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Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy

ISSN: 1465-6566 (Print) 1744-7666 (Online) Journal homepage:

Pharmacotherapeutic management of sleep

disorders in children with neurodevelopmental

Oliviero Bruni, Marco Angriman, Maria Grazia Melegari & Raffaele Ferri

To cite this article: Oliviero Bruni, Marco Angriman, Maria Grazia Melegari & Raffaele Ferri
(2019): Pharmacotherapeutic management of sleep disorders in children with neurodevelopmental
disorders, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/14656566.2019.1674283

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Published online: 22 Oct 2019.

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Pharmacotherapeutic management of sleep disorders in children with

neurodevelopmental disorders
Oliviero Brunia, Marco Angrimanb, Maria Grazia Melegaria and Raffaele Ferric
Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; bDepartment of Pediatrics, Child Neurology and
Neurorehabilitation Unit, Central Hospital of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy; cSleep Research Centre; Department of Neurology I.C., Oasi Institute for
Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Aging (IRCCS), Troina, Italy


Introduction: Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Received 18 June 2019
Without appropriate treatment, sleep disorders can become chronic and last for many years. However, Accepted 26 September 2019
there are no sleep medications approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and only KEYWORDS
one has been approved by the European Medicines Agency for pediatric insomnia; thus, most medica- Sleep disorders; insomnia;
tions are prescribed off-label. neurodevelopmental
Areas covered: In this narrative review, the authors highlight and summarize the most common drugs disorders; drug effects;
and supplements used for the treatment of sleep problems in children with neurodevelopmental melatonin
disabilities. Recommendations are formulated regarding the use of melatonin and melatonin receptor
agonists, sedating antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, gabapentin, clonidine and orexin
receptor antagonists, and benzodiazepines and hypnotic benzodiazepine receptor agonists.
Expert opinion: The choice of pharmacological agents and their dosage should be individualized
taking into consideration multiple factors, including the severity and type of sleep problem and the
associated neurological pathology. Melatonin is widely used and safe in children with neurodevelop-
mental conditions. Gabapentin, clonidine, trazodone, and mirtazapine hold promise but require further
study. Supplements (iron, vitamin D, and 5-hydroxytryptophan) might be helpful. Due to the lack of
clinical data, there is still uncertainty concerning dosing regimens and tolerability.

1. Introduction In other cases, sleep disorders represent one of the most

important comorbidities, such as insomnia in Angelman syn-
Sleep disorders in children with neurodevelopmental disabil-
drome, sleep disordered breathing in Down’s Syndrome, exces-
ities (NDDs), mainly represented by difficulty in falling asleep,
sive daytime sleepiness or narcolepsy in Prader Willi syndrome,
night awakenings, and reduced sleep duration, are among the
and low levels of melatonin in ASD [1]. Sleep difficulties may
most common parental complaints to health care profes-
also be related to unrecognized behavioral insomnia in child-
sionals, with a prevalence of up to 86% [1]. In children with
hood, which can be difficult to identify in children with NDDs
NDDs, sleep disturbances impact on cognitive and emotional
due to their reduced communication skills, or factors related to
development, aggravating the functional impairment asso-
poor sleep hygiene or, finally, to co-occurring medical condi-
ciated with these conditions [2], but also affecting the entire
tions (e.g., epilepsy or gastroesophageal reflux). Moreover, sleep
family environment, disrupting the sibling and marital rela-
disorders might be aggravated by common issues linked to
tionships, and increasing the level of stress [3].
NDDs (such as sensory and motor deficits, psychopathological
Children with neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., autistic spec-
disturbances, respiratory disorders, epilepsy, and mental retar-
trum disorders [ASD] or attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
dation), which can contribute to developmental delay.
ders [ADHD]), neurogenetic disorders (NGD; e.g., Rett’s
A meta-analysis [12] of sleep in ADHD found that children
disorder, tuberous sclerosis, Smith-Magenis Syndrome [SMS],
or their parents reported bedtime resistance, sleep-onset diffi-
and Angelman syndrome), as well as chronic neurologic dis-
culties, night awakenings, difficulties in morning awakening,
orders, such as epilepsy and Tourette’s syndrome, commonly
sleep breathing problems, and daytime sleepiness significantly
exhibit chronic sleep disturbances [4–10].
more often than healthy controls. Sleep problems might be
The pathophysiology of sleep disorders in children with
specific in different syndromes (i.e., sleep apnea in Down’s
NDDs is multifactorial: in some patients, problematic sleep is
syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome) but sleep complaints in
a phenotypic characteristic of a particular disorder or genetic
children with NDDs are mainly represented by difficulty in
condition (as an example, inverted melatonin secretion in SMS),
settling at night (51%) and nocturnal awakenings (67%) [13].
and knowledge of the distinctive features of sleep disorders in
Children with ASD are more likely to experience chronic sleep
patients with NDDs is crucial for their effective treatment [11].
problems than their age-matched typically-developing peers,

CONTACT Oliviero Bruni Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University, Via dei Marsi 78, Rome
00185, Italy
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Table 1. Behavioral strategies for insomnia in children with neurodevelopmen-

