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Received: 4 May 2020    Revised: 22 July 2020

DOI: 10.1111/mmi.14583


SMC and the bactofilin/PadC scaffold have distinct yet

redundant functions in chromosome segregation and
organization in Myxococcus xanthus

Deepak Anand  | Dominik Schumacher | Lotte Søgaard-Andersen

Department of Ecophysiology, Max Planck

Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Abstract
Marburg, Germany In bacteria, ParABS systems and structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) con-
Correspondence densin-like complexes are important for chromosome segregation and organization.
Lotte Søgaard-Andersen, Department of The rod-shaped Myxococcus xanthus cells have a unique chromosome arrangement
Ecophysiology, Max Planck Institute for
Terrestrial Microbiology, Karl-von-Frisch in which a scaffold composed of the BacNOP bactofilins and PadC positions the es-
Straße 10, 35043 Marburg, Germany. sential ParB∙parS segregation complexes and the DNA segregation ATPase ParA in
the subpolar regions. We identify the Smc and ScpAB subunits of the SMC com-
Funding information plex in M. xanthus and demonstrate that SMC is conditionally essential, with Δsmc
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft TRR 17
Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial cells; or ΔscpAB mutants being temperature sensitive. Inactivation of SMC caused defects
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in chromosome segregation and organization. Lack of the BacNOP/PadC scaffold
also caused chromosome segregation defects but this scaffold is not essential for vi-
ability. Inactivation of SMC was synthetic lethal with lack of the BacNOP/PadC scaf-
fold. Lack of SMC interfered with formation of the BacNOP/PadC scaffold while lack
of this scaffold did not interfere with chromosome association by SMC. Altogether,
our data support that three systems function together to enable chromosome seg-
regation in M. xanthus. ParABS constitutes the basic and essential machinery. SMC
and the BacNOP/PadC scaffold have different yet redundant roles in chromosome
segregation with SMC supporting individualization of daughter chromosomes and
BacNOP/PadC making the ParABS system operate more robustly.


bactofilin, PadC, ParA, ParB, ScpAB, Smc

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N et al., 2015; Dame et al., 2020). This organization includes position-
ing of individual chromosomal loci to the same subcellular locations
Chromosome segregation is closely coordinated with cell division to in each cell cycle and is established during segregation (Viollier et al.,
ensure that daughter cells inherit the correct chromosome comple- 2004). Because replication and segregation occur in parallel in bac-
ment. Bacterial chromosomes are highly compacted and organized teria, cells face the task of not only faithfully segregating daughter
to fit into the confines of cells while still allowing DNA replication, chromosomes to opposite cell halves but simultaneously lay down
repair, recombination, and segregation to occur (Badrinarayanan these chromosomes in a spatially organized manner.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Molecular Microbiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Molecular Microbiology. 2020;00:1–18.  |     1
2       ANAND et al.

Generally, bacteria contain a single chromosome, replication conserved than the ParAB proteins. Generally, a ParABS system is
initiates at a single, well-defined origin of replication (ori), pro- dispensable for viability but lack thereof causes chromosome seg-
ceeds bidirectionally and terminates in the terminus region (ter) regation defects resulting in the formation of anucleate cells (Fogel
(Badrinarayanan et al., 2015). The subcellular locations of ori and ter and Waldor, 2006; Lee and Grossman, 2006; Yamaichi et al., 2007;
define two overall chromosome arrangements (Badrinarayanan et al., Donovan et al., 2010; Vallet-Gely and Boccard, 2013; Ginda et al.,
2015). In the more frequently described ori-ter longitudinal pattern, 2013) and only in a few species has this system been shown to be
and as observed for instance in Caulobacter crescentus (Viollier et al., essential (Mohl and Gober, 1997; Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014;
2004), these two regions localize at opposite cell poles, and with Jung et al., 2019).
the two replichores arranged in close contact in-between and in the In bacteria, three types of SMC complexes with low sequence
same order as the genetic map (Viollier et al., 2004; Le et al., 2013; similarity have been identified, that is, the Smc/ScpA/ScpB, MukB/
Marbouty et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015). During chromosome seg- MukE/MukF, and MksB/MksE/MksF complexes (Nolivos and
regation, one ori copy remains in the polar region while the second Sherratt, 2014) with the Smc/ScpA/ScpB type being the most wide-
copy is segregated to the opposite pole. Alternatively, and as de- spread (Gruber, 2011). Smc proteins have an ATPase head formed
scribed in Escherichia coli (Niki et al., 2000; Nielsen et al., 2006; Wang by the N-and C-terminal domains, which contain a Walker A and
et al., 2006), ori and ter are localized around midcell and the two rep- Walker B sequence motif, respectively, as well as a hinge domain;
lichores are in opposite cell halves. During segregation, the two ori two long antiparallel coiled-coil domains separate the ATPase head
copies are segregated symmetrically to opposite cell halves. Two from the hinge (Nolivos and Sherratt, 2014; Yatskevich et al., 2019)
systems have key functions in chromosome organization and segre- (Figure 1a). The hinge mediates dimerization and ATP binding results
gation in bacteria, ParABS system (Wang et al., 2013; Badrinarayanan in formation of a ring-shaped Smc dimer (Nolivos and Sherratt, 2014;
et al., 2015) and the Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) Yatskevich et al., 2019). The ScpA kleisin homolog reinforces ring
condensin-like complex (Nolivos and Sherratt, 2014; Badrinarayanan formation while the ScpB dimer interacts with ScpA (Nolivos and
et al., 2015; Dame et al., 2020). Sherratt, 2014; Yatskevich et al., 2019) (Figure 1a). Based on work
ParABS systems are widespread in bacteria (Livny et al., 2007) in several bacteria, SMC complexes of the Smc/ScpA/ScpB type are
and consist of three components: First, one or more parS sequences loaded onto the two daughter chromosomes during chromosome
located close to ori (Livny et al., 2007). Second, the ParB protein, segregation at the ParB∙parS complexes close to ori (Sullivan et al.,
which binds parS sequences, and then, spreads along the chromo- 2009; Gruber and Errington, 2009; Minnen et al., 2011; Tran et al.,
some to form large nucleoprotein complexes (Mohl and Gober, 1997; 2017; Böhm et al., 2020; Chan et al., 2020). Each SMC complex is
Lin and Grossman, 1998; Murray et al., 2006; Graham et al., 2014; thought to encircle the two replichores of a daughter chromosome
Osorio-Valeriano et al., 2019; Soh et al., 2019; Jalal et al., 2020). and translocate many kbp away from the loading site while aligning
Third, the P-loop ATPase ParA, which binds DNA nonspecifically the two replichores and, in parallel, individualizing the two daughter
and also interacts with the ParB∙parS complex (Leonard et al., 2005; chromosomes (Le et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2015; Marbouty et al.,
Fogel and Waldor, 2006; Ptacin et al., 2010; Schofield et al., 2010; 2015; Minnen et al., 2016; Tran et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017; Böhm
Lim et al., 2014). ParA binds DNA in its ATP-bound dimeric form, and et al., 2020). Inactivation of SMC causes defects in chromosome seg-
ParB stimulates the low intrinsic ATPase activity of ParA leading to regation (Niki et al., 1991; Yamanaka et al., 1996; Britton et al., 1998;
the formation of ParA monomers, which do not bind DNA (Leonard Moriya et al., 1998; Jensen and Shapiro, 1999; Mascarenhas et al.,
et al., 2005; Ptacin et al., 2010; Schofield et al., 2010; Lim et al., 2014). 2002; Danilova et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2010; Schwartz and Shapiro,
The mechanism of ParABS systems in chromosome segregation is 2011; Minnen et al., 2011; Petrushenko et al., 2011; Gruber et al.,
best understood in C. crescentus (Ptacin et al., 2010; Schofield et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; Chan et al., 2020). Moreover, in some spe-
2010; Lim et al., 2014). Here, upon replication and formation of the cies lack of SMC results in growth defects and even lethality at in-
two ori-proximal ParB∙parS complexes, one remains at the pole and creased growth rates including at increased temperatures (Niki et al.,
the other interacts with ParA-bound nonspecifically to the chromo- 1991; Britton et al., 1998; Moriya et al., 1998; Mascarenhas et al.,
some. This interaction results in stimulation of ParA ATPase activity 2002; Soppa et al., 2002; Gruber et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014).
and its release from the chromosome, leaving ParB∙parS complex Myxococcus xanthus is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped deltapro-
free to interact with adjacent DNA-bound ParA dimers. Successive teobacterium with a unique lifecycle in which transitions between
cycles of these interactions generates a gradient of ParA across the different stages are regulated by nutrient availability (Konovalova
nucleoid and results in ParB∙parS complex translocation across the et al., 2010). In the presence of nutrients, newborn cells contain
nucleoid toward the opposite pole (Ptacin et al., 2010; Schofield a single 9.14 Mb sized chromosome (Goldman et al., 2006) that is
et al., 2010; Hwang et al., 2013; Vecchiarelli et al., 2013; Lim et al., replicated once per cell cycle (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014) and
2014). Some ParABS systems function together with polar landmark spores, which are formed in response to starvation, contain two
proteins to anchor ParB∙parS complexes at the poles and sequester densely packed chromosomes (Tzeng and Singer, 2005). Newborn
ParA (Bowman et al., 2008; Ebersbach et al., 2008; Schofield et al., cells have an ori-ter longitudinal arrangement in which ori and ter
2010; Yamaichi et al., 2012; Donovan et al., 2012; Ptacin et al., 2014; are oriented toward the old and new pole, respectively. Uniquely,
Lin et al., 2017). Interestingly, these landmark proteins are much less ori and ter localize subpolarly and are separated from the tip of the
ANAND et al. |

