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SINCE 1930

Journey of
Himalaya, India's
first Multinational
company of herbal
wellness products.
• Founder - M Manal
• CEO - Philipe Haydon
• Board of director - Meraj Ali Manal
• Headquarters - Bangalore, India
• Serves - 92 Countries across the world
• Turnover - 2, I 00 crore

Himalaya's story began way back in 1930. A curious young man riding through the forests of
Burma saw restless elephants being fed the root of a plant, Rauwolfia serpentine, inspired by
the plant's effect on elephants, this young man, Mr. M . Mana], the founder of Himalaya,
wanted to scientificalJy test the herb's properties.

With no money and only a pocketful of dreams, be pawned bis mother's jewellery to buy a
hand-operated tableting machine. The years that followed were a time of endurance and a test
of the young man's patience, strength and passion. He spent bis days learning about herbs
from neighborhood healers and his nights working on the mac hine to make a few hundred
tablets. His vision was to 'bring the traditional Indian science of Ayurveda to society in a
contemporary form'. After four years of researching the herb Rauwolfia serpentina, Serpina,
the world's first natural antibypertensive drug was launched in 1934.

In 1955, Himalaya introduced Liver 52, a liver formulation that ensures optimum liver
function. The product soon became our flagship brand and a top selling herbal medicine.
Other brands soon followed including Cystone, Bonnis an and Rumalaya forte, products that
went on to become household names.


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• The Himalaya brand has much in common with the moumain range from which it
draws its name. For centuries, the Himalayas have been an icon of aspiration and of
man's quest to unlock nature's secrets. They represent purity and lofty ideals.
• Our logo is a visual definition of our brand identity. The leaf that forms the crossbar
of the letter H represents the company's focus on herbal healthcare. The teal green
reflects our closeness to nature, while the orange is evocative of warmth. vibrancy
and our commitment to caring.
• The Himalaya brand represents wellness, both imernal and topical Our range of
head-to-toe healthcare and personal care products spans the entire wellness spectrum.
offering gentle. safe and efficacious care.
• Each and every product that carries our logo is backed by the high quality that is
Himalaya's hallmark. It promises good health. well-being and a prescription for good
living. Our logo symbolizes a promise delivered.


The Himalaya Drug Com pany was foun ded by

Mohammad Manal, a nature lover, in Deh radu n in
the 1930 s. Manal had the goal of com merc ialis ing
Ayurvedic and herbal prod ucts to suit
cont emp orar y needs, by focusing on mod ern
empirical research to dem onst rate their

The com pany moved to Bom bay (Mumbai) in the

1950s. In 1955, it launched 'Liv.5 2 a hepa to-

protective , that beca me the flagship prod uct of the


In 1975, Meraj Manal, Moh amm ad Manal's son,

start ed a manufacturing unit in Bangalore, whic h
helped the com pany grow its man ufac turin g
capa city as well as to globalise.
The history of Himalaya began in India when
India witnessed a deep rooted Western
influence on their culture during the early
twentieth century, making Mohammed Manal
to perceive an urgent need to contemporaries
the Ayurveda through modern scientific
research. Mana I possessed a love for nature,
boundless curiosity and a firm belief in herbal
healthcare. Despite no formal scientific
training, Manal successfully launched Himalaya
in 1930.

In the 1930s, people still believed in herbal

goodness but the growing influence of Western
education meant that critical reasoning was
becoming important and traditional ideologies
and belief systems were being challenged.
Mohammed Manal knew that if herbal
medicine had to be taken seriously it had to be
validated by empirical evidence. Therefore
from the very beginning, Manal focused on
research and scientific data to prove safety and
efficacy of Himalaya products, which at the
time was at the initial stage.

The big break came in 1955, when the

company launched Liv.52, a liver-protective
herbal medicine that soon became its flagship
brand. Even today, Liv.52 is the crown jewel in
the pharmaceutical portfolio, registering over
Indian Rupees 250 cror e in revenues and being
the only herbal medicine in India's top 10
selling drugs.
Objective of Company:

To 'Bring The Traditional Inf.Han

Science of Ayurveda To Society
In A Contemporary Form'.
► Uv.52, a hepatoprotectlve, Is launched and goes on to
become one of the world's top-selling drugs.
► An advanced manufacturing facility Is set up In

► The company's R&D center moves to Banplore.

