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Cephalometric Analysis And Synthesis


Paci| ie Palisad es, Califo I ma

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It is with great humility that I stand
answers had to be found for myself for
before you today discussing a subject
questions that arose from a practical
which Dr. William Downs pioneered viewpoint.
to world recognition. After some years of deliberation and
It was my good fortune to spend five attempts to apply this tool, it finally
years with Dr. Downs at the Univer- crystallized, at least for teaching pur-
sity of Illinois. The first year, I was a poses, into five distinct aspects. These
student and the remaining four an as- were ( 1 ) the equipment and technique,
sistant under him, Dr. Brodie and the (2) radiographic interpretation, (3)
other staff members. That time af- cephalometric analysis or the survey,
forded me the opportunity to appreci- (4) evaluation of growth and the treat-
ate the genius of Downs and grasp the ment results and (3) cephalometric
vision of his thinking. He possessed the synthesis or treatment planning. Each
keenest insight for the use of the ce- of these divisions, I thought, should be
phalometric tool in diagnosis, growth approached as a separate subject.
analysis and planning of treatment. The intent of our exercise today is to
Whatever fruit I have borne has been review the purpose and usefulness of
from the seeds of thought planted at the cephalometric survey and to stress
that experience. That time was not the use of this technique in treatment
without constant reminders by Dr. planning and estimating growth. We
Brodie of the need for a continuous shall therefore delete the material on
appreciation of the deep biologic as- technique, interpretation and growth
pects and the dangers of making dog- evaluation and concentrate on analysis
matic statements when considering the and synthesis.
cephalometric film.
Only so few years ago, many men
were utterly confused by the role ce- Simply calling a dimension “large”
phalometrics was to occupy in their or “small” or “good” or “bad” does not
clinical practices. The question was mean the same to everyone. In order to
frequently asked “What do you men be critical and descriptive, it is more
get from the cephalometric film that useful to express dimensions in terms of
we don’t get from clinical angles or linear measurements. Thus
examinations, models and the purpose of analysis is objective and
photographs?” Even with all our encompasses the four “C’s” of cephalo-
training and appreciation of this tool, metrics. These are ( 1) to characterize
it was found difficult to answer in a or describe the conditions that exist,
cogent manner. I shared the deep 2) to cotn pure one individual with
conviction with Downs that another or the same individual with
cephalometrics had a great future for himself at a later time, (3) to classic y
the clinical orthodontist. However, my certain descriptions into various cate-
thinking had to be clarified and several gories and (4) to communicate all of
Read before the Reunion Meeting of the these aspects to the clinician, to a
Illinois Alumni, Chicago, March, 1960. fellow research worker or to the parent.

142 Ricketts
July, 1961

In the final analysis, the orthodontist

A meaningful and simple method of
seeks a description of conditions as re-
describing anterior tooth relationship
corded in the film for the purpose of
was desired. In addition, communica-

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understanding and communicating the
tion of lip relationship needed imple-
nature of a problem. As Downs stated,
“These problems are sometimes skeletal
and are sometimes dental and there- It was recognized that all orthodon-
fore an organization must be made of tic cases did not possess normal faces as
the factors to be described”. described in many studies of normal
Many clinicians failed to grasp the individuals. Indeed, many cases would
significance of Down’s method.'' 2'’ His never, nor should they, display facial
primary intention was to describe facial patterns falling in the range of normal
and denture relationships. In the be- samples. For th*.t reason we set about
ginning even only ten measurements to accumulate one thousand consecu-
tended to be confused and complicated. tive orthodontic cases in an effort to
Many looked toward simpler techniques find the range of problems and charac-
in seeking guides, formulas for answers teristics of common problems that face
for their clinical problems. They often the clinician. The author therefore re-
lost sight of the primary function of the fers to some or his previous studies for
method which was to interpret skeletal reference for the related material.‘'"'
morphology. In essence these cases averaged about
Years of thinking went into Downs’ age nine years, were nearly sixty per
analysis before it came to the attention cent female and were about sixty per
of the profession. His work still stands cent Class II malocclusions.
as an accurate description of the skele-
tal and dental relationship in late ado-
lescent children with normal occlusion. A. Skeletal Relat ionshi p
His nomenclature for classification is 1. Facial Convexit y as Determine.d
an outstanding and original contribu- by Point A to the Facial Plane
tion and rates, in my opinion, with
After many years of debate I con-
Angle’s original classification of dental
cluded that a direct measurement of
point A to the facial plane was a
With the above observations in mind,
useful description of contour to the
we started with the Downs analysis,
bony profile. Therefore, instead of
and, rather than casting it aside, tried
Downs’ angle of convexity expressed in
to shorten and revise it for our own
degrees from a straight line, we made
purpose as applied in a busy clinical
a direct measurement from a straight
practice. We 1’elt that the reasons for
line (Figure 1) . In the study referred
each measurement needed clarification.
to above the average orthodontic case
Of primary concern for an interpreta-
fell 4.1 mm anterior to the facial plane
tion of the orthopedic problems of the
with a standard deviation of* 2.8 mm.
face were measurements of facial con-
This revealed that only seventeen per
vexity and height or depth to the facial
cent of the cases demonstrated from 7
skeleton. Facial contour needed to be
to 12 mm of convexity to the facial
assessed first in terms of location of the
profile or were cases severely convex. In
chin and secondly, position of the max-
spite of the argument of “chin buttons”
illa to the profile. Simple denominators
and “secondary sex changes” at the
for these factors were sought, i.e., chin
chin, we agreed with Downs by employ-
location and profile contour.
ing pogonion for convexity. We felt
Vol. S1, No. 3 Analysis 143