Hinge Smc
(a) (b)
1 1200

Anti-parallel Walker A Coiled-coil Hinge Coiled-coil Walker B

(31-38) (176-443) (528-647) (679-862) (1122-1126)
ScpA ScpB

Walker B motif Walker A motif 1 289 1 329

(C-ter) (N-ter) HD WHD WHD WHD
(23-104) (193-272) (76-142) (165-295)


F I G U R E 1   Domain architecture of proteins of the SMC complex in M. xanthus. (a) Architecture of the Smc dimer and Smc2ScpAScpB2
complex. See also main text. (b) Domain architecture of M. xanthus Smc, ScpA, and ScpB. Numbers correspond to amino acid residues. In
Smc, the five conserved domains or sequence motifs are indicated. ScpA has the characteristic domain organization with an N-terminal
helical domain (HD) and a C-terminal winged-helix domain (WHD) (Figure S2a) while ScpB contains the two characteristic WHD domains
(Figure S2b) (Yatskevich et al., 2019)

poles by ~1 µm (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014). Specifically, the systems have different yet redundant functions in chromosome seg-
ParB∙parS complexes localize ~1 µm from the pole tips while ParA regation and organization M. xanthus.
forms large subpolar patches bridging from a pole tip to a subpolar
ParB∙parS complex (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014). These dis-
tinct patterns depend on the three bactofilins BacN, BacO, BacP, 2 | R E S U LT S
and the PadC adaptor protein (Lin et al., 2017). Bactofilins polym-
erize spontaneously in vitro (Kühn et al., 2010; Koch et al., 2011; 2.1 | Deletion of smc or scpAB causes a temperature
Bulyha et al., 2013; Vasa et al., 2015; Deng et al., 2019) and PadC is sensitive growth defect
a ParB-like protein (Lin et al., 2017; Osorio-Valeriano et al., 2019).
In vivo and in vitro evidence supports that BacNOP together with We identified M. xanthus homologs of Smc (MXAN_4901), ScpA
PadC co-assemble to form subpolar scaffolds extending ~1  µm (MXAN_3841), and ScpB (MXAN_3840) but not of MukBEF or
away from a pole tip to anchor the ParB parS complexes at their MksBEF types of SMC complexes (Figures 1b and S1–S2). Orthologs
pole-distal end, thereby, robustly positioning these complexes at of M. xanthus Smc, ScpA, and ScpB with high sequence identity/
a distance from the pole tip. Monomeric ParA interacts with PadC similarity were identified in Myxococcales with fully sequenced ge-
in the BacNOP/PadC scaffold and localizes along the entire scaf- nomes (Figure S3a,b) and the neighborhood of the M. xanthus genes
fold (Lin et al., 2017; Osorio-Valeriano et al., 2019). ParA and ParB was conserved in other Myxococcales (Figure  S3a,b). The genetic
are essential, and their depletion causes chromosome segregation organization suggests that smc is not part of an operon while the 3′
defects and divisions over the nucleoid (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, end of scpA and 5′ end of scpB overlap indicating co-transcription
2014). BacNOP and PadC are not essential but in their absence (Figure S3a,b).
the ParB∙parS complexes localize more randomly, ParA is no lon- To assess the function of Smc, ScpA and ScpB in M. xanthus,
ger sequestered in the subpolar regions, the nucleoid is reduced in we considered that smc mutations can cause temperature sensitive
length, and cells have a moderate increase in chromosome number growth defects being lethal at increased temperatures. Therefore, we
(Lin et al., 2017). attempted to generate an in-frame deletion of smc and a double scpAB
To understand how the unique chromosome arrangement in in-frame deletion in the wild-type (WT) DK1622 at 25°C as well as at
M. xanthus is accomplished, we focused on the function of SMC in 32°C, the latter being the temperature at which M. xanthus is normally
chromosome segregation and organization. We show that SMC is propagated under laboratory conditions. Both mutants were readily
important for both processes and is conditionally essential, with mu- obtained at 25°C but not at 32°C. By contrast, in strains containing
tants lacking SMC being nonviable at an increased temperature. We a plasmid integrated in a single copy at the attB site and expressing
also report that BacNOP/PadC scaffold is not only important for an- either smc-mCherry or scpAB from their respective native promoter
choring of the ParB parS complexes, but also for segregation of these (Figure  S3a,b), we readily obtained the in-frame deletions at 32°C.
complexes. Finally, lack of both SMC and the BacNOP/PadC scaffold WT and the two complementation strains had similar growth rates
is synthetic lethal altogether supporting a model whereby these two in casitone growth medium at 25 and 32°C while the two in-frame
4       ANAND et al.

