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Fill in the table to summarize the Pituitary Disorders and Diabetes Mellitus

Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti- Diabetes Insipidus

Diuretic Hormone
Possible Causes (3 each) -Meningitis (inflammation of the -Brain tumor that damages
meninges) hypothalamus or pituitary gland
-Encephalitis (inflammation of (cranial)
the brain) -Severe head injury that
-Brain tumors damages hypothalamus or
pituitary gland (cranial)
-Congenital (Nephrogenic)
Urine Output Less than 3ml/kg/hr More than 40ml/kg/24 hr
Urine Specific Gravity Greater than or equal to 1020 1.005 or less
Serum Osmolality < 275 mOsm/kg <200 mOsm/kg
Electrolyte Imbalance (if any) Sodium Sodium and Potassium
Signs and Symptoms (5 each) -Nausea and Vomiting -dehydration
-Malaise -dizziness and lethargy
-Headache and Lethargy -nausea
-Seizures -fainting
-Personality changes such as -confused and sluggish
combativeness, confusion, and
Danger Signs (2 each with Hyponatremia Polyuria
rationale) Rationale: Decreased in sodium Rationale: It can cause
level can lead to decreased dehydration which can lead to
consciousness, hallucination, seizures, permanent brain
coma, brain herniation, and damage, and death.
Rationale: Extreme water loss or
excess sodium intake can cause
Nursing Management (5 each w/ -Monitor I and O, daily weights. -Monitor I and O, Report urine
rationale) Rationale: Water retention may volume >200mL for each 2
cause poor urine output. Monitor consecutive hours or 500mL in 2-
for retention daily weights-same hour period.
scale, same time of the day. Rationale: Patients void large
-Restrict fluids. urine volumes independent of
Rationale: It is vital as this the fluid intake. Urine output
prevents further fluid retention in ranges from 2-3L/ day with renal
the body. DI to > 10L with central DI
-Assess and monitor respiratory -Monitor for Polydipsia
status. Rationale: If the patient is
Rationale: Excess fluid can settle conscious and the thirst center is
around lungs, and heart. Monitor intact, thirst can be reliable
for signs of congestion and indicator or fluid balance and
difficulty breathing. strongly suggest DI
-Administer medications as -Monitor laboratory or
indicated or prescribed by diagnostic values.
physician. Rationale: Specific gravity may
Rationale: Vasopressin be 1.005 or less, urine osmolality
antagonist medications are given will be decreased and serum
to block the action of ADH. osmolality will increase, patient
Diuretics are also administered with DI has increased urine
to decrease urine concentration sodium levels and
and increase water excretion. hypernatremia, hypokalemia
-Monitor laboratory or may result from the increase in
diagnostic values. urinary output of potassium.
Rationale: Hyponatremia is the -Provide easily accessible fluid
hallmark sign of SIDH. Monitor source, keeping adequate fluids
serum sodium, serum potassium, at bedside.
serum chloride, serum Rationale: Encourages fluid
concentration, urine specific intake
gravity. -Monitor for signs of
hypovolemic shock.
Rationale: Frequent assessment
can detect changes early for
rapid intervention. Polyuria
causes decreased circulatory
blood volume.
Medical Management (3 each w/ -Furosemide -Sulfonylureas
indication/action) Indication: Acute pulmonary Indication: used as adjunct to
edema, edema, hypertension diet and exercise for the
Action: Inhibits sodium and treatment of type 2 diabetes ,
chloride reabsorption at the and adjunct treatment for
proximal and distal tubules and polycystic ovary syndrome.
the ascending loop of Henle. Action: Stimulates insulin release
-Demeclocycline from the beta cells in pancreas.
Indication: used to treat They improve insulin binding
infections caused by bacteria receptors and may actually
including pneumonia and other increase the number of insulin
respiratory tract infections, receptors.
certain infections of the skin, -Hydantoins
eye, lymphatic, intestinal, Indication: Controls tonic-clonic
genital, and urinary system. and psychomotor seizures,
Action: inhibits cell growth by prevention of seizures during
inhibiting translation. It binds to neurosurgery, control of status
the 30S and 50S ribosomal epilepticus.
subunit and prevents the amino- Action: Stabilize the CNS nerve
acyl tRNA from binding to the A membranes by decreasing the
site of the ribosome, which excitability and hyperexcitability
impairs protein synthesis by of ionic channels in the cell
bacteria. It  impairs the action of membrane through stimulation.
antidiuretic hormone, but it is -Sulfonamides
thought that it blocks the Indication: considered to be a
binding of the hormone to its milder form of diuretics
receptor. compared to loop diuretics.
-Tolvaptan Action: it causes active pumping
Indication: Hypervolemic and out of chloride from the cells
euvolemic hyponatremia in lining the ascending limb of loop
hospitalized patients, including of Henle and distal tubule by
those with heart failure or blocking the chloride pump.
SIADH, to slow kidney function
decline in patients at risk for
rapidly progressing autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney
Action: Antagonizes the effect of
vasopressin, causing an increase
in urine excretion, which results
in an increase in free water
clearance, a decrease in urine
osmolality, and ultimately an
increase in serum sodium level.