2. I’h e X Y .Axis An He as an Esti-

mat,ion of Facinl He ith t
Downs employed the crossing of the

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Y axis to the Frankfort plane in typing
the face. However, the entire reliance
on one plane merely enforces an error
if there is certain variation within the
Frankfort plane. As an adaptation from
midsagittal laminagraphic studies we
therefore went back to basion (Figure
2) , and to Huxley’s b•o.sion-nasion plane
and measured its crossing of the Y axis
os a means of describing height to the
face. We called this the X Y axis angle
to distinguish it from the Y axis as mea-
sured from Fraiikfort plane. This seem-
cci. to be more critical and descriptive
and more useful in assessinq Mac ial
heiq•ht and pr oin osin the direction of
yt ointh of the Mac e. In the one thousand
clinical cases the mean was + 3° with a
standard deviation m3° (Figure 3) .
Pig. 1 A'a riation of bony convexity by direct Thus, cases displaying angles less than
point A to facial plane measurement. Mean
u .is 4.l nun w itli a standard dev+ation of 90° when measured at the crossing of
-t- 3.0 in one thousand eases. Concave face the 3" axis to the basion-nasion plane
on left is —8 mm, convexity on sigh t is were suspected of possessing long faces
-]- 10 in in. Note A to pogoition line, the vari-
atioiof upper incisor relationship to the
or of being consistent with retrognathic
APo plane and similarity of lower ineisor patterns. The cases revealing readings
relationship to that line.

that measuring point A directly to the

facial plane was a reliable method of
expression of facial convexity in spite
of size differences in facial height. Point
B was not employed in the con-
sideration of facial convexity because
it was thought to represent an alveolar
point on the mandible and was often
misleading in the assessment of true
basal convexity. Point A could be chal-
lenged for the same reason ; however, it
was the best representative anterior Fig. 2 Lamina graph of midsagittal section.
landmark for basal bone that we could Base of occipital bone narrows to point at
consistently locate. Many orthodontists the fioramen ma gnurn which is busion. Note
tlio clivus a nd roof of nasopharyna eon-
presently employ the SNA-SNB differ- verge at that point. The spheno-oecipital
ence to describe convexity. Usually one slehonilrosis is j ust closing in this thirteen
year old girl. Note further the dens and
degree is equal to about one millimeter cross section of the anterior areh of the
on an arc at the distance from N to A. 'ttlas. Arro is• is at basion.
144 Ricketts July, 1961

greater than 90°, i.e., -|-6 to —|-10,

showed more favorable char acteristics.
Cases yielding X Y axis angles greater

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than 10° to 12° were usually suggestive
of closed bite tendencies in the face
with short facial vertical dimension.
It should be remembered that an
angle theoretica.lly expresses p roportion
is hile direct measurements express di-
rect comparisons. Therefore the X Y
axis angle is only proportionate and
does not measure true length of the
3. The Facial An gle as an Ex free- Fig. 4 Demonstration .t:I an unusual down-
sion of Fiicial De pth ward and forward ear rod location to the
The facial angle is accepted as a sen- ear canal. Thi8 waa probably an error in
positioning of the patient, however, a great
sible indicator of depth to the chin. variation has bcen observed. This has led
Certain errors of interpretation should the author to employ the superior point of
the dark outline of the ear hole for the
be avoided in cases having unusual lo- posterior limits of the Frankfort horizontal
cations of nasion, small orbital cavities plane. 'This has therefore prevented the hu-
or anomalies in the temporal bone. man error of using the maehine porion. 'The
ear rods are held in wooden upright sup-
ports which are almost radiolueent and help
increase the visibility of the joint anti
basieranial elements.

