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(Musca domestica)





A thesis Presented to the Faculty of Education Department, Southern Mindanao

Institute of Technology, Inc. National Highway, Barangay Buenaflor,
Tacurong City. In Partial Fulfillments for the Degree
of Bachelor of Secondary Education.



Background of the Study

The Housefly (Musca Domestica) is a common dipterous insect of the family

muscidae, which constitutes a major nuisance and hazard to public health. Female

houseflies often deposit more than 100 eggs at a time on decomposing organic wastes

such as horse manure or fermenting garbage. The young adult houseflies, when they fly

from their filthy breeding sites into human habitations, may carry on their feet many

million bacteria. If they contaminate human food, they can cause bacillary dysentery. In

this way, flies act as vectors of cholera, typhoid fever, amoebic dysentery, poliomyelitis,

anthrax, eggs of parasitic worms, and cysts of Entomoeba histolytica and other


Housefly is a major domestic, medical, and veterinary pest that causes irritation,

spoils food, and acts as a vector for many pathogenic organisms. During wars,

housefly-associated typhoid fever had killed more soldiers than the enemy bullets. Fly

control is still an important public health measure in the 21st century.

Fly problem is an important concern internationally wherever poultry farming is

an important economic activity. Chemical control methods have shown reduction in fly

density and the incidence of fly-associated morbidities in various countries. However,

the chemical control for a routine long-term use can lead to the development of
insecticide resistance. For effective management of the resistant populations, changing

insecticides and application of unrelated insecticide, together with appropriate

environmental sanitation measures, are necessary to keep the fly population under


India is also on the international map for poultry farming. Raipur-Rani is the

second largest poultry belt in India after Tamilnadu in South India. Housefly menace has

become a major problem in this area. Public unrest in this area was reported in the

leading newspapers. However, an often-raised question is that what is the evidence that

housefly problem is due to poultry farming? Whether this is only nuisance or is there

any association with high morbidity? There is no documented evidence to this effect.

This study is an attempt to answer these questions and document the current control

measures that are being adopted in this area. The evidence will be useful not only at the

local level, but also nationally and internationally wherever poultry farms are being

established. Specific study objectives were to determine the extent of housefly problem,

to assess the impact of housefly problem on health and to document the control

measures being adopted to tackle this problem.

Housefly have been a nuisance insect for thousands of years. They affect human

welfare because they can transmit diseases. Flies such as the common housefly are

classified as filth flies because they breed in rotten food, and garbage. A fly can mature

egg to adult in as few as ten days.

The common housefly is one of the most widely distributed insects and has the

ability to transmit diseases to people. The housefly is virtually cosmopolitan and

comprises about 90% of all flies accuring in human habitats. It is a health hazard in

virtually all human communities, ranging in size between small farms and large cities,

wherever food substances suitable for the development of its maggots are allowed to


The common housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is now an

emerging pest in animal shelters and animal farms across The Philippines. A number of

farms, mostly those housing chickens in traditional sheds, where closed by The

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and local governments in

the country in 2017, due to the nuisance caused by houseflies. The issue is being

widely reported in the local media and remains a concern for growers and businesses in

general. Flies, originating from the chicken sheds, have affected neighbouring

settlements as well as towns, causing wide spread protests from the public.

The housefly will breed profusely in discarded poultry droppings and poorly

managed organic waste around the farms. Even though waste is generally removed and

processed in a timely manner, there is still an opportunity for flies to successfully

multiply and thus maintain high populations. However, some farms also discard their

dropping as raw waste in neighbouring areas, making breeding easier and continuous.

Raw droppings mixed with soil as organic fertilizer also attracted flies. The

unsatisfactory management of chicken waste has been cited as the sole reason for the


The common problem in Purok sanay if the increasing

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study was drawn to show the cause and effect

between the independent and dependent.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Application of lemongrass Repellent

oil and chlorine

Figure 1: Schematic diagram

The figure illustrated above present the conceptual framework of the study. It

consists of two variables, Application of lemongrass oil and chlorine as independent

variable, Repellent as dependent variable.

This study will be conducted because the researcher wanted to know if the

lemongrass oil and chlorine is effective as housefly repellent. Through this the

researcher will determine the effect of lemongrass oil and chlorine as housefly repellent.

