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Q- 1 Define in short:

Project: A project is defined by a fixed time, scope, and resources.

Process: A process is the sequence of steps executed to achieve a goal.

SLC: it’s the series of identifiable stages (or phases) through which it evolves
during its life time.

SDLC: It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace

and alter or enhance specific software.

SDLC Stages: It is a well-defined and ordered set of activities which are graphically
modelled as well as textually described.

phase overlap: is when one project phase begins before the previous one is

SPI: is defined as a sequence of tasks, tools, and techniques to plan and

implement improvement activities to achieve specific goals.

SRS: is a detailed description of a software system to be developed with its

functional and non-functional requirements.
Analysis Model: is a technical representation of the system where the
information, behavior, and functions of the system are defined and translated
into the architecture, component, and interface level design in the design

Functional requirements: Are product features or functions that developers must

implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks it is describe system behavior
under specific conditions

Software development stages:

It is a well-defined and ordered set of activities.
These activities are graphically modelled (represented) as well as textually
described and all together are variously called as software development life cycle
(SDLC) model.

Model is an abstraction of something to understand it before building it. A model
means organizing something with a particular purpose.

pair programming
it is a technique used in XP software development model in which two
programmers at one screen, taking turns to use the keyboard. While one of them
is at the keyboard, the other constantly reviews and provides inputs.

Software metric
It is a measure of software characteristics that are quantifiable or countable, its
measuring software performance, planning work items, productivity, and many
other things related to software during SDLC and even after that.
(Goal – Question – Metric) is a technique that help in measuring the current
status and measuring the effectiveness of the improvement process in SPI

Analysis Model:
is a technical representation of the system. It acts as a link between system
description and design model.

Business Process Model and Notation:

Business Process Model and Notation is one of the Requirement Analysis
Techniques it is used to create graphs that simplify the understanding of the
business process by coordinate the sequence of messages between different
participants in a related set of activities.

Architectural design:
Architectural design is one of the design phase levels, this level is the specification
of the major components of a system, their responsibilities, properties, interfaces,
and the relationships and interactions between them.

Detailed design:
Detailed design is one of the design phase levels, this level is the specification of
the internal elements of all major system components, their properties,
relationships, processing, and often their algorithms and the data structures.
The module simply means the software components that are been created by
dividing the software to small parts to reduce the complexity of complex software
or projects.

It is the connection between the software modules.
We say modules are highly coupled when they are strongly dependent on each
We say modules are loosely coupled when they are not or somehow dependent
on each other.

It is simply means to refine something to remove any impurities if present and
increase the quality.

Refactoring in software design means reconstructing the design to reduce
complexity and simplify it without affecting the behavior or its functions and
improves the internal structure.
STRUCTURED DESIGN is a diagrammatic notation designed specifically to help
people describe and understand systems.

Divide and conquer:

it is a strategy where a problem is broken into several small problems and each
small problem is individually solved until the whole problem is solved.

Objects - All entities involved in the solution design are known as objects.

Software testability is used to measure how easily a software system can be

Defect is anything that is not in line with the software requirement specifications.

It is a document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of
intended testing activities.

Use case:
Use case is a method used to display how the user interacts with the system.
Use case testing:
Use case testing is a technique that helps to identify test cases that cover the
entire system.

Automation testing:
Automation testing is a process of converting any manual test cases into the test
scripts with the help of automation tools, or any programming language is known
as automation testing.

Manual testing:
It is the process of checking the functionality of an application as per the
customer needs without taking any help of automation tools.

glass box testing

structural testing
clear box testing
open box testing
transparent box testing

It tests internal coding and infrastructure of a software focus on checking of

predefined inputs against expected and desired outputs.
Black-box testing:
The black-box testing is a testing technique where the test engineer selects a
module and gives an input value and analysis of whether the function is giving the
expected output or not.

Functional testing:
It is one of the most important parts of black-box testing. It mainly focuses on
application specification rather than the actual code.

A unit is a single testable part of a software system

A unit component is an individual function or code of the application.

Q- 2 True OR False?

