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Salutations everyone, today I will present myself and tell you why you should vote for me for

president of the student council. As some of you know I have great debating and leadership
skills. I am also loyal, selfless and brave. I have three main goals. First, I will ensure that school
starts at 9.15 and ends at 14.30. Secondly, I will make sure to add a relaxation room where
students can relax and sleep in their free time, with free cofee, snacks and videogames. Finnaly,
I garantee that if you elect me for president of the student council, that I will make it so that
students chooses their classes, schedules and subjects. I will achive my goals by becoming a
leader of the people since, in my eyes, that is my role. And if, after all of that your still not
conviced that you should elect me, I will add another three days off and five exams that don’t
count of your choosing. And there will be a chance for one of my voter’s to earn a free day at
the spa. So please vote for me if you want to make these dreams into reality. Let us, together,
make this school great again!

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