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A Principle of Arcial Growth of the Mandible


Possibly no other bone can rival the HISTORICAL REVIEW

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mandible as a target for scientific study. Just 200 years ago in 1771, Hunter1
Being vital to both the basic vegeta- compared a series of dried mandibles
tive systems of mastication and respira- and concluded that, in order to attain
tion, it has been a subject of investiga- space for the development of perman-
tion by the natural scientist, the bio- ent molar teeth, the mand.ble must
logical scientist and clinical scientist. grow by posterior apposition of the
Recent research has reached a point ramus accompanied by anterior ramal
whereby it is reasonable to propose a resorption. Later, Humphry 2 in 1866
principle of arcial development as a tied wires around the mandibles of pigs
basis for explanation of mandibular and showed that the wire became im-
growth in the human. bedded in the posterior margin and free
Principles in biology are extremely in the anterior area of the ramus which
difficult to come by. This is true be- seemed to verify the Hunter hypothesis.
cause principles must be universally Brash 3 in 1924, following the work of
acceptable and must prove effectual in Humphry, fed pigs the madder plant
repeated application to the related root which contains the red stain ali-
science. For this reason it is noteworthy zarin and which labeled apposit:onal
that a new explanation be proposed bone growth. The conclusions were the
for the growth of a complicated ana- same: Apposition occurred posteriorly
tomical part such as the human man- and superiorly on the ramus of the
dible. The byproducts of this finding growing pig mandible.
could change the viewpoint of the field The duplication of these studies by
of dentistry, together with allied disci- later scientists on the rat 4 and the
plines in medicine. monkey 5 also tended to confirm this
The purpose of this paper is to ex- phenomenon in other mammals. More
plain a method for finding the arcial recently, several studies have been con-
growth of the mandible, to enumerate ducted with the use of tetracycline
some of the uses of the principle, and stain by Moffett and h=s co-workers. 6
to explore changes in present clinical Bone remodeling has been studied
concepts which will be rendered neces- under numerous experimental condi-
sary by the application of this biologic tions by Storey 7 and his students. Ex-
principle. tensive studies of bone growth using
staining have been conducted by many
The essence of the principle is as fol- other investigators.
lows: A normal human mandible
Experimental surgery and basic re-
grows by superior-anterior (vertical)
search studies have been conducted.
apposition at the ramus on a curve or Sarnat, for his studies, removed the
arc which is a segment formed from a condyles from growing monkeys. 8 Also,
circle. The radius of this circle is de- amalgam and other metal implants
termined by using the d ·stance from have been placed in the growing facial
mental protuberance (Pm) to a point bones of experimental animals.
at the forking of the stress lines at the Growth in size and position of the
terminus of the oblique ridge on the mandible has been studied extensively
medial side of the ramus (point Eva). with the method of roentgenographic

Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth

cephalometrics."• 10 , 11 This method led implants are practical solutions to

to the idea that the bud or crypt of a clinical problems. They help to develop
tooth will invaginate or invade the principles and to show facts on which

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bone during tooth development. The the clinician can interpret results or
plane of the lower border of the man- build theories.
dible tended to be more or less stable Moss became interested in the more
when related to cranial references. A profound biologic determinants of mor-
plethora of work in cephalometric pro- phogenesis.19 His study of the "organ"
cedures and other x-ray techniques supported by bone led him to accept
formed the background for work in the concept of the functional matrix as
body-section x-ray. These works cul- a prime morphogenetic factor. Brodie,
minated in the development of the tool by expressing a division between the
of cephalometric laminagraphy. 12 , 13 , 14 respiratory and digestive systems in the
Longitudinal work with the lamina- palate, has stressed the biologic ra-
graph (sometimes called tomograph) tionale of this kind of thinking. 20
suggested variation in growth of the Further, an analysis of the relation-
mandibular condyle and the ramus as ship of the neurovascular or neuro-
a key to behavior of different facial trophic bundle led Moss to other con-
types. The question was, whether the clusions. With the cephalometer and
mandibular form and type caused the the concept of gnomic growth described
face to grow or growth resulted from by D' Arey Thompson, 21 Moss specu-
deeper functional phenomena. 15 •16 lated that the phenomenon of growth
The principle of implants was ap- of the mandible was predictable. He
plied to the human mandible by reasoned that the foramen ovale, the
Bjork. 17 The aid of implants made it mandibular foramen and the mental
possible to locate the probable sites of foramen behaved in an orientation to
growth when subjected to serial cepha- a logarithmic spiral during the growth
lometric methods. The study of size of process. He further discounted some
the mandible as well as the sites of of the importance of the condyle to the
appos.ition and resorption were re- i;rowth of the ramus as claimed by a
vealed. Bjork showed extensive varia- host of basic and clinical investigators.
tion in mandibular bending and also
showed resorption of the lower angular CLINICAL INVESTIGATION AND
border to be the typical phenomenon PREDICTION OF MANDIBULAR GROWTH
in the normal patient. His findings sug-
Body-section roentgenography ( lam-
gested the crypt of the lower third
inagraphy) reveals the details of the
molar to be a stable longitudinal ref-
condyle and the ramus to a critical
erence. extent. Through the studies of lamina-
Growth of the mandible was studied graphy it was recognized that, under
by Enlow by using the histologic evi- proper exposure and with the use of
dence of surface characteristics. 18 By headholding devices, the condyloid
identifying areas of depository and re- and coronoid processes could be reason-
sorptive areas, and by describing re- ably identified in the routine lateral
versal areas of stability, a typical pat- cephalometric head film. 22
tern of three-dimensional growth was The early laminagraphic studies of
described. This work stressed the re- Ricketts suggested that tendencies
modeling effect and the drifting effect toward squareness, heaviness and
on morphogenesis of the mandible. strength of the mandibular ramus
But neither histologic secfons nor tended to be associated with forward
370 Ricketts October 1972

