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SOCIETY – an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common
territory and culture.

- Refers to a companionship or friendly association with others, an alliance, a community or a


It is said that the human person exists to relate with others. The person by nature a social being
because he or she has a tendency to go out of himself or herself to form bonds and relationships with
others. Throughout a person’s life, he or she experiences a variety of relationships that help shape him
or her as a person.

Infants first relate with their immediate family and guardians as the source of basic needs. As they
grow, they expand their horizons and start relating with people who are not part of their immediate
family. They establish friendships beginning in their childhood and into their teenage and adult years.
They also learn how to deal with other figures of authority aside from parents and guardians. As we
grow into adulthood, our relationships and responsibilities also change because we play more
significant roles in the communities we live in.


Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau – were the most prominent social theorists
who tackled the origins of Human Society.

- Imagined humans as living in a so-called “natural state”, removed from modernity and

For Thomas Hobbes, persons in their natural states are governed by their desires and these often lead to
conflict with their fellowmen.

Society, therefore, is the means by which people seek to control their natural tendencies and impose

Social Contract – an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to a
higher authority. In this way, society is able to function and meet the needs of the many, ensuring the
survival of humanity.

John Locke – considered persons in their natural states as more cooperative and reasonable, and that
society is formed through the consent of the individuals that organized it. This concept is known as the
consent of the governed.

Locke’s social contract is a covenant among individuals to cooperate and share the burden of
upholding the welfare of society. Also, the authority established to run society should reflect the
ideals of the people who organized it. Should this authority fail to uphold its obligation or live up to
the ideals of the people, it will be discarded and replaced with a new one.

Jean Jacques Rousseau’s – advocates the concept of ‘general will’. He believed that even if the people
are the ones who organized society and established an authority or government, in extreme cases, the
government is able to impose its will on the people. This is based on the assumption that the people
have empowered the government to act on their behalf, and that is considered to be the best judge of
what Is most beneficial for society.

John Rawl – redefined the social contract and explained that human beings approach social cooperation
in a rational manner in order to meet their individual self-interests.

- He introduced a version of the natural state which he called the Original Position to explain
social formation.

He imagined humans as having a ‘veil of ignorance,’ or no knowledge of one’s own characteristics

such as gender, race, or social status. In this state, humans would naturally seek a just and fair society
in an effort to look out for their own interests.

It is important to note that society is founded on the concept of the Common Good.

Common good – human beings are compelled to come together, establish relationships with each other,
and work together as a united group because of the natural desire for goodness.

- Refers to the social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve

Our nature as human persons drives us to do what is good, and we recognize that other persons also
desire goodness as well. When more than one person desires and works to achieve the same good,
then it can be said that a common good exists among them.

Examples of the common good may include peace within the community, clean and safe public spaces,
and efficient transport system, and efficient public service.

The common good applies to all member of society. This means that not only do all members benefit
from it, all have the responsibility to work for it. By working to attain the common good, a person is
now able to create opportunities for himself or herself as well as others. The collective effort of
individual persons towards the common good ensures that each member of the community will be
able to live in a world where they can pursue their own perfection and fulfillment.



Hunting and gathering society – This is recognized as the earliest and simplest form of society. It is
generally characterized by its small size and is composed mainly of families. They are nomadic because
they spend most of their time searching for food and thus, have no permanent territory.

Pastoral society – characterized by the domestication of animals for food for a more stable and
predictable food supply. Pastoral communities have larger populations than hunting and gathering
societies and remain longer in one place. It also often produce surplus food and resources, which they
trade with other societies.

Horticultural society – primarily engages in the small – scale cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables
and the domestication of animals. Horticultural societies are semi-nomadic, which means that they
travel to another lace when they have already depleted the resources in one area. In this society, roles
and responsibilities are more clearly defined with many tasks assigned according to gender.

Agrarian or agricultural society – this type of society is a further evolution of the pastoral and
horticultural societies. Agriculture involves the large-scale and long term cultivation of crops and
domestication of animals. This society is characterized by improved technology and the use of tools to
aid in farming. The large population of agricultural societies leads to a more structured social system
that helps manage resources and its members.

Feudal society – is based on the ownership of land. Members of this society are organized based on
status. Those who own land are considered the most powerful and influential members of society, while
the peasants are considered the lowest group.

Industrial society – is based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of goods and services.

Post-industrial society –is marked by the establishment of societies based on knowledge, information,
and the sale of services.



1. What are the factors or influences that drove human being to establish societies?
2. Reflect on the groups that you interact with regularly. How do these groups uphold the
common good?

By: Brenda Egonia

SHS Teacher II

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