Envi Sci Rev. Midterms 1

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WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022

AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

escaping at night & protect us from

➢ Provide the air to carry the sound
waves in every direction.
➢ Movement of matter within or Layers of Atmosphere
between the ecosystem Are natural 1. Troposphere
occurrences that happen in our
➢ layer nearest to the earth's surface.
Nearly all the water vapor and about
➢ These occurrences are important in
3/4 of all the air in the atmosphere is
the cycling materials available to
in the troposphere.
living organisms for their
➢ Troposphere comes from the Greek
maintenance and survival.
word tropos which means "to turn" in
➢ Chemical cycle because of chemical
this layer air turns, twists, moves up
and down & sideways to form wind
➢ Complete pathway that a chemical
clouds, rain and
element follows through the earth
➢ snow. Weather occur in this layer
8-16km above earths system.

🍔Bio 2. Stratosphere
➢ 30km above the earth.

➢ cycles that involve life
➢ It has very little vertical air
movement and weather is not so
➢ includes atmosphere, water, rocks
and soil
➢ Large jet airplanes fly in this layer to
avoid the weather in the
➢ Main Components of Air
● 78% Nitrogen
➢ Flying in this layer is generally
● 21% Oxygen
smooth and the visibility is always
● 1% other gases
excellent. The air is thin and offers
(hydrogen, water,vapor and
very little resistance to a plane.
3. Ionosphere
➢ Without the atmosphere, the earth
➢ air is very thin in this layer.
would experience an intensely hot
➢ It is very hot because the nitrogen
temperature during the day and an
and oxygen atoms absorbs
unbearably cold temperature at night
unshielded energy from the sun.
like the moon.
some of the air in this region is
➢ It protects the earth from much solar
ionized or electrically charged.
radiation during the day and screen
➢ Ions-atoms that can lose or gain
out deadly UV rays.
electrons, these ions are produced
➢ It works as an insulating blanket
by powerful cosmic rays, UV
which keeps most of the heat from
radiation from the sun.
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

➢ It acts like a mirror reflecting the are dissolved in soil water

radio waves back to earth. they are absorbed by roots of
4. Exosphere plants and become
➢ highest layer of the atmosphere and incorporated into plant
is almost free of matter. It is the proteins.
space that is now being investigated ➢ Ammonification- a process were,
by scientists. proteins returned to the soil through
➢ Very hot with a temperature of excretion or by decay of their bodies
approximately 4,500 degrees after death will be broken down by
Fahrenheit. decomposer releasing ammonia or
Nitrogen Cycle ammonium.
● This substance will then
undergo nitrification
converting them to nitrates
and nitrites.
➢ Denitrification- unused meteorites
plants are converted by denitrifying
bacteria to metrogen gas which is
released to the atmosphere.

Carbon Oxygen Cycle

➢ Nitrogen- is removed from the
atmosphere mainly by the action of
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These
bacteria lives in the soil and roots of
legumes (mongo, soybeans, pea).
➢ Nitrogen fixation -a process were,
They take nitrogen from air and
convert it to ammonia (NH3) or
ammonium (NH4).
● A small portion of gaseous
nitrogen is fixed in the air by ➢ The C+02 elements are formed in
lightning and the fixed almost all substances like CHO,
nitrogen is brought down to proteins, fats which are important for
the soil by rain. the survival and maintenance of
➢ Nitrification- a process were,, plants and animals.
ammonia or ammonium is ➢ C02 in the atmosphere is converted
concentrated to nitrites by nitrifying into plant tissue in the form of starch
bacteria in the soil. and cellulose (glucose) by the
● When ammonia and nitrates process known as photosynthesis.
that are released in the soil ➢ In the presence of sunlight, green
plants continuously remove C02
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