However, any other measurement to

represent facial depth would be fraught
with the same anatomical variation and
limited to the same degree but would
not be as easy to visualize from a right
angle and externally. One frequently
expressed problem was the use of the
machine ear post porion which could
vary considerably. Therefore, as a carry-
over from 1amin*.graphic studies we
employed the true ear hole and located
a point at the top of the external audi-
tory canal as the posterior limit of the
Frankfort horizontal plane (Fig. 4).
This was essentially the only change
made from Downs’ method for this
The mean in one thousand clinical
I’ig. 3 'Phe XY axis or gro with axis. Loeation c*.ses in facial angle was 83.4‘ with a
of the ehin, upward and downward, is de-
termined as SGn crosses the basion-nasion st*.ndard deviation J3. 7. A facial angle
plane. Mean ( dotted line) was -|- 3 degrees near 80° or below suggests a weakness
of a right angle, S.D. -i-3 degrees. Cases
illustrated ranged from -}- 14 degrees to of the chin and possibly poor prognosis
—12 degrees. This parameter ia excellent in growth. Facial angles 90° or greater
for typing relative length of the :faee. suggest a strength to the chin with bet-
Vol. 31, No. 3 Analysis 145

ter growth prognosis. Thus, the facial denominator for mandibular width has
angle provides a more critical esti- been used clinically to a limited degree.
mation of chin position than could be A point on the midst.gittal plane be-

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ga.'ned by visual inspection or clinical tween the two foremen rotundum was
examination at the chair. selected as registration point. Gonion
and menton were marked and the angle
4. The Brendt Ii An He. and Mandi-
IN-Go-h4 was measured. The degree in
bular Plans An He in Judgm ent of Fa-
this angle theoretically expresses pro-
portional width *.t the gonial an*le.
Usually the combination of the facial measurements near 80° were the aver-
angle and the X Y axis will locate the t*e type of condition observed. In wide,
chin and suggest mandibular form, but square mandibles this reading might be
an expression of breadth to the face as low as 70° while in narrow mandi-
must of necessity be proportional. After bles and long faces, this angle will be
many years of deliberation and tracing as high as 90°. Certain corr ections can
of the f. on tal fi Inn, (Figure 5) a simple be made for this angle in order to over-

Fig. 5 T ratings of the f rou tal film and right and left laminagraphs of joint and mandible.
Sho*•s measurement of facial form and asymmetry in the frontal film and demonstrates
faetorg in mandibular groz'th and form. Above — angle BGoM is 85 own left (undergrowth)
and 80 on right (nornia1) . Mandibular plane angle on leH is high at 31 degrees, on right
it is loud, 21 degrees. Note the posterior tilt of the condylar neek and head in the upper
left figure.
Below — angle R€1o M is 77 degrees on left (normal) and 70 degrees on right (over-
growth.) Note the difference in the mandibular plane and condylar form in the two
trueings. The eondylar neck is upward and Iomvard and thick and heavy in th8 l0Wer
right figure.
146 Ricketts July, 1961

come an error of tipping of the head at 1 0 0 0 CASES

the x-ray exposure if one was noted. AGE IO
A secondary representation for facial - 1.S.A_ MEA N +1 S.D.

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width is seen in the mandibular plane
angle. T!ie mean in the one thousand
cases was 25.7 with a standard devia-
tion of J5.9°. Low mandibular plane
angles (20° or less) usually suggest
rlosed bite tendencies with forward
growing tendencies while high mandi-
bular plane angles (38° or more) are
usually consistent with patients show-
ing vertical expression in growth.
B. Dental Relationshi p
1. Denture Plane—Reci procal Re- 00 CASES
lationsh i p o| the Lornes Incisor AGE 55
Probably the greatest controversy
with the use of cephalometrics has been
its use as a guide in evaluating the re-
lationship of the incisor teeth. Downs
selected the A-pogonion plane as the
line connecting the most anterior limits
of basal bone of the maxilla and the
mandible (Figure 1 ) . He measured the Fig. 5 S tiidies of the position and angula-
tion of the lov•er incisor.
apper incisor from this line, a method Above — Mean rind variation of one
which we have not changed. However, thousand eases which are a.lm09t identical
a. more useful and descriptive capacity to Do1'ns ’ normals. Lower incisor s.verage is
..5 mm .ahead of APo plane at 21 degrees,
for the A-pogonion plane is the mea- standartl deviations of -+- 2.5 mm anal
surement from the lower incisor. Downs -t-5 degrees respectively yield —2 mm at
measured the lower incisor to the A- 15 degrees to -{- 3 min at 2(i degrees as range
of objectives in treatment.
r gonion plane in his normal group Below — Findings on one hundrerl un-
and found it to be located in a range treated cases at age fifty five. Note more
from 2 mm backward to 3 mm forward for w-ard position of 1.0 nun at 2ñ degrees.
The range of acceptable relationship here
of the plane. Its average axial inclin- z'ould yield —2 mm at 18 degrees to -}-5
ation was 23' with a standard deviation mm at 32 degrees. ’Ihis consistent with
range of treated eases in the author’s
of J3 '. In the one thousand case study praetiee.
referred to above we found the mean In treatment the upper incisor is related
to be almost —[-0.5 mm forward of the A- fi’om the low er ineisor to a normal over-
bite anti over jet at 130 degrees to 145 de-
pogonion plane with a standard de- grees ‹depending upon age and type.
viation of about 2.5 mm‘. This ortho-
dontic sample thus spread with one Indiana University (Shudy’) and a
standard deviation the entire range of sample of thirty prize winners in “Smile
Downs’ normal sample. It averaged al- of the Year Contests” in Los Angeles
most an identical position in spite of city schools (Hopkins') . These groups
our sample being orthodontic and his displayed lower incisors averaging 1.6
being selected normals (Figure 6, *nd 2.3 respectively, forward of the A-
above) . Other samples studied at our pogonion plane.
suggestion were the fifty normals from Ricketts and Chase" investigated a
Vol. 31, No. 3 .Analysis 147

