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STATISTICS The measure used to describe the population is called the

What is Statistics? PARAMETER.

- is a branch of science that deals with collection, The measure computed from sample data is called STATISTIC.
presentation, organization, analysis and
interpretation of numerical figures. Statistical theory - deals with the development and
- A branch of mathematics that deals with the exposition of theories that serve as the bases of statistical
scientific collection, organization, presentation, methods.
analysis, and interpretation of numerical data in Population – collection of all individuals or items included in
order to obtain useful and meaningful information. the scope of the study.
- A set of procedures and rules for reducing large Sample – part or subset of the population from where data is
masses of data into manageable proportions actually taken.
allowing us to draw conclusions from those data. Parameter – quantitative value or attribute that characterizes
(McCarthy) the population.
Statistic - quantitative value or attribute that characterizes
Role of Statistics the sample.
a) In biological and medical sciences, statistics guide Variable – characteristic or attribute of objects or person that
researchers and scientists in the evaluation of can assume different values for different objects or person.
research project. Observation – the value that the variable assumes.
b) In physical science, it determines whether the results Data – the collection of observation
of experiments should be incorporated into the Measurement – the process of determining the vale or level,
general body of knowledge. either qualitative or quantitative
c) In business and economics, it provides forecasting
and product design procedures. Types of statistics
d) In engineering, it can be used to test various Statistics Methods
materials constructed and developed. - refer to the procedures and techniques used in the
e) In social sciences, statistics provides ways to support collection, presentation, organization, analysis and
the development of theories and models. interpretation of data. The two main areas of
f) In education, it helps develop and test new statistical methods are descriptive and inferential
techniques on learning and teaching process. statistics.
g) In health, it provides ways to prove better health
management and procedures. Descriptive
- includes those methods concerned with the
Functions of Statistics collection, presentation, description, summary and
a) Organizes data for presentation and better analysis of data without drawing inference about a
understanding. large group.
b) Estimates quantities and measurements. - consists of the collection, organization,
c) Facilitates information dissemination. summarization, and presentation of data.
d) Helps in establishing differences. Inferential
e) Explains the relationship between variables of - refers to those methods concerned with analysis of a
interest. subset of data leading to predictions and inferences
f) Tests assertions and claims about the entire set of data.
g) Predicts and forecasts future outcome. - consists of generalizing from samples to populations,
performing estimations and hypothesis tests,
Statistician - A person who is trained in collecting numerical determining relationships among variables, and
information (data), evaluating it, and drawing conclusions making predictions.
from it.
Let’s Practice
Basic Concepts In each of these statements, tell whether descriptive or
Variable (data) - characteristics or attribute that can assume inferential statistics have been used.
different values 1. On average, 100 people choke to death on ball point pens
- is a phenomenon whose values cannot be predicted every year. ( Descriptive
with certainty. It may be defined in various ways 2. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
depending upon the use and need of the researcher. ( Descriptive
Examples: 3. By 2040 at least 3.5 billion people will run short of water
> scores of the students. (World Future Society). Inferential
> opinion of the students about the taste of durian. 4. Allergy therapy makes bees go away (Source: Prevention).
Data Values- values (measurements or observations) that the Inferential
variables can assume. 5. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170
Data set - collection of data values miles per hour. ( Descriptive
Example: (Scores in a 40-item quiz)

A population consists of all subjects (human or otherwise)

that are being studied.
A sample is a group of subjects selected from a population.
Types of Data  arithmetic operations are not performed on
ordinal level data

Interval Scale
Qualitative Quantitative  applied to data that can be arranged in some order
(Categorical) (Numerical) and for which differences in data values are
Discrete Continuous  results from counting or measuring
 the value zero is arbitrarily chosen for interval data
and does not imply an absence of the characteristic
Qualitative data are variables that can be placed into distinct being measured
categories, according to some characteristic or attribute.  Ex: temperature
 consist of labels, category names, and such for which
representation on a numerical scale is not naturally Ratio Scale
meaningful  the highest level of measurement
Examples:  applied to data that can be ranked and for which all
 Opinion of Catholics to Death Penalty (Pro or Anti) arithmetic operations including division can be
 Name of your friends in MCL performed
 results from counting or measuring
Quantitative data are numerical and can be ordered or  data can be arranged in an ordering scheme and
ranked. differences and ratios can be calculated and
 are counts or measurements for which interpreted
representation on a numerical scale is naturally  data has an absolute zero and a value of zero
meaningful. indicates a complete absence of the characteristic of
Example: interest
Amount of a student’s daily allowance.  Examples: wages height weight units of
production changes in stock prices distance
Discrete Data between branch offices grams of fats consumed per
 quantitative data that are countable using a finite day
count, such as 0, 1, 2, and so on
 integer-valued Classify each variable as nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio-
level measurement.
Continuous Data 1. Times required for mechanics to do a tune-up.
 quantitative data that can take on any value within a RATIO
range of values on a numerical scale in such a way 2. Ages of students in a classroom. RATIO
that there are no gaps, jumps, or other interruptions 3. Classification of children in a day-care center (infant,
 Real valued toddler, preschool) ORDINAL