1- Who study Software engineering will learn how to Communicate effectively in a

variety of professional contexts.
a) True
b) False

2- Software engineering is concerned with theory and fundamentals

a) True
b) False

3- SDLC defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall
development process.
a) True
b) False

4- A process usually describes the steps to carry out only a single activity.
a) True
b) False

5- A methodology, usually describes all the activities starting from the inception of a
software to its maintenance and retirement stages in the life cycle
a) True
b) False
6- Overlapping is possible in waterfall model …
a) True
b) False

7- in prototype model Errors can be detected much earlier.

a) True
b) False

8- iterative model used When the project is big.

a) True
b) False

9- Agile development model is type of Incremental model.

a) True
b) False

10- The software requirement specification document consistent of all necessary

requirements required for project development.
a) True
b) False

11- In SRS, Modifiability means that SRS should be capable of quickly obtain changes
to the system to some extent.
a) True
b) False
12- SRS is unambiguous when every fixed requirement has multiple interpretation
a) True
b) False

13- Flowchart is useful for both technical and non-technical members

a) True
b) False

14- Gap Analysis help business analysts visualize the start and end dates of all the
tasks in a project
a) True
b) False

15- Functional requirements are also known as quality attribute

a) True
b) False

16- Who study software engineering will know How to elicit requirements from a
client and specify them.
a) True
b) False

17- The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the
overall development process.
a) True
b) False
18- Software development organizations have realized that adherence to a suitable
life cycle model helps to produce good quality software and that helps minimize
the chances of time and cost overruns.
a) True
b) False

19- A process usually describes all the activities starting from the inception of a
software to its maintenance and retirement stages in the life cycle
A methodology, in contrast, describes the steps to carry out only a single activity.
a) True
b) False

20- A documented development process model helps to identify inconsistencies,

redundancies, and omissions in the development process.
a) True
b) False

21- In waterfall Model, It is mandatory for a phase to be completed before the next
phase starts
a) True
b) False

22- In waterfall Model if the application has now moved to the testing stage and
there is a change in requirement, it is very easy to go back and change it
a) True
b) False
23- By using this prototype, the client can get an “actual feel” of the system
a) True
b) False

24- An iterative life cycle model must start with a full specification of requirements.
a) True
b) False

25- Pipelining increases the overall instruction throughput

a) True
b) False

26- In iterative development model, even late changes in requirements are


a) True
b) False

27- The software requirement specification document consistent of all necessary

requirements required for project development.

a) True
b) False
28- The design phase of software development deals with transforming the customer
requirements as described in the SRS documents into a form implementable using
a programming language.
a) True
b) False

29- during interface design, the internal of the systems are completely ignored
a) True
b) False

30- In architectural design, the internal details of major components are chosen, but
the overall structure of the system is ignored.
a) True
b) False

31- The model of software is defined as a set of design classes.

a) True
b) False

32- tester has to understand the client’s point of view and the domain before moving
on with testing activities.
a) True
b) False
33- developers are not allowed to test; the testing should always be carried out by
independent testers
a) True
b) False

34- In functional testing the test engineer will test the system rather than the
a) True
b) False

35- In integration testing, units or individual components of the software are tested in
a group.
a) True
b) False
Q- 3 Multi Choice ...

1- Some of the following points are considered as objectives of software

engineering ... put tag on three of it.
a. how to choose between the different software development processes
b. How to find out the way of getting more expensive product
c. how to use UML notations to develop a system.
d. Understanding that there is no need for customer satisfaction
e. Understanding of the role of risk management
f. How to elicit requirements from a client and specify them.

2- SDLC consist of six stages … chose it among the following by tagging it ...
a. 1: Implementation
b. 2: Comparing
c. 3: Maintenance
d. 4: Designing
e. 5: scheduling
f. 6: Testing & Integration
g. 7: Multiplexing
h. 8: Requirement Analysis
i. 9: Planning
3- One of the following is not belong to SDLC Models … put tag on it.
a. Waterfall
b. Prototyping
c. Checksum
d. Relational unified process
e. Time boxing
f. Extreme programming
g. Agile process
h. Iterative

4- Waterfall model is an example of a…

a. Agile models
b. Sequential model
c. Sequential model

5- In SRS, Completeness means That SRS must include: -

a. All essential requirements
b. Relationship between the requirements
c. Definition of requirements responses
d. Complete implementation details
e. Full labels and references for the tables, diagrams, schedules, etc...