cross section of one hundred patients which are often experienced. Also, a
at the Los Angeles Veterans Hospital relation of the teeth to the line NB or
in order to determine the position of to NA does not take into account facial

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the lower incisors in patients retaining configuration nor age of the patient.
their teeth to the sixth decade of life. Thus compromises must be made which
! Figure 6 below) The lower incisor in become confusing and involved. The
that sample of older age was strikingly use of the A-pogonion plane as a refer-
similar to normal samples of Shudy and ence plane satisfies the requirements
Hopkins. The mean lower incisor was for facial types and provides for the
found at —1.4 mm to the A-pogonion difference in the growing individual,
lalane with S. D. of J3.4. The average i.e., the lower incisor tends to retract
inclination of the incisor was 25.4° m at the same rate that the profile
6.8". straightens.
These findings certainly cast doubt The only objection to the use of A-
on the validity of samples selected for pogonion is the so-called “chin button”
esthetic purposes only which locate the case. These are overrated in frequency
lower incisors backward of the A-po- and can easily be dealt with by simply
s nion plane. Normal cases thus can be considering the chin and maintaining
observed with a backward relationship a posterior relation of the tooth if
of the denture. Prominent dentures necessary.
“attract” attention and are attractive.
2. Est li etic Ralat ionshi p ax Fz valu-
It should not be inferred that these
ated from I he Esth etic Pla ne
prominent teeth are unstable ; in fact
this is an oft-repeated assertion with- It was recognized some years ago that
out apparent documentation. Possibly some criteria were needed to com-
this idea stems from experiences of over municate differences in the relation-
expansion but is not applicable to non- ship of lips to contiguous structures.
treated cases. Therefore a line similar to the anterior
It should be borne in mind that with limits of the basal bone was selected in
greater convexity of the face, the incli- th’e soft tissue, namely, the end of the
nation of the A-pogonion plane is for- nose and the end of the soft tissue of
ward. The lower incisor tooth often tilts the chin (Figure 13) . This line was
forward in compensation, hence the “re- termed by us" to be the “esthetic
ciprocal plane”. It is therefore our opin- plane” and was employed only for the
ion that, for purpose of analysis, the A- purpose of describing the relationship
pogonion plane serves as the best re- of the mouth to other structures. Due
to anatomical variation and age differ-
ference line for describing the position
ences no fixed requirements have been
of the incisors that is available because
laid down. However, it has been ob-
it relat es teet h to the com posit,e bases.
served that patterns revealing lips pro-
Measuring to the NB line in effect is
truding ahead of this line have been
relating the lower incisor to itself be-
evaluated by most orthodontists to be
cause the position of B is determined
disproportionate and f raught with facial
by the lower incisor in the first place.
disharmony. It is our feeling that by
A measure of the axial inclination to
adulthood the lips should be contained
Frankfort horizontal does not describe
within the nose-chin line for cosmetic
its spatial relationship but only its up- purposes. In addition, this line is useful
rightness to a straight profile and does in evaluating the functional abnor-
not consider convex or concave faces malities of the lip which have been
148 Ricketts July, 1961

‹lescribed by us.
and expected changes are synthesized
C. D -"e p Structii res F.x plaiit Profile in a new tracing. A useful guide for en-

