative to be improved. Separately additional
unemployment would be dim he may be or alternative arrangements may also
deemed to be retired and paid a pension. be thought of.
In India there is no unemployment benefit
scheme but there is a pension scheme. In this connection, it would be worth
Under the Employees’ Pension Scheme recalling that the Employees Relations
a person will normally be entitled to a Conferences held recently in Bangalore
pension on attaining the age of 58. But had recommended the establishment of
there is provision for payment of pension a Skill Development Fund for improving
at age 50 or more at a discounted rate. If the skills of our workers. The NRF could
a person is retrenched between the ages be transformed into a Fund of that kind or
of 50 and 60 he will get a pension but at a a separate fund may be created. It is
reduced rate. If the pension scheme is however necessary that adequate steps
dovetailed with an unemployment are taken to protect persons against
insurance scheme the reduction in the unemployment and loss of income due to
rate of pension may be made good from lack of demand for their skills. 


Overtime Work
Legal, Human & Social Dimensions

In a recent meeting of HR professionals 10 and half hours in a day. He must be

at Hyderabad, discussions did come up given a holiday (Week off) for whole day
on overtime work and overtime wages to in a week. If he works for more than 9
the workers. It is quite surprising that wide, hours a day or more than 48 hours a
varied and divergent views were week, he shall be paid for the overtime
expressed even by senior HR work, at twice the ordinary rate of wages.
professionals on this rudimentary aspect The above restrictions can be relaxed by
of work and statutory provisions under the the chief inspector of factories or the
Factories Act 1948. One of the senior state government under certain
professionals also raised the issue of circumstances subject to conditions
overtime work as to whether it is forced (Sections: 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 64 and
labour. It was pointed out during the 65 of the Factories Act 1948).
discussions that some of the social audits
Computation of Overtime Hours
by international agencies objected to a
clause in the standing orders of a Issues have been raised in the past on
company treating worker refusal to do computation of overtime hours, especially
overtime as misconduct. An attempt was in the manufacturing sector where trade
made to discuss many facets of this basic union of workmen is active. The workmen
and elementary concept of work with in one case demanded that the time
reference to the statutory provisions under recorded in punch card should be
the Factories Act 1948, and also from the considered as the basis for calculation of
human and social perspective. overtime hours, The court, after
considering the rival contentions, held that
Restrictions on Working Hours
the time in and time out on punch cards
To understand and appreciate the topic is not conclusive proof of working. They
in its correct perspective, proper only indicate the presence of the worker
understanding about regular working in the premises. It is not the presence or
hours prescribed under the law is a must. attendance that should be paid. It is only
A worker cannot be employed for more the time spent actually carrying out the
than 9 hours a day. He cannot be assigned job or work that is to be taken to
employed for more than 48 hours a week. calculate overtime hours of work for
He must be given an interval and rest of payment of overtime wages. In another
atleast half an hour after five hours work. case, working hours were initially fixed at
His total period of work inclusive of rest 42 per week. Whether workers were
interval must not spread over more than entitled to overtime wages between the

