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Forming the Future Simple


To form the verb in the Task 1 - Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
Future Simple Tense you need Future Simple Tense.
‘will’ + not and the base form 1) They _____________________________ to China next month. (not go)
of the verb (infinitive without 2) I promise Jane _____________________________ late tomorrow. (not
‘to’ / V1). be)
3) We _____________________________ skating on TV tonight. (not
She 4) Tim _____________________________ up at 7 am tomorrow. (not get)
It 5) The kids _____________________________ the truth if you ask them.
We (not tell)
You 6) Probably you _____________________________ the last bus. (not miss)
Theywill not / won’tread a 7) I’m sure I _____________________________ to that big rock. (not
book next week. swim)
watch TV
8) Anna _____________________________ volleyball until she recovers
go to the cinema
from her illness. (not play)
play basketball
9) I hope the Taylors _____________________________ before noon. (not
rain tomorrow.
Will or shall arrive)
10) We _____________________________ breakfast with you. (not have)
We use 'will' with all persons.
With ‘I’ and ‘we’ we can use
'shall' instead of 'will'. It’s
negative form is shall not. Task 2 – Write sentences in simple future. Look at the example.
The short form is shan’t.
e.g.: play with a ball - play with a toy car
In modern English 'shall' is
seldom used with a future The boy won’t play with a ball.
reference. e.g.: Anne: I’ve He will play with a toy car.1) sleep – fall down
heard she is ill. ___________________________________________________________
Kim: Shan’t we call her up? ___________________________________________________________
(Here it is used as a polite
____________________2) brush her teeth - wake up
request or suggestion.)
Usage ___________________________________________________________
____________________3) write a letter - be ill
To promise sy sg ___________________________________________________________
e.g.: I won’t lose my temper ___________________________________________________________
____________________4) eat a cake – bake a cake
To predict what will happen
e.g.: They won’t win election.
To make on-the-spot ___________________________________________________________
decision ____________________5) clean the windows - wash up
e.g.: * ‘I’m tired.’ * ‘I won’t ___________________________________________________________
disturb you.’ ___________________________________________________________
To offer or request sg
____________________6) do the homework – pack the schoolbag
e.g.: Won’t you sit down,
To warn sy
e.g.: If you’re late again, I ____________________7) snow – rain
won’t wait for you. ___________________________________________________________
To suggest sg ___________________________________________________________
e.g.: Shan’t we wait for him? ____________________
After these expressions:
I think
I suppose
I’m sure I promise
I expect
I hope, etce.g.: I think he’ll
miss the train.
After these adverbs:
perhaps, etce.g.: Hopefully you © Susan V Toth
won’t get lost.
In conditional sentences in
the main sentence.
e.g.: If I meet him, I won’t tell
Task 3 – Write the correct forms (Simple Future) of Task 5 –First make the sentences
the verbs on the lines from this list. There is an negative. Then rewrite them with
extra verb. the given information. Look at the
* not follow* not die* not invite* not meet* not answer* example.
not hide* not complete* not enjoy* not apply* not e.g.: Mike will sleep in his bed. (on
hate* not forgive1) Lots of animals the bus)
____________________ out if we help them.  Mike won’t sleep in his bed.
2) The Smiths ____________________ the Taylors He will sleep on the bus.
onto their party.
3) Mr Greene ___________________ for this position. 1) The security guard will check the doors. (the people)
4) I ___________________ my old form teacher again. ___________________________________________
5) Jason ____________________ silly questions. ___________________________________________
6) Tom ____________________ under the bed. ___________________________________________
7) The detective ____________________ the suspect. 2) Dad will empty the bin when he arrives home. (have
8) He ____________________ my rude behaviour. dinner)
9) The girls ____________________ such a boring ___________________________________________
party. ___________________________________________
10) Mary ____________________ her test. ___________________________________________
3) Jane will look after my son tomorrow. (my daughter)
Task 4 – Write sentences using the given words and
4) Mum will set the table as soon as she has time for it.
the verbs in Simple Future.
(cook lunch)
e.g.: I * your * not read * letter.
 I won’t read your letter.
1) I * your * Danny * for * expect * help * not ask.
I ________________________________________
5) The Hills will become angry when they see this mess.
(call the police)
2) Mr Owen * to * day * not talk * reporter * the * the *
tomorrow * after.
Mr Owen ___________________________________
6) Mr Gibson will stay in this hotel next week. (have a
3) The * alone * the * kids * museum * to * not go.
The ______________________________________
4) I’m * this * sure * treatment * I * new * out * not try.
I’m ________________________________________
7) My wife will iron my shirts tomorrow. (wash)
5) Next * Megan * the * week * not control * test.
Next ______________________________________
8) The team will win this competition. (beat)
6) I * my * not discover * hope * secret * you.
I ________________________________________
7) Maybe * car * this * fortune * not cost * a.
9) Kevin will finish work at 5 pm tomorrow. (4pm)
Maybe _____________________________________
8) I * behaviour * his * he * think * not change.
I _________________________________________
10) They will write a test tomorrow. (a composition)
9) Perhaps * they * much * not expect * too.
12) You will reduce the costs. (increase)
10) Hopefully * bad * we * news * not receive * any.
Hopefully __________________________________

