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TITLE: Sea the Future in Coastal Cleanup


This activity plan aims to increase public awareness of environmental waste

management challenges while promoting waste reduction, recycling, and reuse. In order to
remove garbage from the marine ecosystem, preserve it, and protect it so that it can be a safe
habitat for marine life and people, we plan to carry out a coastal clean-up. The goal of this
activity plan is to protect our coastline's health and cleanliness for upcoming generations. This
activity plan also encourages the coastal stewards to visit our beaches and assist in reducing
this issue by picking up the trash that daily visitors leave behind and washes up on the shore.
The outcome of this activity plan will assist people in understanding the negative effect of
waste and the positive effects of coastal cleanups. This proposal aim to make people how
important coastal cleanup to everyone. This cleanup activity is anticipated to contribute to keeping
Sabang's coastal areas clean for the benefit of all residents, including marine life. This Activity plan
significantly contribute and beneficial to People; because it will reduce the risk of health problems. To
Marine life; they are the ones who is really affected in coastal pollution because of their habitat that is
slowly dying. Both marine life and all humans benefit when we remove as much plastic from the
water as we can while we still can. It’s important to remember that cleanups are just one part
of the solution. We must resolve the source of the problem and choose sustainable solutions
instead of creating unnecessary single-use plastic products and packaging in order to create a
future free of plastic.

Polluted water makes hurts coastal economies. Illnesses associated with polluted water include
stomach flu, respiratory infections. In addition to the health effects of polluted water, water pollution
causes many negative effects on our environment especially our marine life. Most of the substances that
contaminate the world's natural water sources are man-made. If left unchecked, pollution of the oceans
and other water bodies can result in health issues for both humans and animals, not to mention
negative effects on the environment and economy. One of the  widely discussed topics in the new era is
water contamination. Water  Contamination  is a sort of bacteria that develops from the accumulation
of garbage over time. One of the main causes of water pollution, are people who abuse the privilege and
litter   Things like used diapers, food scraps, and empty bottles left on the shore are some reasons of
water pollution.  Although these few things might not seem as dangerous to the environment as you
might believe, they actually have a strong effect on sea.

Water pollution's primary impact is the extinction of life found in aquatic habitats. It is an
unseen battle against germs and bacteria that makes it challenging for people to really comprehend
coastal contamination. It is also seen as posing a hidden risk to human health. The ecosystem of the seas
has been destroyed by the consequences sea pollution, which has also destroyed the habitat of marine
life. Because many people swim in the coastal waters and because animals call these places home and
suffer as a result of pollution, contaminated seas should not be ignored and should be treated seriously.
water pollution effects can be very important. Because it can harm people, our society needs to find a
Sea the Future in Coastal Cleanup Activity plan proposes to encourage waste reduction,
recycling, and reuse and to raise public knowledge of issues related to waste management in the
environment. We intend to do a coastal clean-up in order to remove debris from the marine ecosystem
and preserve and protect it so that it can be a safe habitat for marine life and human. This activity plan
serve an action to preserve our healthy clean coastal lane for future generations.

Problem Statement
Every year tons of garbage and marine debris wind up in our seas and coastlines, with majority
of that being composed of plastic materials. Plastics are very hazardous to marine life, Ocean trash is a
serious pollution problem that affects the health of the people, marine wildlife and local economies. This
coastal clean-up activity encourages the coastal stewards to get to our beaches and help limit this
problem by cleaning up the garbage that has washed up on shore and left by visitors every day.