Mr. P. Somaraju is Specialist in HR, IR and Labour Laws


hours of 42 and 48 was examined and it Kerala High Court in 2011 LLR 1168 held
was held that section 59 prescribes that house rent allowance cannot be
overtime wages at twice the ordinary rate treated as wage for the purpose of
of wages over and above 48 hours a week overtime wages. There is hardly any
(1992 LIC 1171 Bombay HC). Also, in unanimity and finality on this issue of
another instance, the working hours were interpretation. Divergence in interpretation
increased from 7 and a half hours per day apart the common view that emerges is
to 8 hours, and the question arose whether 59 (2) of the Act does not visualize and
overtime wages were payable for extra accept the different components of wages,
half an hour, and the answer was no. The not paid uniformly to the workers, to
employer is liable to pay overtime wages constitute ordinary rate of wages. In order
under section 59, if the worker works for to have uniform rate of wages payable to
more than 9 hours a day or 48 hours a the same category of employees, the
week. (Section 51 and 54) Whether original rate of wages ordinarily and
mandatory rest interval needs to be uniformly paid should be same, which computing overtime work or includes only basic salary and allowances
not was answered in the negative. for the work, Allowances which are varying
Similarly, there was a big no to an overtime for different employees and eligibility
claim of worker while on tour as the worker depends on the location of employment,
went out of his sphere of duty (1978 LIC will not constitute ordinary rate of wages.
390 Gujarat High Court) Therefore every organization having its
own wage structure should decide on the
Double the Rate of Wages
basis of this criterion as to what constitutes
It is clear from section 59(1) of the ordinary rate of wages for payment of OT
Factories Act 1948, that a worker is wages in their respective organizations.
entitled to wages at twice his ordinary rate
Who Can Claim Overtime Wages
of wages if he works overtime. 59 (2) does
not define the allowances that should be All workers under the Factories Act
included along with basic wages to 1948 are eligible to claim overtime wages
constitute ordinary wages. The ordinary at twice the ordinary rate of wages. If it is
wages referred to in the section do not considered on the face of it, every person
convey any special meaning to it except employed in the factory irrespective of
literary meaning which is the pay and their status, designation, nature of duties
allowances paid to worker. Obviously is a worker. While granting claim of
allowance like Dearness allowance form overtime to workers in general, the statute
part of wages. In respect of other provides for exemptions. The Andhra
allowances paid to a worker in the form of Pradesh Factories rules exempt the
compensatory allowances and allowances persons employed in positions of
in the form of incentives to include in supervision and management from
ordinary rate of wages or not is a matter section 59. The list of employees
of interpretation. Mumbai High Court in exem pted include Managers,
1998 ICLR 1260 held that house rent Secretaries, Administrative officers,
allowance should be included while Accountants, Personnel Officers,
computing overtime wages, whereas Engineers, Technologists, Chemists,
Metallurgists, Technical and Scientific consent of the worker is necessary to
Personnel engaged in R&D, engage him on overtime, the refusal is not
Stenographers, Personal Secretaries/ justified. Unless there is anything in the
Assistants, Cashiers and other persons contract to suggest that the employee is
discharging similar functions. Similarly entitled to refuse to work overtime, he is
exemption is also granted on working liable to do overtime work. It is generally
hours in respect of operations like urgent held that in cases where order to work
repairs, breakdown of machinery, fire overtime is within the statutory limits, the
services, Boiler operations, continuous worker should abide by the order, and if
operations, etc. in all factories as also he refuses to do overtime, it will be a
exemption is granted to industry specific misconduct (AIR 1951 SC 230, 1955, ILLJ
operations from some provisions dealing 548 LAT). Therefore a clause in the
with working hours under Chapter –VI of standing orders of a company treating
the Factories Act 1948. refusal to work overtime as misconduct is
justified and legal to the extent the order
Is Overtime Work Forced Labour?
of employer is within the statutory
International agencies conducting stipulation under the law.
social audit in industries supplying goods
Rationale on Restriction to Work
to multinational clients are often objecting
to engagement of workers on overtime
work without their consent. They argue According to section 64 (4) (III) of the
that engaging workers on overtime without Factories Act 1948.the total hours of
their consent amounts to forced labour. overtime work should not exceed fifty for
No worker is obliged to work for more than any one quarter. Section 65(2) of the Act
his normal working hours in a day. If he is provides for exemption by the state
forced to do overtime against his will, it is government from the limits of working
forced labour. The above argument does hours to enable the factories to deal with
not find favour in the Indian context and exceptional pressure of work.
conditions. There is no prohibition or total
Employers’ Demand for Reforms
ban on engaging workers on overtime.
The Act prescribes only restrictions. It is The employers feel that the limits on
argued that when law allows engagement overtime working are too unreal to meet
of worker on overtime, the question of the demand and needs of the industry.
forced labour does not arise. Judiciary Their view is that employers should be
also has agreed with this view and upheld permitted to resort to overtime work for
the employers’ right to engage worker on production purposes as a matter of
overtime within the statutory limits. course. Double the rate of wages which
overtime has to be paid for is itself a
Judiciary on Refusal of Overtime
sufficient deterrent and no employer would
resort to engage workers on overtrime
Working overtime is a recognized except when absolutely necessary.
practice, and therefore unless the contract
Workers’ Demand against Reforms
of service or collective bargaining
agreement in force stipulates that the They argue that the restrictions on
overtime work are based on the rationale pillar to post for exemption under 65(2)
that human capacity to work has an upper of the Act every time they need to
limit. In the interests of their health and to engage workers on overtime beyond the
avoid accidents, workers should not be unreasonable and unrealistic restrictions
allowed to work beyond a certain limit. In on the trade and industry. The
fact ILO recommendation No.116 states em ployers have been dem anding
that measures should be taken for increase in the limits prescribed on
progressive reduction of hours of work. overtime under section 64 of the Act.
Of course the recommendation has
shown sufficient caution by hinting at The Government as a neutral and
production, productivity, growth and objective agency shall consider the
development of the country. demands of the stakeholders in the overall
and larger perspective and take a
Need for Reforms balanced view protecting the interests of
Pro-reformists argue that the limits on employers and workmen. As a first step
working hours and overtime work have in this direction, the Government has
been prescribed by the Government more increased the limits on overtime
than seven decades ago. There is need engagement of workers in textiles and
to evaluate their relevance in the context garments sector which obviously have
of Globalization. Industry should respond been facing stiff competition in the global
to global market volatility and uncertainties market, from 50 hours to 100 hours in a
and produce the goods and services as quarter. The Government can further
per the market requirement failing which increase the limit upto 125 hours in a
the Indian industry would become a non- quarter. The government has also
player and would be left behind in the proposed amendments to the Factories
competition. In fact during war years Act 1948 and incorporated the same limits
(1945) the then government used to give as are given to Textile and garment sector,
exemptions in respect of hours of work in section 64 and 65 of the Factories Act
and overtime to the factories connected
and rules made thereunder.
with war effort. Employers argue that
global market is like a war field and unless In fact there is a lot of change in the
the Indian industry competes with working conditions in the factories. Dirty,
competitors in the market, the game or dingy semi mechanized work places have
the war would end in failure. Exports and been changing to technology driven
foreign trade in Indian economy plays a automated work environment, reducing
vital role in the development of our nation. the manual effort day by day. The
Almost all industries are looking for export government should find a rationale in the
market to their products and services demand of employers for change in the
besides making use of huge internal restrictions on overtime work. At the same
market. Therefore the restrictions on time, the government, without completely
overtime have become a stumbling removing the restrictions, has relaxed the
block to engage workers on overtime limits on overtime work, keeping in view
when needed. Employers suggest that the health and safety of workers.
they should not be made to run from 