Research and development becomes a very Important

aspect of the company's focus. J '->9 1

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► The company opens its US office at Houston, Texas. ~ ·· ·

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► The Anima l Health Product range for commercial

livestock is launched. 1 998

► Himalaya Herbals launches its personal healthcare

products in India.
► ISO 9001: 2000 certific ation awarded for design,

manu factur e and marketing of herbal health care ~ I-

2()() ~
► UK-based N at io n al Q
ua lit y Assurance &Ive
s Himalaya
1S 0- 14 00 1: 20 04 ce rt ifi ca tio n fo r en vi ro nm en t
m an ag em en t. 2006
► Using innovative patent-pen
ding technology, th e
co m p an y in tr od uc es
a C er tif ie d USDA Organ
ic range of
'j . -; -.
P ur e H er bs . 2009
► U v. 52 H B , th e w or
ld 's fi rs t he rb al dr ug fo
r th e ef fective
m a n a g e m e n t o f H ep Uv . 52 HD
at iti s B, Is In tr od uc ed . .,
Research & Development:
► Research & Development (R&DJ Center In Banplore, Which Is Over I0,000 Sq.Ft


► A Te•m Of More Tun zoo Physidans And Wortdna In R&D Facility.

► Use Of Advanced TechnolOIY, For Example: LCMS Method Dunne Hert, Testlnc. r
..... " I

► RAD Center Is Afflbted With, The Rajlv Gandhi lnstftla Of Health Sciences In
S.nplore, As Center For Rese•rch By The DST, Government Of India.

► Partnered With The Ras Al Khmma MedJcal Health & Sdenc.e Unfverstty UAE, To
Promote Joint Rese•rch Coll.boiatkhl In Herul Medklne.

The R&D Center Is A Vital Institution Of Hlsher Le•mlna.

Sdentlsts Are Conductlnc Exdtlnc Rese•rch 1n The Field Of Oncolop, Aids,

Ufestyle Related Disorders And Women's Health.
-- ---
Clinical Trials Conducted At:
► All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Delhi),

► Apollo Hospitals (Chennal),

► St. John's Hospital (Banplore),

► IMS BHU (Yaranasl),

► Mayo Oinic (Rochester, New York),

► The Central Institute Of Tuben:ulosls Of The Medical Academy Of R.F.,

(Moscow, Russia),

► The Novosibirsk Research TB Institute (Russia),

► Charles University (Prque).

Portfolio of The Himalaya Drug Company:

N u t r,t ron Phormouuti<ols

CE I "-'

Perscnol Core

Corporate Social Res pon sib ilit y:
"' Good fM faith tannlnc:
we grow our herbs o,pnic ally, using good agricul tural practi as.

► l'tandl ll tren: zation , for planti ng

They are partern ed with Trtts for the Future (TFTF), a US-ba sed organi
trees across India. To date, we have pl.anted over 2,50,0 00 trees.
► lfodM rslty consen ,adoft:
con~ rw enda n1~~
tr Is working with various 1overn ment bodies across lndla to
medicinal herbs.
► ,n,fect Allhlp n:
In Good Agricu ltural
~rN.lava provl~ s technlcal aulsta nce to farmer s, and trains them
r.tcttces, susta1nab~ hert> collection and organic hlrmin 1.
"' hfson Farmlfll Projed:
Himal ~ Is working with the loul rl .
rehabilitate Inmates. The prisoners a,t~v: '" author ity In Andhr a Pr.tdes h, India, to
acquire eswntl al skills. te herbs for Himalaya, earn an Incom e and
Certification & Awards:
► Rne1rd, • Developmfflt (U.D) center Is IS0-9001: 2008 certified.
----- -·--·-- ·
► In Mardi 2001, Good MenufKturtnc hactka (GMP) certificate, Issued by ttle I
--- ----.
- ·- · - - - - - · -
Ucensm, Authority, DINCtorate of Indian Systems of Medlclne, Banplore, lndl1.

► Himalaya Is the first Ayurvedk facility to pt GMP certffialtJon In India.
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) mtlflatlon Is 1rantad by the National Good
uboRtory Practice (GLP) Compliance Monltori111 Authority, DST, Government of
► Himalaya has ,-calwd the ISO 14001:2004 certJflcation, the most rtCGpized p,bal
standard for excellence In environmental manaprnent.
► Uv.52 enters the Umca Boole of Recotds 2013as the hlpest selllfts het1,al dnc In
India, both In terms of units and rupee vafue.
► Tht lnteracttonal office of the Control of Mtdldnes ln Swltatland approws Uv.s2• .,
a pharmaceutical specialty d~.
► Hlntalaya recotnlied IS • Pawerbntnd as the No. 1 pla,@r In die herbal hHlthcaN and
penonal care se,me-nt.
► Himalaya receive the Reader's Dlpst TrustH Brand 2011 award In the Vlbmlns/
tt.1lth Supple!Mflts catepry.
41 Jr
B EG IN N I ~ G '

In the for est s of Burma, a curious

young man looked on, as vill age rs
fed the roots of a local her b to
calm a herd of agi tat ed
ele ph ant s.

