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Unit 1 Fact Sheet Jake Houghton


Advertising is the process which uses techniques to ensure a product or

service is promoted to the targeted audience they want to purchase the
products or services.
The benefits of advertising creates awareness for people intrigued in
purchasing the product or service. Advertising also encourages the target
audience to engage with the advertisements.

Media products can be advertised in four various formats. The four formats
● Web Adverts - (Pop-ups, Banners, Social Media)

● Print Adverts - (Billboards, Posters)

● Video Adverts - (TV adverts)

● Audio Adverts - (Radio Adverts)

Advertising of Radio Times

Advert 1: Web Advertisements

This web advertisement can be found on the
Radio Times Twitter page which promotes their
TV, Film, Streaming, Radio, News, analysis, videos,
pictures and listings. The second image print
screened presents an individual tweet advertising
an upcoming issue from the 11th-17th Febraury
2023 featuring actor Hugh Bonneville, Charlotte
Spencer and Dominic Cooper. This targets the
audience as this particular issue of the magazine
will appeal to the people in the Radio Times
magazine who are interested in watching crime
drama’s or reading crime novels, making this
issue of the magazine potentially successful in
terms of sales. The tweet may also attract the audience due to the celebrities
featured on the front cover of the issue using direct address which adds the
sense of tension and seriousness which fits in well with the purpose of a crime
drama and the genre of crime itself. The mentioning of additional well-known
actors and actresses who also star in the new crime drama alongside
Bonneville and Spencer such as Joanna Lumley, Claudia Winkleman and Hugh
Jackman wil appeal to many of Radio Times target audience due to celebrities
high popularity on British TV screens. The use of large font and the use of the
colour gold attracts the audience as they are encouarged to thibk that the
crime drama being advertised on the front cover of the issue of the magazine is
immensely high quality and enjoyable to watch, influencing the audiences
decision to purchase the magazine.

Advert 2: Video Advertisement

This video advertisement can be located on Youtube, advertising a double
magazine issue for the 2022 Christmas edition of the Radio Times magazine
which is being sold at sale price with a free Love Cocoa chocolate bar if the
issue of the magazine is purchased.
This advertisement targets the audience as it is promoted and portrayed to the
audience as a special edition of the Radio Times magazine which can only be
purchased annually which makes it more likely for some people in the audience
to purchase the magazine due to it being a special time of the year.
This advertisement of the Christmas issue of the Radio Times magazine
appeals to the audience as it showcases traditional, festive colours like red,
green, white and gold. The colours connote the idea of Christian traditions
which are conducted during the Christmas period which will appeal to and
attract many members of the Radio Times target audience who identify as
Christians or just celebrate Christmas as a non-religious person. The incentive
of receiving a free chocolate bar if you purchase the double issues of the Radio
Times magazine will aslo
attract many of Radio Times
target audience. The festive,
cheerful background music
used for this video
advertisement attracts to the
audience as it has an overall
jovial tone which may
influence the audiences
decision to purchase the

Advert 3: Print Advertisements

This printed advertisement was located in Rickmansworth, UK where the 2020
Christmas issue of the Radio Times magazine was being advertised with an
offer of a Santa Kit Kat bag for 50p if you purchase the double Christmas issue
of the Radio Times magazine. The magazine targets the audience as it is
promoted to the audience as a special, rare edition of the Radio Times
magazine which is only published during the Christmas period. There is an
increased chance of members of the audience purchasing this issue of the
Radio Times magazine is the content and overall atmosphere when reading the
magazine feels magical and unique compared to the regular issue of the
magazine Radio Times publish.
This advertisement appeals to the audience as the colour scheme used on the
advertisement board such as red, blue and white brings happiness and
encourages people to have a sense of hope and something to look forward to,
which during the year of 2020 people struggled to have due to the COVId-19
lockdowns and the harmful effects it brung. The advertising of this magazine
attracted the audience as it featured a large image of Father Christmas which
has connotations of happiness and generosity which many people admire.
Many people will feel attracted to purchasing this magazine due to the
incentive advertised which offers a bag of Santa Kit Kat chocolates for just 50p
which many people wil see as a bargain. Radio Times makes it clear who they
target which is people who celebrate Christmas and need something more
uplifting and fun o read about after a year of a new pandemic arising which has
caused apprehension, misery and sadness for many people, including people
who read the Radio Times magazine.

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