Summative Test in Practical Research 1 (M18-20)

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mSummative Test in Practical Research 1 (M18-20)

1. It is fabricating data and results just to get over the course work or school requirement.
2. It means being transparent avoiding falsifying or misinterpreting data.
3. It should provide a summary of your findings from the literature review.
4. It is a report of published information pertaining to a topic of interest.
5. It should identify your topic, some discussion of the significance of that topic and a thesis statement that outlines
what conclusion you will draw from your analysis and synthesis of the literature.
6. It is a term used to describe a practice that involves knowingly taking and suing another person’s work and claiming
it, directly or indirectly as your own (Neville, 2007)
7. It is an ethical responsibility of the writer to be sensitive to the sensibilities of his audience.
8. It is an act in which the writer tries to deceive the teacher or readers – either for grade or acclaim – into believing he
or she is totally responsible for or originator the content.
9. It occurs when the writer is not trying to cheat or deceive but fails to follow accepted methods of using and revealing
10. It is a reflection of ethical practice.” (Roig, 2017)
Test II-A. TRUE or FALSE. Read the statements carefully then write T if the statement is true and
F if false.
1. Writers may or may not include the source in the review of related literature.
2. Changing information taken from the original text It is allowed.
3. In writing literature, one must consider the type of language to be used.
4. Evaluation and analysis of the text’s meaning is required in writing related
5. Copying texts from the internet without proper citation is ethical.
Test II-B. Below are situations students like you usually do when writing related literature. Put a
( ✔) if the researcher followed the ethical standards in writing related literature
and an (X) if not.
1. Rommel changed the figure in the news article he copied as support to his arguments.
2. Lila just copied a couple of paragraphs in the page of the book she read.
3. Jerso put the author’s name and the year of publication inside the parenthesis after the text he copied from a book.
4. Reese used reporting verbs like ‘claims’ and ‘reveals’ when she presented the gist of the text he read.
5. Rose used foul words in her synthesis of some of the related literature in her research.
Test II-C. Read each line below. Then identify what ethical issues in writing related literature is present. Choose
1. Cecile writes … …
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power
2. Joel writes… …
Man is often tempted by false promises of fulfilment.
3. Jose writes … …
The blacks are more aggressive than the whites.
4. Ruby writes … …
In 2015, the number of cases of teenage pregnancy in the country has risen. This is associated with liquor
intoxication, meet ups and chatting.
5. Connie writes … …
“I shall return”, Lapu Lapu said.
A. The three important and relevant ethical issues to students who will be writing related literature.
B. Steps in writing an effective literature review.
C. What does the literature review consist of?
D. Types of Plagiarism
E. What should a researcher must observe to avoid fraud?
F. The three key points of literature review
G. The purpose of literature review

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