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I would like to talk about the skill selection during creation or updating data.

As Timi
mentioned it was quite a challenge to create this functionality. It had to be dynamic
in order to choose multiple skills with a certain level. We solved this with the help of

As you can see when you selected a skill then it disappears from the selectable list,
so you can‘t choose the same skill twice, also when you want to modify it, you can
delete it from selected then it it appears again as selectable and you can choose a
different level to it.

There is a hidden text input and it gets populated with the ids of the selected skills
and levels. The final data will be sent when you hit the submit button, then the
backend process, validate and save it accordingly.

The same goes for the update, the only difference that the current skills and levels
are already shown and initially erased from the selectable list. But the same way you
can modify them if you want to.

The another topic I would like to talk about is the search field. In order to create this
functionality with multiple filters, a search API, called Specification-Argument-
Resolver was used which made the whole implementation much more simple and
clean because there was no need to write long and complicated queries.

In case of a text input you can search for a specific pattern in the column.

In the background the Like operator is used with wildcards.

In case of selection when you hit the search button it retrieves all the data which
equals to the selected value.

When there was one to many or many to many relations, for example regarding the
skills, with the API we could even join the tables only using some annotations to
retrieve the correct data.

In the same manner we implemented the search functionality for the other tables.

Now, I would like to pass the word to...

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