The objectives of the coastal cleanup is to engage people to remove trash and debris from
beaches, water ways and other water bodies, to identify the sources of the litter, to change behaviors
that causes pollution and to raise awareness on the extent of the marine debris problem.
 Increase awareness on the extent of the marines debris problems
 Engage people to remove trash and debris from beaches, water ways and other water bodies
 To promote clean, healthy and sustainable coastal environment

Expected Outcomes
It is a wonderful method to engage people. A coastal cleanup is an outdoor activity that can be done
frequently to remove trash and debris for a cleaner and healthier environment. Participants may include
students, young people, adults, and concerned residents.  We pick up and collect trash to make coastal
areas more pleasant places for everyone. Taking the time to clean up beach litter has numerous
benefits, from saving animals to improving the local economy. The expected outcomes of our Activity
plan is:

 To Prevent Contamination. The frequency of toxic algal blooms, such as red tides, brown tides,
and green tides, is increased by coastal pollution. When people consume contaminated seafood,
these blooms can release potent toxins that accumulate in fish and shellfish and cause
dementia, paralysis, and even death in humans.
 This cleanup activity is anticipated to contribute to keeping Sabang's coastal areas clean for the
benefit of all residents, including marine life.
 Encourages the reduction of waste, recycling, and reuse, and raises public awareness of issues
related to waste management and the environment.
Plastic has become a relevant material in the production of goods of multiple industries and
economies. Its production reached over three hundred million tons in the year 2014, meaning a
twentyfold increase since it first reached the market in the mid-1960s. The rise in this rate can be
explained mainly by the fact that its production cost is low, and that its properties allow for good
conservation and transportation of the goods packaged with plastic (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016;
UN Environment, 2018a). This fossil-fuelbased, durable and resistant material, has become easily
disposable after one use. Most of the production of plastic is now for single use, but when thrown away,
it lasts in the environment for centuries (UN Environment, 2018a). About eight million tons of plastic
enter the oceans every year (UN Environment, 2018b). This is equivalent to dumping a garbage truck full
of plastic every minute (WEF, 2016). This disturbing fact is expected to double by 2030 if no action is
taken (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016). This toxic chemical element is not only floating at eye-level,
but it has also been found in the most profound sea beds (Peng, et al., 2018), leaving in uncertainty if
there is still some place in the ocean without plastic.

Marine plastic pollution has become a sustainability problem. It poses a threat to biodiversity
and the planet’s ecosystems, being responsible for the death of one million seabirds and hundred
thousand marine animals each year (UN, 2017). Today, there is a definite consensus that the current
flow of plastics needs to stop (WEF, 2016). But despite a number of initiatives, such as The Ocean
Cleanup (2019) and the international Coastal Clean-up by the Ocean Conservancy (2019), a definitive
solution for removing plastic from the ocean has not been found yet (Worm, et al., 2017). In the
meantime, all the different stake holders need to be involved in raising awareness and reducing plastic
consumption (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016; Löhr, et al., 2017): from governments, which can
implement laws, bans and recycling incentives, to industries, which can reduce the amount of plastic
used in their packaging, to citizens and NGOs, which can organize beach clean-ups and campaigns to
influence the behavior of individual citizens and consumers (UN Environment, 2018a). Among all of
these, individuals have the power of dramatically reducing plastic pollution. If their behavior changes
towards selecting plastic-free products, and they become active citizens in their communities setting the
example, they can push for more regulations and awareness, and expand a break-free from plastics
trend (ibid). Education has been recognized to have an influence on modifying behavior towards more
sustainable practices (Chankrajang & Muttarak, 2017), as it provides knowledge and tools for making
conscious decisions, and therefore, this could become the key instrument to reduce marine plastic