Maternity Benefit

The factories and establishments delivery in an establishment of

employing ten or more employees are t h e e m p l o y e r.
covered under the Employees’ State
The amendments to the Maternity
Insurance Act in the notified areas. The
Benefit Act are summarised hereunder:
employees working in such factories and
establishments with a gross monthly wage 1. The Act now mandates that the
of Rs.21,000/- and below are required to employer of the establishment should
be covered under the ESI Scheme and inform the woman employee all benefits
they are entitled to (i) Medical Benefit, (ii) made available under the law, at the time
Sickness Benefit, (iii) Maternity Benefit, of her appointment. Such information
(iv) Disablement Benefit, (v) Dependents must be given in writing and electronically.
Benefit, (vi) Funeral expenses and (vii)
2. Every establishment employing fifty
other benefits.
or more employees shall provide crèche
When an employee is covered under facilities within a prescribed distance and the
ESI Act and is entitled to benefits provided woman should be allowed four visits to the
by the said Act, he or she shall not be crèche in a day. However, this includes her
entitled to receive any similar benefit rest interval. However, crèche is required to
admissible under the provisions of any be provided and maintained only if a factory
other enactment [Section 61]. employs more than thirty women employees
under Section 48 of the Factories Act. In view
In view of the above, employees
of the amended Maternity Benefit Act, if the
covered under ESI Act are not covered
factory is employing fifty or more
under The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and
employees, they are required to provide
Employee Compensation Act, 1923. The
crèche facility even though the number of
Maternity Benefit Act is applicable to every
women employees is thirty.
factory, mine or plantation and to shops
and establishments employing ten or 3. After completion of the statutory
more employees. In such factories and maternity benefit period with wages, an
establishments, employees who are not employer can permit a woman to work
covered under ESI Act employed directly from home, if the nature of work assigned
or through any agency will only be covered permits her to do so for a duration that is
under the Maternity Benefit Act. To mutually decided by the employer and the
become entitled for maternity benefit, the woman employee. Though it is not
employee should have worked eighty days mandatory, the law made it open to the
in the twelve months immediately women employee to make a request
preceding the date of her expected in this regard.