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visioning changes of the anterior teeth
Deep structural analysis includes ( 1 ) is the A-poqonion pl*.ne or the “reci-
the cranial base, (2 ) the temporoman- procal denture plane”. The teeth are
dibular joint and mandibular ram us, planned to be placed according to the
and (3) the nasopharyngeal f ame- forces or oral environment that create
work together with the pterygoid laalance, i.e., the tongue and the lips.
plates. A requirement for final lip relationship
is that the lips fall within the esthetic
plane, that the lips are smooth in con-
Probably the greatest difficulty in tour and that the mouth can be closed
the understanding of cepha lometrics wit.h little or no strain. Remember the
has come regarding its use in treatment static case is not expected to row out
planning. I t must be emphasized that of a lip imbalance.
the description, classification and com- Esthetics is considered an integral
munication of the problem is one sub- po rt of orthodontic planning ; usually,
ject, that of diagnosis. Treatment plan- when the rec{uirements for esthetics at e
ning is an entirely different subject. satisfied, the teeth will be in good func-
When treatment is planned the clinician tional relationship. Contrarywise, when
must take into accoi:nt a knowledge of the teeth are well related, the lips will
*rowth and alteration of structure. He tall into yood esthetic and functional
also needs familiarity with the possibil- harmony. Therefore we try to place
ities of tooth movement together with the lower incisor within one standard
a comprehension of the anchorage deviation of the normal to the APo
values of teeth. Finally, he must antici- line depending upon oral and environ-
pate the changes of soft tissues that mental factors, i.e., 0.5 mm. 2.5 mm.
‹.ccompany changes in the teeth in However, we may intentionally err to-
order to perceive the functional and ward protrusive relationship in some
esthetic end result. patients due to expected late growth
It is evident, therefore, that treat- changes. The upper incisor is then ad-
ment planning should take into con- justed to it with normal overbite and
sideration many changes, and these overjet. Common sense and clinical
be predicted by the clinician if he is to acumen are the final guides. After de-
fully appreciate the possibilities that are termining the desired changes in posi-
at his disposal by various mechanical or tion of the anterior teeth the necessary
functional techniques. Any treatment anchorage can be envisioned by move-
plan constitutes a prediction of change ment of the posterior teeth. Anchorage
whether the orthodontist likes to admit factors and treatment techniques consti-
it or not. ti:te separate subjects and will not be
A. The Stat ic S Auth esis — No ctiscussed here.
B. The Dynamic S j›nthesis
When no growth is anticipated, the for the Growin Child)
estimation is made almost entirely for
the movement of the teeth and changes When growth is anticipated the syn-
in lips. The headplate tracing is em- thesis is dynamic. Growth of the chin
ployed as an instrument to visualize in direction and amount is a foremost
estimated tooth movement. The desired consideration. However, cranial areas
are employed for basal references.
Vol. 31, No. 3 Analysis 149

some cases expressed no growth, par-

ticularly girls after puberty, while
others grew more than one mm per

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year. Althouq•h slight errors in pre-
diction *requently were noted, the long,
upturned anterior cranial base (obtuse
BaSN ) seemed to increase most rapid-
ly. At any rate, anticipation on the
basis of the constitution, age and sex is
better than leaving everythin* strictly
to chance and without consideration
for natural development.
2. II andibular Beha vio r
The next step is estimating the
change in the chin by the dii r c t I on of
the Y axis or growth axis of the face.
The basion nasion plane is morc critical

Fig. 7 A eomparison où SNA beliavior in

one huiidred untreated cases over three years
observation with a similar sample of one
hundred eases treated by headgear alone or Fig. 8 Findings oit changes of HN, SBA
together with intermaxiI1a.ry ela9ties. The anal SGn ‹luring growth and treatment. Note
solid arro»• on right shoz•s the mean ten - SN increase about 1 mm per year. the
ileney axithout treatment of -|- 0.t d+•grees. t)’}iie:if eli:inge in the Y axis was tibout 1
Treatment seenis to ef feet a shilt of the ‹legree opening with treatment, see hashed
entire sample. h'ote the dotted a rios ad line nod rJotte‹1 chin. Average inerease in
about —3.0 degree9 to the left. 'The insert length of SGn » as about 3 mm per year.
sho»'s a ense of palatal plane tipping, re- h'ote variation of -{-2 degrees to —5 de-
traction of ATS and point A of about ñ grees chniig• in Y axie observed during
ilegiees. Note the lingual torque of the treatment in individual cases. 'these find-
upper ineisor root. ings are employed for estimation in treat-
ment planning.
Ricketts July, 1561

but sella nasion line can be employed MANDTBULARFORM AND DEyELOPMEflTALBEHA71OR

by those not able to find basion on the
film (Figure 8} . M and›bu lar
cbaracteristtc OnRAmuz OnChin