A beach is a sensitive environment that supports numerous plants and animals. All of these benefits,
of course, depend on our coasts being safe and healthy. That is why beach clean-up is essential because
it improves the coastal and ocean ecosystem. The largest volunteer effort for ocean health is Coastal
Cleanup. On beaches, coasts, locations throughout the City, people gather to pick up trash and collect
data on the waste found. To protect Sabang's coastline and waterways from trash, many volunteers
from the local government, businesses, environmental organizations, and families took part in a large
cleanup effort In our activity Sea the Future in Coastal Cleanup, this methods will determine how we
accomplish our goal.
 Pick a Location
Choose a security area to clean. In our activity plan, we prepared to conduct the coastal Cleanup
activity in Brgy. San Juan, Surigao City. Considered in ahead how we will correctly dispose of trash at the
chosen place. Before thinking about a cleanup of any kind, keep an eye on your health and the health of
the volunteers.
 Get permission from local authorities
For public beaches, the event might need permits. You may need permission or a permit to
authorize the event. Letting them know about the event would also allow them to join to have a more
extensive group clean-up.
 Gather the supplies needed for the coastal cleanup.
Gather materials needed. This includes proper Personal Protective Equipment (masks and gloves),
hand sanitizer, grabbers, trash bags, closed toed shoes and a reusable water bottle. Plan ahead with a
first-aid kit in case of emergency. Wear gloves. We cannot stress this safety precaution enough. Viruses
can live on hard surfaces, and individuals should exercise extreme caution when collecting litter.
Wearing gloves discourages you from touching your face or face covering. If using reusable gloves, be
sure to properly sanitize between uses.  Effective sanitization of a reusable glove depends on the
 Clean up

Safely collect trash using gloves, and take pictures to document your efforts. Never pick up any
trash items that you are not comfortable with.  Taking part in an organized clean-up you can help to
reduce the amount of plastic around the coastline near you. It’s also a great place to meet like-minded
people and find out if anything else is being organized in your area. 

 Properly Dispose of Waste

Properly dispose of items collected. Do not place trash bags in overflowing bins. This may cause
items to fly away and end up back in the water. Recycle when possible. Proper waste disposal and
management can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reducing means lessening
the amount of trash/garbage produced. Reusing refers to using materials more than once while
recycling means creating new material or product out of trash/garbage.

Improperly discarded Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves, masks, disinfectant wipes, or
other medical waste should be handled and properly discarded following very strict protocol. It’s
important that all PPE items collected are properly disposed .PPE items in the receptacle separate from
recyclables collected. Used PPE should be tightly sealed in a trash bag and discarded in a lined and
secure trash receptacle. PPE items should not be recycled due to possible contamination. Also plan for
disposing of potentially hazardous materials and compost. Reach out to a local waste management
location in advance to make sure it can accept your waste.
 Sanitize

Sanitation is necessary after cleanup because we were exposed to a variety of germs and bacteria.
We were exposed to a variety of garbage types and forms throughout the cleanup, and if it is not
handled properly, it may be quite harmful to our health.  Clean and sanitize your hands and arms
thoroughly before and after handling trash. Try not to touch your phone or face until after you have
finished touching any trash and have washed your hands. 

Testing Site

Our testing site is located in Barangay, San Juan, Surigao City


In conclusion, beach clean-ups are a brilliant way to contribute to environmental protection.

They are an easy way to get people from all walks of life involved in the effort to stop plastic pollution
and preserve marine life. Marine life are suffering due to the pollution that we have made and has
damaged their ecosystem and we need to stop it and protect our marine ecosystem. Both marine life
and all humans benefit when we remove as much plastic from the water as we can while we still can. It’s
important to remember that cleanups are just one part of the solution. We must resolve the source of
the problem and choose sustainable solutions instead of creating unnecessary single-use plastic
products and packaging in order to create a future free of plastic. It is going to take all of us working
together in all sectors including corporate, political, and public to see the change that’s needed to stop
plastic pollution for good. Coastal cleanup is a great way for us to contribute into saving the marine
ecosystem. Coastal cleanup can create awareness for people to reduce pollution and protect marine life.
Coastal cleanup is not only beneficial to marine life, but also to us humans.



Federigan, L. “We must start cleaning up our coasts”:

Coastal and Inland Cleanup Guide. (June 8, 2021).

International Coastal Cleanup. (September 21, 2019). Marine Litter Solutions
Dodds, D. (February 25, 2019).

Wakefield, F. “How to Organize a Local Beach Cleanup”:

Impact-of-coastal-clean-up-to-beneficiaries. (August 2013).

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