development of the chin and deep

faces. Obtusity, fragility and weaknes;
of the mandible seemed to contribute
to more downward or backward devel-

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opment of the symphysis in the face.
The interest in determining growth
factors stemmed from the need for ap-
plying basic knowledge to the correc-
tion of malocclusion and facial deform-
1t1es, particularly as growth and - _Qcc.
morphology relate in a clinical context
to open and closed bite.
Therefore, on the basis of these early
studies, a primary method of "predic-
tion" of development was devised. By Fig. 1 Shows the method for the deter-
plotting a line through the long axis mination of Xi point. The deepest point
of the condyle and neck and extending on the subcoronoid incisure or Rl is
it to the lower border of the mandible, selected, and a second point R2 is
selected directly opposite that point on
the bending of the mandibular form the posterior border of the ramus. R3 is
during growth had been studied. Con- picked at the depth of the sigmoid notch,
and. R4 is a point directly inferior on
sequently, findings from this method the lower border of the ramus. By using
suggested that the technique could these four points the centroid of the
serve as a working hypothesis for ramus (Xi) is selected by forming a
rectan1le and connecting the corners.
r,TOwth projection for the clinical prcb- The occlusal plane holds a strong ten-
lem of prognosis of growth. 23 dency to pass through Xi point . Xi also
represents the entrance of the neurotro-
It will be noted that a bending of phic bundle into the mandible.
the mandible from infancy to matur'ty
has been described in some of the the external mandibular form for refer-
earliest anatomical textbooks. It be- ences ( mandibular plane, ram us plane,
came a problem to relate the charac- and condyle-symphysis dimension) .
teristics of such bending to each grow- Enlow also concluded that the man-
ing mandible because patients seemed dibular ramal surface is subject to re-
to vary extensively and the causes for markable remodeling and therefore not
bendin~ needed exploration. reliable for reference. The attempt to
Although the method originally de- overcome surface variation and to de-
s:.:nbed was usctul for practical short - termine central or internal structural
range predictions, a method was sought phenomenon resulted in the promulga-
whereby mandibular growth patterns tion of new reference points as follows.
could be identified with greater cer- First, a point (Xi) in the center of
tainty. As mentioned before, the find- the ramus was located. The determina-
ings of Bjork's implant studies had re- tion of a point of reference at the
vealed that the lower border of the ramal centroid was difficult (Fig. 1).
mandible was resorbing and that the It is recognized that lateral roentgeno-
mandibular plane was not acceptable graphic cephalometry does not reveal
as a reference base for growth analysis. the mandibular canal with certainty.
The next move toward improving the Neither does the selection of the mental
method was to identify a "central foramen appear certain, although fre-
core" cephalometrically. As noted pre- quently both the mandibular canal and
viously, many authors had employed the mental foramen may be visible.
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 371