Mr. SV Ramachandra Rao is Managing Director, Resource Inputs Limited


4. Now the Maternity Benefit Act ruled in favour of pregnant employees in
provides leave up to twelve weeks for a the matter of Neera Mathur Vs Life
woman who adopts a child below the age Insurance Corporation of India. The facts
of three months. The period of leave will of the matter are Ms. Mathur was
be calculated from the date the child is appointed on September 25, 1989. She
handed over to the adoptive mother. was put on probation for six months and
5. In surrogacy, the surrogate mother during the probationary period she applied
carries a child for another person after an for maternity leave on December 27, 1989.
agreement made before conception of the On February 13, 1990, she was discharged
child. The person wishing to adopt and from service during her period of probation.
foster the child is called the commissioning The reason cited for termination was that
person/couple. The amended legislation she had deliberately withheld the fact of
provides leave up to 12 weeks for being pregnant at the time of filling up a
commissioning mothers also. declaration form prior to being appointed.
The court ordered her reinstatement. The
6. The maximum period for which apex court judgement further reinforces the
any woman shall be entitled to maternity fact that though the contract of employment
benefit shall be twenty six weeks of which provides for termination of employment
not more eight weeks shall precede the during the probationary period, the
date of her expected date of delivery. employer will not be in a position to
Provided that the maximum period entitled implement the same, if it is in violation of
to maternity benefit by a woman having provisions of the applicable laws.
two or more surviving children shall be
twelve weeks of which not more than six Similarly, in accordance with the Section
weeks shall precede the date of her 73 of the ESI Act employer shall not
expected delivery. dismiss, discharge or reduce or otherwise
punish an employee during the period
Thus women employees having two or
when he/she is in receipt of sickness
more children will continue to get the
benefit or maternity benefit and also during
maternity benefit as earlier.
the period in receipt of disablement benefit
It is essential to recognise that the act for temporary disablement or is under
has not defined ‘employee’ and extended medical treatment for sickness or is absent
the benefits to ‘woman’. Thus the intent of from work as a result of certified illness
the legislature is to cover all categories of arising out of pregnancy or confinement.
personnel whether be it casual, temporary, During the said period no notice of
outsourced, contractual, full time dismissal or discharge or reduction shall
consultants, trainees, probationers, etc. be served on an employee.
When a woman absents herself from In view of the amended legislation, the
work in accordance with the provisions of HR professionals are required to have a
the Maternity Benefit Act, the employer is relook at their HR manual and also the
restrained from terminating her services contract of employment to comply with the
during the said period. Over two decades amended Maternity Benefit Act.
ago, in 1991, the Supreme Court had 


VRS Application
Withdrawal after the Expiry Date

Head HRM – ER, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Rightsizing of consideration the decision of the same court

