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Junior 3 Unit 5 & 6 12 Feb 2022

illusion attached recommend presenter camouflage

thrilling amazed enthusiastic onlookers reveal

camouflage your shortcoming while enhancing your best features so that you'll always showcase your best.
1. You had to ___________
reveal his secret.
2. She'd made a decision in front of him, one that warned him this might be his last chance to ________

enthusiastic shouts of the audience.

3 The piano playing was repeatedly interrupted by the ______________
4. He had a ______________experience singing the song with his favourite singer.

5. July’s pet dog was so _______________to her that it didn’t sleep the whole night when she was not around.
6. _____________by your skill in programming, he was thinking of doing the same thing as you.

7. British ___________Jonathan Ross accidentally shared his email address with the public.

recommended the age of 5.

8. Learning a foreign language is ______________at

9. The occurrence of the accident brought many __________________who didn’t offer help but to hinder the rescue job.
10. He finally couldn’t deny that his accomplishment was merely his ________________.

Error Identification

present/past passive future passive/present perfect passive make do make sense make time

have something done make your own way do well in exam do housework

Error Identification
piss pissed
1. Linda was piss off by her boss yesterday. Error: _____________Correction:_______________

2. I wish to do a deal with you. do make

Error: _____________Correction:_______________

3. He has his shoes polish. polish polished

Error: _____________Correction:__________________

4. Will the dog feed at 6pm later? feed be fed

Error: ______________Correction:___________
stood stand
5. She made all children stood on the chairs. Error: ______________Correction:______________

6. Do children fetched back from school every afternoon? do are

Error: __________Correction:_____________

7. The room has just vacuumed. just vacuumed just been vaccumed
Error: _______________Correction:________________
have has
8. Have the faucet just been repaired? Error: _______________Correction:____________
do make
9. Your excuse doesn’t do sense. Error: ________________Correction:________________
do make
10. You can’t do your own way in the school. Error: _________________Correction:______________
Multiple Choice

1. My mum has all the laundry ____________.

A wash B washes C washed D washing

2. ______those cars ____________last month?

A Are, stealing B Was, stolen C Were stealing D Were stolen

3. They ________________of the meeting tomorrow.

A will be informed B will inform C will be informing D will have inform

4. The boy scouts were ____________a fire after pitching their tent.

A made B making C makes D being made

5. How often __________the curtains ___________?

A are washed B are being washed C has washed D has been washed

6. Mr Lim __________time to repaint the exterior walls of his house last year.

A had made B made C making D makes

7. Peter ______________well in his exam, so his dad was exasperated.

A did do B didn’t do C made D didn’t make

8. Peter _____________his photos on Facebook before he went to bed.

A posted B had posted C post D has posted

9. My dad has the wall ____________.

A paint B painting C paints D painted

10. Vegetables _______________in Cameron Highlands.

A is growing B are growing C Is grown D are grown

Section A: Comprehension 20%

Bullying is a social problem as it causes harm to the victims. Bullying can happen in schools. It usually
starts when a student does things that may hurt another student physically or mentally. The bully may hit or beat
up the victim or use nasty words to frighten the victim.
Why do some students like to bully others? According to school counsellors, some bullies hurt others
to make themselves look tough, while others simply want to get attention. There are some bullies who may not
realise that their behavior is wrong. Therefore, the counsellors often talk to the bullies and try to find ways to
make them feel good about themselves. They recommend these bullies to take up games and sports to discipline
themselves. After listening to the advice, some of them get involved in co-curricular activities. When they get to
represent the school in these activities, the bullies will start to feel good about themselves and stop the bullying.
Bullies often target people who are quiet, weak and won’t stand up for themselves. The victims of
bullying often feel scared, sad and unsafe. If these victims are bullied over a long period, they lose confidence in
themselves. They may even end up with mental issues.
Here are a few ways to stop bullying in schools. If someone starts to bully a student, the student should
inform a teacher or a counsellor. Another way is to spend more time with a group of students. Bullies seldom
pick on students who are in a group. Also, the student who is a victim should be brave for once and tell the
bully in the face to stop. After saying that, just walk away. Bullies are often taken aback by this. Finally, consider
taking up self-defense classes like karate. These classes can help to build up confidence that is lacking in the
Everyone in school should help to get rid of bullying. Put up posters to educate on the harmful effects
of bullying. Only when bullying stops can schools become a safer and happier place for all.
PART I: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in COMPLETE sentences. (4 marks each)
1. What are two suggestions given to make the bullies stop bullying?
2. What would you do if you saw someone being bullied at school?
1)Bullies are recommended to take up sports and games to discipline themselves. Another suggestion is to join
PART activities.
II: Choose the best answer. (2 marks each)
3. Bullying is defined as an act where a person hurts another person__________.
A. mentally
B. physically 2)If i saw someone being bullied, I would report to teachers or seek help from
C. mentally or physically parents.
D. mentally and psychologically

4. If a student is bullied, the first thing he or she must do is to _________.

A. inform their neighbour
B. inform a teacher
C. inform a friend
D. inform the principal

PART III: Read the passage carefully and decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). (2 marks each)
5 . One way that may deter bullies is to surround yourself with a group of students.
6 . Mental abuse means to use nasty words when talking to others.

PART IV: Find WORDS OR PHRASES with the meaning from the passage. (2 marks each)
Meaning Word / Phrase
7. a belief that you can do things well (paragraph 3)
8. rarely (paragraph 4)
Simple Present Tense Passive
1. She washes her car every Sunday.
2. They don’t paint the wall every year.
3. Does she plant orchids in her garden?
Simple Past Tense Passive
1. Peter ate an apple yesterday.
2. My sister didn’t water the orchids yesterday.
3. Did your mum mop the floor this morning?
Simple Future Passive
1. Sean will read a book later.
2. The children won’t do their work later.
3. Will John watch a TV show tomorrow?
Present Perfect Tense
1. My dad has taught me Math.
2. Linda hasn’t swept the floor yet.
3. Have the boys tidied their rooms?
Present Continuous Passive
1. My parents are discussing our family trip now.
2. The ladies are buying some apples at the moment.
3. Is the driver driving a bus now?

1. The workers are painting the wall now.

2. Did your dad polish his car this morning?
3. She will not make up a story.
4. Will they light up the palace tonight?
5. They set the house ablaze just now.
6. Our teacher has covered all topics for examinations.

7. Have they bought all the tickets for the show?


8. Someone spent that money.


9. Nobody answered that question.


10. Has somebody opened the gate?

wont be allowed

have been prepared

has not been given

will be played

have not been answered

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