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CE332 Computer Architecture &

Organization - Assignment 2
Submit your answer in a nicely formatted PDF report (see the grading criteria) in E-learning. Try to answer them in
a concise manner. Working with your friends / other groups is fine, as long as you describe your understanding in
the report with your own words.

● (SUB-CPMK 3) Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan komponen-komponen utama penyusun komputer – C2

Grading Criteria
● Pemahaman konsep (langkah tepat) (50%)
● Ketepatan jawaban (30%)
● Kelengkapan & kerapian laporan (ilustrasi, deskripsi) (20%)

Review Question

A. Review Question
Discuss and answer these questions (source: reference book).

3.2 List and briefly define the possible states that define an instruction execution.

3.3 List and briefly define two approaches to dealing with multiple interrupts.

B. Exercise – instruction execution

Assume a 16-bit computer which has a structure as follows.

A. Memory format for instruction and data (signed number)

B. Internal CPU registers C. List of opcodes (instructions)
● Program Counter (PC) = Address of instruction ● 0001 (0x1) = Load to AC from Memory
● Instruction Register (IR) = Instruction being executed ● 0010 (0x2) = Store from AC to Memory
● Accumulator (AC) = Temporary storage ● 0101 (0x5) = Add to AC from Memory
● Memory Address Register (MAR) = Address to access
in memory
● Memory Buffer Register (MBR) = Data fetched from /
to write to memory

Based on the computer description above, show the program execution steps for this program below. Use the
format used in Figure 3.5 (see textbook / lecture slides) but extend it with MAR and MBR. That is, also show the
process of accessing memory with MAR and MBR.

Program to execute

Program is in address 200-203, data is in memory address 850 onwards.

Hint: signed number

Memory CPU registers

address (hex) (hex)
200 1850
201 5851
202 5852
203 2853

850 0005
851 000F
852 FFFB
853 00D2

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