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Показ постера «save our planet , plant trees»

Good afternoon everyone! Before starting the presentation of my environmental

project, I would like to show you a poster that I also made for you. Seems to be
nothing out of the ordinary, right? What do you see here? .... Actually it's not just a
poster and it's not just some pictures. This is a call to action and this is one of the
ways to help save our planet.
Well, I think you're ready to hear my idea.
Показ презентації
Слайд 1 Ecological project "Everything starts with a tree"
On the last slide you can see words that may not be clear during my speech, so look at
this slide after all.
Слайд 2 So, why trees are so important? If you say that we can live without them, pf,
a tree, then I have nothing to talk to you about. Because Trees are vital. As the
biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil and
give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and
( є але не читати )Trees benefit the environment….. Trees strengthen
communities……. Trees grow the economy….. Trees protect the future……..
Trees benefit the environment
=helps slow the rate of global warming.
Trees strengthen communities
Urban woodland can be used as an educational resource and to bring groups together
for activities like walking and bird-watching.
Trees grow the economy
People are attracted to live, work and invest in green surroundings. Research shows
that average house prices are 5-18% higher when properties are close to mature trees.
Trees protect the future
Soon, for the first time in history, the number of people with homes in cities will
outstrip those living in the countryside. Parks and trees will become an even more
vital component of urban life.)
Слайд 3
to intercept - obstruct (someone or something) so as to prevent them from
continuing to a destination. Перехопити.
Слайд 4 The idea of my project
be focused on global reforestation. We can plant trees all around the world. My
model is simple so that anyone can get involved: $1 plants 1 tree.
Слайд 5 Who can plant a tree? All of us! It can be absolutely anyone, there would be
a desire to help nature.
Слайд 6 How to plant a tree?
Слайд 7 To stop and turn around deforestation is one of the most effective ways of a
healthy ecosystem on Earth and to reduce CO2. Creating new forests is what we are
assigned to DO, so our wonderful world can breath again.
Слайд 8 Дякую за увагу
Слайд 9 Невідомі слова

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