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In the average Class II case the 1"
axis tended to open about one degree
during a two year period while the
(Katie nt was under oin orthodontic
treatment. In prognathic patterns or 2. Gon I a1 Angle
strong mesognathic patterns the chin Acu ce >
tended to come forward or the Y axis
Obt u se
closed one degree or more during or-
thodontic treatment. In some severe V
retrognathic patterns, accompanied by NdVOm

distal positional changes of the condyle, 4. T h1ckne ss o I C ond y Ie

two to four degrees opening of the Y

axis was not uncommon. When this 6. WidhofSymphyss
W Id e >
opening was due to mandibular rota-
tion, it was thought some could be V

avoided by orthodontic forces which V

intruded the teeth. Rotation here is
meant the rotation of the condyle tit
the fossa as the chin swings in a down- V
ward and backward arc as the bite is
opened. 8. G ONO nO Id H P t Q h I

The final consideration for estima-

tion of chang•e in the direction of the
Y axis therefore revolves around the P a rat ie I >
original facial pattern, the manner in
which the mandible is related to the
Fig. 9 'Pen cliaraeteristies which give elues
remaining skeletal structures and the to the tJevelopinent of the louder I:ice. The
*rowth characteristics of the mandible g ro tech .o'f the condyle off eets gro ''th o2
the r.unus, the bo‹13' iind the ehin. Plc:ise
itself. In Fi,gure 9 are listed ten charac- r this table 'ith caseg illustrated in
teristics of the mandible which seem to Fig. i. 'Ihe proper evaluation or these
be related to its eventual form, size and factors helps predict rrlnndibular form ::nd f:\
cial ‹\e›’e1oyi»ent.
The mount of growth of the man-
3irls. Boys sometimes grow 8 to 12 mm
dible is difficult to determine. However,
during the two year period from age
the knowledge of the average case is a
i 2.5 to 14.5 or at the time they are
starting point. The average yearly ex-
underq•oing a pubertal spurt. In func-
pectancy is about 2.5 to 3 mm of
tional orthopedic techniques a slight
,growth on the Y axis. Five to six mm
1 orward positioning of the condyle, and
increase in length of the Y axis is the
fience the chin, will confuse the picture.
typical expression of two years growth
After a time (*rowth) these usually
during treatment for children at the
are of minor effect in most cases.
mixed dentition and girls at puberty.
Boys tend to grow at a slightly greater Change the Y axis and lengthen it
rate than girls except during their for estimated growth, draw the sym-
pubertal ages. After puberty some boys }:hysis and establish the mandibular
ii'ill grow at almost twice the rate of plane backward from the symphysis
Vol. 31, No. S Analysis 151

consisten t with tilt of the mandible.

The knowledge of the behavior of
the chin has much to do with the even-

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tual outcome of the case in spite of the
frequently heard expression that “all
growth is good -— no matter what di-
rection it takes”. All growth probably
is good. However, when Class II con- ,
ditions are being corrected, growth in ,'
the forward direction is unquestionably
of much greater benefit than predom-
inantly vertical development.
3. 3faxilla Beha vior
The behavior of point A from a ver-
tical and horizontal standpoint is esti-
matCd. Point A and the anterior nasal
spine usually drop vertically about one-
third the total facial height increase
during treatment. The contour at point
A is modified by the use of extraoral
traction and to a lesser amount by the
use of intermaxillary elastics when ac-
companied by torquing action to the
upper incisor teeth. Normal cases have Fig. 10 Approximately one-third height in-
been observed to display an SNA angle crease of the faee during treatment is
decrease of up to two degrees during registered in the upper f aee, N to ANS.
About t»'o -thirds height increase is measured
an observed growth period similar to in the denture area or lower faee. 'Phe
that occurring during treatment (Fig- palatal plane usually tilts under the in-
ure 7) . These same patients treated fluenee of eeri'ieal traetion and the whole
nasal floor seems to be altered. Afaxillary
with strong cervical anchorage have changes are estimated by superimposing on
been noted to decrease seven to eight the facial plane and then SN or other
cranial references.
degrees during orthodontic treatment.
Many cases of good prognathic growth
pattern (Figure 11A) . Point A is con-
patterns will frequently reveal an SNA
nected with a line to pogonion ; remem-
angle increase of one to two degrees
ber point A has been changed and the
during a two year period. With Class
chin has grown. The lower incisor is
I I treatment as outlined above in these
related to this new reciprocal plane in
cases the angle SNA will not change
the manner desired depending upon
or will decrease rip to two or three de-
the en vironm ental forces operating on
grees depending upon the forces em-
the denture and the age of the patient
Draw the palatal plane and point .4 Figure llB) . Following the location
contour behavior. This completes basal o.nd inclination of the lower incisor
skeletal alteration in the profile (Figure i rom the A-pogonion plane the upper
incisor is erected to that determined
10) .
best for the stability of the denture and
Ce phalom et tic Tooth Set U
for later growth experience (Figure
The desired relationship of teeth is I1C) .
established in the synthesized skeletal Movement of the posterior teeth is
102 Ricketts July, 1961

ment plan. Thus the total change in

the case is demonstrated and under-
stood (Figure 14) .