© Susan V Toth
Task 1
1) They won’t go to China next month.
2) I promise Jane won’t be late tomorrow.
3) We won’t watch skating on TV tonight.
4) Tim won’t get up at 7 am tomorrow.
5) The kids won’t tell the truth if you ask them.
6) Probably you won’t miss the last bus.
7) I’m sure I won’t swim to that big rock.
8) Anna won’t play volleyball until she recovers from her illness.
9) I hope the Taylors won’t arrive before noon.
10) We won’t have breakfast with you.

Task 2
1) He won’t sleep. He will fall down.
2) She won’t brush her teeth. She will wake up.
3) She won’t write a letter. She will be ill.
4) They won’t eat a cake. They will bake a cake.
5) She won’t clean the windows. She will wash up.
6) He won’t do the homework. He will pack the schoolbag.
7) It won’t snow. It will rain.

Task 3
1) Lots of animals won’t die out if we help them.
2) The Smiths won’t invite the Taylors onto their party.
3) Mr Greene won’t apply for this position.
4) I won’t meet my old form teacher again.
5) Jason won’t answer silly questions.
6) Tom won’t hide under the bed.
7) The detective won’t hide the suspect.
8) He won’t forgive my rude behaviour.
9) The girls won’t enjoy such a boring party.
10) Mary won’t complete her test.
Task 4
1) I expect Danny won’t ask for your help.
2) Mr Owen won’t talk to the reporter the day after tomorrow.
3) The kids won’t go to the museum alone.
4) I’m sure I won’t try out this new treatment.
5) Next week Megan won’t control the test.
6) I hope you won’t discover my secret.
7) Maybe this car won’t cost a fortune.
8) I think he won’t change his behaviour.
9) Perhaps they won’t expect too much.
10) Hopefully we won’t receive any bad news.

Task 5
1) The security guard won’t check the doors. The security guard will check the people.
2) Dad won’t empty the bin when he arrives home. Dad will have dinner when he arrives home.
3) Jane won’t look after my son tomorrow. Jane will look after my daughter tomorrow.
4) Mum won’t set the table as soon as she has time for it. Mum will cook lunch as soon as she has time for it.
5) The Hills won’t become angry when they see this mess. The Hills will call the police when they see this mess.
6) Mr Gibson won’t stay in this hotel next week. Mr Gibson will have a speech in this hotel next week.
7) My wife won’t iron my shirts tomorrow. My wife will wash my shirts tomorrow.
8) The team won’t win this competition. The team will beat this competition.
9) Kevin won’t finish work at 5 pm tomorrow. Kevin will finish work at 4pm tomorrow.
10) They won’t write a test tomorrow. They will write a composition tomorrow.
11) You won’t reduce the costs. You will increase the costs.

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