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Social media has various effects on younger users such as addiction and mental break

down that led them spending less time with their family

Because social media causes addiction, stress, and mental breakdown this might affect
the younger audience who are using it that might led to them not doing well in school.
Another reason is communication skills breakdown because of social media they
invested so much time on it that it causes them to have less interaction with their
family and maybe even other peoples to. It may be good for others or it helps
especially for young students and because anything and everything can be on social
media but not everything on social media is true because of the widespread of false
informations meaning you can not just trust everything you see

Topic Sentence #1

Because social media causes addiction, stress, and mental breakdown this might affect
the younger audience who are using it that might led to them not doing well in school.

Topic Sentence #2

Another reason is communication skills breakdown because of social media they

invested so much time on it that it causes them to have less interaction with their
family and maybe even other peoples to.


It may be good for others or it helps especially for young students and because
anything and everything can be on social media but not everything on social media is
true because of the widespread of false informations meaning you can not just trust
everything you see

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