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1. Write a program to enter a string and find the number of UPPERCASE

letters present in the string.

2. Write a program to enter a string and count and display the number of
vowels present in the string.

3. Write a program to enter a number and check whether the given number is
Niven number or not.

4. Write a program to enter age of 5 students in a single dimensional array

and find the second largest in it.

5. Write a program to enter 5 elements and find the smallest element in that

6. Write a program to enter 5 elements and find the largest element in that

7. Write a program to accept a word and check whether the word is

palindrome or not.

8. Write a program to print the following pattern

9. The Electricity Board charges from their consumers according to the units
consumed per month. The amount is calculated as per the tariff given below.

Unit consumed charges

Up to 100 units Rs.5.50/unit
For next 200 units Rs.6.75/unit
For next 300 units Rs.7.50/unit
More than 600 units Rs.8.50/unit
Write a program to input consumer’s name, consumer’s number and unit
consumed and display amount to be paid.
10. Write a program to accept 5numbers in single dimensional array and
search it by using Linear search.
11. Write a program to arrange elements in single dimensional array and
search it by using Binary search.

12. Write a program to accept a number and check whether the number is an
Automorphic or not.
13. Write a program to accept 10numbers in single dimensional array and
search it by using Linear search.
14. Write a program to find the sum of series given below,
S=1/2+2/3+3/4+4/5…………… n
15.Write a program to accept a string in lowercase and replace ‘e’ with ‘*’ in
the given string. Display the new string.

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