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EDCI 214 - 2nd Sem.

, 2022-23

Activity 3


Field of Specialization (Undergrad BEE/BSE) Bachelor of Elementary Education

Below are AREAS usually covered in ‘EVALUATING A CURRICULUM”. As to your

preference as evaluator, check the “way of evaluation” as you deemed appropriate.
Item/Elements/Areas Way of Evaluation

Quali Quanti Both

Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives /

Content/Subject areas /

Instructional Delivery/ /
Teaching methodologies

Learning Content/Competencies /

Learning Resources/Materials /

Faculty /

Quality Assurance framework /

Student Services /

Library /

Students Outcomes / Product /

FACILITIES/Physical Plant /

Community Involvement /

Stakeholders /

Assessment/ Evaluation /

Identify your “OWN” areas for evaluating a curriculum.

Item/Elements/Areas Way of Evaluation

Quali Quanti Both

Instructional Leadership /

School Leadership Management and /


Learning Environment

Human Resource Management and /


Parents’ Involvement and Community /

Justification: (Why these 5?)

In addition to the areas listed for curriculum evaluation, I think the five areas I listed
should also be investigated in order to give teachers, school administrators, and curriculum
specialists the knowledge they need to make policy recommendations that will guarantee and
improve achieved learning outcomes and serve as a basis for decision-making. I'll merely go
into detail about various features that may be comparable or distinct, despite the fact that some
are closely related to the aforementioned areas.

The school principal is held accountable for the learning outcomes in terms of the mean
performance rating of the students in the instructional leadership area. Also, it is crucial that the
school improved teachers' instructional competency throughout the academic year by offering
technical support on content mastery, a variety of creative teaching methods, and suitable
evaluation tools and methods via instructional monitoring. Of course, School Learning Action
Cell, school-based INSET, and classroom observation must all be aligned with the K–12
curriculum's implementation as well as other curricular programs and projects. In order to carry
out the systematic development and dissemination of contextually relevant curricular resources,
we also need to consider how the school is organized into functional teams of Subject Matter
Specialists, Quality Assurance Team, and Subject Area Content Writers.

It is also necessary to assess the area of school leadership management and

operations, specifically how the school fund is managed and that the school head has reported
and filed 100% usage of school allocated budget and other funds. By evaluating through
validation at the school, district, and division levels, School Based Management can also
improve from one higher level of practice to the next.

Although it was already mentioned in the checklist, the learning environment includes
more than just the presence of functional facilities. It also involves the school initiating and
completing research projects that helped implement the Basic Education Learning Continuity
Plan, as well as ensuring a child-friendly learning environment at home by educating the
parents/guardians about the Child Protection Policy.

I also included the need for evaluation in the area of human resource management and
development, which also means that all teachers must take part in professional learning and
development programs at the school, district, division, regional, national, or international level
based on the learning development needs assessment.

The school's generation of funds through the Brigada Eskwela Plus/Adopt a School
Program with stakeholders and the organization of a successful stakeholder mapping activity
that would identify potential partners to support and implement identified priority school
programs and projects can be used to evaluate the parents' involvement and community
partnership. Together with implementing Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, the
HRPTA/GPTA members' increased support, as seen by their active engagement, must also be
assessed by providing feedback on performance evaluation and other pertinent issues.

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