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 what do you call the transition from infancy to puberty?

 Prenatal, infant, early childhood, middle and late childhood, Adolescence
 according to psychosexual theory, in this childhood stage, the gratification of the mouth? Oral
 phallic: Electra daughter to father and Oedipus complexes son to mother/genitals
 latency: dormant libido
 anal: anus
 libido: sexual desire
 erogenous zone: pleasure areas
 fixation: consequences
 O-A-PHAL-GE (oral, anal, phallic-genital)
 Degradation of neurons of aging? Pruning
 Plasticity: brain ability to change from experiences
 Proponent of cognitive development theory: Jean Piaget
 According to psychoanalytic theory, conscious personality focuses on the reality of the person?
 Id: selfishness
 Ego: balance/reality
 Superego: selfless
 Parts of the cerebrum
Frontal lobe: Thinking, memory, attention, motivation
Parletal lobe: senses and emotion
Temporal lobe: hearing and language
Occipital lobe: Vision

 Proponent of psychoanalytic and psychosexual theory: Sigmund Freud

 Proponent of socio-cultural development theory: Lev Vygotsky
 Urine Bronfenbrebber: Ecological theory
 Erik Ericson: Pyschosocial
 Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalytic and sexual
 Controlling the aggressive behavior of a pupil in class? Assign him to do a routine task
 Motivation comes from within: Intrinsic
 Children argue that object remains the same despite changes in appearance and shape?
Concrete operational stage
 Stages of cognitive development

Sensori-motor birth to 2 years/ object permanence, reflexes reaction to a stimulus

Pre-operational stage 2 to 7 years old/ symbolic function imagination, Egocentrism self-centered,

Centration, Irreversibility, Animism child threatening somethings as alive.

Concrete operational stage 7 to 11/ decentering can see different attributes, Reversibility,
Conservation, Seriation series and arrangement

Formal operational stage 12 to up/ hypothetical reasoning, analytic reasoning, deductive reasoning

 IQ= 160: Genius

 IQ= 90: average
 IQ= 70: very low
 Learners lectures, discussion, other oral communication? Audio
 Multiple intelligence: Howard Gardner

Interpersonal: people smart

Intrapersonal: self-smart

Naturalistic: nature-smart

Bodily kinesthetic- body smart

Verbal Linguistic: word smart

Visual Spatial: picture smart

Musically Inclined: music smart

Logical Mathematical: number smart

Existential: spirit smart

 For selective in the learning process, the novice learner attempts to process _____: All
 Judy is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She tried to sleep but she
was forced to stand up and go to the bathroom.: Drive theory
 Expectancies and values theory: expecting a reward
 Doing things that has dimidiate practical use of the learners: Sensing-Thinking
 Intuitive- thinking: gut feeling
 Sensing-thinking: practical and result-orientation
 Sensing feeling: practical helpful to people
 Look in the social and cultural context, whose view is this: Vygotsky
 Elements of pression like teaching
1. Initial professional education/ college graduate
2. Accreditation/quality
3. Skills Development/ pre-inservice traning
4. Certification/ voluntary exam
5. Licensing/ mandatory exam
6. Professional Development
7. Professional Societies/Organizations
8. Code of Ethics/ Ethical Standards
9. Organizational Certification/ Org. Accredited
 Elements of profession like teaching: not include TESDA certificate is voluntary
 RA no. 9293 revised of RA 7636(Philippine Professionalization Act) special permit may also
issued by the board to a person who has excelled and gained international recognition.
 Can Many Pacquiao teach boxing in a special school? Yes, has excelled and gained international
 Graduates who are not qualified to take LET: Associate in Arts (2years college course) LET
requires 4 years course
 By way language medium, which is the best for students of diverse cultural backgrounds:
National Language
 Based on the elements of the profession, can the taxi driver be considered a professional? no,
because driving is not a college or university degree.
 Based on the RA 9293, a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing
general average rating.
 Why is CPD necessary for professional teachers?
To continuously improve personal and professional development
To abide CPD Act of 2016
 Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teachers provided for RA 7836?
Consists of an oral exam
Consists of a written exam
It May serves as an additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating
 Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past five years. Can he go back to
teaching? No, unless he has enrolled in a refresher course of 12 units
 Is an alien qualified to take the LET: yes, provided his/her country has reciprocity with the
Philippines in the practice of the teaching profession
 Based on RA 9293, may all who failed in the LET be deployed as para-teachers? No, only those
with an average rating of 70 to 74
 TIM model: technology integration model
Entry level: teachers are the users of technology
Adoption level: learners use- following the instructions
Adaptation level: Learners modify the technology
Infusion level: Provides various tools
Transformation: self-directed use

Characteristic of learning environment

Active: learners are Engaged
Collaborative: learners work together
Constructive: learning integration
Authentic: Learning in real context
Goal-oriented: learning with the objective
 Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in adding mixed
fractions. The students work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in
adding mixed fraction. This show technology integration which is____. : Entry active
 Mrs. Soriano, A Grade V teacher prefers to use textbooks than other instructional materials.
What could be the reason for using it? Textbooks contains most of the materials they need learn
in the course