deletion mutants had reduced growth rates at 25°C; at 32°C, growth Phase contrast microscopy revealed that Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells
of the Δsmc and ΔscpAB mutants dramatically decreased immedi- at 25°C were significantly longer than WT cells, and after 12 hr at
ately after the temperature shift (Figure 2a). The temperature sen- 32°C (from hereon 32°C (12 hr)), Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells were even
sitivity of the Δsmc and ΔscpAB mutants was also observed on solid longer (Figures  2c and S5). At both temperatures, an increased
casitone medium (Figure  2a). Because some species lacking SMC fraction of Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells had a cell division constriction
are hypersensitive to DNA gyrase inhibition (Nolivos and Sherratt, at midcell compared to WT but the mutants did not form minicells
2014), we tested the Δsmc and ΔscpAB mutants for sensitivity to the (Figures 2d and S5), suggesting that completion of cell division was
DNA gyrase inhibitor novobiocin. Both mutants were hypersensitive delayed in both mutants while positioning of the division site was
to novobiocin compared to WT (Figure  2b) as previously observed unaffected. The cell length and division defects were complemented
for Deinococcus radiodurans (Bouthier de la Tour et al., 2009) and E. by ectopic expression of smc-mCherry and scpAB in the relevant
coli (Weitao et al., 1999; Adachi and Hiraga, 2003; Petrushenko et al., strains (Figures 2c,d and S5). We conclude that Smc and ScpAB are
2016). In immunoblots, Smc-mCherry accumulated as a full-length conditionally essential and that lack of Smc or ScpAB causes a tem-
protein in the complementation strain (Figure S4a), supporting that perature sensitive growth defect with lethality at 32°C that is asso-
the full-length fusion protein is active. ciated with a cell division defect.

(a) 10 (c) 40
25°C 32°C n>300 25°C 32°C (12 hrs)
Optical density (550nm) log10

ns ns
** ns
** **

Cell length (µm)


0 3 6 9 12 24 36 48 72 0 3 6 9 12 24 36 48 72
Time (hrs) Time (hrs) 10
25°C 32°C
10-1 10-2 10-3 10-1 10-2 10-3 25˚C (hrs) 32˚C (hrs)

WT 6.6 ± 0.6 5.9 ± 0.5

ȴsmc 8.8 ± 0.3 NA
6.4 ± 0.8 5.6 ± 0.7
(d) n>300 25°C 32°C (12 hrs)
ȴsmc Pnat-smc-mCh
ȴscpAB 8.9 ± 2.3 NA ns ns
ȴscpAB Pnat-scpAB 7.8 ± 1.5 6.1 ± 1.2 **
** **
% cells with constriction

(b) 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-1 10-2 10-3
WT 30


Novobiocin (µg/ml)

∆scpAB 20



∆smc 10




c- c
AB ∆ Ch

AB ∆ Ch

m mc
∆s T

∆s T


P cp

P scp



t -s
t -s
t m


t -s






F I G U R E 2   Growth and cell division defects in Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells. (a) Growth curves of indicated strains at 25 and 32°C in suspension
(upper) and on a solid surface (lower). In the growth curves, mean ± standard deviation (SD) are shown from three biological replicates. In
the plating assay, plates were incubated for 48 hr. Table indicates generation times of strains at indicated temperatures, NA, not applicable.
(b) Novobiocin sensitivity test of indicated strains. Cells were incubated on plates for 96 hr at 25°C. Novobiocin concentration is indicated to
the left of panels. (c) Cell length distribution of cells of indicated genotypes at 25 and 32°C (12 hr). In the box plots, red and green indicate
the median and mean, respectively, boxes the 25th and 75th percentiles, and whiskers the 10th and 90th percentile. n > 300 for all strains
from three biological replicates. **p < .001, ns, not significant in Mann–Whitney test. (d) Quantitation for cell division constrictions in cells of
indicated genotypes at 25 and 32°C (12 hr). Same cells as in (c) were analyzed. **p < .001, ns, not significant in one-sided Student's t test
ANAND et al. |

2.2 | Lack of SMC causes aberrant chromosome et al., 2013; Treuner-Lange et al., 2013; Schumacher et al., 2017),
segregation single nucleoids were centered around midcell while in cells with
two segregated nucleoids, these were centered around the quar-
To examine the role of SMC in chromosome segregation and or- ter cell length positions (Figure 3b) and in these cells constrictions
ganization, we determined the DNA content of cells by flow cy- were visible between segregated nucleoids (Figure 3b). By contrast,
tometry. At 25 and 32°C, WT and the two complementation strains many Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells at 25°C had a single nucleoid mass
contained one-to-two chromosomes in agreement with previous centered around midcell; at 32° (12 hr), the nucleoids were also not
observations (Tzeng and Singer, 2005). Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells at well separated and more randomly localized but mostly centered
25°C had a decreased fraction of cells with one chromosome and at midcell (Figure 3b). In agreement with these observations, Δsmc
at 32°C, almost all cells contained two chromosomes and some and ΔscpAB cells often had large subpolar regions devoid of DNA
also had an abnormally high DNA content (Figure 3a). Consistently, (Figure 3b). At both temperatures, cell division constrictions in Δsmc
DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-stained cells of WT and the and ΔscpAB cells were frequently observed over unsegregated nu-
two complementation strains contained one or two nucleoids at 25 cleoids (Figure 3b). Because Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells at both tem-
and 32°C (Figure  3b). In agreement with previous reports (Harms peratures are enriched for cells with two chromosomes (Figure 3a),

(a) ∆smc Pnat-smc-mCh ∆scpAB Pnat-scpAB

WT ∆smc ∆scpAB
400 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000


10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
32°C (12 hrs)



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Fluorescence (AU)

WT ∆smc ∆smc Pnat-smc-mCh ∆scpAB ∆scpAB Pnat-scpAB
32°C (12 hrs)

250 250 250 250 250


250 250 250 250 250

32°C (12 hrs)


-10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10

Distance from midcell (µm)
0.0 0.5 1.0

F I G U R E 3   Smc and ScpAB are important for chromosome segregation. (a) Flow-cytometry analysis for DNA content in cells of indicated
genotypes. Cells were stained with Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange and 10,000 cells analyzed per strain. y-axis, number of cells and x-axis,
fluorescence in arbitrary units (AU). Numbers below x-axis indicate chromosome numbers. (b) Nucleoid staining of cells of the indicated
genotypes. Cells grown at 25 and 32°C (12 hr) were stained with DAPI (blue). Upper panels, yellow dots indicate magnified cells; yellow and
white arrowheads indicate constrictions between segregated nucleoids and over nucleoids, respectively. Scale bars, 5 µm. Lower panels,
demographs of DAPI-stained cells at 25 and 32°C (12 hr). Cell profiles were sorted according to cell length and in random orientation.
Numbers in upper right, number of cells included from three biological replicates
6       ANAND et al.