Article highlights tal disabilities.
Parents serve as active agents of change
● Sleep disturbances are associated with NDDs in as many as 70% of
cases. • Dark, quiet, non-stimulating sleeping environment, with dim nightlight
● Both subjective (i.e., detected with questionnaires) and objective (i.e., ∘ Set up the sleeping area so it looks and feels the same all night. Avoid
revealed by actigraphy or neurophysiologic tools) sleep alterations having pillows or objects that may scatter as your child sleeps. This
have been found to be significantly more frequent in individuals with consistency can help your child to stay asleep throughout the night.
NDDs, compared to controls. ∘ Limit visual and auditory stimuli by, for example, turning off electronic
● Clinicians should screen for sleep disturbances in patients with NDDs devices.
at each visit. • Develop a constant bedtime routine tailored to the developmental age
● There is a paucity of empirical evidence to guide treatment of sleep and abilities of the child.
disturbances in NDDs. • Conduct stimulating and/or difficult activities early in the evening before
● Melatonin and other pharmacological treatments, such as gabapen- the child’s bedtime routine is to commence.
tin, clonidine, trazodone, and mirtazapine, can constitute a valid • Limit the number of activities included within the bedtime routine.
option in the case of inefficacy of behavioral treatment. • Create a visual bedtime schedule that your child will understand (e.g.,
● More rigorous evaluations of therapeutic strategies for sleep disor- checklists, pictures, objects, or drawings).
ders are needed in individuals with NDDs. RCTs of pharmacological ∘ Put the bedtime schedule in a place where the routine is performed.
and non-pharmacological interventions will be valuable to support The schedule should also be placed at a height at which your child can
the clinician in making evidence-based decisions in daily clinical reach each item.
practice. ∘ Stand behind your child, directing him/her to the schedule. Limit
verbal instructions/prompts while using the visual schedule to
This box summarizes key points contained in the article. communicate the order of activities.
∘ The same activity icon should be used consistently.
∘ It’s important to reward your child for following his/her schedule
• Use of bedtime pass
∘ A bedtime pass is a card that is given to the child at bedtime that may
with a prevalence of 50–80% [14]. The most prevalent com- be exchanged for one ‘free’ trip out of bed or one parent visit after
plaints are difficulty falling asleep (∼40%) or maintaining sleep bedtime. If the child gets out of bed after conceding their bedtime
(∼35%) [15]. In some severe cases, fragmented sleep through- pass, the parent should take the child back to bed with as little
attention as possible.
out the day and night induces daytime sleepiness and an ∘ The goal of the bedtime pass is to teach the child to stay in bed.
irregular sleep schedule that may lead to a free-running • Encourage self-soothing skills that allow the child to manage nocturnal
rhythm or to a complete reversal of the night-day cycle [16]. awakenings.
There are no US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) In the case of difficulties falling asleep:
approved medications and only one by the European
Medicines Agency to treat insomnia in pediatric patients, • Apply bedtime fading (delay bedtime closer to the child target bedtime
of about 30 min, then move bedtime earlier).
including those with NDDs, and therefore most of the drugs • White noise (for example with a fan) could be helpful and should stay on
are prescribed off-label. In this narrative review, we will throughout the night if it is on at bedtime.
describe the current clinical evidence for the treatment of • Do not allow the child to make up for lost sleep by going to bed earlier
or sleeping later.
chronic insomnia in children and adolescents with NDDs. • Favor light exposure when the child gets up, and reduce photic
stimulation in the evening, to reinforce circadian alignment.
• Parents should avoid responding to the child’s disruptive bedtime
• Learn a relaxation technique: slow, deep breathing or imagine a calm
2. Non-pharmacological treatment and relaxing place
Sleep disturbances are often present during the early life of
In the case of frequent nocturnal awakenings:
children with NDDs, but they are often neglected by parents
and physicians and frequently become chronic. When dealing • Graduate extinction: ignore negative behaviors (i.e., crying) for a given
amount of time before checking on the child. The parent gradually
with a chronic disorder, the first approach should always be
increases the amount of time between crying and parental response.
a behavioral intervention, and even if a pharmacologic approach Parents provide reassurance through their presence for a short time
is needed from the beginning behavioral interventions should be duration and with minimal interaction.
• Bedtime pass (see above).
always associated [17]. Correct sleep hygiene should be first
ensured with good sleep practices and cognitive-behavioral (adapted from [11,21,22])
techniques using a gradual approach, such as graduated extinc-
tion, positive bedtime routines, positive reinforcement, etc. that
may be more acceptable for parents as well as being more pharmacological approaches to treating insomnia in children
appropriate for some children with special needs [18,19]. with NDDs.
A systematic review of behavioral treatments for insomnia It should be emphasized that parent-based education and
reported a moderate-to-low level of evidence supports beha- behavioral interventions are the first line treatment for insom-
vioral interventions in adolescents and children with NDDs nia, unless symptom severity necessitates early pharmacother-
[20]. However, even if no changes were obtained in sleep apy [23]. However, although clinical guidelines recommend
measures, sleep hygiene education induced an improvement sleep hygiene and/or behavioral intervention as the first-line
in daytime behaviors, quality of life, and sense of competence treatment, only approximately 25% of cases respond to such
in parents. Parental involvement is the only way to achieve a therapy. Furthermore, the clinical effectiveness of non-
some positive results in sleep pattern and quality of life and pharmacological interventions is unclear, owing to the limited
well-being in children with NDDs [11]. Table 1 reports non- number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the

heterogeneous nature of the interventions and outcomes antihistamines in 69% of cases and α agonists in 67% of
used, and the insufficient power in studies to detect any effect children with MR/DD. Trazodone was the second most fre-
[24]. quently prescribed medication for children with MR/DD
(66%), while sedating antidepressants were used in 75.5% of
cases with MR. Atypical antipsychotics were used by more
3. Pharmacological treatment
than half of the psychiatrists in children with MR/DD (52%)
The use of a sleep-promoting medication can be considered and benzodiazepines were used in 21.6% of cases with MR/
for children without significant improvement after behavioral DD. Tricyclic antidepressants were also used for children in
interventions. In children and adolescents with NDDs, beha- these diagnostic groups (25.5%).
vioral techniques may be difficult to implement and may take Before beginning a drug treatment in children with NDDs,
weeks or months to show benefits, if any; therefore, sleep- different aspects should be taken into account: very often
promoting agents should be recommended while continuing these children also take other drugs (mainly sedatives, anti-
behavioral intervention. Children who do not respond to epileptics, etc.) and the eventual interactions should be con-
behavioral interventions can be candidates for pharmacologi- sidered cautiously together with eventual previous sleep
cal treatment of insomnia that should always be considered in medications or over-the-counter preparations, as well as the
combination with behavioral treatment [19,25]. age of the child and his/her clinical history. Treatment goals
Due to the lack of controlled studies, there are no sleep must be established with the parents and, if possible, with the
medications approved by the FDA and only one medication patient and should be realistic, clearly defined, and measur-
(pediatric prolonged release melatonin) approved by the able. The immediate goal of treatment will usually be to
European Medicines Agency (EMA) for pediatric insomnia. The alleviate or improve, rather than to completely eliminate,
most used off-label medications are sedating antihistamines sleep problems. When a drug has been administered, abrupt
(e.g., diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine), melatonin, benzodia- discontinuation should be avoided and the treatment should
zepines, α2-receptor agonists (e.g., clonidine), pyrimidine deri- be carefully monitored since there is a natural inclination of
vatives (e.g., zaleplon and zolpidem), antipsychotics (e.g., the parents to give the lowest dose [30].
risperidone and quetiapine), and sedating antidepressants The choice of the drug, in view of the lack of scientific
(e.g., trazodone and mirtazapine) [25], but little data exist on evidence, should be guided by an accurate evaluation of the
their efficacy for the treatment of insomnia in children [9]. main complaint (i.e., difficulty falling asleep, night awakenings,
In infants and children, chronic insomnia can lead to mater- phase advance or delay, nocturnal hyperactivity, mid-night
nal depression, family dysfunction, and impaired social func- awakening, etc.) but a correct family history can also be useful.
tioning [26]. Due to these serious implications for individuals, Despite the increasing use of melatonin in the pediatric popu-
the family, and society, it is essential to treat insomnia through lation, there are still only a few short- and long-term safety
education of parents, teachers, and other caregivers, but also and efficacy-controlled studies of melatonin as well as dosing
with an effective drug treatment, when needed. A recent regimen data. Therefore, there is an unmet need for appro-
Australian survey on pharmacological management of insom- priately tested and approved drugs demonstrated to be effec-
nia in children reported that the most commonly prescribed tive and safe for insomnia in this population. Finally, a correct
medications for poor sleep initiation were melatonin (89.1%), pharmacological approach should avoid residual daytime
clonidine (48%), and antihistamines (29%) [27]. Most pediatri- sedation, tolerance, and addiction potential, and improve
cians (82%) reported also using behavioral strategies for sleep sleep maintenance.
disturbances, commonly anxiety relaxation techniques (75%)
for poor sleep initiation and graduated extinction (i.e., ‘con-
trolled crying,’ 52%) for disrupted overnight sleep [27].
3.1. Melatonin
In children with NDDs or psychiatric disturbances, different
surveys confirm that drugs are typically prescribed off-label Melatonin (MT; N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a neu
[28]. A survey by Owens et al. [29] showed that more than rohormone involved in the regulation of the circadian sleep-/
one-third of 1,273 child psychiatrists treated insomnia with wake rhythm. Its plasma concentration follows a circadian
medication in at least half of patients with ADHD, ASD, or rhythm, with low levels during the day and high levels at
with mental retardation/developmental disabilities (MR/DD). night. In humans, the peak secretion typically occurs between
Moreover, they reported treating 17% of preschoolers and at 2:00 and 4:00 AM [31]. MT is an important modulator of the
least one-quarter of school-aged and adolescent patients with sleep/wake cycle by activating MT1 and MT2 receptors, and it
medication. Overall, 96% of psychiatrists recommended at has been hypothesized that it can have MT1/MT2 receptor-
least one medication in a typical month, and 88% recom- independent hypnotic effects. The two receptor subtypes are
mended an over-the-counter medication. In general, psychia- differentially expressed in regions involved in rapid eye move-
trists were more likely to use herbal preparations in children ment (REM) or non-REM (NREM) sleep and can have either
with anxiety or mood disorders than in children with NDDs or complementary or opposing effects in NREM and REM sleep,
ADHD; melatonin was recommended by more than one-third likely because of their different expression in brain areas dif-
of them (39%), although it is unclear whether it was being ferentially implicated in the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle.
used primarily at bedtime for its mild hypnotic effects or as These findings partially explain the limited efficacy, as hypno-
a chronobiotic. The physicians recommendations for sleep tics, of MT or nonselective MT1/MT2 receptor agonists in clin-
disorders (mainly insomnia) included non-prescription ical studies. Further research on selective ligands for the MT1