Type of DM Type 1 Type 2
CBG level >250 mg/dL >600mg/dL
Ketone 1.6- 2.9 mmol/L normal
Medical Management (3 each - Maintain fluid intake of Diabetes medications
with 5 nursing responsibilities at least 2500 liters/ day - Assess blood glucose
each and w/ rationale) within cardiac tolerance levels before meals and
when oral intake is at bedtime
resumed. Rationale: Ransom blood
Rationale: This maintains glucose test results should be
hydration and adequacy of between 140-180 mg/dL
circulating volume. - Explore client’s health
Hydration causes a decline in beliefs about physical
counter-regulatory exercise and review
hormones, enhances renal exercise program
glucose clearance following recommendations
improved renal perfusion, Rationale: Stress that the
and augments insulin patient should exercise at
sensitivity. the same time and the same
- Monitor laboratory intensity each day. Exercise
studies such as blood should be done prefereably
glucose levels, serum when the blood glucose
ketones, potassium, levels are at their optimum.
sodium, creatinine, and - Educate client on
BUN. medications prescribed.
Rationale: DKA occurs when Rationale: to enhance
the blood glucose level is > patient knowledge and to
250mg/dL. Elevated ketones promote compliance
are associated with DKA. - Educate patient on
Initially hyperkalemia occurs maintaining consistency
in response to metabolic in food and approximate
acidosis. As the fluid volume time intervals between
deficit progresses, the meals
potassium level decreases. Rationale: A consistent
- Monitor ABG for amount of food and time
metabolic acidosis. interval between meals helps
Rationale: ABGs frequently prevent hypoglycemic
show typical manifestations reactions and maintain
of metabolic acidosis, low overall glucose control.
bicarbonate, and low pH of < - Provide intructions to
7.3. patients using self-
- Insert indwelling urinary monitoring blood
catheter as indicated. glucose
Rationale: This provides Rationale: It is an important
accurate measurement of factor in diabetes
urinary output, especially if management. When patients
autonomic neuropahies know their blood glucose,
result in neurogenic bladder they can adjust their
with urinary retentiton and treatment regimen and
overflow incontinence. The obtain optimal blood glucose
catheter may be removed control.
when client is stable to Insulin therapy
reduce risk of infection. - Ensure patient has
- Administer Isotonic dietary and exercise
solutions initially. regime and using good
Rationale: The initial goal of hygiene practices.
the therapy is to correct Rationale: To improve the
circulatory fluid volume effectiveness of the insulin
deficit. Isotonic normal saline and decrease adverse
will rapidly expand effects.
extracellular fluid volume - Rotate injection sites.
without causing a rapid fall Rationale: To avoid damage
in plasma osmolality. Client to muscles and to prevent
typically need one to three subcutaneous atrophy.
liters within first two hours - Always verify name of
of treatment. the insulin being given.
Electrolyte replacement Rationale: Each insulin has a
- Administer dextrose to different peak and duration,
IV fluid when blood and names can be confused.
glucose level is less than - Monitor patients food
180 mg/dL. intake and exercise.
Rationale: When blood sugar Rationale: To ensure
decreases, isotonic sodium therapeutic effect and avoid
chloride solution is replaced hypoglycemia.
with 5%-10% dextrose with - Provide client education
half isotonic sodium chloride about drug effects and
solution. This is to prevent warning signs .
occurance of hypoglycemia Rationale: To report to
and excessive decline in enhance patient knowledge
plasma osmolality. and to promote compliance.
- Administer IV potassium Weight Loss surgery
and other electrolytes as - Monitor tolerance to
indicated. fluid and food intake,
Rationale: If potassium level noting abdominal
is greater than 6 mEq/L, do distention, and reports
not administer potassium of increased pain,
supplement. Monitor until cramping, nausea, and
potassium level are 4.5-6 vomiting.
mEq/L, then administer. Rationale: Complications of
- Administer bicarbonate paralytis ileus, obstruction,
as indicated. delayed gastric emptying,
Rationale: It is only infused if and gastric dilation may
decompensated acidosis occur, possibly requiring NG
starts to threaten the client’s tube.
life, especially when - Note admission weight
associated with either sepsis and compare with
or lactic acidosis. subsequent readings
- Educate patient about Rationale: provides
dietary sources of information about the
electrolytes. adequacy of dietary intake
Rationale: Electrolytes such and determination of
as sodium, potassium, nutritional needs.
calcium, magnesium, and - Caution patient to limit
chloride. A balanced diet intake of ice chips
provides sources of Rationale: Excessive intake of
electrolytes. Whole grains, ice produces nausea and can
nuts fruits are good sources wash out electrolytes via NG
of potassium. tube
- Educate patient and - Provide oral hygiene on
family on signs and a regular, frequent basis,
symptoms of electrolyte including petroleum jelly
abnormalities. for lips
Rationale: This will provide Rationale: prevents
the patient with more discomfort of dry mouth and
independence in managing cracked lips caused by fluid
their care and preventing restriction and NG tube
further complications. - Assess site for any signs
Insulin therapy of infection.
- Ensure patient has Rationale: Redness, swelling,
dietary and exercise pain, prulent discharge from
regime and using good incision, are signs of
hygiene practices. infection.
Rationale: To improve the
effectiveness of the insulin
and decrease adverse
- Rotate injection sites.
Rationale: To avoid damage
to muscles and to prevent
subcutaneous atrophy.
- Always verify name of
the insulin being given.
Rationale: Each insulin has a
different peak and duration,
and names can be confused.
- Monitor patient’s food
intake and exercise.
Rationale: To ensure
therapeutic effect and avoid
- Provide client education
about drug effects and
warning signs .
Rationale: To report to
enhance patient knowledge
and to promote compliance.