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• €' M MARY .4 N D O N CL U S IO NS

An attempt has been made to simpli-

fy and crystallize certain ideas with re-
gard to clinical cephalometrics as prac-
ticed and conceived by the author. It
was speculated that much of the con-
fusion of cephalometrics has been due
to the fact that clinicians have faiied to
segregate different aspects of the sub-
ject. Analysis in the past has been
viewed as an entanglement of angles
and lines with a vague or complex
l’ib. l1 Sequence of stc}is in est:ib1is1iing
objectives of tooth position. A— Draw the application to routine problems. The
neu APo plane to establish a reciprocal purpose of a cephalometric survey, as
line. B— Set up the longer incisor to va ry explained, was to describe, classify and
from the mean depending upon individu•il
nceels. Locate the upper incisor I rom the communicate the nature of skeletal
lower, i.e., normal overbite and over jet ii t orthopedic problems or dental malfor-
130 to 143 degrees depending upon age anal mations. By this means an accurate
facial type. Figure anchorage on pos-
sibilities of treatment after having estab- diagnosis of the case could be gained.
lished the necessary anterior changes. The facial plane, the reciprocal den-
ture plane or APo plane and the es-
x isualized in the projected tracing. The thetic plane were shown to be useful.
judgment of necessary molar behavior One misuse of cephalometric analy-
follows a thorough analysis of treat- sis has been the error in the interpre-
ient of many cases treated by different tation of standards. The tendency has
methods ( Fiq•ure 1lD) . been to view the headplate and attempt
Finally, the estimation of the growth to determine what should be done by
of the nose can be made together with rearranging the teeth following a form-
the alteration of the soft tissue of the ula worked out ft om normals or ideal
chin and the adaptation of the lips to cases. Such a static concept neglects
the new position of the teeth. Here an to recog•nize the influences of growth
awareness of nose growth and lip alter- and alteration of structures. Thus,
ation with treatment and growth to analysis has been mistakenly linked to
fully conceived esthetic changes is treatment planning.
necessary. The estimation of lip changes The ideal for the individual is simply
is probably the most difficult factor to the best that can be achieved with
master in the whole technique (Figure treatment under a given pattern and
12) . set of growth circumstances. What is
The study of the synthesized tracings ideal for one is not ideal for another.
superimposed over the original reveals No concern was given for a case that
the possibilities of treatment with or did not fit a “normal” in every respect,
without extraction (Figure 13 ) . The indeed, that was impossible. Means,
more accurate the technique and the ranges of variation, conceived stand-
more knowledge that was carried to the -ords or “ideal” objectives merely form-
Synthesized case, the better the treat- ed a basis for comparison or a guide to
Vol. 31, No. 3 Analysis 155

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Fig. lS Photographs before and after treatment of the ease illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14. A
— Severe lip strain and protrusion with lip elosure before treatment. B— Lips normal after
treat ment, closed with no strain, smooth in contour, contained within t2ie E plane (tip of
nose and front of ehin) and lower slightly forward of upper when related to the E
plane. base superimposed on E plane. D— Superimposed on cranial elements to
show growth ehanges of the chin and the nose. See Fig. 14 for analysis of growth and
treatment ehanges.
154 Ricketts
July, 1961