receptor subtype will permit understanding of the neurobio- and, after some time, the circadian MT rhythm is lost. This
logical role of both MT1 and MT2 receptors in sleep [32]. loss of circadian rhythm might explain why the effectiveness
A Swedish study showed that MT use increased during the of exogenous MT fades over time [50].
period 2004–2011 in 0- to 17-year-old patients and it was A single study reported that MT for the treatment of
dispensed in the highest annual amount among all hypnotic chronic sleep onset insomnia in typically developing children
drugs [33]. Approximately 56% of pediatricians prescribed MT is effective at a dosage of 0.05 mg/kg given at least 1 to 2 h
for sleep onset insomnia (89.1%), delayed sleep phase (66.3%), before the desired bedtime [51].
and nighttime awakenings (30.7%). It is also prescribed in Pediatric prolonged-release melatonin (PedPRM) is a novel
children with autism (85.2%), NDDs (76.2%), ADHD (54.5%), age-appropriate formulation recently approved in Europe for
behavioral disorders (42.6%), visual impairment (40.6%), anxi- sleep disorders in children with NDDs. PedPRM is an oral solid
ety disorders (25.7%), and in those who are developing typi- form of prolonged-release MT mini-tablets to be swallowed as
cally (54.5%) [27]. MT appears to hold promise for the a whole, which have been designed to gradually release MT
treatment of insomnia in children with NDDs [32–35]. mimicking the physiological secretion profile of MT and pro-
A recent meta-analysis [36] has shown that MT significantly ducing sustained plasma levels of MT for up to 8–10 h. In
improved total sleep time compared with placebo (mean differ- a recent multi-center (EU and United States), randomized,
ence = 48.26 min, 95% confidence interval (CI) 36.78 to 59.73, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study, the
I2 = 31%) in nine studies; sleep onset latency also improved effects of the use of PedPRM for 13 weeks has been investi-
significantly in 11 studies (mean difference = −28.97, 95% CI gated in 125 children and adolescents (2–17.5 years) with ASD
−39.78 to −18.17). No difference was found in the frequency of and NGD with or without ADHD comorbidity who had not
nocturnal awakenings (mean difference = −0.49, 95% CI −1.71 to shown improvement after standard sleep behavioral interven-
0.73). No medication-related serious adverse event was reported tion [52]. The results indicate that PedPRM (2/5 mg) is effica-
[36]. However, the overall quality of the evidence is limited by cious and safe, compared to placebo, for the treatment of
heterogeneity and inconsistency. insomnia in these children, with clinically meaningful improve-
Other systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs in chil- ments in total sleep time (TST), duration of uninterrupted
dren with NDDs, especially autism, showed that exogenous MT sleep (longest sleep episode [LSE]), and sleep latency (SL),
reduced sleep-onset latency and increased total sleep time and without causing earlier wake-up time [52].
[37,38]. One of the largest placebo-controlled studies in 146 A recent prospective, 39-week, open-label, follow-up
children (age 3–15 years) with intellectual disability showed PedPRM treatment of the aforementioned patients for up to
that MT in different doses ranging from 0.5 to 12 mg reduced 52 weeks (1 year) of continuous PedPRM treatment, reported
sleep latency (from 102 to 55 min in 12 weeks) and increased an overall improvement of ≥1 h in TST, SL, or both, compared
total sleep time (40 min) [5,37]. Other studies showed that MT to baseline, with no evidence of decreased efficacy. In parallel,
(with doses ranging from 1 to 15 mg, given 30–60 min before child sleep disturbance and caregiver’s satisfaction of their
bedtime), alone or in combination with cognitive-behavioral children’s sleep patterns (p < 0.001 for both), Pittsburg Sleep
therapy, is effective in treating insomnia in children with ASD Quality Index (PSQI) global (p < 0.001), and WHO-5 (p = 0.001)
[34], Angelman syndrome [39], or those with NDDs. Most of these improved significantly, both statistically and clinically. PedPRM
studies have shown high efficacy in decreasing sleep latency and was found to be generally safe, and the most frequent treat-
a non-significant improvement of total nighttime sleep [40]. ment-related adverse events were fatigue (5.3%) and mood
In nine girls with Rett syndrome treated with MT (dosage swings (3.2% of patients) [53]. Another recent systematic
2.5 to 7.5 mg), the actigraphy evaluation showed that sleep- review of MT treatment reported an improvement in SL,
onset latency was significantly decreased, while the number of while the findings on the number of awakenings or the min-
nighttime awakenings was not affected and the mean total utes of wakefulness after sleep onset (WASO) were not con-
sleep time increased [41]. An inverted circadian rhythm of MT sistent, with only 1 study reporting a statistically significant
is typical in SMS. The most efficacious treatment in SMS is reduction of night awakenings [54].
a combination of acebutolol (a β1-adrenergic antagonist, given The most frequently reported side effects were general
in the morning, which decreases daytime plasma MT levels symptoms (headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, cough, and
during the day) and exogenous MT at night, which restores rashes) and neurological (tremors, migraine), digestive (nau-
plasma circadian MT rhythm and enhances sleep [42]. MT has sea, vomiting, abdominal pain), and psychological (night-
also been reported to be effective in children with ADHD with mares, irritability) disorders. Most of these common
delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) and sleep onset insom- symptoms are likely to be coincidental or caused by impurities
nia at a dosage of approximately 5 mg [43–47]. A systematic in the unregulated formulations of MT. Previous reports of
review of the literature found that 3 to 6 mg/night MT sig- poor seizure control, poor asthma control, and adverse endo-
nificantly reduced sleep onset latency and increased total crinological problems during puberty have not been con-
sleep duration, but did not impact on daytime ADHD core firmed. Both systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs
symptoms [48]. suggest that there are no significant adverse side effects
In some patients with NDDs, the loss of efficacy of MT associated with the use of MT.
treatment after an initial good response is a major problem, Unanswered clinical questions include whether slow-
possibly caused by slow metabolism because of decreased release preparations are superior to immediate-release pre-
activity of the CYP1A2 enzyme [49]. This may result in parations in increasing TST, and whether a more rational and
increased daily MT levels. Consequently, MT levels increase optimal prescription of MT might be achieved by measuring