Rapid Short Intermediate Long

Onset Lispro Aspart Glulis Regular NPH (Neutral Glargine detemir
15-30 15 ine 30-60 min protamine Hagedorn) 3-6 hrs unknown
min min 5-15 1-1.5 hrs
Peak 30-90 1-3 1 hr 2-3 hrs 4-12 hrs Continuous (no
min hrs peak)
Duration Great 3-4 5 hrs 4-6 hrs Up to 24 hrs 24 hrs
er hrs
to 5
Best time No more than 15 30 minutes before 10-30 minutes before Before bedtime
to minutes before eating. eating a meal breakfast and dinner
Nursing - Monitor client’s food - Provide - Use caution - Monitor
Responsibi intake and exercise patient when mixing patient’s
lities (5 Rationale: to ensure education types of sensory
each w/ therapeutic effect about insulin losses
rationale) - Ensure that effects and Rationale: to ensure Rationale: to
*Do not patient has warning appropriate incorporate its
include dietary and signs suspension and needs into safety.
rotate exercise Rationale: to therapeutic effect - Assess for
site, WOF regimen and enhance patient - Monitor contraindi
s/sx of have a good knowledge and nutritional cation or
hypoglyce hygiene promote status cautions
mia) Rationale: to improve compliance Rationale: to provide Rationale:
the effectiveness of - Monitor nutritional appropriate
medication and results of consultation monitoring and
decrease adverse effect laboratory - Inspect the dose adjustments
- Always check or skin areas can be completed
the name of diagnostic potential for - Do not
the insulin values injection. give
being given Rationale: include Rationale: areas that insulin
Rationale: Insulins have urinalysis, for are bruised, injection
different peak and evidence of thickened, or scarred concentra
duration and names glucosuria interfere with insulin ted IV
can be confusing - Assess absorption Rationale: severe
- Store insulin in activity - Provide anaphylactic
a cool place level, comfort reactions can
away from including measures occur
direct sunlight amount Rationale: to help - Carefully
Rationale: to ensure and degree patient cope with monitor
the effectiveness of the Rationale: to drug effects patients
medication determine which - Provide good being
- Monitor can alter serum skin care switched
patient glucose levels and Rationale: to prevent from one
response the need for drugs. development of type of
carefully - Obtain infections and insulin to
Rationale: to avoid and blood changes in another
address adverse effect glucose therapeutic insulin Rationale: it can
if there is any level as doses result in transient
ordered and serious hypo-
Rationale: to hyperglycemia
monitor response - Educate
to insulin the client
- Perform to avoid
physical alcohol
assessment Rationale: it can
Rationale: to cause serious
establish a baseline reactions
before beginning
insulin therapy
Brand Lispro, Novolog, Humulin (R), NPH Lantus
Names Glulisine Velosulin Humulin Levemir
available Novolin Novolin N Tresiba
in the
s (3 each)


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