This is why research study is conceived.

Statement of the Problem

The Study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Lemongrass and Chlorine as

Housefly Repellent.

Specifically, the study sought answers to the question hereafter stated.

1. What are the materials needed in making housefly repellent?

2. What are the chemical components of lemongrass oil and chlorine?

3. What is the level of application of housefly repellent?

4. What is the level of effect of housefly repellent?

5. Is this repellent environment friendly?


The lemongrass oil and chlorine can be effective as housefly repellent.

Significance of the Study

This research study can contribute an idea to young minds in creating new

alternative repellent that could be found in nature and supermarkets. Research studies

like this develop the value of resourcefulness and open-mindedness to the young

researchers this will serve as an alternative housefly repellent.

Scope and Limitation

This research focuses on the effectiveness of lemongrass oil and chlorine as an

insect repellent. Due having difficulties in finding test subject, not all kind of insect will

be tried and tested. This study is limited to testing insect repellent made from

lemongrass oil and chlorine on housefly in an open area.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were operationally defined to render better understanding of

the study.

Insect repellent refers to the output made from lemongrass oil.

Lemongrass oil refers to the type of essential extracted from lemongrass stalks.

Chlorine it is used to disinfect water and is part of the sanitation process for

sewage and industrial waste.



This research presents the related literature, information gathered from journals,

web and other references that aid the researchers in the conceptualization of the study.

Lemongrass is a tropical perennial plant, which yields aromatic oil. The name

“lemongrass” is derived from the typical lemon-like odor of the essential oil present in

the shoot. The lemongrass oil of commerce is popularly known as Cochin oil in world

trade, since 90% of it is shipped from Cochin port. The state of Kerala in India had the

monopoly in the production and export of lemongrass oil. The annual world production

of lemongrass oil is around 1000 t from an area of 16,000 ha. In India, it is cultivated in

about 4000 ha and the annual production is around 250 t. The crop is extensively

cultivated in the poor, marginal and wastelands, and also along the bunds as live mulch.

The well-ramified root system of the plant helps in soil and water conservation.

Lemongrass oil is used in culinary flavoring. It is used in most of the major categories of

food, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, frozen dairy desserts, candy

baked foods, gelatins and puddings, meat and meat products, and fat and oils. It is used

to improve the flavor of some fish and can be used to flavor wines, sauces, etc.
Lemongrass oil has no adverse effects on the blood, liver function, kidney function,

protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of rats. In the Caribbean, lemongrass is

primarily regarded as a fever-reducing herb (especially where there is significant

catarrh). It is applied externally as a poultice to ease pain and arthritis. In India, a paste

of leaves is smeared on patches of ringworm. Lemongrass oil is one of the most

important essential oils being widely used for the isolation of citral.


From the WEED Society of Pakistan (2019), it is stated that the components of

lemongrass oil varied with where they are planned. Hence, major constituents of

lemongrass oil are critical, geranoil, mycerence, citronellal, and limonene. According to, lemongrass gas large amount of geranial and neral and small

amounts of geranoil and citronellal which are used for repelling insects.

Cymbopogon, Lemongrass is one of approximately 55 other species of grasses

in the Poaceae family of grasses. Of these multiple varieties, the two most popular ones

are Cymbopogon citratus and Cymbopogon flexuosus. Though both can be used to

produce essential oils, the former is largely used for culinary purposes, whereas the

latter is more popular for use in essential oils and perfumes. The Lemongrass herb has

stalks that are fibrous and smell much like lemons. In an essential oil, the scent of

Lemongrass is fresh and light with a hint of lemon.

Lemongrass oil is the essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of Cymbopogon

citratus (DC.) Stapf., Poaceae [. Geranial (α-citral) and neral (β-citral) are the two main

active components of lemongrass oil, but other compounds, such as geraniol and
citronellol, which are known repellents, are also present in small amounts. Lemongrass

essential oil has previously shown a repellent effect, alone or in combination, against

different species of disease-transmitting mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and the house

fly Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), and is already present in commercially

available products. Frédéric Baldacchino,(2013) Frédéric Baldacchino,

ColineTramut, Ali

Salem, EmmanuelLiénard, EmilieDelétré, MichelFranc,ThibaudMartin,Gérard

Duvallet, and Pierre Jay-Robert1

Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus) is an effective repellent against

mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and house flies (Diptera: Muscidae). In this study, its

effectiveness was assessed on stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in laboratory conditions.