That man was Mr. M. Manal, the foun der of Himalaya,

and that herb was Rauwolfia Serp entin a, the
insp iratio n that led to the crea tion of Serpina®, the
worl d's first natural antih yper tens ive drug , laun ched in
1934 .

Mr. Manal's dream of disco verin g the mys terie s of

natu re began in the year 193 0. He was dete rmin ed to
bring to peop le the prom ise of natu re's heal ing power,
harnessed throu gh scie ntific research.
N in et y ye ar s la te r, th is vision has
tr an sl at ed in to H im al ay a' s
m is si on o f to uc hi ng pe op le 's lives
w it h th e pr om is e o f W el ln es s in
ev er y H o m e an d H ap pi ne ss in
ev er y H ea rt .

Hi ma lay a be ga n its jou rne y at a tim e wh en

pr od uc ts we re reg ard ed wi th sk ep tic ism .
Bu t, ou r
fou nd er pe rse ve red to fol low his dre am s.
Pa wn ing his
mo the r's ba ng les , he bo ug ht a ha nd -op era
tab let ing ma ch ine .

A ft er fo ur ye ar s o f ex te ns iv e
re se ar ch , M r. M an al fo rm ul at ed
S er pi na ®an d laid the fou nd ati on for Himalaya's
str on g foo tho ld in research. His vis ion wa
s to bri ng the
tra dit ion al Ind ian sc ien ce of Ay urv ed a to so
cie ty in a
co nte mp or ar y for m.
In 19 55 , Hi ma lay a int ro du ce d its
second br ea kth ro ug h in me dic ine
wi th th e launch of Liv .52 , a liv er
for mu lat ion th at be ca me
synonymous wi th br an d
Himalaya. It has gon e on to bec ome our flag ship
brand and a top- sell ing herb al med icin e. In the yea
tha t follo wed , we intr odu ced man y oth er icon ic bran
such as Septilin, Cystone, Bonnisan, and Rf i )
fort e, whi ch have bec ome hou seh old nam es
win ning the trus t of cus tom ers.
Today, Himalaya is a leading
global herbal health and personal
care organization with close to
500 products in over 100


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Popular products and reviews

Even those of us who don't know anything about

Ayurveda will find in the assortment of the
Himalaya brand that it is suitable for them be-
cause of the effect, pleasant aroma and hypoal-
lergenic composition.

Experiment with the personal care products you

use every day. So you can see impressive results
in a couple of weeks. Triphala-based toothpaste
or amla and neem shampoos, turmeric soap and
shaving products are all inconvenient and attrac-
tive packaging, but taking into account the wis-
dom of the thousand-year history of traditional
medicine of India. They don't contain gluten,
parabens, phthalates, dyes and flavors .

• rfia~
Ayurveda from Himalaya
To use any brand of Ayurvedic medicines you
should consult with your doctor in this area or
contact an Ayurvedic specialist directly. Tablets
for the treatment of urolithiasis, diseases of the
liver, lungs, heart, digestive system, drugs for
nervous disorders - all this and much more pro-
duces "Himalaya". You can find completely dif-
ferent reviews, which once again emphasizes in-
dividuality - the main principles in the method
of Ayurvedic treatment.

Himalaya tablets
Creams and gels

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Fare Wash___, ___ __ a- C-plenanw,;,
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Special love deserved cream and gels for the
face and body of the brand "Himalaya" for
women who seek to preserve youth and natural
beauty. Designed for different types of skin, age
and individual characteristics, they provide a
wide selection and variety. Face and hair masks,
scrubs, lip balms are indispensable express care
products for modern life in the city.

The manufacturers didn't forget about the chil-

dren: there is a special line of care products for
babies (soap, powders, lotions, napkins) and
products for older children.
Buy Himalaya brand products

In Goa "tourist" pharmacies are filled exactly

with "Himalaya" products, since it is the most
popular among visitors. Of course, if at the mo-
ment there is no opportunity to go on an inter-
esting and healthy journey, then this is not a rea-
son to refuse your favourite shampoo or
Himalaya cream - you can always order it on with delivery from India.

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