these observations support that Smc and ScpAB are important for 2.4 | Lack of SMC causes a defect in ParB∙parS
chromosome segregation. Because Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells are vi- complex segregation
able at 25°C, we infer that the chromosomes eventually segregate;
the delayed chromosome segregation would explain why these cells To specifically address a segregation defect caused by lack of SMC,
are longer and have a higher frequency of cells with cell division we performed time-lapse fluorescence microscopy at 25 and 32°C on
constrictions. At 32°C, we infer that the segregation defect is more WT and the Δsmc mutant containing ParB-YFP. Because ParB∙parS
dramatic, and therefore, cells do not divide. complexes segregate early during the cell cycle (Harms et al., 2013),
we focused on cells that underwent division, and then, followed
ParB-YFP in these cells. In WT at 25/32°C, the median time from
2.3 | Smc and ScpAB are important for cell division until duplication of the ParB-YFP focus was 20/20 min
positioning of ParB∙parS complexes and ter (n = 12/15). While one of the ParB-YFP foci remained in the subpolar
region of the old pole, the second translocated directionally to the
To further investigate chromosome segregation and organization opposite subpolar region. Both foci remained stably localized in the
in cells lacking SMC, we visualized ori using the ParB parS complex subpolar regions after segregation (Figure 6a). The median translo-
and ter using a fluorescence reporter operator system (FROS)- cation time for ParB-YFP clusters, which was calculated as the time
marker with a tetO array at 180° (from hereon FROS-180°) as prox- from visible duplication of a ParB-YFP focus until it became stably
ies (Harms et al., 2013). ParB binds to 24 parS sites located ~30 kb anchored in the opposite subpolar region, was 30/20 min (n = 25/26)
from ori (Treuner-Lange et al., 2013; Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014) at 25 and 32°C, respectively (Figure 6a).
forming a large nucleoprotein complex that covers ~20 kb (Skotnicka In Δsmc cells at 25°C, the median time from cell division until evi-
et al., 2020). ParB-YFP and TetR-YFP, which binds the tetO array, dent duplication of the ParB-YFP focus was 20/70 min (n = 16/24) at
were synthesized from plasmids integrated at the attB site and ac- 25 and 32°C, respectively. At both temperatures, the translocating
cumulated at 25 and 32°C in all strains tested (Figure S6a,b). ParB-YFP cluster moved aberrantly with frequent pauses and rever-
At both temperatures, WT and the complementation strains sals (Figure 6b) and we frequently observed that ParB-YFP clusters
contained one or two ParB-YFP foci in the subpolar regions and at were not stably localized in the subpolar regions (Figure 6b, cells
the “edge” of nucleoids (Figures  4a,b and S7a). At 25°C, Δsmc and marked with blue and green asterisks) in agreement with the more
ΔscpAB cells, generally, had one or two ParB-YFP foci in the subpolar random localization of these foci by snapshot analysis (Figures 4a
regions and only a few cells with >2 foci. By contrast, at 32°C (12 hr), and S7a). Due to the aberrant movements of the ParB-YFP clusters,
and in agreement with an increase in the chromosome content as we calculated the translocation time for the Δsmc mutant as the time
shown by flow cytometry, a significantly higher number of cells had from evident duplication of the ParB-YFP cluster until both clusters
>2 ParB-YFP foci and, generally, the foci were more randomly dis- appeared stably anchored in opposite cell halves. The median trans-
tributed than at 25°C (Figures 4a,b and S7a). At both temperatures, location time was 80/120 min (n = 21/22) at 25 and 32°C, respec-
the shortest distance from a ParB-YFP focus to the pole tip was sig- tively (Figure 6b). Because the flow-cytometry data (Figure 3a) and
nificantly increased compared to WT (Figure S7b) in agreement with snapshot analysis of ParB-YFP clusters (Figures 4a,b and S7a,b) and
the observations that Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells often had large subpo- the ter region (Figures 5a,b and S7c) do not support that lack of SMC
lar regions devoid of DNA (Figure 3b). causes a replication initiation defect, we speculate that the longer
At both temperatures, the large majority of WT cells had one time interval between cell division and evident cluster duplication
FROS-180° focus somewhere over the nucleoid and 4% of cells had is caused by the segregation defect rather than a defect in initiation
two foci, which were generally located around midcell and with a of replication.
single focus in each cell half (Figures  5a,b and S7c) as previously We conclude that SMC is important for segregation of the
described (Harms et al., 2013). By comparison, >25% of Δsmc and ParB∙parS complex and that lack of SMC causes delayed and aber-
ΔscpAB cells at both temperatures had two foci (Figure 5a,b), and rant ParB∙parS segregation and a defect in anchoring of ParB∙parS
these foci were more randomly organized than in WT and most fre- complexes in the subpolar regions.
quently not in opposite cell halves (Figures 5a and S7c). These ob-
servations are in agreement with the findings that Δsmc and ΔscpAB
cells contain two fully replicated chromosomes (Figure 3a) that are 2.5 | Subpolar ParA-mCherry, PadC-YFP, and BacP
incompletely segregated (Figure 3b). localization and organization are disturbed in the
Altogether, we conclude that SMC is important for positioning of absence of Smc and ScpAB
ParB∙parS complexes and ter consistent with a defect in chromosome
segregation. Moreover, we speculate that the increased fraction of Because ParB∙parS segregation depends on ParA and positioning at a
∆smc cells with two ter regions is a consequence of the segregation distance from the pole tips depends on the BacNOP/PadC scaffold,
defect. This defect, in turn, would cause a delay in cell division, and we examined the accumulation and localization of ParA, PadC, and
therefore, more cells contain two ter regions. BacP in the absence of Smc or ScpAB.
ANAND et al. |

(a) WT ∆smc ∆smc Pnat-smc-mCh ∆scpAB ∆scpAB Pnat-scpAB

32°C (12 hr)


250 250 250 250 250


250 250 250 250 250

32°C (12hrs)



-10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10
Distance from midcell (µm)

(b) 25°C 32°C (12hrs)

100 n=425 n=335 n=451 n=367 n=411 n=289 n=295 n=432 n=401 n=358

80 1
ParB-YFP foci
Number of

% cells

40 4

cp AB




cp AB


m c

m c
t -s sm


t -s sm




P s


P s

t -s

t -s




F I G U R E 4   Smc and ScpAB are important for positioning of ParB∙parS complexes. (a) ParB-YFP localization in cells of indicated genotypes.
ParB-YFP (yellow) was expressed ectopically from the native parB promoter in merodiploid parB+/parB-YFP strains. Cells were DAPI-stained
(blue) and visualized by phase contrast and epifluorescence microscopy and merged images generated. Red arrowheads, cells with >2 ParB-
YFP foci. Scale bars, 5 µm. Lower panels: Demographs of ParB-YFP signals. Cell profiles were sorted according to cell size and in random cell
orientation. Numbers, number of cells included from three biological replicates. (b) Quantitation of ParB foci. Cells were treated as in (a) and
the number of ParB-YFP foci per cell quantified. N, number of cells analyzed from three biological replicates. Error bars, SD

As reported (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014; Lin et al., 2017), at 32°C, the subpolar ParA-mCherry patches appeared fragmented
in WT cells at both temperatures, ParA-mCherry not only displayed (Figure 7a). ParA and ParA-mCherry accumulated at the same level in
the asymmetric signal over the nucleoid indicative of a segregating all three strains at both temperatures (Figure S8a).
ParB∙parS complex, but also the characteristic patches in the nucle- As previously reported (Lin et al., 2017), PadC-YFP in WT occu-
oid-free subpolar regions; and, while smaller cells had unipolar local- pied both subpolar regions at 25 and 32°C and was occasionally also
ization of ParA-mCherry, the remaining cells had bipolar localization detected in a cluster over the nucleoid (Figure 7b). By contrast, in
(Figure 7a). By contrast, in Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells at 25°C as well as Δsmc and ΔscpAB cells at 25 and 32°C these patches also appeared
8       ANAND et al.