salivary MT before its use. Unlike traditional hypnotics, such as 6- to 12-week-old infants [66]. Hydroxyzine seems to be safer and
chloral hydrate and benzodiazepines, MT does not affect poly- no fatal cases have been reported [67]. Finally, tolerance can
somnographic sleep architecture, maintaining the physiologi- develop quickly and some children can experience dramatic
cal sleep structure [55]. and paradoxical hyperarousal [68].

3.2. Ramelteon 3.4. Clonidine

Ramelteon, a synthetic MT receptor agonist with high affinity Clonidine, an imidazoline-derivative hypotensive agent is an
for the MT1 and MT2 receptors, is approved by the FDA for use α2-adrenergic agonist that acts on presynaptic neurons and
in adults. Only a few case studies have been published in inhibits noradrenergic release and transmission. It crosses the
children with NDDs reporting some efficacy for night awaken- blood-brain barrier and acts in the hypothalamus to induce
ings [54–56]. a decrease in blood pressure, as approved by the FDA. Due to
its sedative effects, clonidine is commonly prescribed as
a sleep aid in children, but there are only a few controlled
3.3. Antihistamines
studies available [69].
Histamine is a wake-promoting agent that plays a key role in It is hypothesized that clonidine produces sedation by
mediating wakefulness [57]. The effect on wakefulness has decreasing norepinephrine levels via a negative feedback by
been long known because of the drowsiness caused by first- agonism of the α2-adrenergic somatodendritic autoreceptors
generation antihistamines, which cross the blood-brain barrier, at the level of the locus coeruleus, which would increase REM
prescribed for treating allergies. Overall, an increased hista- sleep. However, it is still unclear if this is the primary mechan-
mine concentration promotes wakefulness, while decreased ism by which clonidine produces sleep, since the effects are
histamine promotes NREM sleep. The histamine levels in the dose-dependent. Administration of low doses of clonidine
brain fluctuate according to the circadian rhythm and corre- (range 0.025–0.05 mg) has little effect on sleep and can either
late with neuronal activity in histaminergic neurons during increase or decrease the duration of REM sleep. At moderate-
wakefulness, which is highest during attentive wake, strongly to-high doses (0.1–0.3 mg), clonidine appears to have post-
reduced during NREM sleep, and completely suppressed dur- synaptic activity on the α2-adrenergic receptors, which results
ing REM sleep [58]. in a decrease in acetylcholine and an increase in REM latency,
First generation antihistamines bind to the H1 receptor in stage 2 sleep, and slow-wave sleep (SWS) [70]. It has been
the central nervous system (CNS) and do not affect sleep postulated that clonidine may affect NREM sleep via effects on
architecture. Ethanolamines (such as diphenhydramine) have serotonin, but animal studies did not confirm this hypothesis.
potent sedative effects, being piperazine derivatives (such as A relatively old survey on the use of clonidine showed that
hydroxyzine). Diphenhydramine is the most commonly used more than one third of pediatricians reported using clonidine
antihistamine and is a competitive H1-histamine receptor specifically for sleep disturbances, including sleep onset, sleep
blocker. The recommended dosage for adults is 25 to 50 mg, schedule, nighttime awakenings, early morning awakening,
whereas in children the effective dosage is 0.5 mg/kg up to and parasomnia. Clonidine ranked second only to antihista-
a total of 25 mg. Hydroxyzine is effective at 0.5 mg/kg in mines as the most commonly used medication for treating
children. Although antihistamines are the most prescribed or sleep disturbance [59]. Clonidine also showed beneficial
obtained over-the-counter agents for pediatric insomnia [59], effects on sleep in ADHD, with children and parents reporting
randomized controlled data in children are lacking. Conflicting improvement of sleep problems: reduced sleep latency, lower
results have been published in different reports; an old study sleep restlessness, increased total sleep time, and improved
showed a significant decrease in sleep latency and in the morning awakening [71]. A subsequent study confirmed its
number of awakenings [60], while a more recent study in efficacy in 62 children with ADHD and sleep problems [72].
infants reported inefficacy compared to placebo [61]. Ingrassia and Turk [73], in a retrospective chart review,
Other antihistamine compounds such as trimeprazine or found clonidine to be an effective therapeutic intervention
niaprazine seem to be effective. Trimeprazine (15 mg/5 mL for alleviating sleep disturbances in six children with NDDs,
or 30 mg/5 mL) induced a moderate improvement in 22 aged 6–14 years, at a dose of 0.05–0.1 mg at bedtime. No
children with night awakenings [62], while niaprazine (1 mg/ relevant side effects were reported.
kg in a single dose at bedtime) induced a decrease in sleep In a retrospective review, 19 children with ASD were trea-
onset latency and an increase in sleep duration [63], even in ted with 0.05 mg oral clonidine, with a slow titration up to
comparison to benzodiazepines [64]. No studies are available 0.100 mg, 30 minutes before bedtime, and reduced sleep
on the efficacy of antihistamines in children with NDDs. latency and nocturnal awakenings were reported. Adverse
Antihistamines are generally well tolerated, with the most effects were skin irritation with transdermal administration,
common side effects being sedation and sleepiness. An overdose and daytime drowsiness with administration of tablets [74].
of antihistamines induces anticholinergic effects, including fever, Moreover, Hollway et al. [35], in a comprehensive literature
mydriasis, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, urinary reten- search, showed that clonidine was effective for sleep distur-
tion, tachycardia, dystonia, and confusion. There are some bances in children with comorbid ASD and other NDDs at
reports on the toxicity of diphenhydramine with catatonic stu- doses ranging from 0.05 to 0.225 mg/day.
por, anxiety, visual hallucinations and, more rarely, respiratory The most commonly reported side effects of clonidine
insufficiency and seizures [65], with fatal toxicity reported in five include drowsiness, transient sedation, headache, dizziness,

