Papilio Glaucus

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Papilio glaucus ( Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly)

The eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly is one of the most recognizable butterflies. This butterfly is
classified in the kingdom Animalia, phylum arthropoda, class insecta, order leidoptera, family
papilionidae, genus papilio and species glaucus. Papilio is the latin name for a butterfly while the
species name glaucus is latin forbluish grey referring to the subtle markings on the hind inner wings.
They resemble the swallow tail thus their name with tiger stripes.

Their main habitat is in eastern north America living on meadows, riverside,creeks, woodlands and
fields. These butterflies symbolizes transformation and soul embodiment spiritually. In some cultures
it is considered a symbol of bearer of good news owing to their long distant migration and bright

The adult butterflies feed on nectar in pink or red flowers. Male butterflies puddle to extract sodium
and potassium to aid in reproduction. Catepillars live and feed from leaves of the host plants
especially magnolia and cherry. The females lays fertilized eggs singly on the leaves of host plants
which tale 10 days to hatch to catepillars. Caterpillar have five instars that become pupa that may
hibernate or metamorphosize into adults. This butterfly species is not endangered by human
activities. They serve a vital role as pollinators.

In the experiment, can the adult eastern swallowtail butterfly survive winter. I hypothesize that
Papilio glaucus cannot survive winter due to the freezing cold weather. 500 butterflies were exposed
to cold temperature and used as the replicate and another 500 butterflies exposed to warm
temperature and used as a control. Expected findings are that the replicate thrived while the
replicate died.

Cardinalis cardinalis (The northern cardinal bird).

The north cardinal bird is taxonomically classified in the kingdom Animalia, phylum chordata, class
aves, order passeriformes, family cardinalidae, genus cardinalis and genus cardinalis. Both names
refers to cardinals of the roman catholic who dress in red hooded robes which resembles the birds
appearance (“Cardinalis Cardinalis,” 2022). These songbirds produces distinct song patterns calling
for mates, marking territories and announcing the approaching of predators. Males defend territories
and are seen attacking their own reflections on water bodies and mirrors.

Their habitat is the woodlands, shrublands, wetlands and gardens. They are common in eastern
America through to mexico. They sit in the shrub areas and intertwined vines. There are nineteen
subspecies in the cardinalis species. These bird species symbolize numerous mythologies. In
Christianity they symbolize the blood of Jesus thus everlasting vitality. In some traditions they
symbolize love. Cardinal birds feed on seeds and insects. Young ones are fed on insects mostly.

In reproduction, cardinal birds are monogamous mating with one female each season. They attract
females by performing dances and songs where they display their feathers and crests. Males feed
the females and mate. Female lay three to four eggs which they incubate and hatch two weeks later.
Young birds are fed on insects until they can fend for themselves where they leave the nest and join
other young ones. The cardinal birds raise two to three broods per year. Cardinal birds are common
and not considered endangered. They are ecologically significant as they disperse seeds of various
plant species influencing a community plant composition. They equally produce food for their

In the experiment, I raised the question, can cardinal birds be reared as pets. I hypothesized that
cardinal birds can be reared as pets due to their convenient feeding habits. 30 birds were nested
and fed in cages and hidden from predators as the control. Another 30 birds were fed and exposed
to predators as the replicate. Expected finding are that the control thrived while all birds in the
replicate were eaten.

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