manpower has by the three judges’ bench in the case of
become a continuous Bank of India and Others V/s OP
process in most of the Swarnakar; (2003) 2 SCC 721, State Bank
companies, whether of Patiala V/s Romesh Chander Kanoji
public or private sector and others; 2004 (100 FLR 1078 SC),
undertakings. As a Food Corporation of India and others V/
consequence, voluntary retirement s Ramesh Kumar; 2007 (114 FLR 1193
schemes, be it any other title, are floated by (SC), New India Assurance Company
such companies from time to time. It has Limited V/s Raghuveer Singh Narang
been observed that after opting for such and another; 2010 (125) FLR 672 (SC).
scheme, even may be after its acceptance, The case in brief is that the Madhya
the employees represent for withdrawal of Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation,
their applications/expression of desire to a public sector undertaking of the State of
which most of the time, the companies do Madhya Pradesh after securing permission
not agree and the employees challenge from the appropriate ministry floated a
such rejection before the judicial authorities. scheme for VRS for its employees, which
Contradictory views have been delivered by came into force from July 1, 2015 and
different courts at lower level which remained in force upto August 1, 2015. This
ultimately have culminated in reaching the scheme contained certain terms and
apex court of the country seeking its conditions which included that the option
intervention by the aggrieved parties. once given by the employee, shall not be
permissible to change or taken back. There
It is therefore pertinent to discuss the
was no mention in the scheme that the last
point as to whether the employees,
date for submission of the application can
having opted for such scheme, can
be extended. Subsequently, the Corporation
withdraw their application and if so, in
floated almost similar scheme again with
which situation?
effect from October, 12, 2006, till October,
The Hon. Supreme Court of India recently 28, 2006. This second time floating of the
delivered a judgement in the case of Madhya scheme was intended for seeking more
Pradesh State Road Transport applications from those employees who had
Corporation and Manoj Kumar and not availed the scheme in the earlier tenure.
another; 2016 (151) FLR 60. In their Some employees who had earlier opted
judgement the Hon. Court took into for the scheme and it was allowed, desired
to withdraw their applications seeking VRS. judgement of the apex court in the case of
The applications were rejected. The State Bank of Patiala V/s Romesh Chandra
employees preferred to raise the dispute Kanoji. On that basis, it was argued that it
before the Hon. High Court of Madhya was not open to the respondents to
Pradesh. The Hon. Single bench of the High withdraw their applications after August 1,
Court dismissed these writ petitions holding 2005, which was the last date stipulated in
that the applications for withdrawal of the earlier scheme. The Corporation also
application could only be moved within the distinguished the judgement delivered in the
validity of the scheme and in those cases case of OP Swarnakar stating that there was
where applications for withdrawal were no closure of the nationalised banks
submitted after August, 01, 2005, the whereas in the instant case the Corporation
concerned employees should not have was winding up.
submitted the same. The Hon. Supreme court felt it proper to
These employees challenged the take into consideration several legal
impugned judgement before the Hon. principles laid down by the said court in
Division Bench of High Court and the latter various judgements. The said court took into
allowed them holding that it is permissible consideration as to whether an employee
for an employee to withdraw the option opting for the scheme was precluded from
before it is accepted. The Hon. Division withdrawing that offer. They also
Bench proceeded on the basis that such a distinguished the context in the case of State
VRS scheme calling for options is an Bank of India as well as the Corporation and
invitation to offer. Application submitted by hence they tried to explain as to whether the
an employee opting under the scheme qua scheme initially floated by the Corporation
voluntary retirement amounts to an offer and was extended vide the scheme introduced
only on acceptance of the offer by such second time as like the banks. They felt the
employees, the deal gets concluded and case of State Bank of India stood slightly on
such an offer can, therefore, always be a different footing as it had not amended the
withdrawn before it is accepted. scheme and even permitted withdrawal of
applications. To support their contention they
While delivering this judgement the Hon.
relied upon the case of Romesh Chandra
Division Bench relied upon the judgement of
Kanoji and observed that in case of the State
the apex court in the case of Bank of India
Bank of India, the right of withdrawal within
and others vrs. OP Swarnakar (supra)
the specific period was there. They also
reiterating that employees were entitled in the
analysed the judgement delivered by them
law to withdraw their option within the validity
in the case of Food Corporation of India and
period and as the validity period has been
New India Assurance Company Limited.
extended, they have withdrawn their option
and they should be deemed to be in service. While coming back to the case of
Corporation, they observed that the
The Corporation challenged this Corporation had floated the scheme in view
impugned order before the apex court and of the closure of their transport business.
successfully distinguished the judgement in Further the scheme provided that once the
the case of OP Swarnakar and relied on the option is given, the same cannot be
withdrawn. However, they observed that the This judgement of Hon. Supreme Court
employees have a right to withdraw the offer could distinguish the finer aspects of the VRS
during the validity period and not thereafter. schemes and educate all with regard to
They summed up that the initial scheme of specific terms and conditions of the scheme
the Corporation was valid up to August 1, which includes fixed validity period and a
2005. They clarified that the subsequent condition against withdrawal after expressing
which was floated is not an extension of the desire or accepting the offer or making the
earlier one. Therefore, they observed those application in pursuance to the scheme.
employees who have exercised their option Many a times industries float schemes
between July 01, 2005 till August 01, 2005 without being particular to the terms and
and they have been accepted cannot conditions of acceptance or withdrawal,
withdraw subsequently after August 01, ambiguity of language as if extension of
2005, that is, the last date of the validity earlier schemes, which create points of
period. However, one of the employees had challenge by the aggrieved employees
withdrawn his application within the validity putting the Corporations into embarrassment
period and hence he was allowed and subject to judicial interpretations. It is
reinstatement with back wages since he filed therefore desirable to float such schemes
affidavit stating that he was not gainfully carefully to serve the basic purpose.
employed during the intervening period.