(a) WT ∆smc ∆scpAB


32°C (12 hrs)

250 250 250


250 250 250

32°C (12 hr)


-10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10
Distance from midcell (µm)
25°C 32°C (12 hrs) 1 Number of FROS-180
2 TetR-YFP foci
% cells


∆s T

∆s T

∆ mc
∆ mc




F I G U R E 5   Smc and ScpAB are important for positioning of ter. (a) FROS-180° was visualized by binding of TetR-YFP in cells of indicated
genotypes. tetR-YFP was expressed from the cuo promoter. Cells were grown in the presence of 300 µM CuSO 4 for 6 hr before microscopy
to induce synthesis of TetR-YFP (yellow). Nucleoids were stained with DAPI (blue) and cells imaged by phase contrast and epifluorescence
microscopy. Yellow arrows cells with mislocalized FROS-180° foci. Scale bars, 5 µm. Lower panels, demographs of TetR-YFP signal. Cell
profiles were sorted according to cell size and in random cell orientation. Numbers in upper right, number of cells included from three
biological replicates. (b) Quantification of TetR-YFP foci. Cells from (a) were analyzed for the number of TetR-YFP foci per cell and plotted
according to the color code on the right. Error bars, SD

fragmented and, generally, with strong signals at the edge of nucle- of the BacNOP/PadC complex (Lin et al., 2017), and determined its
oids and sometimes over nucleoids. PadC and PadC-YFP accumu- localization using immuno-fluorescence microscopy. BacP accumu-
lated similarly in all three strains at both temperatures (Figure S8b). lated similarly in all three strains at both temperatures (Figure S8c).
To examine BacNOP, we focused on BacP, which is the only of the In WT at 25°C and at 32°C, BacP localized to the subpolar regions
three BacNOP bactofilins that is absolutely essential for assembly similar to ParA and PadC in agreement with previous observations
ANAND et al. |

(a) WT
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
30 min (n=25)

25°C 6

Distance from old pole (µm)

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10
20 min (n=26)


100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

time (min) 0 40 80 120 160 200
Time after division (min)
(b) ∆smc
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10
80 min (n=21)


100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 4

Distance from old pole (µm)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
120 min (n=22)

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
0 40 80 120 160 200
Time after division (min)
time (min)

(c) ∆bacNOP
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 8
150 min (n=33)


Distance from old pole (µm)

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
180 min (n=24)


100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 2

0 40 80 120 160 200
Time after division (min)

time (min) cell length ParB_1 ParB_2 midcell

F I G U R E 6   Lack of Smc or BacNOP causes a ParB∙parS complex segregation defect. (a-c) Cells were grown at 25°C and transferred to a
1.0% of agarose pad supplemented with 0.2% of casitone and imaged after 15 min, and then, every 10 min at 25 and 32°C. Montages (left
panels) and line graphs of ParB-YFP trajectories (yellow, orange) (right panels) are shown. ParB-YFP was expressed ectopically from the
native parB promoter in merodiploid parB+/parB-YFP strains. Colored asterisks in montages indicate the cell for which ParB-YFP trajectories
are shown on the right. Black arrows indicate the time interval used to calculate the translocation time of ParB-YFP clusters. Median
translocation time of ParB-YFP foci is indicated in white on the grey background together with the number of cells analyzed from three
biological replicates. Scale bars, 5 µm. All strains contained the ΔmglA mutation to inactivate the motility systems
10       ANAND et al.

(a) WT Δsmc ΔscpAB (b) WT Δsmc ΔscpAB





32°C (12 hr)

32°C (12 hr)



250 250 250 250 250 250



250 250 250 250 250 250

32°C (12 hr)

32°C (12 hr)


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
-10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10-10 0 10 -10 0 10
Distance from midcell (µm) Distance from midcell (µm)

(c) WT Δsmc ΔscpAB ΔbacP

32°C (12 hrs)

F I G U R E 7   Smc and ScpAB are important for subpolar localization of ParA-mCherry, PadC-YFP, and BacP. (a, b) WT, Δsmc, and ΔscpAB
cells expressing ParA-mCherry from the native promoter at the attB site in parA+/parA-mCherry merodiploids (a) or PadC-YFP from a vanillate
inducible promoter in padC+/padC-YFP merodiploids (b) were grown at 25 and 32°C (12 hr) and imaged. Top row, DAPI stain (blue), middle
row ParA-mCherry (red) and PadC-YFP (yellow), lower row merged images. In (a), brown arrows indicate asymmetric cloud of ParA-mCherry
over the nucleoid; white arrows indicate cells with abnormal ParA-mCherry or PadC-YFP localization. Scale bars, 5 µm. Lower panels,
demographs of ParA-mCherry and PadC-YFP. Numbers, number of cells included from three biological replicates. (c) Immuno-fluorescence
microscopy of BacP in WT, Δsmc, ΔscpAB, and ΔbacP cells. The ΔbacP mutant was used as negative control. Black arrows indicate cells with
abnormal bacP localization. Scale bar, 5 µm
ANAND et al. |

(Bulyha et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2017). However, in Δsmc and ΔscpAB TA B L E 1   Inactivation of SMC is synthetic lethal with lack of the
cells, the BacP signal in the subpolar regions also appeared more BacNOP/PadC scaffold

fragmented at both temperatures (Figure 7c). Target Deletion of target

We conclude that SMC is important for localization and organi- Strain genotype gene(s) gene(s) obtained
zation of ParA-mCherry, PadC-YFP, and BacP in the subpolar regions WT bacNOP Yes
at 25 and 32°C. We speculate that this function together with the Δsmc bacNOP No
function of SMC in chromosome segregation contribute to the re-
Δsmc, Pnat-smc-mCh bacNOP Yes
duced anchoring of the ParB∙parS complexes in the subpolar regions
ΔscpAB bacNOP No
in the absence of SMC.
WT padC Yes
Δsmc padC No
Δsmc, Pnat-smc-mCh padC Yes
2.6 | Lack of the BacNOP/PadC scaffold causes a
defect in ParB∙parS complex segregation ΔscpAB padC No
ΔbacNOP smc No

