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BSCRIM G2021 02/02/2023

Summary Concept of the Underlying Dimensions of Leadership

1. Universalism
 It is the manner on how you are treating other people. By treating
people how you would like to be treated means that they will
reciprocate the feelig. This builds up trust and safety and in turn,
strong and positive relationships
2. Transformation
 This is basically the procedure of inspiring others. It is crucial to
encourage everyone around them to dream bigger, push harder, and
lead a more fulfilling life. Inspiration cal also make your organization a
more fun place to be in.
3. Benevolence
 This is the empathy of a leader, showing care for others. Giving
support to others out of choice leads to reduced stress, increased
happiness, and an increased sense of social connectedness between
your people.

Five characters of a future leadership and justify

1. Respectful
- It is necessary that a leader would accept somebody for who they are,
even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them.
Respect in relationships builds feeling of trust, safety, and wellbeing
2. Compassionate
- Promoting meaningful connections is important since it is all about
putting aside judgment and refusing to turn away from challenging
3. Humble
- Humility leads to better listening, increased collaboration, and a more
compassionate leadership style. It creates more authenticity and a
constant drive to learn.
4. Competent
- A good leader will know where their strengths and weaknesses lie and
thus know what kind of expertise they will need to surround
themselves with
5. Honest
- It is an important trait to have in building trust and showing
vulnerability to your people. It greatly contributes to how effective a
leader would be.

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