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SE This is something I want to express to you because I love you. If you hold
DE some aches too closely, they might make you feel really sick. So it's
acceptable to set things aside for a bit. Allow your arms to rest. Those are
the arms that have been bringing heart-stopping agony so near to you.
Give your heart some distance from whatever it is that is threatening its
ability to beat. I want you to know that I'm committed to growing in my
ability to love you. Please know that while I try my best and will never
leave you, there are times when I just can't seem to get it right, there are
a lot of flaws along the way. But please know that I'll never give up on
you. Please know that you're in my mind at all times. Always know that
you’re strong, capable and amazing. I'm constantly considering what else I
can provide, where and how I can obtain your goals for you. I guarantee
that together, we will discover genuine joy and self-love. Take the advice
of your comfort character, remember that Venti said,

“Many people may feel lost at times. After all, it's impossible for everything
to happen according to your own wishes. At a time like this, ask yourself
what the most important thing is! Even if life's all in a jumble, you can sort it
out as long as there's a whisper of the wind. Don't be afraid, I'm here.” I’m
here, Hannah, I guess I’m all that you have, so let’s take care of each
After concentrating on my organization
responsibilities and academics for several months, I
finally permitted myself to play my favorite game
Genshin Impact this vacation! I spent my whole day
playing the main quest and also acquired a rare five-
star weapon! SWEET! Being able to play the main
story quest was quite relieving to me, so that I can
open my twitter FREE from all the god damn
spoilers!! >:0 It was fun, and I realized I do quite
miss this feeling where my problems rely on losing my
50/50’s on a gacha game!! .

In my academic days, it felt so wrong to have a little
bit of my time to watch anime. I just felt like I
shouldn’t do so, but since I had a short vacation, I
decided to binge watch CHAINSAW MAN!!! I was so
hyped for every single episode that was dropped,
although it hasn’t finished releasing all the episodes
yet, I finished the ones available and decided to
continue watching Evangelion! (I seriously have a
thing with action anime huh…) I didn’t know what else
I would do, so I decided to draw again! Also, as an
artist, I find it relieving when it comes to generating
pieces that benefit my liking. However, because I
didn’t draw for months, I felt like my skills were
deteriorating. In all honesty, it didn’t really bother me
that much. I just drew to my heart’s content!
I treated myself with new skin care products! For me,
the last several months has been really demanding
and stressful that I started to developed breakouts.
Sincerely, breakouts are quite irritating and
negatively affect my self-esteem. I reasoned that
perhaps I might use the skincare products I bought
and also give myself a rest for a little while. It helped
and was glad to see my face glowing! I felt quite
fresh, and calmed. I then started to use it daily, and it
also seemed to slowly work!!


It was Halloween szn, so I decided to go
hang out with my friends because they
invited me to join them to watch a movie. It
was a promo from SM Seaside to watch
these scary flicks for a marathon. We also
challenged ourselves to wear something
fitting for the current theme, so I wore a
black suit in reference for a chainsaw man

I'll tell you, the day was amazing! I didn't

care about anything related to school at
all; my major goals were to enjoy myself
and let go of the stress I had been
carrying for a while. With my classmates
from high school whom I actually missed so
much, I knew I needed it. I used my money
to purchase delicious meals and to simply
spend time with my friends. To be very
honest, the movie was garbage! But being
around my friends was more important to
me because it made me feel like I belonged
again. I'll always treasure that memory.
It was the day when I had to regain my focus since it was getting close to November 3
and I needed to be ready for both the ensuing days and the upcoming exams. I felt the
vacation was too brief and yearned for more time! But it appears that it would only
continue this Christmas, which I am excited about!

On the fifth day, I made the decision to keep track of my schooling and completed any
remaining assignments. The fact that I was able to meticulously organize the materials
required made me feel accomplished; it was also to avoid cramming!
1.) How did you feel about the whole activity? What particular emotions did
you experience when you practiced the various love languages to yourself?

I felt delighted after completing the activity since I was able to indulge my passions
and also realized how much I needed it, especially considering how stressed and
overworked I had been over the previous several months.

2.) What love language resonated with you the most? Which made you feel
most loved and happy?

The thing that I actually enjoyed, on par with spending quality time, was receiving
gifts. Although I would have appreciated some alone time, I discovered treating
myself on a getaway was equally enjoyable.

3.) Did you discover something profound about yourself? If yes, how? If not,

I learned that while I enjoy being by myself, I also enjoy interacting with others. I
consider myself to be an extroverted introvert who enjoys being in the company of
those with whom I have genuine relationships but also values my alone time when I
need it. The fact that I was able to learn that for myself was illuminating, and I
believe it's incredibly remarkable. Although it may have been a little revelation, it
significantly altered how I genuinely saw myself.


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