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A Moral Compass Poem Brainstorming

Complete this brainstorming to help you prepare for writing your poem.

1. What gives you purpose?

2. What is a metaphor that you can use to describe your purpose?

3. Fill out the five senses boxes. You don’t have to have something for every box, but you
do need to have something in at least THREE boxes.

Remember, these don’t have to literal. You could say: I tasted the bitterness of being
betrayed by my best friend. (Notice: there’s also alliteration in this line).
What does your
purpose look like?
What does your
purpose taste like?
What does your
purpose sound like?
What does your
purpose feel like?
Note: Feel refers to the physical
sensation of feeling, not the

What does your

purpose smell like?

4. What is at least one pair of rhyming words that you could use in your poem?

5. What is at least one example of alliteration that you could use in your poem?
6. Complete the topic outline for your poem. Write one sentence describing the topic of
each stanza. Make sure that you answer the question: What gives you purpose?
Stanza Topic
Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3
Stanza 4

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