from the atmosphere and discharge Phosphorus Cycle

or give off oxygen.
➢ The animals eat plants and in the
process of respiration C02 is partly
returned into the atmosphere.
➢ Animals take 02 and release C02. it
is also liberated into the atmosphere
when plants and animals die or
➢ Decomposition of dead organisms
bring about the formation of fossil
fuels that contain carbon.
➢ Burning of fossil fuels like coal and
volcanic eruption also releases C02 ➢ Weathering and erosion release
in the atmosphere. phosphorus from rocks and fossils.
➢ Diffusion from the ocean also ➢ This phosphorus is washed into
releases C02 in the atmosphere. bodies of water and ultimately to the
oceans where phosphorus become
Water Cycle insoluble deposits, Phosphorus is
also released to the environment
when dead plants and animals are
➢ The released phosphorus becomes
available and incorporated in nucleic
acids which are vital components of
living things.
➢ Overabundance of phosphorus can
stimulate excessive growth of algae
known as algal bloom and also
➢ Water evaporates from the soil, photosynthetic bacteria.
bodies of water (oceans, lakes) as Weathering
water vapor to the atmosphere. ➢ Is the breaking of large rocks into
➢ Then this water vapor condenses smaller pieces
into clouds which later on ➢ Causes of weathering
precipitates down on earth as rain or ● Change in temperature
snow. Rain or snow finds its way to ● Water- freezing and thawing
ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans or as of water that seep in the
ground water in the soil completing crack of rocks cause rocks to
the water cycle. break
● People - mining, construction
of roads
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

● Burrowing animals- insects Rocks

that dig hole for their habitat ➢ naturally occurring mass of solid
and to look for their food inorganic or organic materials that
Erosion form a significant part of the earth's
➢ Movement or transfer of weathered crust.
materials from one place to another.
➢ Agents of erosion Petrology
● Wind/air ➢ study of rocks
● Water ➢ Classification of Rocks
● Snow or glacier ● 1. Igneous rock - formed by the
● Gravity solidification of hot molten materials
Sulfur Cycle called magma.

➔ Kinds of Igneous Rocks

a. Intrusive - forms inside the earth. These
rocks are coarse textured with large crystals
because magma cools slowly. Ex: Granite

b. Extrusive - formed by cooling lava. Small

crystals because lava cools quickly. Ex:
Basalt Pumice

● 2. Sedimentary rocks - are formed

➢ Sulfur is found in water, rocks and by the slow but never ending
soil. Decomposition of dead process of weathering erosion. Ex:
organisms release sulfates in soil, Sandstone Limestone (sea shell,
which then are taken by plants. skeleton of `marine animals)
➢ Microorganisms also release ● 3. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that
sulfates in soil as well as reduced were originally either igneous or
sulfur (H2S) which contributes to the sedimentary Metamorphism -
sulfates in the atmosphere. "change in form Ex. Slate
➢ Combustion of fossil fuels such as
coal releases tremendous amount of Changes of occur due to
sulcontaining gas into the ● High temperature and pressure
atmosphere particularly sulfur ● Movement of rocks themselves
dioxide (S02). ● Due to chemical action
➢ When S02 reacts with H20, H2S04
is formed known as acid rain.
➢ Acid precipitation is a great hazard
to our ecosystem.
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

Rock Cycle 3. Forests

➢ large tract covered with trees as a
result of adequate temperature and
minimal precipitation of 75
centimeters or more.
4. Taiga
➢ Russian word which means
"Primeval forest also known as
boreal forest. Conifers that can
survive extreme cold on winters.
5. Tundra
➢ located between the arctic snow and
➢ Formation of igneous rock from ice only mosses and low plants grow
magma. 6. Savannah
➢ Then igneous rock breaks down into ➢ a place characterized by a very hot
sediments by weathering and day and very cold nights Africa is an
erosion. example. Environmental Variable
➢ Running water, wind air or ice carry
the sediments away and deposit Forest
them in layers. A. Tropical Biomes
➢ The sediments will be compacted
1. Tropical rainforest
and cemented forming sedimentary
➢ forest with high, fairly constant
➢ By heat and pressure, they will be
2. Tropical seasonal forest
changed into metamorphic rock.
➢ monsoon forest
➢ If the metamorphic rocks are
➢ Seasonal rainfall is concentrated
exposed to more heat and pressure
during a certain part of the year after
they may melt into magma. When
which follows a pronounced dry
magma cools igneous rock form.
3. Tropical savanna
WEEK 8: BIOMES ➢ consists of grassland dotted with
scattered small trees and shrubs
● Major Biomes such as acacias.
1. Deserts 4. Tropical thornwood, shrubwood and tropical
➢ uninhabited and uncultivated tract of shrub.
land (Middle East)
2. Grasslands or Prairies B. Temperate Biomes
➢ characterized by a deep fertile soil 1. Temperate deciduous
with tall coarse grasses. (Central ➢ forest occurs in moderately humid
States of America) area where precipitation takes place
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

