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Lead You Home

Greener pastures are made not divine which implies that there is no greener pasture ahead
unless you make your pasture green.

We cannot be just sitting around, waiting for something to happen. We cannot be complaining
to others, to social media, but not lifting a finger to do anything in real life. It is time to become a good
leader. It is time to start on the youth for it can pass onto the brighter future.

A good leader has their own set of style

Each person's individuality and capability is a prime factor that exemplifies the need that
humans have to be understood at different levels. This also applies to their vision in running a school, or
in a position of leadership. For our current director, his priority for the school is to have a clean and
green environment; to implement NDC green heart. And for the last 10 months of the school, we have
seen a great improvement in terms of discipline and actions of both students and staff. The gradual
practice turned into a habit was a success – from proper waste disposal to banning plastics all around
the campus.

What more to do to push this advocacy? Using a renewable energy source, of course! In the
middle of the school year, the school have put up the 500 solar panels to be used. This change is a great
help for both the school and our precious mother nature. It really goes to say that today’s citizens are
taking action.

A good leader worries in private, and finds a way to get things done

Many many problems have risen during this school year, and it has been an attack to the mind
of our director. But even though we have been through a lot of rough patches, he has maintained a calm
stature, a positive outlook, a hopeful mindset, and persevering deeds. We rarely see him talking in front
of us, and half of that time is when we have school events such as the intramurals, high school days, and
honors’ convocations. There are times where he is seen talking to the guards, ensuring our safety.

A good leader leads by example

When you have the passion for it, you can lead others to do the same. When you work with
love, you will sow the fruits of love; you will see the love you have, grow in the people around you. Bro.
De Castro has already told us from the beginning that he has a passion for the youth and to journey with
them as people in any aspects in life. The director has a knack for inspirational speeches, words of
wisdom to bestow upon the next generation; to guide them to their future; to let their relationship with
God bloom. He has exemplified the meaning of being a true Marist.

Dumbbell, a noun that is pronounced as ˈdəm-ˌbel. Sometimes, we can see this at the gym or in
our homes. This is their natural habitat. And even our family members or friends are using it in order to
stay fit. But did you know that these dumbbells have migrated into the room where learning is the very
core, and cooperation is the path – in other words, the classroom?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a dumbbell is “a short bar with weights at each
end that is used usually in pairs for exercise.” It is used to strengthen a person’s arm and building
shoulder muscles. Nowadays, it is a slang used for someone who does nothing in a group work, but still
shares the credit, the grade, and the praise of the whole group. Those who are lazy are more prone to

It starts with the birth of the groups. Alongside with this, is the heart thumping moment wherein
the room is so silent that you may as well hear the pleas of the people to be part of a decent group.
Then comes the meeting of the groups. You will hear a chorus of “yeheys” and “yes” from those
‘dumbbells’ when they see they’re grouped with someone who puts in all the effort, or someone smart.
On the other hand, you will hear the glorious choir of the latter’s groans and sighs of disappointment.

Just like any other dumbbell, its personified version brings sweat, tears, and a headache to the
people doing the actual work. If you ask them to bring stuff, they will say they don’t have it. If you ask
them to come on a weekend to finish a project, they will likely make a ridiculous excuse. If you give
them a bad rating, they will have the utter audacity to be mad at you. So really, where will we place our

Indeed, thay can be hard to deal with. But it does not only happen exclusively to students in
schools. They also happen to adults. See? Even adults have a hard time cooperating as one! Sometimes,
we all lack motivation to do a particular task, even more so when we know that someone else can do
the whole task without us. But to lessen their job, to have a smoother output, can’t we develop our
camaraderie? It is just one small step to something bigger, to something greater because it gives hope
for the world. And may this be a reminder that the other meaning of dumbbell is… A stupid person, a

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