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Self -
Presentation by Group 8

NSTP | 2022

Lao Tzu
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

NSTP | 2022
Page 03

Understanding Adolescence Projective Factors in
The Pyschological and Social Implications of Puberty
Values Defined
Heightened Emotionality of Adolescence
Stages of Filipino Values
How Present Teenagers Think Formation
Three Advances that Characterize Adolescent
Filipino Values

NSTP | 2022
Page 04

In the span of a few years, adolescents exchange the
bodies of children for those of adults. The endocrine
system is also responsible for everything from a
remarkable growth in height to the nose becoming
disproportionately large for one's face. Changes as
significant as those of puberty can have far-reaching
psychological and social effects. The timing of puberty is
important, along with its end results.

Presentation by Banzon, J
Page 05

The Psychological and

Social Implications of
Banzon, J


NSTP | 2022
Even experiences as close to a biological ground zero
Presentation by

as those of puberty do not necessarily have the same

significance from one adolescent to the next.
Teenagers are always trying to figure out what is
going on with their bodies by looking at how their
friends and family react to the changes they are
going through. Nor are they the only ones who do this.
Their parents, siblings, friends, and teachers all saw
meaning in what was going on with their bodies. It's
not surprising that puberty has deep effects on a
teen's closest relationships.
Page 06 Presentation by Aj Angustia

Heightened Emotionality
of a Adolescence
Heightened emotionality means

01 increased frequency and intensity of

emotional experiences in relation to 03 They also report a wider range of
what is normal.

A common stereotype is that, with Furthermore, despite the advantage of

02 04
puberty, adolescents become moody, youth, adolescents are more likely to
their emotions swinging from one say they feel tired, weak, and have little
extreme to another with little energy.
Page 06 Presentation by Aj Angustia

Signs Cause
Adolescents may show signs of : Diet choices
stress genetics
>> anxiety
>> stress
It can also be due to an
increased irritability or underlying health condition,
anger such as a mood disorder or
changing sleeping and hormones.
eating habits
dropping favorite activities
feelings of loneliness.

Resources are available to those

experiencing an emotional crisis.
Page 07 How Present
Teenagers Think
In early adolescence, teenagers start to think about things that
pique their interest and question them. They start to think

and logical.

This is not to say that adolescents are always logical and that
children never are or that children never think about the
possibilities of their thoughts.
Three Advances that Page 08


Presentation by Cabasan Kenneth

Adolescent Thought
Thought becomes more abstract; adolescents can think of things in
terms of class membership and can classify the classes.

Thought becomes hyphotetical; adolescents can think of things that

are only possible but not real.

Thought becomes more logical; adolescents can test one thought

against another. These changes in the way adolescents think are
prompted by biological maturation of the brain.
Page 09 Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga

Family interactions that promote both connectedness and individuality
contribute to healthy personality development. Communities having the
fewest problem behaviors among the youth are those where the
adolescents experience their schools as caring and supportive and are likely
to attend religious services and participate in other community activities. In
addition to characteristics of the family and the community, the personal
qualities of adolescents themselves are also protective factors. (Cobb 2001)
Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga Page 10

As youth grow and reach their developmental competencies, there are
contextual variables that promote or hinder the process. These are frequently
referred to as protective factors.

A protective factor can be defined as “a characteristic at the biological,

psychological, family, or community (including peers and culture) level that is
associated with a lower likelihood of problem outcomes or that reduces the
negative impact of a risk factor on problem outcomes.”
Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga Page 11

Family provides structure, limits, rules, monitoring, and predictability
Supportive relationships with family members
Clear expectations for behavior and values
Presence of mentors and support for development of skills and interests
Opportunities for engagement within school and community
Page 12
Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga
Values are intimately related to the search for meaning
in human life. Life has meaning when a man has found
something capable of arousing his commitment to
something deserving of his best efforts, worth living for,
and if need be, worth dying for. Values are the goals of
man's striving. They render meaning to one's existence
and complete fulfillment to a man's personality as an
individual as a member of the community. The very word
"value" comes from the latin root "valere" which means to
be "strong and vigorous". It refers to a quality which
precedes from a high degree of physical energy. To be
valere is to have vigor, power to do a specific thing which
gives rise to an urgent demand to have it. (Andres 1989)
Page 13
Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga
Values are ideals that guide or qualify your personal
conduct, interaction with others, and involvement in your
career. Like morals, they help you to distinguish what is
right from what is wrong and inform you on how you can
conduct your life in a meaningful way.