showed in every instance that this point

fell in contact with the mandibular

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Third, a point was used which pre-
viously had been described by us from
earlier work with laminagraphs. This
was a point at the bisection of the con-
dyle neck as high as visible in the
cephalometric film below the fossa.
This point was labeled "De".
Accordingly, by connecting De point
with Xi point, a repeatable "condyle
axis" was established. Further, by con-
necting Xi to Pm, a "corpus axis" was
erected. Consequently, by studying
linear growth on these planes and the
form change as a change in angulation
Fig. 2 With Xi point a new condyle between the two, an interpretation
axis is erected bisecting the condyle could be gained regarding the charac-
neck (DC). Xi, when connected with teristics of mandibular growth in a
suprapogonion (PM), is used to describe
the corpus axis of the mandible. This given patient as well as for groups with
central "core" through the ramus and sex and age differences (Fig. 2).
body circumvented the variation of peri-
pheral mandibular structure. Once values were determined for
these dimensions and corrected for bio-
Second, a point at the superior as- logic considerations, the changes in
pect of the symphysis was selected as magnitude and angular relations served
suprapogonion. It was labeled Pm (for as a second method for predicting
protuberance men ti) . This is substan- mandibular growth with a projection
tiated as a reference because it is lo- technique. A great deal of biolog'cal
cated at approximately a stress center emphasis still was placed on condylar
(Ricketts); it is the site of a reversal growth with this forecasting technique
line (Enlow); and aiso it is consistent by employing internal lines. This m-thod
with the findings from implant studies proved to be more accurate than the
(Bjork) which indicated stable un- previous method of relying on surface
changing bone in this area of the chin. lines. It not only was more successful
Therefore, a bone crest, located at the as a method of forecasting, but also
superior aspect of the compact bo:1e served as a catalyst for more extensive
0:1 the anterior contour of the sym-
research in mandibular growth.
physis, was accepted as the most stable The objective of research was still
and useful reference for anterior-most toward finding a method to critically
basal bone in the mandible 24 (Fig. 2). predict future form and size of the
Recognizing this problem, the center mandible over the long range or to
of the mandible was located geogra- maturity as a basis for treating deform-
phically by measurement. By bisecting ities in the child, and for the best
the height and width of the ramus at esthetic and functional equilibrium by
its narrowest dimension, a geometric adulthood.
center was determined and labeled
"Xi" point. Investigation of normal A COMPUTER STUDY
mandibles from twenty-five dried skulls A five-year growth study of the man-
372 Ricketts October 1972

selected to cover the transition from the

AGE 13 mixed dentition to development of the
permanent dentition and not to an
exact chronologic time. None had been

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treated orthodontically. Half of the
sample were males and half were fe-
males; twenty were Class I and normal
occlusions while the other twenty
possessed Class II malocclusions. One
objective of the study was to test for
any differences in growth of patient~
with malocclusions as compared with
individuals with normal occlusions.

The findings are summarized for this
Fig. 3 Shows a composite of forty pa- report, so that major characteristics of
tients studied at age 13 years. The facial the mandible can be shown more clear-
axis is shown ( dark arrow) from ptery- ly. Due to the large number of mea-
goid point which on average almost co-
mcide,s with the polar center. The open surements, only the results are shown.
arrow shows the Xi axis. ANS-Xi-PM The changes are displayed by compari-
represents the denture height angle and son of composites made from com-
was found to be highly stable.
puter printouts (Fig. 3).
dible and lower dental arch was con- Comparisons of the Time 1 and
ducted as a part of a large computer Time 2 renderings also are exhibited
study of craniofacial morphogenesis. as superimposed at Xi point and the
The principle of triangulation in cepha- mandibular body (corpus axis) ( Fig.
lometric points was followed in order 4).
to eliminate or correct possible errors The Secondary Study
in measurement. After producing accurate composites
In the lateral and frontal head films, a more detailed mechanism was sought
36-2 measurements were employed for to explain the phenomenon of man-
the complete study. Standard devia- dibular development.
tions were studied and every measure-
ment was correlated with every other
by the coefficient correlation in both
Time 1 (beginning) and Time 2
(end). Standard deviation of change
and growth correlations also were ren-
dered by the computer as a comparison
The material for this primary com-
puter study consisted of lateral and
frontal cephalometric films on forty
patients. The beginning films were
made at the average age of 8 years;
the second group averaged 13 years of Fig. 4 The samples are superimpos~d
age. The range was ± 2 years of the 8- on the corpus axis and register d at Xi

point as the mandible was fourd to bend

year level. However, this sample was about one half degree each year.
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcial Growth 373