fatigue, somnolence, insomnia, hypotension, and bradycardia. sedation, cognitive impairment (anterograde short-term mem-
In children who are taking concomitant CNS-depressing ory loss), motor impairment, and the potential for abuse.
agents and in individuals with hemodynamic instability or
cardiac pathology, the use of clonidine should be accurately
3.7. Non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics
monitored [75].
Non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics are non-
benzodiazepine receptor agonists (NBzRAs) (also known as
3.5. Guanfacine
Z-drugs) that bind preferentially to GABAA receptor com-
Guanfacine is a selective α2A-adrenergic receptor agonist that plexes containing α1 subunits; they seem to have minimal
stimulates postsynaptic α2A-receptors in the prefrontal cortex effects on sleep architecture with a small increase in SWS
(PFC), potentiating noradrenergic transmission and strength- [85]. In the very few studies conducted in children, NBzRA
ening the connectivity of PFC networks. It can be effective in administration was not effective. One study showed no effi-
treating hyperactivity, stereotyped body movements, self- cacy on sleep latency in children with ADHD and insomnia
stimulation, hypervigilance, and impulsivity in ASD [76]. aged 6–11 years or 12–17 years receiving treatment with
Guanfacine is usually prescribed ‘off label’ to treat pediatric zolpidem up to 10 mg/day [86]. Eszopiclone administered in
insomnia due to its sedating properties [77] . However, guanfa- 371 children with a diagnosis of ADHD and sleep disturbances,
cine appears to be less sedating than clonidine [78]. Moreover, aged 6–17 years, failed to show a beneficial effect over pla-
a placebo-controlled study of extended-release guanfacine cebo while dose-dependent adverse events were reported in
(GEXR) in 29 children with ADHD and sleep problems was 46–61% of patients [87]. The most frequent adverse events
terminated early after finding that GEXR was associated with (>5%) were dizziness and headache, but disinhibition and
decreased total sleep time on polysomnography, compared to hallucinations were also reported [88].
placebo [79]. In support of this finding, a more recent study did
not confirm the effectiveness of GEXR as a sleep aid because
3.8. Gabapentin
sleep was not found to be significantly improved [80].
Gabapentin was approved by the FDA for the treatment of
partial seizures in 1993. It was originally designed as
3.6. Benzodiazepines: clonazepam
a precursor of GABA that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier
The most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines in the treat- and increases brain synaptic GABA. It binds to the alpha-
ment of insomnia in adults are triazolam, flurazepam, tema- 2-delta subunit of N-type voltage-gated calcium channels,
zepam, estazolam, quazepam, clonazepam, lorazepam, and which decreases the activity of wake promoting glutamate
alprazolam; of these, only estazolam, triazolam, flurazepam, and norepinephrine systems [89]. It has been approved for
quaepam, and temazepam are FDA approved in the U.S.A. for the treatment of neuropathic pain and restless leg syndrome
the treatment of insomnia [81]. in addition to its original purpose as an anticonvulsant med-
Benzodiazepines bind to the benzodiazepine recognition ication. However, its precise pharmacological mechanism in
site at the interface of alpha and gamma subunits of the γ- humans remains unknown. In addition to its demonstrated
amino butyric acid A (GABAA) chloride receptor complex, and efficacy in these indications, patient-reported sleep assess-
they promote sleep by inhibiting brainstem monoaminergic ments among a variety of clinical conditions suggest that
arousal pathways, through facilitation of the ventrolateral pre- gabapentin has beneficial effects on sleep. The improvement
optic nucleus (VLPO) and by inhibiting GABAergic projections of sleep might be mediated by the increase in SWS and the
to arousal centers, mediated by the tuberomammillary nucleus decrease of WASO [90].
of the anterior hypothalamus, the posterolateral hypothalamic In a recent case series, gabapentin was found to be a safe
hypocretin neurons, and the brainstem arousal regions. and a well-tolerated treatment for sleep-onset and sleep main-
These hypnotics have long been the first-choice treatment for tenance insomnia in 23 children, 87% of whom had NDDs.
insomnia in adults, but they raise concerns about cognitive With gabapentin initiated at an average dose of 5 mg/kg
impairment, rebound insomnia, and the potential risk for depen- (range 3–7.5 mg/kg) 30–45 minutes before bedtime, with
dence. These concerns and the lack of evidence-based data titration to a maximum dose of 15 mg/kg (range 6–15 mg/
availability in the pediatric population contribute to their limited kg), 78% of children showed improvement in sleep (as
use in children [82]. Short-term or as-needed administration are reported by parents). Furthermore, this beneficial response
the most frequently suggested treatment protocols. was noted at much lower doses (5 to 15 mg/kg orally at
In children with Williams syndrome, aged 1.5–10 years, bedtime) than those recommended to treat epileptic seizures
clonazepam 0.25–0.75 mg at bedtime, induced an immediate (40 mg/kg, divided into three daily doses). Side effects in a few
improvement in nighttime awakenings and daytime behaviors cases included agitated nighttime awakenings and difficulty
in four of the five patients that persisted at 3–6 months follow- falling asleep [91]. Although data from this study suggest that
up [83]. An effect on REM sleep behavior disorder in a child gabapentin may be of benefit in children with NDDs, it is not
with ASD has been reported [84]. frequently used in practice as a first-line sleep agent. Recently
Clonazepam may represent a treatment option in children we described the case of a toddler with severe insomnia,
with arousal disorders, periodic limb movement disorder, or rest- bedtime and nocturnal hyperactivity, night awakenings asso-
less legs syndrome, but future trials focused on objective sleep ciated with leg kicking and rubbing, highly suggestive of rest-
measures and safety issues are needed. Adverse effects include less legs syndrome, responsive to gabapentin [92].