Personal Values are principles that define you as an

individual. Personal values, such as honesty, reliability and
trust, determine how you will face the world and relate with
Page 14
Presentation by Axel A. Olaviaga


Cultural Values, like the practice of your faith and

customs, are principles that sustain connections
with your cultural roots. They help you feel
connected to a larger community of people with
similar backgrounds.

Source of Values: Friends, Family, Economics,

Environment, Geography, Religion, School, and
Page 15

Stages of


The stages of values formation are identical with those of

moral development. This so, because man's sense of
morality is colored by his cultural sense of what is right,
moral or virtuous. Basically, man's conscience and
morality are dependent on the accepted standards and
values of society.

Presentation by
Kenn Benedicto
Page 16
STAGE I - Childhood: The Preconditional Stage
During this stage, children comply with the values of their
parents, teachers, and priests who assert power.

STAGE II - Youth: The Conventional Stage

During this stage, the adolescents identify themselves with their peers, idols,
teachers and their values because of interpersonal concordance .

STAGE III - Adulthood: The Post-Conventional or Principled Stage

During this stage people internalize the values by which they live.

Presentation by
Kenn Benedicto



Page 17

Presentation by
Kenn Benedicto
Page 18

1. Bayanihan
Bayanihan is a word that defies any translation that meally captures the
essence of Cooperation and camarade that angelfare Filipine whom he sals to
complete a task with his friends. Etymologically speaking, bayanihan comes
from the tagalog word bayani which means "hero Bayanihan, therefore, asserts
team spirit and spontaneity in helping others. As a Filipino trait, the bayanihan
way demands for the unity of mind. heart, and spire among team members for
a particular purpose. For Filipinos, bayanihan is "pagkakaisa ng layuni unity of
odjective), "pagkakaisa ng kilos" (brotherhood) pagpapaunlad ng bawat isa
(development of everyone) "masigasig na paggawa" (devoted and
wholehearted work), "Kinikita ang malakas at pinalalakas ang mahina"
(recognizing the strong ones and strengthening the weaknes), and pag-ibig at
katapatan (love and loyalty).

Page 19

2. Honesty
In the beginning, the pre-Hispanic Filipino was honest. This is attested to by the
fact that during pro-Spanish days, Chinese traders would land their goods on
Philippine shore and simply leave. A year later they would come back to the
same spot to get a variety of native produce in payment for the stuff they had
consigned. The payment matched the consignment value for value. This proved
honesty on the part of pre-Hispanic Filipinos. It was honesty in the broadest
sense. It reflected the Filipinos' deep sense of order and justice.

Page 20

3. Hiya/Shyness
Hiya is a Filipino value which defies translation in any Western language. Maya is
termed dyak Literally, hiya means shy, timid, sensitive rather than being
ashamed. But it also be a painful emotion or a feeling of shame due to
inadequacy or anxiety or an uncontrolled feeling that arises from lack of social
resources, thus, the effort to look around for the support of others (Andres 1989).

Reasons of Hiya:

1. Lack of Exposure or Socialization

2. Economic Insecurity
3. Frustration or frustrating forces
4. Poverty and Injustices
5. Utang na loob

Page 21

4. Pakikisama
There are so many pressures that affect a Filipino in his work, there are the
pressures of tradition, utang-na-loob, and of in-laws even. A study reveals that
so many micro-enterprises fold up daily in Metro Manila because their
proprietors could not overcome tow indigenous values of Flipinos pakikisama
(effort to get along with everybody) and hiya (shame). The pakikisama resulted
in the extension of credit to customers even if such erodes capital base of the
business and negates opportunities for increased profits. Hiya, on the other
hand, effectively presented the entrepreneurs from aggressively collecting his or
her collectibles which in many cases led to loss of capital and collapse of the
business. A study was done and revealed that there are long lists of possible
causes of corruption.

Page 21

Humor and positivity

Flexibility and adaptability
Faith and religion
Filipino hospitality
Respect for the elderly
Industrious attitude
Act of Kindness
Care to one another

Presentation by
Kenn Benedicto
For Listening

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