throughout the year but winters are

cold restricting plant growth to the
2. Temperate evergreen Rainforest
➢ forest occurs where condition favors ➢ Preserve life-giving species &
conifers or broadleaved evergreen protect millions of living creatures.
over deciduous trees. It has poor soil ➢ Regulate the flow of water on earth.
condition, frequent droughts and
forest fires. Play a crucial role in the global recycling
3. Temperate rainforest of carbon.
➢ occurs in cold climate near the sea Forest
with abundant winter rainfall and ➢ crowns of trees touch from a single
summer clouds or fogs. canopy Woodland trees grow apart
4. Temperate woodland so that the canopy is open
➢ occurs where the climate i too dry to Woodland
support a forest yet provides ➢ trees grow apart so that the canopy
sufficien moisture to support trees as is open
well as grasses.
5. Temperate shrub land Cause of Destruction of Rainforest
● Poverty
➢ is represented by the Chaparral
● Over Population
communities that occurs in all five
● World’s growing demand for wood
regions of the world having fairly dry
climate with little or no summer rain.
● Poor government policies
6. Temperate grassland
● Global increase in the demand for
➢ is also known variably as prairie
forest products for building
North America steppe in Asia,
Constructions furniture plywood
pampas in South America and veldt
charcoal firewood
in South Africa.
● Governments opening of the forest
➢ It covers extensive areas in the
frontiers as a way to bolster the
continents where there are enouah
economy and to relocate people in
moisture to suoport forest and
various settlement programs
Environmental Variable affecting the
Types of Forest in the Philippines
1. Dipterocarp
● Sunlight
➢ most common & most important of
● Oxygen
all types of forest but also the most
● Water & Dissolves salts
exploited forest in the Philippines.
● Nutrients
➢ famous for commercial Philippine
● Temperature
woods like yakal, apitong. tangile
● Metabollic
major source of timber & other forest
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

products sanctuary of the world's ➢ reconstruction of dams as a Source

rarest plants & animals & home of of electric power
our tribal ancestors. ➢ for mining operation
2. Pine Mindoro Pine ➢ for development of housing
➢ Benguet Pine industries and roads
3. Molave ➢ Space for recreational purposes
➢ falls under dipterocarp. Found in
Central Luzon Natural Causes of Deforestation
4. Beach ● Forest Fires
➢ Usually found in some coastal areas. ● Volcanic Eruption
Dungon, Agoho & Banulad trees are ● Typhoon
5. Mangrove forests Effects of Deforestation in the
➢ found in the tidal flats of the coastal Philippines
areas. Good source of charcoal, ● Soil erosion
firewoods and tannin. ● Water/food shortage
● Flooding
6. Mossy
● Denuded upland
➢ found throughout the higher parts of
● Greenhouse effect
the mountains & inhabitated by
● Extinction of thousand specie
many of the endemic wildlife of the
1. Natural Reseeding
Importance of Forest
● Provide us with food and medicine ➢ after clear cutting, few mature,
● Source of lumber, furniture and wildfirm tulls may be left intact as a
paper seed source within the otherwise
● Stop Erosion logged off-site. Seeds are scattered
● Refresh air by wind, birds, and runoff water. The
● Control stream and river flows seeds are eventually dispersed
throughout the denuded area.
Deforestation 2. Seedling
➢ Large scale removal of forests. ➢ by Foresters aerial seeding using
Permanent destruction of forests planes flying slowly just above the
and woodlands. treetops is employed in rugged
terrains. In a logged-off site that is
Causes of Deforestation flat, powerdriven seeding machines
➢ for commercial logging and burn are used. These machines plant up
farming (kaingin system) to 3.3 hectares per day, and
➢ For mining operations simultaneously fertilize the soil and
➢ cattle ranching apply herbicide to prevent weed
➢ Conversion agricultural lands encroachment.
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

