The Philippines Is Currently in The Midst of A Heated Debate Over The Possibility of A Constitutional Convention

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The Philippines is currently in the midst of a heated debate over the possibility of a

Constitutional Convention. The proposed convention would be tasked with drafting a new
constitution for the country, replacing the current one which was enacted in 1987.

Proponents of the Constitutional Convention argue that the current constitution is outdated and
no longer serves the needs of the country. They point to issues such as corruption, political
dynasties, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals as evidence that the
current system is in need of reform.

Opponents of the Constitutional Convention, however, argue that the process would be too
expensive and time-consuming, and that it could open the door to abuses of power. They also
point to the fact that the current constitution has already been amended several times, and that
further changes could be made through the existing amendment process.

The debate over the Constitutional Convention has been ongoing for several months, with both
sides marshaling their arguments and trying to win over public opinion. Proponents have held
rallies and town hall meetings across the country, while opponents have launched media
campaigns and sought to sway lawmakers.

At this time, it remains unclear whether a Constitutional Convention will be held. Lawmakers are
currently weighing the pros and cons of the proposal, and public opinion remains divided.
However, one thing is certain: the debate over the future of the Philippine constitution will
continue to be a major political issue for the foreseeable future.

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