Exercise 1: Formal and Informal Invitation

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Exercise 1: Formal and Informal invitation

➢ Answers the following questions. There are 17 questions.
➢ Please write the questions and answers
➢ Make on word and upload it on Google Classroom (jika kalian tidak bisa ngetik di word,
kalian boleh mengerjakannya dibuku Latihan lalu difoto dan dikirim ke google
➢ Remember write your identity in every assignment given. (Ingat tulis identitas kalian di
setiap tugas)
➢ Due date: today until the lesson time is over
➢ If you have any questions, just ask me on the comment column on Google Classroom

The following text is for number 1 to 5.

1. What is the kind of the text?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What tense is mostly used in the text?
4. What does RSVP stand for?
5. What does RSVP mean?
The following text is for number 6 to 10

6. Who sends the text?

7. Will the writer attend the event?
8. Why is the text written?
9. Why should the card be sent?
10. When should the card be sent?

The following dialogue is for number 11 to 17

Mrs. Anne : Good morning. Anne speaking.
Mr. Raffi : Good morning. I am Raffi from PT Sejahtera Karya.
Mrs. Anne : What can I help, Sir?
Mr. Raffi : I’d like to invite you to the launching of our new products, Ma’am.
Mrs. Anne : Could you tell me when it will be?
Mr. Raffi : Next Monday. I’ve sent you the invitation via e-mail.
Mrs. Anne : I am sorry. I haven’t read my e-mail.
Mr. Raffi : I do hope you can attend the event. Please read the response card in your e-mail
and send it back to me.
Mrs. Anne : O.K. I will gladly attend the launching. I’ll keep notes on my agenda.
Mr. Raffi : Thank you, Ma’am.
Mrs. Anne : My pleasure.

11. What is the dialog about?

12. How does the dialog take place?
13. Pay attention to the sentence in bold. What does it mean?
14. What is the function of the sentence in bold?
15. What will Mrs. Anne probably do soon after receiving the call?
16. Why do you think Mrs. Anne keeps notes the invitation in her agenda?
17. What should Mrs. Anne do after reading the invitation?

Good luck

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