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It's a pleasant morning to all, first, I want to thank everyone for giving their time and willing to
listen to me. I am a youth ambassador who promotes and protects children.

The purpose of my existence here in front of you is because I want to share that there are many
children that need help, and I want to help them, but even I have limits to what I can do. That’s
why I’m here: to promote the country’s program for children’s rights. Children are the future of
our world, and it is our responsibility to ensure that they have the best possible start in life. This
means giving them the right to a safe and healthy childhood, free from abuse, neglect, and

Children have the right to an education, to adequate health care, and to be protected from harm.
They also have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to have their voices heard.
However, not all children have these rights. Millions of children around the world are living in
poverty without access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and education. Many are
forced to work long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions or are victims of abuse and
exploitation. Isn’t it frustrating? Imagine the sound of their stomachs as they don’t have food to
eat, the cry of children who are being abused, and the sound of their breath as they slowly die. As
a human, it breaks my heart to know that there are children that are being treated that way. I want
to prevent this painful experience for these children. They don’t deserve this. That’s why I want
to help them. For those who do not have a voice, I will be their voice so that they can ask for
help. I will become their feet so that they can walk and continue to move forward. In the darkest
night, let us be their light so that they can escape that traumatic experience and start a new

We must take action to protect and promote the rights of all children. This means supporting
organizations that work to improve the lives of children in need and speaking out against
injustices that harm children. We must also advocate for laws and policies that support the rights
of children and hold those who violate these rights accountable. By working together, we can
create a world where all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and where
their rights are respected and protected because these children will become the future of the
world. Thank you.

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