Next, we analyzed whether the BacNOP/PadC scaffold is also im-

portant for chromosome segregation. At 25 and 32°C, ∆bacNOP and
∆padC cells had similar median time intervals from division to vis-
ible duplication of the ParB∙parS focus as WT (∆bacNOP at 25°/32°C: in the presence of complementing smc-mCherry or scpAB constructs,
30/30 min (n = 20/25); ∆padC at 25°/32°C: 30/20 min (n = 22/23)). respectively expressed ectopically. Similar results were obtained
Both mutants displayed the longer distance between ParB∙parS for deletion of padC. Finally, we observed that smc could not be de-
foci and the tip of the poles at both temperatures as previously de- leted in the ∆bacNOP mutant. Thus, simultaneous loss of SMC and
scribed (Lin et al., 2017). Importantly, both mutants had ParB∙parS BacNOP/PadC cause synthetic lethality indicating that the two sys-
complex segregation defects with the ParB-YFP clusters display- tems function redundantly to support chromosome organization and
ing aberrant movements with frequent pauses and reversals, and segregation.
the clusters were less anchored in the subpolar regions (Figures 6c
and S9a). Accordingly, the median translocation times ranged from
150 to 220 min (n = 24–33) min (Figures 6c and S9a). Because Smc- 2.8 | Smc forms multiple dynamic foci
mCherry accumulated at WT levels in the ∆bacNOP and ∆padC cells over the nucleoid
(Figure S4b) these observations support that the BacNOP/PadC scaf-
fold is not only important for the subpolar anchoring of ParB∙parS Smc has been reported to form dynamic foci over the nucleoid
complexes and subpolar ParA localization, but also for chromosome in several bacteria (Mascarenhas et al., 2002; Jensen and Shapiro,
segregation. Because the Δsmc and ΔscpAB mutants are hypersensi- 2003; Minnen et al., 2011). Therefore, we analyzed the localiza-
tive to novobiocin, we determined the sensitivity of the ∆bacNOP tion of Smc in M. xanthus using the active Smc-mCherry fusion.
and ∆padC mutants to novobiocin. We observed that these two mu- Snapshot images demonstrated that Smc-mCherry formed 1 to
tants had the same sensitivity to novobiocin as WT (Figure S9b). 6 foci per cell over the nucleoid in the ∆smc strain as well as in
the smc+/smc-mCherry merodiploid (Figure 8a,b). The number of
foci correlated slightly with the cell length (Figure  S10a) but the
2.7 | Deletion of smc/scpAB in combination with foci did not localize in a recognizable pattern (Figure S10b). Smc-
bacNOP or padC is synthetic lethal mCherry cluster formation was not observed in the ∆scpAB mu-
tant (Figure S10c) despite Smc-mCherry accumulating in this strain
Lack of the BacNOP/PadC scaffold affects chromosome segrega- (Figure S4a) supporting that the foci represent assembled and ac-
tion, anchoring of ParB∙parS complexes, and subpolar ParA locali- tive SMC complexes.
zation, but the BacNOP/PadC scaffold is not essential for viability. Smc-mCherry accumulated in the ΔpadC and ΔbacNOP mu-
As shown here, lack of Smc or ScpAB is conditional lethal causing tants and formed foci over the nucleoid as in WT (Figures 8a,b; S4b;
chromosome segregation and organization defects, novobiocin hy- S10a). We conclude that Smc-mCherry forms foci independently of
persensitivity, and interfering with the subpolar localization/organi- BacNOP and PadC.
zation of BacP, PadC, and ParA. To test whether the BacNOP/PadC Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of the ∆smc smc-mCherry
scaffold and SMC function redundantly in chromosome segregation strain demonstrated that the Smc-mCherry foci were relocating
and organization, we tested specific double mutants for synthetic dynamically, sometimes giving the impression that they would
lethality at 25° (Table 1). split; however, overall, no recognizable pattern was evident
bacNOP could easily be deleted en bloc in WT; however, in the (Figure S10d). We conclude that Smc forms dynamic clusters over
Δsmc and ΔscpAB mutants, we only obtained the bacNOP mutation the nucleoid.
12       ANAND et al.

(a) WT ∆smc ∆bacNOP ∆padC


Smc-mCh DAPI Merged Smc-mCh DAPI Merged Smc-mCh DAPI Merged Smc-mCh DAPI Merged

100 100 100 100


50 50 50 50

0 0 0 0
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100
Relative cell length (%) Relative cell length (%) Relative cell length (%) Relative cell length (%)
n=332 n=315 n=298 n=278
Smc-mCherry foci

% of cells

Number of

20 3
10 5
WT ∆smc ∆bacNOP ∆padC

F I G U R E 8   Smc-mCherry forms foci over the nucleoid. (a) Localization of Smc-mCherry in strains of indicated genotypes. All strains
except for the ∆smc strain, are smc+/smc-mCherry merodiploids and all strains express smc-mCherry ectopically from the native promoter at
the attB site. Cells were grown at 32°C. Upper panels, cells were stained with DAPI (blue) and imaged. Shown are merged images of phase
contrast, DAPI and Smc-mCherry signals. Below, representative cells (marked with yellow dot in upper panels) with DAPI and Smc-mCherry
signals separately and merged; below, line scans of the representative cells. Scale bars, 5 µm. (b) Analysis of number of Smc-mCherry foci
per cell. In cells from a, the number of Smc-mCherry foci per cell was quantified. N, number of cells analyzed from three biological replicates.
Error bars, SD

2.9 | Smc-mCherry is unstable in the and at 18 hr largely no longer detected. Interestingly, Smc-mCherry
absence of ParB was no longer detectable at 18 hr of ParB depletion suggesting that
ParB is important for Smc stability. Because Smc-mCherry was no
Because ParB∙parS complexes are important for loading of SMC, we longer detectable at the earliest time point where ParB was largely
investigated the relationship between ParB and SMC in M. xanthus. depleted, we did not determine Smc-mCherry localization in the ab-
First, we asked whether the two proteins colocalize. To this end, sence of ParB. Interestingly, Smc-mCherry still accumulated in the
Smc-mCherry and ParB-YFP were co-expressed in the Δsmc mutant. absence of ScpAB (Figures S4a and S12).
Accumulation of both fusions proteins was confirmed by immuno-
blot analysis (Figure  S11a). Epifluorescence microscopy showed
that both proteins formed foci of which only a few overlapped 3 | D I S CU S S I O N
(Figure  S11b). Consistently, time-lapse microscopy demonstrated
that Smc-mCherry formed dynamic foci independently of where Here, we identify the SMC condensin-like complex composed of
ParB-YFP foci localized (Figure S11c). Smc and ScpAB in M. xanthus and demonstrate that SMC is condi-
To analyze the localization of Smc-mCherry in the absence of tionally essential in this slow-growing bacterium. Mutants lacking
ParB, Smc-mCherry was expressed from its native promoter from either the Smc subunit or the ScpAB subunits of SMC were viable at
the ectopic MXAN_18–19 site while parB was expressed from the 25°C but not at 32°C. At the permissive temperature, cells had chro-
Cu2+ inducible cuo promoter from the attB site in a ∆parB mutant. In mosome segregation defects, were hypersensitive to novobiocin,
the presence of 300 µM CuSO 4, both proteins were detected in im- slightly longer than WT, and had an increased frequency of cells with
munoblots (Figure S12). Upon removal of CuSO 4, ParB was depleted, cell division constrictions. At the nonpermissive temperature, these
ANAND et al. |