3.9. Antidepressants developmental disorders that suggests some efficacy for

insomnia [102].
Tricyclic and atypical antidepressants (mirtazapine, nefazo-
done, and trazodone) are commonly prescribed in clinical
practice to treat insomnia in adults and children. Their effects 3.9.4. Trazodone
on sleep are mediated by actions on different neurotransmit- Trazodone, the first 5-HT2A antagonist, was initially developed
ters involved in sleep regulation, such as serotonin, histamine, as an antidepressant, but is currently one of the most common
and acetylcholine. One paper reported that they were pre- hypnotics prescribed in the clinic [103]. It is one of the most
scribed more often than the FDA-approved treatments for sedating antidepressants and the most widely studied antide-
insomnia: trazodone was the most frequently prescribed med- pressants in terms of sleep in adults. It is the most frequently
ication for insomnia in 2002, with 34% more prescriptions than prescribed insomnia medication for children with mood and
the most frequently prescribed FDA-approved treatment [93]. anxiety disorders in a survey of child and adolescent psychia-
trists [29]. Its action is mediated by 5-HT2A/C antagonism and
inhibition of postsynaptic binding of serotonin and blocking of
3.9.1. Tricyclic antidepressants histamine receptors.
Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, trimipramine, and doxe- Recent empirical evidence suggests that trazodone may
pin) cause a reduction of REM and SWS and have been used to interact with the MT system: Giannaccini et al. [104] measured
treat insomnia. Both amitriptyline and trimipramine have been clinical and MT parameters before and after 1 month of ther-
demonstrated to have sedative effects in adults [91,94–96]. apy with trazodone in insomniac and mood-depressed
There are no data supporting the use of amitriptyline or patients. Patients with refractory depressed-mood and insom-
trimipramine in children; however, amitriptyline is commonly nia improved after treatment, and responsive patients
used in children with NDDs beginning with a very low dose excreted more urinary 6-hydroxy-melatonin sulfate than
(5 mg), with the dose increased until the desired effect is before treatment, reflecting an enhanced nighttime produc-
achieved, but it should not exceed 50 mg. Side effects of tion of the pineal hormone and suggesting an interaction
tricyclics include anxiety and agitation, anticholinergic effects between trazodone and the MT system. Based on these data,
(e.g., blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, orthostatic the authors suggested a role for MT as a biological indicator of
hypotension), cardiotoxicity, and worsening of restless legs the pro-hypnotic and antidepressant benefits of trazodone.
syndrome symptoms. Trazodone causes a decrease in REM sleep and increases
SWS; we can speculate that it might have beneficial effects
3.9.2. Doxepin on memory function in children who are challenged intellec-
Doxepin is the most potent antihistamine agent among the tually and who struggle to generalize and maintain adaptive
tricyclic antidepressants, with four times the potency of ami- skills of daily living. As reported above, it is commonly used to
triptyline and 800 times the potency of diphenhydramine at manage insomnia in clinical practice. However, only very few
the H1 receptor. Doxepin inhibits the reuptake of serotonin studies have been conducted in children and adolescents.
and norepinephrine and antagonizes cholinergic, histaminer- Anecdotal reports show the efficacy of trazodone mainly in
gic, and α-adrenergic activity [89]. In adults, low-dose doxepin mid-night and terminal insomnia.
(3–6 mg) has been shown to improve sleep maintenance and Trazodone has been used for insomnia in 17 children with
early morning awakenings [97]; when used in children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome [105]. The starting dose of
pruritus, it led to CNS depression [98]. 25 mg was increased to a maximum of 100 or 150 mg depend-
ing on age. The effects on sleep were not dose-dependent and
low dosages were effective for insomnia. The most commonly
3.9.3. Mirtazapine
reported side effects are dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, drowsi-
It is known that many hypnotic drugs prescribed off-label
ness, dizziness/light-headedness, headache, and morning
(trazodone, mirtazapine, olanzapine, quetiapine) act through
hangover. Less common or rare side effects are hypotension,
the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors to enhance sleep.
tachycardia, serotonin syndrome, and priapism [106]. It is not
Mirtazapine is an α2-adrenergic 5-HT2 receptor antagonist
commonly indicated in Rett syndrome for the risk of QT inter-
with a high degree of sedation at low doses [99]. It has been
val prolongation. It should be noted that, since the doses of
shown to decrease sleep-onset latency, increase sleep dura-
trazodone for insomnia are lower than those used for depres-
tion, and reduce WASO, with relatively little effect on REM
sion, the incidence of side effects is also lower.
sleep [100]. Its effects as a sedative and as a hypnotic are
attributable to its blockade of the histamine H1 receptor as
well as to the antagonism of the α2-adrenergic receptors. By
3.10. Chloral hydrate
antagonizing α2-autoreceptors it increases the release of
norepinephrine; by antagonizing α2-heteroreceptors, it Chloral hydrate is indicated for nighttime sedation in children
increases serotonin release, although its effect on serotoner- since it was initially considered to be a safe agent in infants and
gic systems is specific to 5-HT1A-mediated neurotransmis- young children at dosages of 25–100 mg/kg/day. Chloral
sion, because it also blocks the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors hydrate is thought to exert its effect via its metabolite trichlor-
[101]. There is a single, open-label study in children with oethanol, which modulates GABAA receptors, similar to barbitu-
ASD and children with other forms of pervasive rates [107]. However, respiratory depression and hepatotoxicity