3. Planting Four Major Occurs

➢ actual planting of young trees from ● Pacific Ocean- Largest and Deepest
plantation stock is a better and more ● Atlantic Ocean
successful means of reforestation. ● Indian Ocean
Onflat lands, three workers, a ● Arctic Ocean
tractor, and a planting machine can 4. Biosphere - “ecosphere” part of the earth
set 1,000 to 2.000 trees per hour. where life exist.

Earth as a system
Open system
➢ Natural system is not self-contained.
The Natural Environment of Man
Closed system
3 layers of the earth
➢ Self- contained. Shut of from the
➢ Ordered, interrelated sets of
objects, things, components, parts
and their attributes as distinct from
their surroundings.

5 Layers of Organization of Matter

1. Organism - any form of life
2. Population - same Species living together
● Crust- covering the earth like a thin in the same area.
ski8n made up of density rocks. ➢ Habitat - Specific place where
● Mantle - 80% of the earth’s total organisms live
Volume, the thickest layer. ➢ Niche - space An organism
● Core - Innermost region occupies the functional roles in the
place they live.
All forms of life depend for their
3. Community- a group of organisms living in
existence on the materials that
the same area.
comprises the spheres of the earth:
4. Ecosystem- interaction between the
organisms and environment. It includes
1. Atmosphere- composed of gases
population community habitats.
➢ Nitrogen - 78%
5. Biosphere - world of life
➢ Oxygen -21%
➢ Other gases- 1%
Characters of population
2. lithosphere - earth’s crust and a portion of
the upper mantle. (SOLID)
1. Size - Pertains to the number of individuals
3. Hydrosphere - water (LIQUID)
in a population.
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

Factors that contribute to the size of the philippines includes the total
population : population of the
A. Natality - Numbers of species that town,age,sex.
are born.
B. Morality- members of the species Human population facts
that die.
C. Immigration- number of species that ➢ 2000 years ago the estimated
entered the land. human population was 150 million.
D. Emigration - numbers of that is the ➢ By 1850 human population was 1
land. billion.
➢ by 1930 it was to billion
2. Density - number of individuals in a ➢ the human population is now
population per unit area. Varies one place to growing at a rate of about 3 people/
another. second or 260 thousand/ day or
1.8 million/ week or 93 million/ year
3. Distribution - arrangement of the ➢ Every three years, the global
individuals within a particular Space. it tells environment must support another
how these individuals are located in a 285 million people.
particular area.

Three patterns of distribution As a result of this rapid growth:

A. Random - No specific order, the
organism Is spread throughout the ● Approximately 1.3 billion of the
area without an overall pattern world's people are impoverished.
B. Uniform- organism are evenly ● Some 60% of the 4.8 billion people
distributed over an area. in developing countries lack basic
C. Clamped - organisms are sanitation and almost one-third have
concentrated in an area no access to clean water.
● Nearly 1 billion people in the world
Determining the size of a population. are illiterate, two-thirds of them are
1. Counting all the individuals of the women.
same species living together in a ● Supplies of water for irrigation are
given area is a long and tedious declining around the world as
method but accurate. underground water reserves,
aquifers become depleted faster
2. Sampling method than nature can fill them.
● PSA - philippine statistics authority ● Nearly half the earth's land mass
● NSO / CENSUS - national statistics has already been changed by
office human activity. Among the ocean's
➢ give the complete account of 200 major fish stocks, 35% are in
the human population of the decline and another 25% are
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

being fully exploited. Catanduanes, Basilan, Marinduque,

● Species are going extinct at a faster Basuanga and Sulu.
rate than ever before, including the ➢ Luzon has the highest populated
time when dinosaurs were dying out. area, about 56%, Mindanao 23.7%
and Visayas 20.3%
Philippine population ➢ The National Capital Region is the
most populated with 15,617 persons
Manila, a case of Over population per square km.

