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Arches are structures composed of curvilinear members resting on supports. They are used for large-
span structures, such as airplane hangars and long-span bridges. One of the main distinguishing
features of an arch is the development of horizontal thrusts at the supports as well as the vertical
reactions, even in the absence of a horizontal load. The internal forces at any section of an arch
include axial compression, shearing force, and bending moment. The bending moment and shearing
force at such section of an arch are comparatively smaller than those of a beam of the same span due
to the presence of the horizontal thrusts. The horizontal thrusts significantly reduce the moments and
shear forces at any section of the arch, which results in reduced member size and a more economical
design compared to other structures. Additionally, arches are also aesthetically more pleasant than
most structures.

Types of Arches

Based on their geometry, arches can be classified as semicircular, segmental, or pointed. Based on the
number of internal hinges, they can be further classified as two-hinged arches, three-hinged arches,
or fixed arches.

Derivation of Equations for the Determination of Internal Forces in a Three-Hinged Arch

Consider the section Q in the three-hinged arch shown . The three internal forces at the section are the
axial force, NQ, the radial shear force, VQ, and the bending moment, MQ. The derivation of the
equations for the determination of these forces with respect to the angle φ are as follows:
f = rise of arch. This is the vertical distance from the centerline to the arch’s crown.
x = horizontal distance from the support to the section being considered.
L = span of arch.
R = radius of the arch’s curvature.
Example 1.

A three-hinged arch is subjected to two concentrated loads, as shown in Figure 6.3a. Determine the
support reactions of the arch.

Fig. 6.3. Three – hinged arch.


Fig. 6.3. Three – hinged arch.


The free-body diagrams of the entire arch and its segment CE are shown in Figure 6.3b and Figure
6.3c, respectively. Applying the equations of static equilibrium suggests the following:

Entire arch.
Arch segment CE.

Solving equations 6.1 and 6.2 simultaneously yields the following:

Entire arch again.

Example 2.

A parabolic arch with supports at the same level is subjected to the combined loading shown
in Figure 6.4a. Determine the support reactions and the normal thrust and radial shear at a point just
to the left of the 150 kN concentrated load.

Fig. 6.4. Parabolic arch.


Support reactions. The free-body diagram of the entire arch is shown in Figure 6.4b, while that of its
segment AC is shown in Figure 6.4c. Applying the equations of static equilibrium to determine the
arch’s support reactions suggests the following:

Entire arch.

Arch segment AC.
Entire arch again.

Normal thrust and radial shear. To determine the normal thrust and radial shear, find the angle
between the horizontal and the arch just to the left of the 150 kN load.

Normal thrust.

Radial shear.
Example 3.

A parabolic arch is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 600 lb/ft throughout its span, as
shown in Figure 6.5a. Determine the support reactions and the bending moment at a section Q in the
arch, which is at a distance of 18 ft from the left-hand support.


Support reactions. The free-body diagram of the entire arch is shown in Figure 6.5b, while that of its
segment AC is shown Figure 6.5c. Applying the equations of static equilibrium for the determination
of the arch’s support reactions suggests the following:

Free-body diagram of entire arch. Due to symmetry in loading, the vertical reactions in both supports
of the arch are the same.


The horizontal thrust at both supports of the arch are the same, and they can be computed by
considering the free body diagram in Figure 6.5b. Taking the moment about point C of the free-body
diagram suggests the following:

Free-body diagram of segment AC. The horizontal thrust at both supports of the arch are the same,
and they can be computed by considering the free body diagram in Figure 6.5c. Taking the moment
about point C of the free-body diagram suggests the following:
Free-body diagram of entire arch again.

Bending moment at point Q: To find the bending moment at a point Q, which is located 18 ft from
support A, first determine the ordinate of the arch at that point by using the equation of the ordinate
of a parabola.

oment at Q can be determined as the summation of the moment of the forces on the left-hand portion of the
point in the beam, as shown in Figure 6.5c, and the moment due to the horizontal thrust, Ax. Thus, MQ = Ay(18) –
0.6(18)(9) – Ax(11.81)

Arch segment EC.

For the horizontal reactions, sum the moments about the hinge at C.
Entire arch again.

Bending moment at the locations of concentrated loads. To find the bending moments at sections of
the arch subjected to concentrated loads, first determine the ordinates at these sections using the
equation of the ordinate of a parabola, which is as follows:

Example 4.

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