Analysis of A Planar Truss

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Finite Element Analysis

Experiment 5

Aim: Analysis of a planar truss.

Step 0: Open Ansys Workbench (Student Version);
Step 1: Ansys Workbench > Project interface;
Step 2: Toolbox > Analysis systems > Static Structural;
Step 3: Static Structural > Engineering Data > Structural Steel;
Step 4: Static Structural > Geometry > New Geometry in Design Modeller;
Step 5: Design Modeller > Units > Meter;
Step 6: Design Modeller > Points > Details > Definition > Manual Input > Create 4 points;
Step 7: Concept > Lines from Points > Connect Points;
Step 8: Concept > Cross Section > Rectangular;
Step 9: Tree Outline > Line Body > Details View > Cross Section > Rect1;
Step 10: Static Structural > Mechanical > Model > Geometry > Line Body > Details >
Material > Assignment > Structural Steel;
Step 11: Model > Geometry > Cross Section > Rect1;
Step 12: Model > Mesh > Generate Mesh;
Step 13: Static Structural > Insert > Fixed Support > Details > Geometry Selection > Select 3
Step 14: Static Structural > Insert > Force > Details > Geometry Selection > Select a Point >
Definition > Define by > Components > Y- component > 5000 N;
Step 15: Static Structural > Solve;
Step 16: Solution > Insert > Deformation > Total Deformation;
Step 17: Solution > Insert > Deformation > Directional Deformation (Y axis) > individually
at all 4 points;
Step 18: Solution > Insert > Beam Results > Bending Moment;
Step 19: Solution > Insert > Beam Tool;
Step 20: Solution > Insert > Beam Tool > Maximum Bending Stress;
Step 21: Solution > Insert > Probe > Force Reaction > Fixed Supports;
Finite Element Analysis

Step 22: Solution > Insert > Probe > Moment Reaction > Fixed Supports > Evaluate all
Step 23: Project Interface > Save as Project (Planar Truss II);
Step 24: Close Ansys Workbench;

Pre-processing: The planar truss is loaded with a force 5kN as shown in figure. Analyse the
planar truss for Nodal Displacements, Reaction Forces and stresses in the bar elements.

Fig. Planar Truss

(Material: Structural Steel, Material Behaviour: Rigid)

Finite Element Analysis

1) Total Deformation:

2) Directional Deformation:

a) Directional Deformation 1:
Finite Element Analysis

b) Directional deformation 2:

c) Directional Deformation 3:

d) Directional Deformation 4:
Finite Element Analysis

3) Bending Moment:

4) Beam Tool:
a) Direct Stress:

b) Maximum Bending Stress:

Finite Element Analysis

5) Force Reactions:
Finite Element Analysis

6) Moment Reaction:
Finite Element Analysis

Post Processing:

In this experiment we have analyse a planar truss. The material used for the
experiment is structural steel. To make the structure, in the design modular we have inserted
4 points as per the requirement in XY plane. Then Joined the 3 linear points to the 4 th point
with lines. Then we made the cross-section area of 10 mm by 10 mm around the lines, so the
lines will act as beams. Now in model by fixing the 3 linear points and adding 5000 N force
in downward direction on 4th point we have generated the following results:

1) Total Deformation:
 In the first image, the total deformation of the structure is shown in one second.
 Maximum Total Deformation is 7.3217e-5 m.
 Minimum Total Deformation is 0 m.
 The maximum total deformation occurs at the intersection point of the three
 The minimum total deformation is at the fixed points of the beams.
 In between the two ends of the beams the deformation is average.

2) Directional Deformation:
 The images in directional deformation of processing shows the deformation at
each point respectively in 1 sec.
a) Directional Deformation 1:
 This deformation is at the joining of the three lines.
 Maximum directional deformation is -7.3217e-5 m.
 Minimum directional deformation is -7.3217e-5 m.
b) Directional Deformation 2:
 This deformation is at the first fixed point.
 Maximum directional deformation is 0 m.
 Minimum directional deformation is 0 m.
c) Directional Deformation 3:
 This deformation is at the second fixed point.
 Maximum directional deformation is 0 m.
 Minimum directional deformation is 0 m.
d) Directional Deformation 4:
 This deformation is at the third fixed point.
 Maximum directional deformation is 0 m.
 Minimum directional deformation is 0 m.

3) Bending Moment:
 The sixth image of processing shows the bending moment of structure in 1 sec.
 Maximum Bending Moment is 0.10348 Nm.
 Minimum Bending Moment is 7.2238e-13 Nm.
 Maximum bending moment is at both the ends of the two side beams.
 Minimum bending moment is at middle beam and center part of the two side
Finite Element Analysis

4) Beam Tool:
a) Direct Stress:
 The first image of beam tool in processing shows the direct stress of structure.
 Maximum Direct Stress is 2.9287e7 Pa.
 Minimum Direct Stress is 1.4643e7 Pa.
 The maximum direct stress is applied on the central beam.
 The minimum direct stress is applied on the two side beams.
 At the joining of the beams the direct stress is average.

b) Maximum Bending Stress:

 The second image of the beam tool in processing shows the maximum bending
stress of the structure.
 It is maximum at the fixed support of the two side beams which is 6.2089e5
 It is minimum at the middle beam and the central part of the two side beams
which is 4.3343e-6 Pa.

5) Force Reaction:
 The images in the force reaction of the processing shows the reaction forces at
each fixed point of the beam.
 The force reaction is outward and opposite direction of the force.
a) At first fixed point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is 3.9573e-9 N.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is 2928.7 N.
 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is -2.6879e-30 N.
 Total maximum value over time is 2928.7 N.
 Minimum value over time on X-axis is 3.9573e-9 N.
 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is 2928.7 N.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is -2.6879e-30 N.
 Total maximum value over time is 2928.7 N.
b) At Second Fixed Point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is -1035.2 N.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is 1035.7 N.
 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is 9.4902e-23 N.
 Total maximum value over time is 1464.3N.
 Minimum value over time on X-axis is -1035.2 N.
 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is 1035.7 N.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is 9.4902e-23 N.
 Total maximum value over time is 1464.3 N.
c) At Third Fixed Point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is 1035.2 N.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is 1035.7 N.
Finite Element Analysis

 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is -1.0883e-22 N.

 Total maximum value over time is 1464.3N.

 Minimum value over time on X-axis is -1035.2 N.

 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is 1035.7 N.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is -1.0883e-22 N.
 Total maximum value over time is 1464.3 N.

6) Moment Reaction:
 The images in the moment reaction of the processing shows the moment reactions
at each fixed point of the beam.
 The moment reaction is perpendicular to the direction of force.
a) At first fixed point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is -7.9611e-26 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is 7.6244e-23 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is 6.5883e-10 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 6.5883e-10 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on X-axis is -7.9611e-26 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is 7.6244e-23 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is 6.5883e-10 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 6.5883e-10 N-m.
b) At Second Fixed Point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is -9.2612e-18 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is -8.9841e-18 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is 0.10348 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 0.10348 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on X-axis is -9.2612e-18 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is -8.9841e-18 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is 0.10348 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 0.10348 N-m.
c) At Third Fixed Point:
 Maximum value over time on X-axis is 9.2612e-18 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Y-axis is -8.9841e-18 N-m.
 Maximum value over time on Z-axis is -0.10348 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 0.10348 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on X-axis is 9.2612e-18 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Y-axis is -8.9841e-18 N-m.
 Minimum value over time on Z-axis is -0.10348 N-m.
 Total maximum value over time is 0.10348

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