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One of the most transformative tools I have worked with for enhanced sexual well-being and for

healing the nervous system (Allowing it to soften and release trauma, tension, contraction, fear,
somatic memories, etc) is De-Armouring.

De-armouring — which can be done many different ways, but in this case is also known as yoni
massage — is actually a process focused on releasing sexual blockages and eliminating any
numbness or pain. Once de-armoured, our bodies are able to experience increased pleasure,
wetness, and internal orgasms and access the pleasure we are truly capable of.

Along the lines of a deep tissue massage, de-armouring involves strategic pressure applied to
specific places either externally around the yoni lips, clitoris, anal area (this is where the shadow
strongly abides in our body) and in the vaginal canal. By stimulating these areas of tightness
and contraction with proper pressure, you can release spiritual, emotional, and physical

During the process of de-armouring, blood flow to sexual tissues is increased, pressure spots
are released, and pathways open up for psychological, physical, and emotional healing to occur.


Yes, I really just asked you that.

If you have never heard of de-armouring before, it might surprise you to know that your Yoni can
carry emotional, physical, and spiritual ‘baggage’.

Suppressed anger, shame, guilt, or sadness can all congregate in your vaginal canal and
significantly limit your pleasure potential. Maybe you are still experiencing some clitoral pleasure
and limited sensations, but if you have never had a G-spot or cervical orgasm, you might want
to listen up.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking this is “just how I’m built” or that your sex life is “good enough”.
After de-armouring sessions, you have the power to totally transform your Yoni sensations and
open yourself up to internal orgasms, feel more relaxed, softer, lighter, and ready for pure
sexual bliss.

Essentially, it’s like doing a spring cleaning of your body to help you feel better connected to
yourself and more open to pleasure.


While I believe that every womxn can benefit from regular de-armouring, If you are curious if de-
armouring may be helpful to you specifically, ask yourself if you:

Feel little to no sensation in your Yoni/womb/cervix area

Have experienced trauma
Have low self-esteem
Experience body shame
Are always in your head during intercourse or foreplay
Experience pain or tightness during sex
Struggle with internal orgasms
Experience limited enjoyment
Feel disconnected, blocked, stuck, or like you are carrying ‘baggage’ down there

Our yonis & wombs are highly sensitive to any negative experiences and can hold onto tension.
These negative experiences can include pain during sex, negative cultural messages, sex
before we are ready and relaxed, unwelcome comments, abuse, or any other unwanted

This can manifest as lack of physical sensations or behavioral patterns that negatively impact
the way you experience sex and pleasure.

Under normal circumstances, our sexual tissues would be relaxed and open to sexual
experiences and pleasure. However, any tension or baggage can cause contraction, pain, or
tightness in response to sexual stimulation. It is our body’s way of responding to energetic,
physical, or emotional pain.

These areas of contraction are typically located in the yoni and consist of built-up pockets of
pressure that can feel numb or sore when touched. In addition to negative physical sensations,
these areas can also release emotional responses such as sadness, grief, or anger when
stimulated. Experiencing these issues can lead to anxiety in the bedroom, numbness in the
vaginal region, sexual shutdown, emotional disturbances, depression, and low libido.

The good news is that our bodies are amazing and fully capable of incredible transformation
and sexual healing. One of the tools I recommend most for facilitating this deep, sacred healing
is de-armouring or yoni massage.


De-armouring is a practice that can be done solo or along with a trusted partner. In this we’ll be
focusing on solo de-armouring, but be sure to let me know if you ever have questions on partner
focused de-armouring.

For deeper solo cervix massage, which we will get into later, you will need a wand of some kind,
since it is doubtful you will be able to reach your cervix with just your fingers while also staying
relaxed. While often viewed as novelty or pleasure focused tools, wands are also ideal for
facilitating healing through yoni massage and release.
if you are unable to invest in or attain a wand, I will show you other ways to work with your
cervix and do deeper dearmoring with an egg.

This dearmoring work helps release chronic tension generated by shame and guilt, unconscious
sex, years of not listening to your body and not having clear and set boundaries. It is intense but
profoundly healing bodywork/massage release focusing on the external or internal erogenous
zones to clear out fear-based emotions stored in the tissue. It enhances sensuality, vitality and
helps sexual energy flow freely to experience the depths of your full body orgasmic potential.

Here are some tips for getting started with solo yoni massage:

Listen to your body

Go slow
Completely release any judgement
Eliminate expectations
Give yourself full permission to express any and all emotions — anger, tears, rage, laughter,
grief — that surface
Remember that the goal right now is not to have an orgasm but rather to release any stored
emotion, tightness, or trauma
Do not overthink or ‘get in your head’
Trust your body
Hold nothing back


I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Before you use an egg, wand or your fingers to
enter your Yoni, ensure you are completely relaxed and turned on and connected to desire
energy moving through you. Some of the more common ways to achieve this and help become
soft and open include clitoral stimulation, visualization, and/or a breast massage.

Far too many of us have been penetrated before we were ready, creating unwanted tension in
the Yoni. This makes it crucial to be adequately turned on before beginning massage.

This step in itself is very healing and will help you reclaim the power of choice and consent.
This, in turn, helps increase the level of trust with your Yoni/womb, and can be incredibly

So always remember for yoni massage — or any other sexual activity for that matter — to make
sure your body is fully invested and open beforehand.

You can set the scene with some mood lighting, music and perhaps take a bath first also you
help drop you into a sensually receptive and relaxed surrendered state.
2. FOR OUTER MASSAGE WORK: Work with coconut oil or something similar to ensure
ease of movement.