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Fig. 6 This shows the methods used to

determine the true arc of growth of the
mandible. Pogonion (Po), Xi and the
center of the condyle head (C2) were
Fig. 5 Shows the technique of study connected in a circle and increments
of the change in the mandible which is added. The mandible became more obtuse
also the method used in forecasting pro- than was the actual behavior of the
cedures. For forecasting with the com-
puter on short range, a center (CC) is
picked on basion-nasion plane perpen- working medium of information and
dicular to the lower border of foramen-
rotundum (Pt). The condyle axis is as a basis for later work.
forecast to move with basion in the The first move was the construction
downward and forward direction. The
condyle axis is lengthened and the corpus of an arc in the Time 1 composite
axis is added to produce the positioning through the three points: Pm, Xi, De.
of the chin. This is the method used to
connect the mandible with the skull base By extending this arc the size increase
in forecasting. was produced but not enough bending
in form resulted (Fig. 6). We were
It was recognized that a bending was satisfied that Pm was a reliable ref-
occurring in an prderly manner and erence and retained it for further
therefore the greater the magnitude of study.
growth, the greater the bending. It was A second arc was explored by using
apparent that a growth arc was opera- the tip of the coronoid process, the
tive. It was of interest to see if this arc anterior border of the ramus at its
could be reduced to a segment of a deepest curve (Rl) and the same Pm
circle, an ellipse or a spiral curve. point. The extension of this curve ex-
After using the Pm, Xi and De hibited the segment of a circle too
points as a method of depicting the small in radius and resulted in exces-
cortical "core" of the mandible (Fig. sive bending of the mandible when
2 and Fig. 5), experiments were un- the same gradient of growth was em-
dertaken to determine a method by ployed for a projection (Fig. 7).
which the form and size of the man- It was obvious that the characteris-
dible, after a five-year growth interval, tics of typical growth had been
could be predicted with use of only the bracketed by the two arcs produced:
first x-ray as a reference. The size in- one straightening the mandible too
creases and form alterations were avail- much and the other resulting in too
able from the computer study as a much bending. A true arc of growth
374 Ricketts October 1972

of the ramus failed to show definite

architectural designs because the in-
ner and outer plates are very heavy
and carry the load. Attention therefore

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was directed to a mandible, alleged to
be 850 years old, which had been given
to the author by the late William B.
Downs. This mandible had been
weathered to a state of disintegration
of the interprismatic substance of the
external cortical bone, and therefore
clearly showed stress lines in the outer
and inner plates (Figs. 8, 9 and 10).
The lines thus exhibited the design of
the mandible for bracing externally.
It was hoped that these functional
stress lines would also yield some clues
Fig. 7 The anterior border of the regarding the possible development of
ramus (Rl) and coronoid process (CR)
were connected in an arc to pogonion. the mandible, for we know that stresses
This showed that the mandible bent too tend to run parallel to bone trabecu-
much. These findings suggested that the lae. 25 The load being carried in the
true arc of growth of the mandible lay
somewhere between the Xi point and the superstructure of a bone thus can be
anterior border of the ramus and be- analyzed. By the analysis of compres-
tween the condylar and coronoid pro-
cesses. sion, extension, shear and torsion, these
lines begin to fit a pattern.
therefore must lie somewhere in the Close examination confirmed the
mandible between the condyloid and convergence of stress lines at the pro-
the coronoid processes and between tuberance menti (Fig. 8). The stress
the ramal center and its anterior bor- lines seemed to swing downward and
der. It was decided to construct an ex- then upward and backward and out-
perimental arc bisecting the two pre- ward through the external oblique
vious arcs. By establishing a halfway ridge (Fig. 9). From this ridge on the
point between Xi and Rl points (the external table, the stress pattern was di-
center and anterior border of the vided at the base of the coronoid proc-
ram us) and using the distance from ess. An irregular gnarled area was loca-
this point to Pm as a radius of a circle, ted at this area on the lateral surface as
an arc could be produced. The use of the stress seemed to divide forward or
this arc still bent the mandible a frac- backward in respect to coronoid and
tion too much. In addition, a radius condyloid demands.
selected from this point would increase However, great attention was di-
with size of the mandible and a pro- rected toward the medial side. On
gressive increase or a changing arc or the internal aspect (Fig. 10) even
ultimate spiral shape would result. greater forking was noted than
Growth therefore could not be rep- was seen on the lateral side. The
resented as a simple segment of a circle, stresses here followed the mylohyoid
if these dimensions were employed. ridge upward into a thick mass to ter-
It was thought that perhaps the minate at a Y-shaped bony prominence
stress lines of the mandible would re- (Fig. 10-YM). This was almost the
veal its hidden secrets. The ·study of center of the upward and forward
mandibular slices through the center quadrant of the ramus on the lingual
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 375

\~ (


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I ,I

__.. - ~
.; y /


Fig. 10 Tracings of the left side show

Fig. 8 An 850-year-old mandible with a stress pattern at TE, or trihedral emi-
stress line,s quite evident converging at nences; YL - forking of the stress lines
the mental protuberance. Even the at the base of the coronoid process;
stresses for the support of the canine YM - forking on the medial border of
teeth emanate upward and outward, the ramus; CNC - endocondyloid crest;
seemingly to hold the canines apart. The EC - the endocoronoid crest; RE - the
lines of stress go downward and out- area of the mandibular recess; SI - the
ward into the mental tubercles and from subcoronoid incisure; TC - temporal
there out to the trihedral em'.nences. crest. Notice also that an arc is present
on the lingual aspect of the mandible
almost to corre,spond with the stres~
directions of the external oblique ridge.