6- Which analysis technique used to create graphs that simplify the understanding
of the business process?
a. Flowcharts
b. Gantt Charts
c. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
d. Gap Analysis
7- which model is excellent for designing good human computer interface systems.
a. Prototyping
b. Iterative Model
c. Rational unified process
d. Time boxing model
e. Extreme programming
f. Agile process

8- Extreme Programming (XP) is type of:

a. Prototyping
b. Iterative Model
c. Rational unified process
d. Time boxing model
e. Agile process

9- In iterative model.
a. less time is spent on documenting and more time is given for designing
b. more time is spent on documenting and less time is given for designing
c. time is spent on documenting and time is given for designing are equal

10- RUP divides the development process into …………. distinct phases
a. Tow
b. Four
c. Five
d. Seven
11- Extreme Programming is one of
a. Prototyping
b. Iterative Model
c. Rational unified process
d. Time boxing model
e. Extreme programming
f. Agile process

12- In which step of SPI Process we realize the early benefits from the process?
a. Current Situation Evaluation:
b. Improvement Planning:
c. Improvement Implementation:
d. Improvement Evaluation:

13- Higher testability means

a. better tests and less amount of bugs
b. the tests are not of great quality,
c. there is a possibility of more bugs in the system

14- When a piece of code has too many defects it is called…….

a. Buggy
b. Defecty
c. Error
15- In use case diagram The rectangle shape represents the……
a. System
b. use case.
c. actor
d. relationship

16- in ……………………… we need to have specific knowledge about the software's

We don’t need programming knowledge of the software.
a. Black Box testing
b. Wight box testing
c. Gray box testing

17- The purpose of unit testing is to:

a. The purpose of unit testing is to test the correctness of isolated
b. The focus of the integration testing level is to expose defects at the
time of interaction between integrated components or units.
c. The goal of integration testing is to check the correctness of
communication among all the modules.
d. System testing is a series of different type of tests with the purpose
to exercise and examine the full working of an integrated software
computer system against requirements.
Q- 4 There are two common reason causing phase
overlapping, describe one.

1- In spite of the best effort to detect errors in the same phase in which
they are committed, some errors escape detection and are detected
in a later phase. These subsequently detected errors cause the
activities of some already completed phases to be reworked.
If we consider such rework after a phase is complete, we can say that
the activities pertaining to a phase do not end at the completion of
the phase, but overlap with other phases.

2- An important reason for phase overlap is that usually the work

required to be carried out in a phase is divided among the team
members. Some members may complete their part of the work earlier
than other members. If strict phase transitions are maintained, then
the team members who complete their work early would idle waiting
for the phase to be complete, and are said to be in a blocking state.
Thus the developers who complete early would idle while waiting for
their team mates to complete their assigned work. Clearly this is a
cause for wastage of resources and a source of cost escalation and
inefficiency. As a result, in real projects, the phases are allowed to
overlap. That is, once a developer completes his work assignment for
a phase, proceeds to start the work for the next phase, without
waiting for all his team members to complete their respective work
Q- 5 Mention the four phases of RUP

1. Inception –
The idea for the project is stated. The development team determines if the
project is worth pursuing and what resources will be needed.
2. Elaboration –
The project's architecture and required resources are further evaluated.
Developers consider possible applications of the software and costs associated
with the development.
3. Construction –
The project is developed and completed. The software is designed, written,
and tested.
4. Transition –
The software is released to the public. Final adjustments or updates are made
based on feedback from end users.

Q- 6 There are four cycle steps in SPI … mention two of

them with the diagram

1. Current Situation Evaluation:

2. Improvement Planning:
3. Improvement Implementation:
4. Improvement Evaluation:
Q- 7 SPI methods mainly categorized into two categories
mention them and give one example of each.

 inductive (bottom-up approach)

Quality Improvement Paradigm (QIP)
Improvement framework utilizing lightweight assessment and improvement
planning (IFLAP)

 prescriptive (top-down approach)

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Software Process Improvement and Capability determination (SPICE)

Q- 8 There are three Objectives of Analysis Modelling

mention one only
 It must establish a way of creating software design.
 It must describe the requirements of the customer.
 It must define a set of requirements that can be validated, once the
software is built.
Q- 9 In Analysis Modelling there are seven elements
mention it and draw the graph which represent that …
1. Data Dictionary:
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):
3. Data Flow Diagram (DFD):
4. State Transition Diagram:
5. Process Specification:
6. Control Specification:
7. Data Object Description:

Q- 10 Solution requirements consist of two large groups,

what are they?
Give one example of each group.

