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TOPIC 1: (Unit 1)

Write an email (120 - 200 words) to a friend or family member who you don’t see very often.
Write about:

- how you are

- what’s new for you (the place you’re living or the people you’re spending time with)

- what you’re doing these days

TOPIC 2: (Unit 3)

You and some friends have raised $1000 for a charity at university. Write a letter (120 - 200
words) to the people who gave you money to:

- say thank you for their help

- tell them how much money you raised

- how you raised the money and about the charity.

TOPIC 3: (Unit 4)

You are organising an activity at the weekend. Write an email (120 - 200 words) to your friends

- invite them to come

- say where and when the event is

- tell them what they need to bring

TOPIC 4: (Unit 6)

Your best friend, Lisa is worried about her English listening skill. Write an email (120 - 200
words) to Lisa to:

- share some your own experience of learning a language

- give her some advice to inprove listening skill

- suggest some extra listening practice outside the classroom

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