Before you get down to business, take a few moments to be still and connect with your body. It
can be helpful here to use a mudra, which is a specific position of the hands that generates
energy. To create the mudra, make a heart with your hands by touching your thumb and fingers
together. Put the heart-shaped mudra directly over your vulva so your thumbs touch the base of
the clitoris and your fingers are touching the shaft of the clitoris. Then just breathe into that
space and feel whatever comes up without any expectation. You can also take this time to have
a little chat with your yoni, asking her what she wants and how she is feeling and doing.

If the mood strikes, you can also add some movement to the mudra. Dancing and making
undulations and hip circles is a great way to warm up for a yoni massage. It builds power and
builds the blood flow into that region and gets it really easily engorged.

3. Get handsy

Once you feel ready, you can start the massage action—and feel free to explore a little further
than you usually would during your solo sexy time. It’s really important to massage and palpate
the entire Yoni (you can use some coconut oil to support ease and fluidity). Remember the
purpose here is not sexual pleasure alone, although it is normal to get turned on and can
actually help the process of you relaxing and releasing.

There are various techniques in tantra that are used during a yoni massage. Penetration is only
one of them. It is good to start without penetration first, massaging the whole area around your
Yoni, slowly and consciously, with intention and tenderness and curiosity. Find the areas that
are most tense, charged, sensitive, or aching for connection/touch. Gently pause and apply
pressure to them, very lightly and with willingness to surrender into what emotions may be
present beyond any sensations. Breathe into your heart and really soften into the experience
with no expectations or ulterior motive. The longer you stay with charged areas, gently applying
pressure, massage, or just non-urgent touch (with no agenda), the more likely you are to
experience deeper emotional release. With every release comes greater relaxation and

If you desire to work with internal penetration after exploring outwardly, Start with one finger,
preferably from your non dominant hand. (It’s more gentle.) Then, place your other hand over
the clitoris. Making contact inside and outside simultaneously connects both areas. Next, you
can gently tap the inner wall of the yoni canal with your finger to stimulate that area and create
movement of stuck energy. Then move into soft circular movements and side-to-side strokes.

4. Listen your body

Throughout the process, the most important thing to remember is to move slowly. Be curious
and listen to your yoni with no goal other than to be with what’s present and honor her.
Feel for any tension, pain, or numbness. If you find some, hold that area and breathe into it to
help release whatever is there. All sorts of emotions—fear, anger, sadness—or memories can
arise. Embrace it all and let it come up to the surface. Making any sounds that you need to
make to release and express is also highly encouraged.

5. Pause if you get turned on

Remember the goal here is not sexual arousal or orgasm itself. It is more about release of
tension and trauma stored in our most sacred portals to support deeper opening and surrender
and to free up trapped energy - but arousal and orgasm is completely welcomed, also! Although
it might be difficult, I encourage you to pause if the energy builds and you start to feel orgasmic
energy. Feel the excitement building and circulate some of that energy around your pelvis or up
to your heart, because then later the orgasm becomes deeper and more fulfilling. If a woman
slows down and really trains herself to feel arousal like ripples of an ocean radiating throughout
the body, then orgasm becomes big waves that continue.

Once your yoni massage has come to an end, take a moment to soak it all in. Cup your yoni
with one hand and place the other hand on an area of your body where you want to channel that


to receive it and take it in VERY slow as you insert it consciously. The goal here in fact is to not
actually insert or push it, but to get your desire energy built up first so your body is more
receptive: and then slowly receiving your wand, almost sipping it or taking it in rather than any
form of pushing it inside of you. RECEIVE RECEIVE RECEIVE. No aggression or masculine

Once your body has given you permission to allow the wand to enter your yoni, take your wand
and add some lubrication before gently sliding it inside of you.

Next, use your wand to softly and slowly explore and search for any areas of tension, pain, or
numbness. Any area that feels ‘yucky’, uncomfortable, or slightly numb is worth focusing on.

Once you locate a spot — common areas needing de-armouring include the cervix, the
entrance to the Yoni , deep within the Yoni, and the G-spot — it is time to hold the wand there
and turn your focus to this area before adding further pressure.

Essentially, you are VERY gently pushing into the numbness or pain and facing it by softly
holding presence and pressure there, instead of avoiding it.

Use sound — without any judgment whatsoever — to express what you are feeling and
experiencing is key for healing. Feeling anger? Let it out. Feeling sadness? Let it out. Sound the
pain fully and completely.

If you need to scream, laugh, cry, grunt, growl, moan… anything goes! Express anything that
comes to the surface until you feel the discomfort or numbness naturally subside.

Let everything out and fully release and use your voice. Expressing feelings and sensations that
have been repressed is a powerful, transformative tool in the healing process.


Once you feel satisfied that you have fully expressed and released a certain spot, gently remove
the pressure and ask your body: what do you need now?

Maybe you have had enough for the session and desire a break, journaling, or cuddling with
your partner or yourself. Maybe you want to fall asleep. Maybe you want to watch a movie and
relax. Or maybe you want to continue exploring and releasing. Whatever your body desires and
needs, honour it.

If you do want to continue, locate another area of pain or discomfort and apply pressure within
your Yoni. If you want to, the Yoni can be de-armoured in a single session.

You can also work through multiple areas over the course of multiple sessions. The process is
entirely up to you and under your control.

For many womxn, it will take multiple, consistent de-armouring sessions to heal entirely, release
blockages, and move past any previous sexual trauma.

You will find that after performing de-armouring several times, new sensations and pleasure
may arise from areas such as your cervix or g-spot.


The most important part of this practice is treating yourself with absolute love and acceptance.
No judgment allowed! Only unconditional self-love and deep awareness can facilitate and
support healing.

Allowing your body to feel loved and safe will open you up to healing. Try not to think too much.
Release any judgments. Be careful not to get caught up in how you sound or look.

Really work on letting go, honouring your feelings and desires, and trusting yourself and the

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