1. Functional requirements:
Are product features or functions that developers must implement to enable
users to accomplish their tasks.
For example:
The system sends an approval request after the user enters personal information.
2. Nonfunctional requirements:
Are not related to the system functionality, rather define how the system should
For example:
The system should be able to handle 20 million users without performance
Q- 11 What is the prototyping advantages on
requirements analysis?
 Gives a visual representation of the product.
 Stakeholders can provide feedback early

Q- 12 Software Engineering is required due to 5 reasons,

mention it ...

• To manage Large software

• For more Scalability
• Cost Management
• To manage the dynamic nature of software
• For better quality Management

Q- 13 Advantages of Prototype model:

 Users are actively involved in the development Since in this methodology a
working model of the system is provided, the users get a better
understanding of the system being developed.
 Errors can be detected much earlier.
 Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions.
 Missing functionality can be identified
Q- 14 Why the Software engineering is so important?
(1) Reduces complexity:
(2) To minimize software cost:
(3) To decrease time:
(4) Handling Big projects:
(5) Reliable software:
(6) Effectiveness:

Q- 15 Mention the stages of SDLC

(1) Planning
(2) Requirement Analysis
(3) Designing the Architecture
(4) Implementation or Developing
(5) Testing & Integration
(6) Maintenance
Q- 16 Advantages of Waterfall model:

1. Simple and easy to understand and use.

2. For smaller projects, waterfall model works well and yield the appropriate
3. Since the phases are rigid and precise, one phase is done one at a time, it is
easy to maintain.
4. The entry and exit criteria are well defined, so it easy and systematic to
proceed with quality.
5. Results are well documented.

Q- 17 Draw the prototype model diagram:

Q- 18 Disadvantages of Prototype model:
 Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems.
 Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as
scope of the system may expand beyond original plans

Q- 19 Disadvantages of Iterative model:

 Each phase of an iteration is rigid with no overlaps.

 Costly system architecture or design issues may arise because not all
requirements are gathered up front for the entire lifecycle.

Q- 20 When to use iterative model:

 When Requirements of the complete system are clearly defined and
 When the project is big.
 Major requirements must be defined; however, some details can evolve
with time.
Q- 21 Answer six of the followings

1- RUP Stands for……………………………………………………

2- XP stand for ………………….......................................
3- (SPI) stand for ……………………………………………………
4- GQM stand for …………………………………………………..
5- SRS stand for ………………………………………………………
6- BPMN stand for ………………………………………………….
7- DFD stand for………………………………………………………
8- OOD stand for……………………………………………………..

Q- 22 Time box model Advantages:

Speeds up the development process and shortens the delivery time.

Well suited to develop projects with a number of features in short time period.
Q- 23 Time box model Disadvantages:

 Project management becomes more complex.

 Not suited to projects in which entire development work cannot be divided
into multiple iterations of almost, equal duration.

Q- 24 In Extreme Programming the cost of changing a

program can be held mostly constant over time, this can
be achieved with seven steps ... describe it:
1. Emphasis on continuous feedback from the customer.
2. Short iterations
3. Design and redesign
4. Coding and testing frequently
5. Eliminating defects early, thus reducing costs
6. Keeping the customer involved throughout the development.
7. Delivering working product to the customer
Q- 25 Advantages of Agile model:

1. Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.

2. People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools.
3. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
4. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months).
5. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
6. Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
7. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
8. Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
9. Even late changes in requirements are welcomed.

Q- 26 Disadvantages of Agile model:

1. In case of some software deliverables, especially the large ones, it is
difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of the software
development life cycle.
2. There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
3. The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is
not clear what final outcome that they want.
4. Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions
required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie
programmers, unless combined with experienced resources.
Q- 27 What is the reason of using software metric?

1. Increase return on investment (ROI)

2. Identify areas of improvement
3. Manage workloads
4. Reduce overtime
5. Reduce costs

Q- 28 What is the guidelines for an appropriate use of

software metrics?

1- Link software metrics to goals.

2- Track trends, not numbers
3- Set shorter measurement periods
4- Stop using software metrics that do not lead to change
Q- 29 What are the goals of SPI?