have been reported after administration of chloral hydrate [108], 3.12. Orexin antagonists
and it should be avoided in children with NDDs and especially in
Recently, orexin neuropeptides have been identified as regu-
those at risk for obstructive sleep apnea [109].
lators of the sleep/wakefulness transition and documented to
A relatively recent study comparatively assessed the efficacy
aid an initial transitory effect toward wakefulness by activating
of chloral hydrate (50 mg/kg) and hydroxyzine (1 mg/kg) in 282
cholinergic/monoaminergic neural pathways of the ascending
children (age 4–9 years) requiring sedation for sleep electroen-
arousal system [121]. Orexins play an important role in the
cephalography (EEG). Chloral hydrate was found to be more
wakefulness promoting ascending arousal system, having an
effective in decreasing sleep onset latency; no relevant side
excitatory effect on almost every wake-promoting neuronal
effects were reported [110]. However, chloral hydrate can cause
group of the reticular ascending system (RAS) and represent
gastric distress, nausea, and vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness,
critical modulators of sleep/wake cycle homeostasis [122].
malaise, psychomotor impairment, parasomnia, and fatigue.
The orexin receptor antagonists can be classified on the basis
Children may experience idiosyncratic reactions characterized
of receptor binding affinities, as Selective Orexin Receptor
by confusion, disorientation, and paranoia. Used chronically,
Antagonists (SORAs; i.e., selective for OX1 or OX2 receptors) or
chloral hydrate is habit forming and associated with tolerance
Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonists (DORAs; i.e., compounds with
[111]. It is important to note that it is not recommended by
spread binding capacity to OX1 and OX2) [123]. It was hypothe-
pediatric sleep experts for insomnia and is only used as
sized that antagonizing both orexin receptors would elicit the
a sedating agent for neurodiagnostic procedures [112].
most powerful sleep-promoting effects [124]. The most widely
used DORA molecules (almorexant and suvorexant) adminis-
tered to healthy volunteers and patients with insomnia have
3.11. Atypical antipsychotics been shown to effectively reduce the number of awakenings
and SL, while increasing total sleep time [123].
Atypical antipsychotics such as risperidone, quetiapine, aripipra-
There is strong evidence that suvorexant is effective in redu-
zole, and olanzapine are typically used off-label in children with
cing symptoms of insomnia and increasing total sleep time in
psychiatric or developmental disorders [113,114], but they are
adults, at doses of 15–40 mg/day [125]. Lower doses may be
also increasingly prescribed for insomnia. Risperidone and olan-
preferred, per FDA guidelines, to minimize the risk of adverse
zapine are used for sleep disturbances in children, but no studies
effects. One study, in adolescents with psychiatric disorders or
are available evaluating their safety and effectiveness [35,59,115].
NDDs, reported that 56.7% of them (17/30) successfully contin-
The hypnotic effects of most atypical antipsychotics are probably
ued taking suvorexant with a reduction of Clinical Global
attributable to their strong antagonism of the H1 receptor, as
Impression (CGI) scores after 6 months. The adverse effect that
well as to their antagonism of serotonin receptors [116].
led to discontinuation of suvorexant was abnormal dreams [126].
A recent meta-analysis acknowledges that the use of atypical
A more recent case report showed that an adolescent with
antipsychotics may be appropriate in patients in whom other
bipolar I disorder and chronic sleep difficulties, usually sleeping
treatment modalities have failed and in those with a comorbid
for 3–4 hours per night with both initial insomnia and early
condition that could benefit from the primary action of the drug
morning awakenings, successfully regulated his sleep using
(based on consensus of experts in sleep medicine) [117].
suvorexant after failure with several other agents [127].
Similarly, guidelines for the treatment of chronic insomnia report
The most frequent dose-dependent adverse effects are mild
insufficient evidence for atypical antipsychotics as first-line ther-
somnolence, headaches, dizziness, cataplexy, and abnormal
apy, but state that the medications might be suitable for patients
dreams [128]. This category of compounds might be promising
with comorbid insomnia who may benefit from the primary
for children with NDDs since they act on a different neurotrans-
action of these drugs as well as from their sedating effect [118].
mitter system with fewer interactions with other drugs commonly
Atypical antipsychotics should be considered to treat
used in these children. RCTs are needed to assess both the short-
a comorbid condition (i.e., aggressive, self-injurious behaviors
and long-term effects of these medications, as well as their efficacy
in children with ASD) and they might aid relief from insomnia
in comorbid diseases that affect sleep architecture.
when dosed at bedtime. A small randomized and placebo-
controlled study on quetiapine (25 mg – a relatively low dose)
in adults, showed a statistically non-significant trend toward 4. Supplements
improvement in total sleep time and reduced SL [119]. There is
a single open-label trial involving 11 children with ASD who 4.1. Tryptophan/5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
did demonstrate a reduction in sleep disturbance [120]. Tryptophan is an essential plant-derived amino acid that is
Common side effects include excessive weight gain, which needed for the in vivo biosynthesis of proteins. After consump-
may exacerbate the sleep-disordered breathing that even- tion, it is metabolically transformed to bioactive metabolites,
tually presents, and metabolic consequences, such as hyper- including serotonin, melatonin, kynurenine, and the vitamin
glycemia or hyperprolactinemia, which may be unsafe in niacin (nicotinamide). As early as 1974, the use of L-tryptophan
certain NDDs (i.e., Down Syndrome or Prader-Willy (LT) was suggested as a natural hypnotic and was widely used
Syndrome). Without more definite data, the use of neurolep- in the 80s for the treatment of sleep disorders and headache
tics for insomnia in children is generally not recommended. prophylaxis. LT produces a negligible decrease in REM sleep

and increase in NREM sleep [129], does not have opioid-like enzyme responsible for catalyzing the conversion of the amino
effects, and does not limit cognitive performance or inhibit acid L-tyrosine to dopamine. Iron deficiency anemia in infancy
arousal from sleep [130]. Several positive effects on sleep have has been reported to be associated with higher motor activity
been reported in the literature: improvement of SL and during sleep, shorter night sleep duration, and higher fre-
decrease in arousal [131,132]. One study with LT at different quency of night waking [147], and supplemental iron is asso-
doses (250 mg, 1 g, and 3 g) in adults showed improvement in ciated with longer sleep duration [148]. In some cases, night
SL and a reduction in WASO, with a moderate effect on sleep awakenings starting in the first year of life might be an early
quality. None of the papers reported systematic information sign of restless leg syndrome [149,150].
regarding adverse effects associated with tryptophan Because iron deficiency is common in children, measuring
[133–135]. the ferritin level is reasonable. Different reports have shown
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is the intermediate metabolite a relationship between low serum ferritin levels and insomnia
of the essential amino acid LT in the biosynthesis of serotonin. It associated with sleep hyperkinesia, i.e., restless leg syndrome
easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and effectively increases or periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMS) in children
CNS synthesis of serotonin. The effects of 5-HTP on sleep struc- with ADHD or ASD [151–153]. Although published rates of iron
ture are conflicting: an increase or decrease in REM sleep and an deficiency in children with ASD are variable, as high as 52%
increase in SWS have been reported in a review paper [136]. The have been found to demonstrate deficiency [154]. A recent
exact mechanism of action of the sedative effects of 5-HTP is not review showed an increased incidence of PLMS (42%) com-
completely clear, and it is unclear if it is mediated only by pared to controls (8%) in 53 pediatric patients with ASD with
conversion into serotonin. Early studies suggested that serotonin low serum ferritin levels (below 35 ng/ml); sleep fragmenta-
might help produce NREM and possibly REM sleep, but more tion and poor sleep efficiency were associated with lower
recent work indicates that serotonin generally promotes wake- median ferritin levels [155]. Although an association between
fulness and suppresses REM sleep [137]. It seems, however, that low ferritin levels and sleep disorders was observed in this
the effect of serotonin on sleep-wake behavior might depend study, a causal relationship could not be ascertained.
upon the differential activation of the serotonergic system (sys- In 102 children (68 with ASD, 18 typically developing, and
temic administration of low vs. high doses of the precursor 16 with developmental delay) there was an increase of PLMS
5-HTP) and the time at which the activation occurs (light vs. [155] but serum ferritin levels were not significantly correlated
dark period of the light-dark cycle) [138]. It has been hypothe- to any sleep parameter. Iron supplementation (6 mg/kg/day of
sized that the 5-HTP-related increase in SWS during the dark elemental iron) was carried out in 33 children with ASD. Over
period depends upon the synthesis or release of as yet to be the course of the study, mean ferritin levels significantly
identified sleep-promoting factors [139]. increased from 15.72 to 28.8 ng/ml; however, no relationship
In 1989, LT (not L-5-HTP) caused an epidemic of eosinophi- was found between the restless sleep score and serum ferritin
lia-myalgia syndrome [140–142]. Because of its chemical and concentrations [153].
biochemical relationship to LT, 5-HTP has been under vigi- Due to the observed correlation of low serum ferritin levels
lance for its safety. However, no definite cases of toxicity and poor sleep quality and the potential benefit of iron sup-
have emerged despite the worldwide usage of 5-HTP for plementation on sleep quality, prescribers may extrapolate
several years [143]. On the other hand, there are several recent these findings to children with NDDs, but this practice is
reports on the use of L-5-HTP in children without the occur- guided by clinical experience rather than by robust supporting
rence of side-effects [144–146]. The substances contaminating evidence [156]. When poor sleep is reported in children with
previous pharmaceutical preparations of L-5-HTP are no longer ASD, ADHD, or other NDDs, serum ferritin levels should be
present in measurable amounts in the preparations now avail- monitored and questions on restless sleep should be asked. If
able on the market because of the improved purification and ferritin levels are less than 50 mcg per L, 1–2 mg/kg/day of
analysis methods. elemental iron (up to 6 mg/kg/day of elemental iron) should
In comparison with synthetic antidepressants and hypno- be administered [151,152]. It should be noted that iron sup-
tics, L-5-HTP is characterized by a particularly low occurrence plementation is often not well tolerated in the pediatric popu-
of side-effects. Like LT, at therapeutic doses, L-5-HTP does not lation due to gastrointestinal adverse effects and poor
affect the normal distribution of sleep stages with both acute palatability, which can lead to poor adherence.
and chronic treatment. Although very limited data are avail-
able on the effects of 5-HTP on insomnia symptoms and none
in children with NDDs, the absence of side-effects and lack of
4.3. Vitamin d
development of tolerance with long-term use are important Vitamin D is a pro-hormone belonging to the category of fat-
factors in the decision to embark upon a trial with L-5-HTP. soluble vitamins; it is synthesized in vivo when the solar ultra-
violet B (UVB) radiation interacts with the precursor molecule,
7-dehydrocholesterol, in the skin. Although endogenous pro-
4.2. Iron
duction is estimated to account for 90% of total vitamin D in
The sleep/wake cycle is partially controlled by the dopamine- healthy individuals, a minor source of vitamin D comes from
opiate system, which requires iron as a co-factor for proper dietary intake and supplementation. Vitamin D is subsequently
functioning. Iron is a co-factor for tyrosine hydroxylase, the transported in the blood to the liver where it is hydroxylated

