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‘91/23, 11:11 PM Posttirement jobs for Judges Post-retirement jobs for Judges 30 responses Publish analytics Should Judges accept the post-retirement jobs offered by the (O copy government? 30 responses @ Yes @No © depends on the nature of the job Do you think post retirement jobs such as NHRC chairman or nomination |L) Copy to Rajya Sabha have an effect on pre-retirement judgements? 30 responses @ Yes @ No @ Maybe 18 ‘29, 11 Pw Postretrement jobs for uses Do you think pro-government judgements helps the Judges to secure a (0 copy post-retirement job? 30 responses @ ves @No Do you think people will lose confidence from Judiciary if post-retirement (LJ) Copy jobs such as nomination to Rajya Sabha is made? 30 responses @ Yes @No @ Maybe 215 syewaa, 1:11 Pw Posttirement jobs for Judges Your views on Post-retirement jobs given to the Judges ‘1S responses It should not be done because judges then become pro government and that is failure of the whole system as all the organs should be separate. And also it is ethically wrong for the judge to accepted such proposals. It can affect the independence of judiciary and will lead to favouring of government parties by Judges for their benefits. Unless and until it is a quasi judicial commitees or important constitutional commitees judges should not accept such proposals of post retirement jobs. ‘Should not participate in politics inorder to maintain people's trust on independent judiciary. It will provide them Financial Security. Also it may help an single parent family or family with no children It should be given. It's really great..This will greatly help in development of the nation... It effects the lives of many young lawyers who try to succeed in their career through their hardwork as many posts will be fillwd by senior judges , it hinders junior lawyers lives and also nepotism continues and interference of legislature in judiciary occurs which is detrimental to the basic structure of the Indian constitution In will affect the judgements given by the judges if the case is related to ruling party because the judge will want their favour for the post retirement job It shall only exist if that particular judge had nothing to do with any pro government judgement. It depends on the nature of the job which is given to the judge how does it helps society at large and not only the judge. Itis good since institutions like commisions or parliament can gain a lot from their experience. It's nice. But at the same time it can negatively impact the public as well India is dealing with harsh problem of less quantity of judges in system. Due which count of pending cases get increase. In which if start appointing the current judges the chairman of ‘commision and head in other areas. Where there is only requirement of judges level skill. Then it will create more chaotic situations. From that view i think retire judges should be appointed for such jobs. But, there should be less government intervention in it. ‘Any judge involved in law making process violates the clear line drawn between the organs of the government and it raised questions on the character and integrity of the judge and his judgements Judiciary accepting positions from government will leader to reducing trust on the judiciary hence post retirement jobs shouldr't be given neither be accepted 35 ‘91/23, 1:11 PM Posttirement jobs for Judges Hey! This is disha . Ques are good but in the second one you can add if they know about what is going to be offered Judges are quite experienced people who will be involved in the system for a very long time. ‘Their expertise and knowledge can help in better functioning of the system. However, as they have to be separated from the legislatutr, they should not be taking positions in the intricate parts of the govt. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Renoit Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Google Forms 45 syewaa, 1:11 Pw Posttirement jobs for Judges 55

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