1- increasing development speed,

2- achieving higher product quality
3- reducing costs.

Q- 30 What are the Characteristics of good SRS? Mention 5


1. Correctness
2. Completeness
3. Consistency
4. Unambiguousness
5. Ranking for importance and stability
6. Modifiability
7. Verifiability
8. Traceability
9. Design Independence:
10. Testability
11. Understandable by the customer:
12. The right level of abstraction:
Q- 31 requirements analysis process involves 5 steps ...
mention it …

Step 1: Identify Key Stakeholders and End-Users

Step 2: Capture Requirements
Step 3: Categorize Requirements
Step 4: Interpret and Record Requirements
Step 5: Sign off

Q- 32 There are many technique of requirement analysis,

mention four of it

1. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN):

2. Flowcharts:
3. Gantt Charts:
4. Gap Analysis:

Q- 33 How many levels of phases of design? Mention it

1. Interface Design
2. Architectural Design
3. Detailed Design
Q- 34 What are The set of fundamental software design

1. Abstraction
2. Architecture
3. Patterns
4. Modularity
5. Information hiding
6. Functional independence
7. Refinement
8. Refactoring
9. Design classes
Q- 35 Mention the specification of Quality in Design
1. Object Correctness:
A good design should be correct i.e. it should correctly implement all the
functionalities of the system.

2. Efficiency:
A good software design should address the resources, time, and cost optimization

3. Understandability:
A good design should be easily understandable, for which it should be modular
and all the modules are arranged in layers.

4. Completeness:
The design should have all the components like data structures, modules, and
external interfaces, etc.

5. Maintainability:
A good software design should be easily amenable to change whenever a change
request is made from the customer side.
Q- 36 Testability can be determined by six features
mention it ...

1. Controllability:
2. Observability
3. Availability
4. Simplicity
5. Stability
6. Information

Q- 37 Explain briefly
1. Software Verification VS Software Validation

 Validation: is helps in building the right system.

While carrying out validation we look at whether the system is in line with
customer’s requirement or not.
 Verification: is helps in ensuring if the system is being developed in the
right way.
The focus of verification is on the quality of software that is being developed,
whether it follows all the standards or not, is it well engineered?
2. Software Testing VS Software Debugging

 Software testing uncovers defects and debugging locates and corrects it.
 Software testing is a very important aspect of software development cycle
whereas debugging is a result of testing activities.
 Testing begins soon after development starts. Debugging starts when
testers start reporting defects.
 Software testing involves verification and validation (V&V) of the software
whereas debugging looks in to actual cause behind the defect and corrects

3. Software Engineering VS. Computer Science:

 Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals; This field

involves the understanding and application of both abstract and concrete

 Software engineering is a field largely concerned with the application of

engineering processes to the creation, maintenance, and design of software
for a variety of different purposes.
Q- 38 Testing involves performing the four main activities,
mention it

1. Test suite design.

2. Running test cases and checking the results to detect failures.
3. Locate error.
4. Error correction.

Q- 39 Describe the shapes that used to represent the

elements of Use Case Diagram:

1. System: The rectangle shape represents the system.

2. Use Case: The oval shape represents the use case.
3. Actor: The stick figure represents the actor.
4. Relationship: The arrow represents the relationship.

Q- 40 How to perform Use Case Testing?

There are four steps used to perform use case testing:

Step 1: Start by identifying the use-case scenarios.
Step 2: Identify one or more test cases for each scenario.
Step 3: Identify conditions that make the scenario execute, for each test case.
Step 4: Add the data values to complete the test case.
Q- 41 Manual testing divided into three types of testing,
mention it
1. White box testing
2. Black box testing
3. Gray box testing

Q- 42 Advantages of White box testing:

1. White box testing optimizes code so hidden errors can be identified.
2. Test cases of white box testing can be easily automated.
3. This testing is more thorough than other testing approaches as it covers all
code paths.
4. It can be started in the SDLC phase even without GUI

Q- 43 The functional testing is classified into four levels

describe it ...
1. Unit testing.
2. Integration testing.
3. System testing.
4. User acceptance testing.
Q- 44 Types of Performance Testing:
1. Load testing
2. Stress testing
3. Scalability testing
4. Stability testing

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