Discrete or Continuous? SUMMARY:

 Daytime temperature readings (in degrees Nominal – characterized by data that consist of names, labels,
Fahrenheit) in a 30-day period Continuous or categories only
 Ages of MATH111 students Continuous Ordinal - characterized by data that applies to categories that
 Number (0, 1, 2, or so on) of people attending a can be ranked
conference Discrete - data can be arranged in an ordering scheme
 Defects per hour in a shoe company Discrete - arithmetic operations are not performed on ordinal
 Number of hours you waited for your girlfriend level data
Continuous Interval - the value zero is arbitrarily chosen for interval data
and does not imply an absence of the characteristic being
Levels Of Measurement measured
Nominal Scale Ratio - data has an absolute zero and a value of zero indicates
 the lowest level of data a complete absence of the characteristic of interest
 applied to data that are used for category
identification Sampling Methods
 characterized by data that consist of names, labels, • Population. All of the subjects of interest.
or categories only • Sample. The subjects in the population we actually
 data cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme measure.
 arithmetic operations are not performed for • Sampling. The process of selecting the individuals
nominal data from the population that makes up our sample.

Ordinal Scale The details of which subjects are and are not part of our
 the next higher level of data population should be carefully specified.
 characterized by data that applies to categories that - our sample is our only source of information about the
can be ranked population
 data can be arranged in an ordering scheme
The theory of sampling is as follows: 3. Systematic Random Sampling
• Researchers want to gather information about a - Decide on sample size: n
whole group of people (the population). - Divide ordered (e.g., alphabetical) frame of N
• Researchers can only observe a part of the individuals into n groups of k individuals: k=N/n
population (the sample). - Randomly select one individual from the 1st group
• The findings from the sample are generalized, or - Select every kth individual thereafter
extended, back to the population.
4. Cluster Sampling
Why Sample? - Divide population into several “clusters,” each
 Less time consuming than a census representative of the population (e.g., province)
 Less costly to administer than a census - Select a simple random sample of clusters
 It is possible to obtain statistical results of a - All items in the selected clusters can be used, or
sufficiently high precision based on samples items can be chosen from a cluster using another
probability sampling technique

Sample sizes can be computed by applying the Slovin’s Let’s Practice

formula: 1.) In a large school district, all teachers from two buildings
N are interviewed to determine whether they believe the
n= students have less homework to do now than previous years.
1+ N e 2
where n – number of samples CLUSTER
N – number of population 2.) The team needs to get a sample of 4000 students from the
e – margin of error population and select 480 English, 1120 Science, 960
Computer Science, 840 Engineering and 600 Math students
which provides a better representation of students’ college
majors in U.S. STRATIFIED
3.) Every 100th hamburger manufactured is checked to
determine its fat content. SYSTEMATIC
4.) Mail carriers of a large city are divided into four groups
according to gender (male or female) and according to
whether they walk or ride on their routes. Then 10 are
selected from each group and interviewed to determine
whether they have been bitten by a dog last year. STRATIFIED

Classify each variable as qualitative or quantitative.

Nonstatistical Sampling 1. Genre of songs played in YES FM 101.9 last year QN
Convenience 2. Rankings of NBA players in the MVP race. QL
- Collected in the most convenient manner for the 3. Capacity in cubic feet of six cylindrical containers. QN
researcher 4. Grade Point Average (GPA) of the top five ME students in
Judgment MCL last term (3T-2016-2017). QN
- Based on judgments about who in the population 5. The population of the California condor. QN
would be most likely to provide the needed
information Classify each variable as discrete or continuous.
1. Speed of a car. DISCRETE
Statistical Sampling 2. The weight of a bag of apples. CONTINUOUS
- Items of the sample are chosen based on known or 3. The length of a piece of wire. CONTINUOUS
calculable probabilities 4. The number of telephone calls received. DISCRETE
5. The number of felony arrests in a town. DISCRETE

Classify each variable as nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio-

level measurement.
1. Ratings of eight local plays (poor, good, excellent)
4 METHODS OF STATISTICAL SAMPLING 2. Number of pages in the city of Cleveland telephone book.
1. Simple Random Sampling INTERVAL
- Every possible sample of a given size has an equal 3. SSS numbers of MCL Faculty members. NOMINAL
chance of being selected 4. Salaries of the top five CEOs in USA. RATIO
- The sample can be obtained using a table of random 5. Rankings of tennis players. ORDINAL
numbers or computer random number generator
Random Variable
2. Stratified Random Sampling - Possible outcome of a variable
- Divide population into subgroups (called strata)
according to some common characteristic Discrete Probability
- e.g., gender, income level - Discrete Data/Variable
- Select a simple random sample from each subgroup Probability Mass Function
- Combine samples from subgroups into one - Continuous Data/Variable
Sample Space – list of all possible outcome
Sample Point – outcomes

2n = number of outcomes

Mean Varaiable
Μ =∑ x ( P ( x ))

ϑ =∑ ( x × P ( x ) ) − Μ
2 2 2

Standard Deviation
ϑ= √∑ ( x × P ( x ) ) − Μ
2 2

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