 Ms. Cruz was hired in a well-equipped school but she has to start preparing her instructional
materials before classes begin. Which of the following is a systematic process the preparing her
materials? Design-development-utilization-evaluation
 A science teacher uses a PowerPoint presentation to show the classification in the kingdom
Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use a software in making graphic organizers
students then use this to create their own graphic organizers to classify animals. This shows
technology integration which is ______.: Adoption-constructive
 Correct about the domains of educational technology?: utilization is the action phase
 Which group of technologies has the highest degree of abstraction?: book, imaginative
literature, programmed instruction

 Which has the highest degree of abstraction:

 Which terms refers to model: mock-up
 Most symbolic to multisensory: print, audio, visual materials, computers
Knower/ seminar

Types of curriculum
Written/ books, modules, syllabi

Elements of Curriculum
Balance- equal amount
Articulation- leveling, avoiding gaps
Integration- connection of past to new lesson
 Summative test and final examinations, portfolios, exhibitions, and performances presentations
are examples of: assessment of learning

Types of Portfolio

Showcase the best output

Evaluation for grading purpose

Development learning progress

 Shows best works: showcase

 Beginning, middle and end: development
 Evaluate students learning after the instruction: summative assessment
 A term use to students and teachers exploring the internet’s educational possibilities: internauts
 Theory that a social construct specifying the socially-culturally prescribed roles that men and
women are to follow: Social learning theory
 ASEAN community is about the blueprint, a vision towards integrating the ASEAN resource
markets: ASEAN economic community (AEC)
 If an educational leader was seriously interested in implementing PSEL 1, he/she would facilitate
processes and engage in activities to ensure that: The vision and mission of the school are
effectively communicated to the staff, parents, students, and community members.
 Which of the pillars of ASEAN community is about to promote a caring and sharing society, and
uplift the lives of its people: ASEAN socio-cultural Community(ASCC)
 ASEAN pillars continue to live in peace, stability, resilience, and in concord: ASEAN political-
security Community (APSC)
 This uses a task or an activity to allow students the opportunity to use the assessment to further
their own learning: Assessment as learning
 The student remains in the regular class until requiring additional support to complete
assignments; students attend curricular modification: Pull-out Program
 Involves the central nervous system and is a disability of the brain, spinal cord, or nervous
system: Neurological Impairment
 Behavioral is monitored in terms or whether defined behaviors occur or do not occur within
specific time intervals: Interval data
 Artificial reinforcers given in a specific number upon emission of target behavior to be later used
to “purchased” reinforcement: Token economy
 It is a special education teacher as a full partner in a classroom with a general education teacher.
Changes made by children as they move from one type of service delivery setting or program to
another: full inclusion
 Changes made by children as they move from one type of service delivery setting or program to
another: transition
 The words are running around: dyslexia
 Changing the way in which instruction is delivered or changing the way in which a student is
expected to respond to instruction: accommodation
 Abnormalities in the pitch, quality, loudness, too much sound coming through the nose of voice:
Communication disorder
 Both A and B
 All are importants as they are interconnected( learning and innovation skills, information,
media, and technology skills, life and career skils
 Present role of the teacher in planning curriculum: all of the above
 Skills show ability to reason effectively, use systems thinking, make judgments and decisions and
solve problems: critical thinking
 Which essential curriculum development steps needing less emphasis: Budget assessment
 Connotes digital literacy: Refers to the access of learners to multi-media channels to improve
their digital literacy.
 When you receive a suspicious email asking you withdraw a big amount from bank upon winning
the grand prize, which you know you have not participated: ignore the e-mail, do not open and
delete it right away
 Who are meant to benefit from curriculum: learners or students
 Importance of curriculum in school: I, II, III
 Which form of Media is becoming popular and practical because of the internet brings to the
public while generating income from the obtained views: YouTube
 Except ASEAN community: Asean summit community
 Ed leaders ability to formulate goals with individuals and groups: A set of goals for 4 th grade
students designed by members of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade team
 Terminologies refers to the field that focuses in creating technological resources for the
learning: Instructional technology
 Encompasses the true essence of the term curriculum: sum total of all learning experiences
 The curricularist attends to seminars, workshops and pursue graduate work: Knower
 Design elements established the vertical linkage from level to avoid glaring gaps and wasteful
overlaps: Articulation
 The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allowed, resources
available, expertise of a teacher and nature of learners. What criterion is addressed: Feasibility
 Type of curriculum comes from policy, standards and guideline from national and international
bodies such as UNESCO: recommended curriculum
 Teacher Aziz have been tasked to prepare the curriculum for the year: Planner
 The foundations shows the chronological development of curriculum mostly shown using a
timeline: historical foundations
 The language which is seemingly universal: English
 Collection of work finished or in progress accomplished by the targeted clientele: portfolio
 Alternative assessment includes: Role plays, portfolios and students demonstrations
 Students assessment of their own learning: self-evaluation
 Purpose of assessment is: evaluate and maximixed student learning.

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