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Under certain circumstances, due to the fact that the observation period for NA petri plate

samples was delayed for 3 consecutive days due to a special non-working holiday, the specimens were
refrigerated throughout the weekend to stop the continuous growth of bacteria, as it is then placed under a
24-hour incubation period to carry on with the culturing. Stating that, despite a long time has passed for
the designated day of observation, the refrigeration process controlled the bacterial growth, whereas
during incubation period, the culturing of bacteria was still at a normal phase and eventually concluded
for a promising result.

In accordance with the experiment, the researchers had divided into groups in order to boost the
acquisition of required samples. Sample A (Finger), a research member had volunteered to use her index
finger where she gently rubbed across the surface of a partially opened NA plate in avoidance with
contamination, Sample B (Outside of SRLC building), two researchers opened an NA plate in an open air
outside the laboratory and were able to acquire the necessary sample at a given 10-minute time. Sample C
(Skin), a research member had volunteered as well to use his skin, specifically on the face, wherein with
the use of sterilized cotton swab, the acquired sample was placed onto a partially opened NA plate.
Sample D (Soil), a research member used a moistened cotton swab to acquire the microorganisms in soil,
it is inoculated then after. Sample E (Drinking cup in Valencia Hall cafeteria), with the use of a moistened
cotton swab, three researches were able to acquire the sample from the cup.

Figure 1. observation of bacterial growth under 24-hour incubation for; (A) Finger, (B) Outside of
SRLC building, (C) Skin, (D) Soil, (E) Drinking cup in Valencia Hall cafeteria
Table 1. Amount of bacterial growth per Nutrient agar petri plate sample

Treatment Abundance of Successful Successfully Indication of

contaminated acquisition of placed the petri existing colonies
agars before the each samples dishes onto an per cultured
experiment onto their autoclavable media
respective plastic without
environments opening the cover
for incubation

Sample A (Finger) None   H-Confluent

Sample B (Outside None   L-20

of SRLC building)

Sample C (Skin) None   H-Confluent

Sample D (Soil) None   H-Confluent

Sample E
(Drinking cup in None   L-19
Valencia Hall

In this table, following the necessary procedures and protocols of acquiring microorganisms, the
NA petri plates were shown to not have the existence of any risks of contamination as each sample was
gathered with caution. The labeled treatments were placed in an inverted position inside an autoclavable
plastic bag for a duration of 24-hours at 37oC, wherein each treatment was then compared on how
microorganisms were formed onto their respective petri plates.
I. Sample A (Finger)

The acquisition of this sample was conducted with the process of using the index finger of a
volunteering researcher as she first gathered any existing microbes onto different things that she holds,
whereas she then rubbed her index finger on the surface of a partially opened NA plate and incubated
successfully under a 24-hour period.

II. Sample B (Outside of SRLC building)

In this treatment, the researchers had opened the NA plate for a duration of 10-minutes in order to
gather the microbes that are present in the open air. The abundance of microbes in an open-air
environment is then cultured under a 24-hour period.

III. Sample C (Skin)

For this sample, one of the researchers had volunteered to use the surface of his skin, specifically
on the face, with the use of a sterilized and moistened cotton swab, it is rubbed across the surface area of
a viable partially opened NA petri plate, acquiring any microbes that are present.

IV. Sample D (Soil)

The presence of a wide variety of microorganisms in soil was gathered by the researchers with the
use of a sterilized and moistened cotton swab as it is rubbed onto the surface of a partially opened petri
plate to avoid contamination of the treatment. In soil, the abundance of bacteria is then cultured under a
NA petri plate as it is incubated for a 24-hour period.

V. Sample E (Drinking cup in Valencia Hall cafeteria)

In this sample, the researchers were able to gather the existing microbes amongst one of the
drinking cups in Valencia hall cafeteria, with the use of a sterilized and moistened cotton swab, the
acquired sample was rubbed onto the surface of a partially opened NA petri plate whereas it is incubated
for a 24-hour period.

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