suggest the manner in which a given

case differed in facial pattern, maloc-
clusion or esthetic relationship. Analy-

Downloaded from by guest on 01 September 2022

sis thus told the clinician “where he
was” with a case. “Where to go” xvith
a case is directed by an entirely differ-
ent aspect of cephalometrics, that of
If a hi:nter is to shoot a duck on the
fly, he must lay the shot in the path-
way of the duck so that the shot and
the bird arrive at the same instant of
time. An estimation is made of the rate
of speed and direction of the flight. If a
bit is scored a correct prediction was
made of the physical factors involved.
To a less critical degree the ortho-
dontist moves teeth in a g•rowing child
so that he arrives at a desired goal
commensurate with anticipated change.
Any treatment plan is thus a prediction
of change; otherwise there would be no
plan and everything would be left
StrlCtly to chance. Treatment planning
with cephalometrics is based on a know-
ledge of growth and familiarity with
the possibilities of structural alteration
and tooth movement as viewed in the
headplate. Cephalometric synthesis
i ightfully includes an estimation or
prediction of changes in the skeletal
framework in conjunction with the
movement of teeth. However, certain
types of treatment seem to affect the
Fig. 13 Before and after tracings of the
case illustrated in Figs. 12 and 14. Note behavior of the mandible as far as bite
the convex rne9ognathic patterit with so vero opening is concerned and dramatically
dental and alveolar protrusion of the max- affect growth of the maxilla. Thus,
illary areh. Extraetion of four first bi-
cuspids mas employed as a measure of treat- estimation must be projected on the
ment for this fourteen year old male. Notice basis of the selection of different me-
the upper ineisor protruded 11 mm anterior c.hanical procedures.
to the APo plane and tha.t 7 mm of con-
vexity was present. 'The lower incisor was Rarely a hunter can pick up a gun
just on the APo plane. After treatment the and hit a clay pigeon without practice.
chin was more forward, the convexity wan He may hit a few by accident in the be-
only 2 mm and the upper incisor was only
4 mm foru’ard of APo. Although the lower ginning but it takes patience and prac-
incisor ii-as 2 mm forward at retention, it tice in order to be proficient. Likewise,
had been retraeted and intruded 3 mm as
seen in Fig. 14. The original traein g was at in cephalometric synthesis, it takes
tourteen years, five months and the seeond patience, study and practice to plan a
at sixteen years, eight months. case and hit the desired mark.
The technique outlined is compara-
Vol. 31, No. 3 Analysis
tively new and much work remains to
for aid in diagnosis and treatment plan-
be done on a statistical basis to make
ning. When used properly, cephalo-

Downloaded from by guest on 01 September 2022

it even simpler and more foolproof. As
metrics is the most excellent tool for
it stands it is merely an aid or a guide
this purpose available today to the
to help the clinician envision treat-
clinical orthodontist.
ment and one should not be dismayed
if things don’t work exactly as antici- 875 Kia de la Paz
pated. The clinician should be satisfied
if he has achieved the general charac- BIBLI OGSAPH T
teristics and appreciated the general
1. Downs, W. B. : Variation in Faeial Re-
biologic factors at work in the individ- lationships : Their Significance in 'treat-
ual case and has been able to make a ment and Prognosis. km. J. 0 rtko 34 :
i ough estimation of the case in point. 812, 1948.
Downs, W. B. : The Role of Cephalo-
Cephalometric films can be employed metrics in Orthodontic Case Analysis
for descriptions of morphology, for and Diagnosis, Btu. J. firtko 38 : 162,
knowledge of growth, for outlining ob- 19â2.
3. Downs, W. B. : Analysis of the Dento-
jectives of treatment and for utilizing facial Profile, topfe Ortho 26 : 191-212,
advantages of different treatment tech- 1956.
niques. Cephalometrics is another tool 4. Ricketts It. M. : A Foundation for
Cephalometrie Communieation, &tn. •f.

Fig. 14 Growth and treatm ent analysis of the above ease. Note the closing of the Y azis
sligh tly more than 1 degree and about 10 mm of SGn inerease. Note the SNA decrease
and upper incisor retraction, and finally the stability of the lo1'er first molar and bodily
retraction of the lower incisor. Good mandibular growth helped immensely in the eonelusion
of this ease but it u'as expeeted, relied upon, and utilised.
136 Ricketts July, 1961

Orilt th : s 330-357, 19s0.

Cephalonietrie Gerioiloiitie Survey at
Ricketts, R. M. : The In fluenee of Ortlio- the Veterano Administration Cientes in
rlon tic Treatment on Facial Growth anrJ Los Angeles. Presented to Am. Dent vre
Development. Angle Orflio xxx -3, 19fi0.

Downloaded from by guest on 01 September 2022

Soc. Octobcr, 1960.
Rit•ketts, R. M. : Ceyht‹1ometric l2yiithesis.
Jnt. 7. Ortño 46 : 9 647-673, 1960. 0. Ri‹'ketts, B. II. : Plnuning Treatment on
Shudy, F. F. : Personal common ination, the Basis of the Faeial Pattern and an
Est.iniate of its Growth, & nsle Ortfio
117 : 14-37, 1957.
8. Hopkins, J. B. : A Cephalometric Sturdy
To wa nil a Norm as Determined by Find- 11. Rit'ketts, R. M. : Facial and Denture
ings Among Pupils at the Junior High Changes During T teatnient
School Age Level (unpublished 11158.) a8 Aiiulyze‹1 from the Tentpororrinn-
9. Ricketts, R. M., and Ghaae, W. W. : A dibular Joint, km. J. Ortlio 4l : 163-
1Y9, 1O5â.

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