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Vacancy Remission

I f Property is vacant for minimum 6 months, the property owner can

apply for vacancy remission f rom property tax. Vacancy remission
feature enables a citizen to apply for vacancy remission f rom property

D o c u me n ts Req u i re d
Along with the application, the property owner needs to submit the following
documents for creating vacancy remission:

 Electricity Bill
 Any other required documents

Ta s k I ni t i a t i on – B y G r a m a / W a r d
S a c h i v a l a y a m P o r t a l / C SC O pe ra to r / Me
es e v a O pe ra to r / C i t i z en f ro m p or ta l
Perform the following steps to create vacancy remission:

1. To open vacancy remission screen, use the following


Left Panel > Applications > Property Tax > Existing Property
> Vacancy Remission

2. Enter the assessment number of the property. Vacancy

Remission screen appears, as shown in Figure 17.

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F ig u re 17 : Vac a nc y Re mis s io n

3. In the Vacancy Remission Details section, enter From Date, To Date

and Vacancy Comments.
4. In the Approval Details section, select Revenue Department
f rom the Approver Departments l ist.
5. Select a designation from the Approver Designation l ist.
6. Select f rom the Approver list, the name of the user to whom
you want to forward the task.
7. Click Forward. The application is automatically forwarded to
the concerned user for further review or approval.

W ork f l o w f or V ac a nc y R e mi s s i o n o f a Pr op er t y
The following diagram shows the review/ approval workflow for vacancy
remission of a property.

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Grama/Ward Sachivalayam Portal/CSC Operator/Citizen/Meeseva Operator
(Submit the application) -> Ward Administrative Secretary (Verify/Modify Details) ->
Commissioner (Review Transaction) -> Ward Administrative Secretary (Verify Details) ->
Revenue Inspector (Verify details and application will be in Inbox for 6 months) ->
Revenue Officer (Verify Details) -> Commissioner (Approve Application).

Once the Vacancy Remission details are entered and forwarded by the
Grama/Ward Sachivalayam/CSC Operator/ Meeseva Operator/ Citizen from
portal, the following steps are performed.

1. Ward Administrative Secretary verifies the application details

along with remarks and forwards to commissioner.
2. Commissioner reviews the application and forwards i t to the
W ard Administrative Secretary .
3. Ward Administrative Secretary verifies the application
and forwards the application to Revenue Inspector.
4. The Revenue Inspector conducts f ield verification, validates
the effective date of vacancy of the property, and enters

If the application was submitted by the Grama/Ward Sachivalayam

Portal, the citizen can approach respective Ward Secretariat and obtain
the acknowledgement.

I f the application was submitted to the CSC, the citizen can approach
any of the citizen service counters with his application number and can
obtain the acknowledgement.

Six Monthly Cycle

Vacancy remission process undergoes the following six monthly cycle:

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5. Revenue Inspector searches for existing vacancy remission
properties every month and updates f ield inspection details
until 6 t h month.
6. In the 6 month, Revenue Inspector validates and approves
i t and forwards to the Revenue officer for approval.
7. Revenue officer validates the details and forwards i t to
commissioner for f inal approval.
8. Commissioner validates the details and remarks entered by
Revenue Inspector, i f found correct, the Commissioner
approves the application.

System grants 50 % tax exemption in next instalment as vacancy


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