defects were generally exacerbated. Because cells in which cell BacNOP/PadC scaffold is important for the subpolar positioning of
division is inhibited are filamentous but do not have chromosome the ParB∙parS segregation complexes and sequestration of mono-
segregation defects (Treuner-Lange et al., 2013; Schumacher et al., meric forms of ParA via binding to PadC (Lin et al., 2017). As shown
2017), we conclude that the primary defect in the ∆smc and ∆scpAB here, BacNOP/PadC is not important for SMC accumulation and
mutants is in chromosome segregation and organization and not in localization suggesting that this scaffold is also not important for
cell division. Consistently, direct measurement of the segregation chromosomal loading of SMC. We speculate that the chromosome
dynamics of ParB∙parS complexes demonstrated that they segregate segregation defect in the absence of the BacNOP/PadC scaffold is
more slowly and aberrantly in the absence of the SMC complex than caused by lack of ParA sequestration, which would interfere with
in WT. We conclude that the ∆smc and ∆scpAB mutants are nonvi- formation of the ParA gradient across the nucleoid that is important
able at 32°C because cells cannot divide due to the unsegregated for directional ParB∙parS segregation (Ptacin et al., 2010; Schofield
chromosomes. et al., 2010). In this scenario, the BacNOP/PadC scaffold functions
M. xanthus cells use the ParABS for chromosome segregation to make the ParABS system operate more robustly analogously to
and the BacNOP/PadC scaffold to anchor the ParB∙parS complexes the polar landmark proteins PopZ and TipN in C. crescentus, which
and ParA at distinct locations in the subpolar regions (Harms et al., anchors ParB∙parS segregation complexes (Bowman et al., 2008;
2013; Iniesta, 2014; Lin et al., 2017). By analyzing ParB∙parS complex Ebersbach et al., 2008) and sequesters ParA (Schofield et al., 2010;
segregation dynamics, we found that the BacNOP/PadC scaffold is Ptacin et al., 2014), respectively. Like in several other bacteria, our
not only involved in positioning of ParABS components, but also im- data are consistent with the notion that the primary function of SMC
portant for chromosome segregation. Thus, three systems contrib- is in directly individualizing the two daughter chromosomes during
ute to chromosome segregation in M. xanthus, that is, the ParABS chromosome segregation. Lack of SMC also caused aberrant local-
system, the BacNOP/PadC scaffold and SMC. Interestingly, lack of ization of BacP, PadC, and ParA, which might also contribute to the
any single one of the three causes distinct phenotypes. ParA and chromosome segregation defect. How this effect is brought about
ParB are essential and lack of ParA or ParB causes chromosome seg- is not known but could be a consequence of the increased length of
regation defects, cell divisions over the nucleoid and the formation the nucleoid-free subpolar regions in the absence of SMC or, alter-
of chromosome free cells (Harms et al., 2013; Iniesta, 2014). By con- natively, a direct interaction between BacNOP/PadC and SMC. In
trast, the BacNOP bactofilins and PadC are not essential; and, lack several bacteria, the ParB∙parS complex serves as a loading platform
of BacNOP or PadC causes a slight increase in chromosome content, for SMC (Sullivan et al., 2009; Gruber and Errington, 2009; Minnen
segregation defects, loss of the subpolar anchoring of the ParB∙parS et al., 2011; Tran et al., 2017; Böhm et al., 2020; Chan et al., 2020).
segregation complexes, lack of ParA localization in the subpolar Smc-mCherry was stable in the absence of ScpAB. By contrast, we
regions, and shorter nucleoids but does not cause novobiocin hy- observed that depletion of ParB caused instability of Smc-mCherry
persensitivity [here, (Lin et al., 2017; Osorio-Valeriano et al., 2019)]. in M. xanthus supporting that the two proteins may interact and that
Finally, lack of SMC is conditionally lethal and causes chromosome this interaction is important for Smc stability; however, it remains to
segregation and organization defects, novobiocin hypersensitivity as be determined whether ParB is important for loading of SMC in M.
well as inhibition of cell division. We observed that Δsmc ∆bacNOP, xanthus.
ΔscpAB ∆bacNOP, Δsmc ∆padC, and ΔscpAB ∆padC double mutants Altogether, we suggest a model whereby the large 9.14 Mb M.
were synthetic lethal. These observations together with the differ- xanthus chromosome is segregated and laid down in a spatially or-
ent phenotypes of mutants lacking SMC or BacNOP/PadC support ganized manner by three interacting systems, ParABS constitutes
that these two systems function redundantly to support chromo- the basic machinery for chromosome segregation while SMC and
some segregation and organization, yet, with distinct functions in BacNOP/PadC have different yet redundant roles in this process
these processes. Because cells that lack SMC are viable at 25°C but with SMC supporting individualization of daughter chromosomes
not at 32°C while cells lacking SMC as well as the BacNOP/PadC and BacNOP/PadC making the ParABS system operate more
scaffold are not viable under any condition tested, we conclude robustly.
that the BacNOP/PadC scaffold can support chromosome segrega- It is intriguing that different bacterial species have very differ-
tion at 25°C in the absence of SMC but not at 32°. Along the same ent dependencies on the ParABS system and/or SMC for chromo-
lines, SMC is functional at both temperatures in the absence of the some segregation. The observations that ParABS is essential and
BacNOP/PadC scaffold. Thus, SMC can still exert its essential func- SMC conditionally essential in M. xanthus are particularly interesting
tion chromosome segregation in the absence of the BacNOP/PadC because M. xanthus is a slow-growing bacterium with a generation
system. time of 6–7 hr under standard laboratory conditions. These obser-
What, then, is the function of these three systems and how are vations argue against a fast growth rate being the decisive trait that
they connected? Because the ParABS system is essential, we sug- determines whether these two systems are (conditional) essential.
gest that this system makes up the basic machinery for chromo- In this context, it is also interesting to note that Gruber et al. (2014)
some segregation in M. xanthus. BacNOP and PadC form a subpolar and Wang et al. (2014) reported that chromosome segregation and
scaffold in a mutually dependent manner, that is, lack BacNOP re- growth defects of an smc mutant in B. subtilis were suppressed by
sults in mislocalization of PadC and vice versa (Lin et al., 2017). The reducing the rate of replication. In the future, it will be of interest
14       ANAND et al.

to carry out comparative studies to understand the connection be- M. xanthus cells were grown in liquid 1% of CTT medium or on 1%
tween chromosome segregation, replication rates and the condi- of CTT/1.5% of agar plates at 32°C (Hodgkin and Kaiser, 1977).
tional essentiality of the SMC condensin. Kanamycin and oxytetracycline were added to M. xanthus cells at
concentrations of 40 or 10 µg/ml, respectively. Novobiocin was used
at concentration between 0.01 and 1.28 µg/ml. In-frame gene dele-
4 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS tions were generated as described previously (Shi et al., 2008). All
strains were tested by PCR. Vanillate and CuSO 4 were added where
4.1 | M. xanthus and E.coli strains and growth indicated at the indicated concentrations. Growth was measured as
an increase in OD at 550 nm. E. coli strains were grown in LB broth
M. xanthus strains used in this study are all derivatives of the WT in the presence of relevant antibiotics (Sambrook and Russell, 2001).
DK1622 (Kaiser, 1979). M. xanthus strains, plasmids, and oligonu- All plasmids were propagated in E. coli Mach1 (ΔrecA1398 endA1
cleotides used are listed in Tables  2 and 3, and S1, respectively. tonA Φ80ΔlacM15 ΔlacX74 hsdR(rK- mK+)).

