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Midterm Exam – questions

1.Push factors responsible for sending the 2nd wave to the US:
a, b, and c (religious persecution, political unrest, agricultural production)
2. First wave of immigration, the Crown:
a and c (opposed emigration from England and Wales, encouraged it from others)
3. 3rd wave consisted primarily of:
b and c (Italians and Jews)
4. Nativism 19th century was motivated by:
d (racism)
5. Affirmative Action programs:
b and c (women and minorities in professions, Bakke decision to end quotas)
6. 1st wave immigrants from:
b and c (Scots Irish as largest English group and Germans as largest non-English group)
7. Early contacts between Europeans and Natives:
All of the above (diseases, animals, worse for Natives)
8. Declaration of Independence
a and d (reasons from 13 colonies and life, liberty, pursuit of happiness for all men)
9. According to Declaration, if a government is unjust, citizens can:
c (change or abolish it)
10. American foreign policy 1776-1830:
a and c (soft powers and neutral and unilaterally)
11. Female social reformers called for protectionism because:
a (women weaker than men)
12. Plessy vs. Ferguson:
d (separate-but-equal doctrine)
13. Congress has the authority to:
All of the above (declare war, ratify treaties, confirm ambassadors, approve funding)
14. Dawes Act means that Native families were allotted:
a (160 acres of land)
15. American Dream according to Truslow Adams:
b and c (people to grow and cannot be realized until production is nationalized) or just b
16. According to Turner, the frontier:
a (Americanizes settlers)
17. 1965 Immigration Act
All of the above (hemispheric quotas, visas)
18. Sandoval Case
a (people could ask for driver’s tests to be given in their native language)
19. 4th wave immigrants from:
a and b (Latino and Asians)
20. American Dream becomes real according to Adam when:
b and c (elite and people at the bottom have to change their ways)
21. Roosevelt Corollary stated:
b (USA justified in intervening in Latin America)
22. Years following WW1 foreign policy was considered to be:
b (isolationist)
23. Winthrop called settlement “City Upon a Hill” because:
c (model of charity)
24. Manifest Destiny was the believe that it was the fate that:
b (America would become most important country in the world)
25. This region has a reputation as being the moral and social center of USA:
a (Midwest)
26. Asian-Americans:
a (different backgrounds)
27. Winthrop askes Puritans in his sermon to:
a and d (community and covenant)
28. Wilson’s 14 Points in 3 categories:
c (self-determination, conduct, collective security)
29. Truman Doctrine:
b (prevent communist expansion)
30. Most Latinos:
b, c, and d (Catholic, Mexicans, recent immigrants)
31. Turner declared that:
d (frontier is meeting point)
32. Natives in Progress painting:
b (fleeing the settlers)
33. Vietnam War:
All of the above (traumatic, first war not won since 1812, protests, drained money)
34. Title figure in Gast’s painting:
c (enlightenment)
35. President has authority to:
All of the above (military, nominate ambassadors, negotiate treaties, appoint advisor)
36. Today, Natives on reservations:
All of the above (all rights, dependent nation, not subject to state laws, land voluntarily)
37. Stonewall Riots:
c (result of repeated police raids)
38. Asian-Americans model minority because:
a and b (financially successful and family values)
39. Pull factors for 3rd wave immigrants:
b (need for factory workers)
40. Jim Crow Laws:
a (de jure segregation)
41. Region with three sub-regions with different climates:
c (West)
42. Indian Removal Act was a federal law that:
a, b, and c (forced, signed by Jackson, Trail of Tears)
43. Difference between founders and immigrants:
c (Founders founded laws and immigrants had to adjust)
44. Inhabitants of this region are more religious and conservative:
b (South)
45. Traditional core culture of the USA can be traced to:
d (Northeast)





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