Daytime - Over populated Reason why Filipinos have an immense

➢ some people Are working or growth of population
1. Tradition of having big families.
Evening- less Populated 2. Question of gender.
➢ People who work in daytime go 3. The male macho image
home to the nearby provinces 4. Unsatisfactory/Ineffective family
🍔 30-35% population are living in slums or 5. Economic reasons - in poorer family, the
children are often an asset because they
🍔The city has a total of 83 squatter
squad dwellings
help the
family to raise food, haul water & work for
🍔 20% of pollution street by diseases
wages outside the home.
🍔 problems regarding land use 6. Educational background - the less
🍔 Almost all the major rivers are polluted. educated the people, the more children they
have. The more
educated people, the fewer children they
➢ The population of the Philippines in want.
the year 1995 was 68.6 million. 7. Religion
➢ At present (2022), the Philippine 5. Economic reasons - in poorer family, the
population is 112, 604, 142 million. children are often an asset because they
➢ There are 225 Filipinos square help the
kilometers of land. family to raise food, haul water & work for
➢ Population growth would be between wages outside the home.
2.1 to 2.3% yearly. 6. Educational background - the less
➢ Out of 7,107 islands only 1,000 are educated the people, the more children they
populated. The 16 largest most have. The more
populated islands in the Philippines educated people, the fewer children they
are: Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan, want.
Mindoro, Panay, Samar, Negros, 7. Religion
Leyte, Cebu, Masbate, Bohol,
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

Other factors contributing to population Earth's carrying capacity

1. Advance in medicine It can tell if the earth is overpopulated, It can
2. Industrial revolution tell the number of organisms an
3. lack of awareness in birth control/ environment can support
Lack of access to contraception or
reproductive health. ● Food production
● living space
Effects/ in continued Growth in human ● Resource availability
population ● Waste Assimilation

1. Food supply - increased


2. Environment problem - increase in Hunger

waste materials thrown on the ➢ Starvation means death from lack of
environment. There is a greater food.
degradation & deterioration of ➢ Most people who are inadequately
nature. fed do not actually die because they
. take in too few calories to sustain
3. Social problem - prostitution, drug life.
addiction, crime, juvenile, ➢ The problem is not merely obtaining
deliquency, suicide due lack of job, enough calories but maintaining a
competition. balanced diet, one that contains a
4. Economic problem - hinders the mixture of macronutrients needed to
country's effort to satisfy the needs keep the body healthy.
of the citizens. Malnourishment
5. Health - emerging diseases, ➢ a nutritional imbalance caused by a
epidemics, undernourishment. lack of specific dietary components
6. Education - the government can't or an inability to absorb or utilize
provide enough classrooms, school essential nutrients.
facilities, educational materials, and
qualified teachers. Classification of Food Nutrients
7. Spiritual & moral Problem - people 1. Macro-nutrients
become more materialistic & ➢ these are nutrients needed in large
liberalistic. quantities.
8. Destruction of nature - destruction ➢ These include - carbohydrates, fats
of forests, conversion of agricultural and protein which are sources of
lands into subdivision & industrial energy that we need to survive.
sites. 2. Micro nutrients
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

➢ are substances that an organism ➢ A child suffering from severe

must have in the diet in small marasmus is generally thin and
quantities. shriveled like a tiny, very old starving
➢ These include vitamins and person.
minerals. 2. Kwashiorkor
❖ Aside from calories, we need ➢ Occurs when people eat a starchy
specific nutrients in our diet, such as diet that is low in protein even
proteins, vitamins and minerals though it may have plenty of

