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Clinical Reflection #3

Gregory Wendt

BSCN 2084

Tammy Stefanizzi

November 30th, 2021

Clinical Reflection #3

I have chosen to use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle model.


I was asked by an RPN working at Sault Area Hospital if I wanted to watch wound care

being performed on a patient. I accompanied the RPN and was able to watch and learn from the

experience as they explained the process as they went.


I felt excited to be able to watch wound care being performed in a real-life clinical

setting. By that point we hadn’t even practiced simulated wound care in the lab at school yet.

Wound care is something that I find very interesting, so I was happy that I was asked to come


Initial Evaluation

The positive aspects of this experience were numerous. Getting to witness a skill being

performed and having knowledge being passed on to me from somebody more experienced is

exactly what is so beneficial about having clinical experience. The RPN and the patient were

both very kind and it was a good experience. The only real negative aspect that I could think of

would be that I hadn’t yet practiced wound care in the lab yet. Had I practiced that skill before

watching the demonstration I might have been able to follow along better and have a greater

understanding of the techniques being performed by the RPN.

Critical Analysis

The RPN probably enjoyed being able to teach students and share their professional

passion with somebody else who was interested in learning those same skills. Perhaps they

remembered what it was like being a student and understood how important it is for nurses to

help demonstrate and teach skills in a clinical setting. It’s the responsibility of individual nurses

as well as educational institutions to help guide and support the development of competent

nurses (Grypma, 2019).


I think reflecting on this experience has furthered my awareness of just how important it

is for students when practicing nurses set aside a bit of their own time to teach or explain a skill.

It really means a lot to me and I’m sure my fellow classmates feel the same. This example was

just one of many times a nurse on the unit has let me watch or assist with a skill. In the future if I

am working as a nurse and there are students present, I should try to take the time to assist them

or show them a skill.

Final Evaluation and Action Plan

Whenever the situation arises where a nurse asks me if I want to watch or help with a task

I will always say yes. I think that it is a great way to learn, and I think it can only help me to

become a better nursing student. One thing that I could do differently is to take notes when a

nurse is showing me something if I’m able to. Usually, I am so caught up in the moment that I

forget to write things down.


Grypma, S. (2019). The development of nursing in canada. In B. J. Astle & W. Duggleby (Eds).

Canadian fundamentals of nursing (p. 34-47). Elsevier.

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