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Unit 1 FACT SHEET Oliver Connolly

Target Audience

Target Audience: A target audience is the specific audience that a media product is
aimed at. This is used to help producers create a product that they would appeal to a
specific group of people and that would generate income due to its popularity and
want to buy it. Their main goal is to also ensure that the content they are producing
is appropriate to the audience they are trying to sell it to, so it helps the audience
realise that it is the product that is best for them.

Demographic: Demographics are a way of of categorising an audience into

different groups allowing the producers to pinpoint the specific groups.These four
groups consist of:

- Age
- Gender
- Spending Power - Spending power is how much money people have left to
spend after they have finished paying for essentials such as bills.
- Lifestyle - This includes spare time, hobbies, interests, background, cultural
and political power

This image represents the economic model of everyone in the UK and how much
spending power they have.The grades A - E range from Upper middle class to
pensioners and people on zero hours contracts.

Target Audience Of Empire Magazine

● Age: The target audience for Empire is between 18 - 40 years old

● Gender: Three quarters of the target audience are male and the other quarter
are female.

● Spending Power: 68% of the target audience is people who are in ABC,
which is the upper to lower middle class. This proves that they have
disposable income to spend on going to the cinema to watch films and using
streaming services and subscriptions to access them. As well as this they
have multiple electronic devices where they can gain access to the services
and subscriptions showing they have the income to support the use of
technologies to indulge in their film and TV watching..

● Lifestyle: They are passionate about film and have constant access to
cinematic content either by going to independent or chain cinemas or through
streaming and subscription services to multiple electronic devices. They are
busy with limited free time, as 77% of the audience are in employment and a
significant number of the remaining 33% are at college or university. The
majority of the audience are in relationships or married. What little free time
they have is spent watching and reading about film and TV.

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