to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-(OH)D), which is further converted and psychological distress in the family. The assessment
to the metabolically active form, 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin should consider medical and psychiatric contributing factors,
D (1a,25-(OH)2D) [157]. primary sleep disorders, and maladaptive behaviors related to
Vitamin D, through actions on tryptophan hydroxylases, sleep. The correct treatment should follow a specific pattern:
can regulate tryptophan conversion into 5-HTP. A recent a thorough sleep history, sleep hygiene, behavioral treatment
study has shown that vitamin D can selectively enhance cen- strategies involving the parents, circadian rhythm regulation,
tral serotonin by acting in conjunction with the vitamin and pharmacological treatment.
D receptor to induce the expression of brain tryptophan Since the publication of the 2006 American Academy of
hydroxylase TPH2, the gene that encodes the enzyme catalyz- Pediatrics and National Sleep Foundation joint consensus
ing the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of serotonin from statement [9], pharmacologic treatment for children with
the dietary essential amino acid tryptophan. Thus, two nutri- insomnia continues to be an unmet need and the current
ents, vitamin D and tryptophan, apparently are supportive of evidence is insufficient to fully evaluate the benefits and
behavioral health through the maintenance of appropriate harms of the wide variety of drugs currently being used to
serotonin concentrations during development and into late treat sleep disorders in children in primary care. Although MT,
adulthood [158]. and even diphenhydramine, have evidence supporting at least
Vitamin D is also related to dopamine metabolism. Clinical some benefit and few harms in the short term, this evidence is
research on the relationship between vitamin D and sleep is inadequate to support their long-term use.
ongoing, and some studies have been published on the role of Despite the widespread use of pharmacological treatment,
vitamin D metabolism and sleep disorders in adults and chil- the lack of well-designed and controlled studies concerning
dren. Preliminary data suggest the possibility that altered the efficacy, tolerability, dosage, and safety profile of hypnotic
vitamin D metabolism could play an important role in the medications in children raises the need for further research in
presentation and severity of sleep disorders [159]. Low vitamin this field of sleep medicine. This will hopefully lead to the
D concentrations may impact sleep quality via increased pain, development of a drug with proven efficacy and suitable
myopathy, immune dysregulation, and cardiovascular dis- safety profile that will allow for better health and quality of
ease [148]. life of children and adolescents with NDDs and their families.
In adults, low levels of vitamin D are associated with short
sleep duration [160,161] and poor sleep quality [162], and
6. Expert opinion
vitamin D supplementation improves sleep duration by
about 45 min [163]. A recent systematic review reported that Insomnia represents a relevant clinical problem in both typi-
vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of sleep cally developing children and children with behavioral, neuro-
disorders, poor sleep quality, short sleep duration, and sleepi- developmental, and psychiatric conditions. The use of
ness, and serum 25(OH)D < 20 ng/mL significantly increases different psychotropic medications is common, but studies
the risk of unhealthy sleep by nearly 60% [164]. indicate a highly variable therapeutic approach to insomnia
A specific study in Chinese children showed that 25(OH)D in the pediatric population.
levels are positively correlated with sleep duration while Similar to adults, recommendations and approval for the
insufficiency/deficiency of vitamin D (25(OH)D ≤ 20 ng/mL) is long-term treatment of chronic insomnia are lacking, and
associated with increased probability of short sleep [164]. almost all pediatric subjects with NDDs and sleep problems
Furthermore, a low 25(OH)D level at birth may be associated are treated with off-label substances. Specific guidelines for
with an increased probability of being a persistent short slee- insomnia have been developed by the American Academy of
per in preschool years [165]. Sleep Medicine (AASM) or the European Sleep Research
The literature, therefore, suggests that vitamin Society (ESRS) but no consensus for the pharmacological treat-
D supplementation may improve sleep quality. Most patients ment of insomnia in either typically developing children or in
show improvement in sleep but only by maintaining children with NDDs have been published. However, there is
a narrow range of 25(OH) vitamin D3 blood levels of 60–- a current trend to implement pediatric clinical trials on the use
80 ng/ml [166]. Although no studies have been carried out in of medications for insomnia employed in adults.
children with NDDs and insomnia, there is some evidence Since age is the most important factor in sleep develop-
that it might be useful to investigate vitamin D levels. ment and consolidation, it should be thoroughly considered
when using a medication. A correct approach in children is to
begin with a very low dose and increase gradually and care-
5. Conclusions
fully looking at the potential side effects, since sleep medica-
Insomnia in children with NDDs, in conjunction with other tion might have different consequences in distinct clinical
neurobehavioral comorbidities, is associated with poorer subpopulations.
developmental outcome and contributes to worsening beha- Guidelines on medical treatment of sleep disorders in chil-
vioral disturbances. Its treatment in children is extremely dren with NDDs should consider the potential subtypes of
important in order to increase sleep quality and quantity and insomnia in children. The AASM or ESRS guidelines discrimi-
daytime behavior. Improvement in insomnia-related daytime nate between different types of insomnia (i.e., sleep onset or
impairments is beneficial not only for the child but also for the sleep maintenance insomnia) and research on neurobiological
entire family since a better quality of sleep may ameliorate correlates of sleep onset, sleep maintenance, and sleep stages
daytime behavior, cognitive development delays in the child, could help to identify pathways and neurotransmitters

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