First, we demonstrated that lemongrass oil is an active substance for antennal olfactory

receptor cells of Stomoxys calcitrans as indicated by a significant increase in the

electroantennogram responses to increasing doses of lemongrass oil. Feeding-choice

tests in a flight cage with stable flies having access to two blood-soaked sanitary pads,

one of which was treated with lemongrass oil, showed that stable flies (n = 24) spent

significantly more time in the untreated zone (median value = 218.4 s) than in the

treated zone (median value = 63.7 s). No stable flies fed on the treated pad, whereas

nine fed on the untreated pad. These results suggest that lemongrass oil could be used

as an effective repellent against stable flies. Additional studies to confirm its spatial

repellent and feeding deterrent effects are warranted.(  Pierre Jay-Robert1 2013) Frédéric

Baldacchino,,* ColineTramut, AliSalem, EmmanuelLiénard, EmilieDelétré, MichelFranc, Thibaud

Martin, Gérard Duvallet, and PierreJayRobert1
A number of repellent products contain chemical compound like DEET (N, N-

Diethyl-meta-toluamide) used as active chemical component in insect repellent, are now

turn to all natural ingredients as more negative data is released. Lemon grass is listed

on the Environment Protection Agency (EPA)’s and Generally Recognized as safe

(GRAS)’s list means it is extremely safe (Gumban, 2019). Individuals everywhere

throughout the world have come to depend on the strong insect repellent properties of

lemon grass and use it as an individual and area spray

Chlorine is a widely used industrial chemical. Individuals can be exposed to

chlorine through transportation accidents, industrial exposures or misuse of domestic

cleaners. While most exposed individuals recover normal pulmonary function, chlorine

can cause a variety of lung injuries including pulmonary edema, restrictive lung disease,

and obstructive disease, including Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome. Residual

effects of chlorine exposure are a function of intensity of exposure, minute ventilation

during exposure, and host characteristics such as cigarette smoking and atopy. This

monograph will summarize uses of chlorine, the potential for accidents, the mechanism

of chlorine toxicity in the lung, and review acute and chronic effects of chlorine exposure

on the lung, as well as systemic effects of massive chlorine exposure.

In spite of being a major vector for several domestic, medical, and veterinary

pests, the control aspect of the common housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera:

Muscidae) is often neglected. In the present study, the essential oil of Cymbopogon

citratus and its major components were evaluated for control of housefly. The chemical

composition analysis of C. citratus oil by gas chromatographic mass spectrometry (GC–

MS) revealed citral (47 %) and 1,8-cineole (7.5 %) as principal components. The
analysis of oil vapor by solid phase microextraction (SPME/GC–MS) showed increase in

citral (74.9 %) and 1,8-cineole (8.6 %) content. Assay of oil against housefly larvae and

pupae through contact toxicity assay showed lethal concentration (LC) 50 value of

0.41 μl/cm2 and of percentage inhibition rate (PIR) of 77.3 %, respectively. Fumigation

assay was comparatively more effective with LC 50 of 48.6 μl/L against housefly larvae,

and a PIR value of 100 % against housefly pupae. The monoterpenes, citral, and 1,8-

cineole, when assessed for their insecticidal activity against housefly larvae, showed

LC50 of 0.002 and 0.01 μl/cm2 (contact toxicity assay) and LC50 of 3.3 and 2.4 μl/L

(fumigation assay). For pupicidal assay, both citral and 1, 8-cineole had a PIR value of

100 %. High efficacy of citral and 1,8-cineole against housefly, established them to be

an active insecticidal agent of C. citratus oil. The study demonstrates potentiality of C.

citratus oil as an excellent insecticide for housefly control, and the results open up the

opportunity of oil/monoterpenes being developed into an eco-friendly, economical, and

acceptable product.

House fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) is an important medical and

veterinary insect pests causing a serious diseases to human and livestock by vectoring

more than 100 human and animal pathogenic organisms such as protozoa cysts,

helminth parasites, enteropathogenic becteria and enterovirus (Tarelli et al., 2009;

Hana, 2013). In Thailand, Maipanich et al. (2010)reported the eleven kinds of helminth

eggs and larvae were found on house flies in fifty one tourist areas in twenty two

province of Thailand, including Bangkok, such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris

trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis, Taenia spp., Spirometra sp., Opisthorchis virerrini,

Echinostoma sp. and Eurytrema sp. In fact, controls of house fly commonly depened on
chemical pesticides, because of their speedy action and easy application. Unfortunately,

the resistance of house fly to chemical pesticides have increased (Khan et al., 2013).

Moreover, chemical pesticides also have toxic side effect to humans, animals and

environment (Sinthusiri and Soonwera, 2013). However, the alternative strategies for

house fly control are need. Therefore, the environmental friendly and biodegradable

natural pesticides from plants origin have been receiving attention as an alternative

green pesticide for controlling insect pests (Phasomkusolsil and Soonwera, 2012).

The essential oils from plants or herbs are documented for exhibition of acute

toxicity, anti-feeding and oviposition deterrents against a wide variety of insect pest,

including house fly (Isman, 2006; Koul et al., 2008). Moreover, plant essential oils

considered for controlling house fly because of their selectivity, high toxicity for insect,

target specificity, minimal environmental effects and safety to humans (Tarelli et al.,

2009; Kumar et al., 2013). Besides, many researchers have reported the bioefficacy of

essential oils from Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon nardus, Cymbopogon

winterianus, Citrus sinensis and Pogostemon cablin were evaluated for their insecticidal

activity against larvae, pupae and adults of house fly (Palacios, 2009; Pavela, 2008,

Kumar et al., 2011; Kumar et al., 2012; Morey and Khandagle, 2012; Sinthusiri and

Soonwera, 2010). Sinthusiri and Soonwera (2013) also reported that the insecticidal

effects of twenty essential oils derived from herbs against adult of house fly, the most

effective were shown by C. citratus oil, M. piperita oil and L. angustifolia oil, showing

100% mortality at 24 h. and LT50 (median lethal time) values of 2.22, 2.62 and 3.26

min., respectively. However, C. odorata oil exhibited high potential of oviposition

deterrent and ovicidal action against three mosquito species (Aedes aegypti, Anopheles

dirus and Culex quinquefasciatus (Phasomkusolsil and Soonwera, 2012).

Chapter III


This chapter presents research design, locale of the study, the respondents

of the study, data gathering instruments, the procedure and statistical statement.

Research Design

This study is experimental research design to collect and gather data. By

conducting experiments on insects, specifically, housefly, this research hopes to show

the efficacy of lemongrass oil and chlorine as insect repellent.

Locale of the study

The study will conducted at Purok Saranay San Pablo, Tacurong City, Province

of Sultan Kudarat. 2021-2022.

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of the study would be twenty (20) households from Purok

Saranay San Pablo, Tacurong City Sultan Kudarat. The researcher used random

sampling technique in determining the respondents.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers made survey questionnaire was used to gather relevant data

related to the effectiveness of lemongrass oil and chlorine as a housefly repellent. The

rating scale of the questionnaire used the 3 –point liker scale with responses to choose

ranging from 3 which means strongly disagree;2 as not certain and 1 as strongly agree.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission from the dean of college of education,

program adviser, and participants of the study to conduct the study. upon the approval

of the dean, the program adviser and the participants of the study , the researchers

conducted the study.

The researchers took photos of the participants before and after applying the

repellent on the surfaces. The researchers observe the changes in hour after.

Statistical Treatment
The data will be gathered, tallied and analysed to answer the research problem,

the means of the responses were computed and only the highest and the lowest were

emphasize In the presentation of findings. To answer the effectiveness of lemongrass

oil and chlorine of the product, weighted mean will be used. For determining the

relationship of lemongrass, and chlorine and housefly repellent of the product. The

scale used to rate the product in terms of effectiveness n shown hereafter.

Scale Description

1-(effective) there is no housefly on the surface

2-(slightly effective) housefly become lesser

3-(not effective) no effect on housefly


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