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Wellness Through Music - II

MBBS, MD and Lifestyle Coach on Life Skills

In the last issue,

we considered the
basic aspects of the
effect of music on
brain and bodily
functions. Let us get
a bit closer and deeper on the effects of music
on major areas of the brain that determine
behavior and personality.

senses. This center responds to both happy

and fearful signals and is correlated with
stimulation of goal directed behavior.  Signals
from higher cortical centers are mingled with
this center for hearing and direct sensory input
from the thalamus.
Nucleus Accumbens (NA)
The NA is highly correlated with pleasure
and is responsible for the chills and shivers—
skin “goose bumps”—that occur with
scintillating music or other emotions. It is the
The amygdala has three layers of major center responding to the pleasure of
neurons. It is the center of much of the brain food, drink, money, drugs and sex and is
activity related to emotions. The top
amygdala layer receives signals from the
smell centers, and responds to faces,
sounds and music, especially happy
music. These responses are related to
emotions connected with social contacts.
During happy music there are strong
connections from the amygdala to the
dopamine driven nucleus accumbens
(addiction center). This dopamine center is
not as involved in fearful music. A basic center
of the amygdala, the laterobasal, is the main
way sound information enters along with other
connected with activity that is motivated by
rewards. The NA is highly connected to many
other brain regions, higher (cingulate cortex,
anterior insula) and lower (thalamus – the
center of incoming sensory data). All of these
regions are involved in pleasure from music.
These centers are thought to be very old
in evolution and related to survival.
The power of music is intricately
related to the earliest survival activity.
This can be seen in music’s great
importance for cohesion in all
societies. When listening to music these
pleasure centers are connected to the
auditory cortex related to hearing.
system of the hypothalamus, the pituitary and
Interestingly, research shows that the more
the adrenal—known as the HPA axis. The
activity that occurs between the auditory
stress system is a key brain center – very
cortex and the NA predicts whether a song
connected to all types of emotional response
will be purchased.
including the critical stress reactions that
Hippocampus impact the whole body and immune functions.

What is unusual about the hippocampus The hippocampus is damaged by severe

is that there is no evidence of response to stress, with reduction of new neuron
the activity that produces rewards from food, production during depression, PTSD and
sex and money. But, it is highly related to abuse. During recovery from depression and
stress, the production of new brain cells in
the hippocampus increases.
Also, attachment and tender feelings
are correlated to with the amount of new
brain cells, with less new neurons when
there are no tender feelings. These same
people with less tender feelings have less
response to music as well. Also, those who
are subjected to persistent loud sounds
that cause stress have reductions in the
hippocampus activity and cells.
music and responds in ways that do not In addition to cortisol receptors, the
connect with the addictive reward system. hippocampus has oxytocin receptors and is
Previously, the hippocampus has been most possibly connected to regulating the oxytocin
correlated to learning and memory, especially release in the pituitary. Through this
spatial orientation. With music, it appears to connection, the hippocampus affects
be related to all types of emotion — happy, parent-child bonding and social attachment.
sad, peaceful, chills, and fearful. Feelings of love and joy are, in part, related
to the large connections between the
In recent years the view of the
hippocampus, the HPA and other regions
hippocampus has changed from just dealing
near the NA and the amygdala.
with learning, memory and space because it
is powerfully connected to the critical stress 


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