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EDCI213 Final Examination


Essay A

Compare and contrast the three types of classroom observations. What are their strengths
and weaknesses?

A type of observation for beginning teachers or newly hired staff members is the "pop-in" or
"formative" classroom observation. To get a sense of the teaching and learning process, it is
conducted informally for 20 to 30 minutes. For all teachers for the duration of the entire period,
formal or summative classroom observations can be conducted without prior notice in order to
assess teaching performance. Although a diagnostic or clinical classroom observation can be
conducted unannouncedly and throughout the entire period of instruction, it is only done for a
select few teachers in order to coach, mentor, assist, and enhance their teaching ability.

Essay B

Based on the instructional supervision that you have conducted (assume that you are the
School Head), what are the areas for improvement that you have identified? With these
identified needs, design a one-semester Supervisory Program. Have your own Rationale,
Goals, Objectives, Set of Activities with corresponding objectives, target dates, and
evaluation mechanisms. 

Supervisory Program
(1st Semester)
I. Areas for Improvement:
According to the instructional supervision that was done, some of the areas that require
improvement are classroom management and effective teaching methods.

II. Rationale:
Proactive classroom management is the most effective. An environment that is conducive to
learning is created by effective classroom managers. Teachers should spend their time and effort
creating and maintaining a disruptive-free environment rather than trying to intervene and stop
disruptive behavior. Similar to how good teaching techniques can change a classroom into a
vibrant learning environment. Teaching methods encourage involvement, connection, and
excitement in the students while delivering the lesson's material. To give the students the right
instructional interventions and support, an instructional leader and a teacher should collaborate.
To properly support and direct teachers along with his instruction, an instructional leader should
pay close attention to the areas of instruction that need to be improved.

III. Goals/ Objectives:

1. Establish and sustain an orderly environment in the classroom.
2. Improve the instructional proficiency of teachers.

IV. Set of Activities:

Objective 1:Enhance and improve the classroom management strategy of teachers through a
School Learning Action Cell (SLAC).
Target Date: Can be done every last Friday of the month
Evaluation Mechanism: Classroom observations through a demonstration teaching

Objective 2: Improve and update teachers' skills and teaching methods through an In-Service
Training for Teachers (INSET).
Target Date: March 6-10, 2023
Evaluation Mechanism: Demonstration Teaching and critiquing/ feedbacking

Essay C

Consider this. The HR hired set of new teaching force. These are newly licensed teachers.
The only teaching experiences that they have was during their Practicum in Teaching.
They came from different private and public HEI's with different mission statement and
goals. As the head of these newly hired teachers, what ORIENTATION PROGRAM will
you design? State your goals, specific objectives, set activities and topics, assessment tools.
What is your theoretical foundation for such program?

The orientation program I will develop for the newly hired teachers will be based on the
objectives and mission of the school where they will be working. Along with a team-building
exercise, an orientation seminar-workshop would be one of the activities. These events would
aim to familiarize incoming teachers with the direction and objectives of the school as well as
foster teamwork and friendship among their peers. Effective teaching methods, classroom
management, work ethics, the mission, vision, and goals of the schools, as well as various school
programs and projects, will all be covered in the seminar-workshop. Based on the needs of the
teachers, the assessment would include demonstration teaching for efficient teaching methods
and classroom management, and I can appreciate the significance and value of Argyris' Maturity
Continuum. To effectively lead and promote employee engagement in achieving organizational
goals, administrators must understand human needs and link them to organizational demands.

Essay D

Consider this simple case: Ms. A is a newly hired teacher to handle the vacancy in School A
as a Physical Science teacher. She is a Mathematics graduate from the University of the
Philippines. During the interview, she seems very smart and witty. She has a very good
teaching Philosophy. One day, when her supervisor passes by her room. She was just
sitting on her chair while the students were very noisy. After the class, her attention was
called for by her supervisor. The supervisor mentioned what she noticed while passing by
the classroom of Ms. A. especially the noise while Ms. A. was only sitting on her chair. Ms.
A. replied that her students are done with their task, and “I’m checking papers, I need to
return these papers in the next period”, she added. Aside from this you also received
complaints from students and parents that the Physical Science subject is taught in a very
heavy manner with a lot of Math concepts and principles.  What would you tell Ms. A?
What would be the focus of your conversations? 

The first thing to do is to find out from Ms. A in which areas she is having trouble with her
students or instruction. As I listened to her side, I would inform her that the circumstance I had
noticed as I was walking by her room drew my attention and shouldn't have as a teacher. I would
also tell her that, in addition to good instruction, it is crucial to maintain order in the classroom
and minimize disruption from other classes. In response to the grievances raised by the pupils
and parents, I would plan a formal observation of her class in order to assess her instruction and
be able to see and address the problem with her teaching style. With the right feedback and
support, I believe I can help Ms. A and the students get along with one another and build strong
relationships with both the teacher and the students.

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