TA B L E 2   M. xanthus strains used in this study

Strain Genotype Source/reference

DK1622 Wild-type Kaiser (1979)

SA4789 Δsmc This study
SA7216 ΔscpAB This study
SA7205 Δsmc, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7248 ΔscpAB, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7249 ΔscpAB, Δsmc, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7207 WT, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7250 ΔscpAB, attB::pDA26 (Pnat-scpAB) This study
SA7210 WT, parB , attB::pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA7209 WT, parA+, attB::pAH59 (Pnat-parA-mCherry) This study
SA7214 Δsmc, parB+, attB::pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA7215 Δsmc, parA+, attB::pAH59 (Pnat-parA-mCherry) This study
SA7280 ΔscpAB, parB+, attB::pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA9249 ΔscpAB, parA+, attB::pAH59 (Pnat-parA-mCherry) This study
SA7219 Δsmc, ΔmglA, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7230 WT, ΔmglA, parB+, attB::pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA7220 Δsmc, ΔmglA, parB , attB::pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA7244 attB::pMAT6 (Pcuo-tetR-YFP), MXAN_3779::pMAT19 (tetO array) This study
SA9247 Δsmc, attB::pMAT6 (Pcuo-tetR-YFP), MXAN_3779::pMAT19 (tetO array) This study
SA9248 ΔscpAB, attB::pMAT6 (Pcuo-tetR-yfp), MXAN_3779::pMAT19 (tetO array) This study
SA7294 ΔbacNOP, smc+, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
LL001 ΔbacP Bulyha et al. (2013)
LL101 ΔpadC Lin et al. (2017)
SA9224 ΔpadC, smc+, attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA9209 WT, MXAN_18–19::pLL143 (P van-padC-YFP) This study
SA9236 Δsmc, padC+, MXAN_18–19::pLL143 (P van-padC-YFP) This study
SA9250 ΔscpAB, padC+, MXAN_18–19::pLL143 (P van-padC-YFP) This study
SA9235 ΔparB, attB::pAH57 (Pcuo-parB), MXAN_18–19::pDA57(Pnat-smc-mCherry) This study
SA7272 Δsmc, ΔmglA, parB , attB::pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry), MXAN_18-19::pDA33 (P van-parB-eYFP) This study
SA7237 Δsmc, ΔscpAB This study
SA9244 Δsmc, attB∷pLS6 (Pnat-smc-mCherry), MXAN_18–19∷pDA79 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA9246 ΔscpAB, attB∷pDA26 (Pnat-scpAB), MXAN_18–19∷pDA79 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA9253 ΔpadC, ΔmglA, attB∷pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
SA9254 ΔbacNOP, ΔmglA, attB∷pAH07 (Pnat-parB-YFP) This study
ANAND et al. |

TA B L E 3   List of plasmids used in this

Plasmid Feature Reference
pBJ114 Plasmid for generation of in-frame deletions in M. Julien et al. (2000)
xanthus; kanR+, galK+
pSWU30 Plasmid for integration at Mx8 attB site, Tet Wu et al. (1997)
pKA28 Derivative of pSWU30 for generation of mCherry Treuner-Lange
fusions et al. (2013)
pMR3690 Plasmid for integration at MXAN_18–19 site; vanillate Iniesta et al. (2012)
inducible promoter for gene expression
pAH07 Derivative of pSWU30, Pnat-parB-YFP Harms et al. (2013)
pAH59 Derivative of pSWU30, Pnat-parA-mCherry Harms et al. (2013)
pDS27 pBJ114; construct for in-frame deletion of smc This study
pLS6 Derivative of pSWU30, Pnat-smc-mCherry This study
pDA11 pBJ114; construct for in-frame deletion of ΔscpAB This study
(MXAN_3841, MXAN_3840)
pMAT19 pBJ114; construct for integration of tetO array at Harms et al. (2013)
pMAT6 Pcuo-tetR-YFP Harms et al. (2013)
pSL16 pBJ114, ΔmglA Miertzschke et al.
pDA26 pSWU30, Pnat-scpAB This study
pDA33 pMR3690, P van-parB-eYFP This study
pMT982 Construct for in-frame deletion of bacNOP Kühn et al. (2010)
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4.2 | Fluorescence microscopy and live cell imaging 4.3 | Flow cytometry

Exponentially growing cells were transferred to slides with a thin Exponentially growing cells (OD550 0.5–0.7) were stained using
pad of 1.0% agarose (SeaKem LE agarose, Cambrex) with TPM buffer Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange Stain (VDCO) (Invitrogen, cat. num-
(10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6, 1 mM KH2PO 4 pH 7.6, 8 mM MgSO 4), cov- ber V35005) at a final concentration of 50 µM at 25 and 32°C for
ered with a coverslip and imaged with a temperature-controlled 30 min according to the sample treatment. Cells were diluted 10-fold
Leica DMi8 inverted microscope. Phase contrast and fluorescence in TPM buffer before DNA content measurement by flow cytometry
images were acquired using a Hamamatsu ORCA-flash V2 Digital (BD LSR Fortessa, Becton Dickinson GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany).
CMOS camera. Time-lapse imaging was performed as described About 10,000 cells were analyzed for each data set. The peaks cor-
(Schumacher and Søgaard-Andersen, 2018). Briefly, cells were responding to cells with one and two chromosomes were identified
transferred to prewarmed 1% of agarose pads supplemented with by comparison to previously published flow-cytometry analyses
0.2% of casitone in TPM buffer mounted on a metallic microscopy (Tzeng and Singer, 2005; Lin et al., 2017). Three technical and three
slide. Slides were covered with parafilm to retain humidity of the biological triplicates were analyzed per strain.
agarose. For generating overlays of phase contrast images and flu-
orescence microscopy images, ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012) was
used. For generating demographs, cells in phase contrast images and 4.4 | Immunoblot analysis
fluorescence signals were detected using Oufti (Paintdakhi et al.,
2016). Demographs were generated in Oufti. For generating kymo- Immunoblots were carried out as described (Sambrook and Russell,
graphs, cells in phase contrast images and fluorescence signals were 2001). α-BacP (Bulyha et al., 2013), α-PilC (Bulyha et al., 2009),
detected using the MicrobeJ plugin (Ducret et al., 2016) in ImageJ. α-ParB (Harms et al., 2013), α-ParA (Harms et al., 2013), α-PadC (Lin
For DAPI staining of nucleoids, cells were incubated with 0.5 µg/ et al., 2017), α-mCherry (Biovision), and α-GFP (Roche Diagnostics
ml of DAPI for 10 min prior to microscopy. Immunofluorescence GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) antibodies were used together with
microscopy detection of BacP was performed as described (Bulyha horseradish-conjugated goat α-rabbit (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) or
et al., 2013). All fluorescence microscopy experiments were analyzed horseradish-conjugated α-mouse sheep IgG antibody as secondary
based on three biological replicates. antibody. Blots were developed using Luminata Crescendo Western
16       ANAND et al.

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Supporting Information section.
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Molecular Microbiology, 87, 235–253. Andersen L. SMC and the bactofilin/PadC scaffold have
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