Nutrition needs ➢ Child with kwashiorkor often have

Proteins reddish-orange hair and puty,
➢ Make up most of the metabolic discolored skin and bloated belly.
machinery and cellular structure ➢ They become anemic, listless &
essential to life. have low resistance to diseases &
➢ The average adult human needs infections. Some are likely to suffer
about 40 grams of protein per day. from stunted growth, mental
➢ Pregnant women, growing children retardation or develop mental
& adolescents needs up to twice as problems.
much to build growing tissues. Carbohydrates
➢ Proteins & amino acids should ➢ are our body's main source of
compose about 20% of the food we energy. Carbohydrates include the
eat. different types of sugar, starch (rice,
➢ It is used for making& repairing our bread, sweet potato or kamote,
skin, muscles, fingernails, hair & potato)& the like. Carbohydrate
connective tissues. should compose about 60% of the
Amino acids food we eat. It is mainly used for
➢ building blocks of protein. energy & can b converted into some
➢ There are ten amino acids which we fats, oils & amino acids.
can't made for ourselves but can be
acquired on our diet. Classification of Carbohydrates:
➢ These amino acids are: arginine,
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, Monosaccharides
methionine, phenylalanine, ➢ carbohydrates made of one simple
threonine, tryptophane and valine. sugar unit.
2 most widespread human protein ➢ two simple sugar units.
deficiency diseases are: Polysaccharides
1. Marasmus ➢ made of more than two simple sugar
➢ Caused by a diet low in both calories Lipids
and protein. ➢ are fatty acids & their esters.
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

Fatty acids assigned alphabets& numericals

➢ are chemically carboxylic acids. because little was known about their
➢ They are found in our cells and are chemicalcomposition in the early
reserved form of food in our body. days.
➢ Fats should compose about 20% of ➢ Vitamins and minerals without these
the food we eat. It is used as energy two our body will suffer from
reserves. deficiency disorders.
➢ A layer of fat under our skin serves ➢ The appropriate consumption of
as a protective cushion & insulator. protein, carbohydrates, fats vitamins,
➢ If you eat too much, the food you minerals & water is needed for a
overeat will be converted into & healthy body.
stored as lipids in you adipose ➢ Because of this nutritionists have
tissues. classified food into groups& have
➢ These lipids stored in your tissues recommended the amounts to be
make us fat. But if we eat less and taken regularly.
exercise a lot, the stored lipids will 1. Milk &Milk Products
be used up to release the energy we ➢ milk is perhaps the most complete
need for our work out. As we use up food.
to the stored lipids. We begin to lose ➢ It contains galactose w/c is important
weight in the diet of children & infants for
Minerals the synthesis of cerebrosides
➢ are inorganic nutrients needed in (glycolipids in the brain).
small amounts for building cellular ➢ There are many types of milk.
structures & for regulating many ➢ Milk obtained directly from animals
cellular reactions. are called raw milk
➢ Common minerals deficiencies ➢ After homogenization ( process
are: wherein milk is forced through small
● Calcium deficiency causes opening by applying pressure) &
irritability, muscle cramps and pasteurization (heating the milk to
bone defects. kill harmful bacteria), it becomes
● Iron deficiency leads to whole milk, it becomes skim or
anemia (low level of non-fat milk.
hemoglobin in the blood). ➢ If vegetable oil is added to skim milk
● Iodine deficiency are goiter as a substitute for milk fat, it
(swollen thyroid glands) and becomes filled milk.
hypothyroidism (low thyroid 2. Meat fish, poultry
hormone levels) 3. Vegetables and fruits
Vitamins 4. Bread and Cereals
➢ are organic molecules needed by ➢ Food Additives are chemical
the body that can only be obtained substances added to serve as
through the food we eat. These are
WEEK 7-11 | MIDTERMS | SEM 1 2022
AB Political Science | I1AC| Professor Nimfa Mercelo

flavour enhancer, preservatives,

colorings, emulsifiers or thickeners.
➢ Examples of these are MSG,
Sodium nitrate or salitre, benzoic
acid BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
etc. Most additives do not have
nutritional values.
➢ Some of them may even be
➢ Food excessively treated with MSG
or vetsin can cause "Chinese
restaurant syndrome" w/c is
characterized by facia &chest
pressure & burning sensation on the
➢ Salitre is suspected carcinogen &
should be added at a controlled

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