Further study of several dozen man-

dibles led to the observation of small,
apparently nutritive foramina imme-
diately superior to this area on the
medial side of the ramus at the trian-
gular plane (Fig. 10-TP). It was hy-
pothesized that these might be trophic
to what now was looming as possibly
an important mandibular growth area.
Experimentally, two new points
(Eva and TR) were located geomet-
rically (Fig. 11). Point Eva is also a
fig. 9 View of the right side. An arc biologic point as it is located over the
1s very clear in the stress lines running point of forking of the stress lines in
from the mental tubercle, swinging up- the ramus. When the size increase of
ward through the external ob!.que ridge
and then dividing into the coronoid and the mandible as determined in the
condylar processes. Notice that a gnarled computer study was incrementally
area of bone is present at the base of added to the arc at the sigmoid notch,
the coronoid at its junction with the
condylar process. it was found that the predicted man-
dible was almost absolutely correct
aspect and, in fact, might be the base in size and form when compared with
of the tuberosity of mandibular growth. the final composite (Fig. 12). The
Accordingly, both the inner and outer method as devised for k factors ( con-
tables showed confluence at this area stants) proved extremely accurate in
of the mandible. fifty treated cases which were pred:cted
376 Ricketts October 1972

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I Pm

Fig. 12 As the 8-year composite was

extended on the arc, with the increments
added, the mandible was duplicated al-
Fig. 11 Should be compared with the most absolutely, confirming the true arc
experimental studies shown in Figures of growth.
6 and 7, representing the search for the
true arc of growth of the mandible. A
line from Xi point to the sigmoid notch 16. The completed forecast is displayed
is bisected and a parallel point (RR) in Figure 18 and the final tracing is
is selected on the ,anterior border of the presented in Figure 19. In Figure 20
ramus. (This point is used in growth
forecasting as seen below). RR point is the predicted mandible is compared
connected to point R3 at the lower bor- with the actual.
der of the sigmoid notch. This line is
crossed by a second line selected from a Having become satisfied with the
point midway of the base of the coronoid arc as a tool for prediction, the next
process to the Xi point. The cross·ng of
these two lines (called point Eva) ap- problem lay in the amount of growth
proximates the center of the upward to forecast on the arc. The yearly in-
and forward quadrant of the ramus. Eva crease from the combined studies was
almost exactly coincides with the forking
of the stress lines on the internal and discovered to be almost precisely 2.5
outer table of the ramus (Fig. 10). A mm. Averaged over the years of time,
third point is selected, of equal distance it was an excellent population constant.
from Eva and PM, which is TR (true
radius), the true arc for growth of the Cutoffs for growth were determined to
mandible. This point is used for the cen- be 14.5 years for females and age 19
ter of the circle which is drawn from
pogonion through Eva. The heavy arrow for males.
shows the direction of growth of the It now became important to study
mandible. At the point of intersection the development of the superior part
of the arc with the border of the sigmoid
notch, a point was selected wh"ch was of the ramus because this loomed as
called point Mu. highly significant in the accurate pro-
jection of a case and later construction
and compared for periods of as long of the face in the long range forecast-
as fourteen years later. ing.
For a more definitive explanation Next, twenty longitudinal cases with
and demonstration, the head films of a a range of duration from five to
male patient, age 9 years, were chosen. twelve years were measured. That study
This patient was observed until almost revealed that the increases in the con-
19 years of age and no orthodontic dylar and coronoid processes were dif-
treatment of any kind was rendered. ferent when measured from a point at
The original lateral tracing of this pa- the crossing of the arc with the sigmoid
tient is seen in Figure 17. The techni- notch. The point of crossing was labeled
que is shown in Figures 13, 14, 15 and point Mu (Figs 11, 13 and 14).
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 377

The coronoid and condylar pro-

cesses grow upward and outward in
a direction essentially as a function of
the curve of the original arc ( Fig. 14).

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This means that sigmoid notches with
arcs of a small radius tended to stay
small, while widely divergent condyles

and coronoid processes or notches with
wide radii tend to stay extended. As
these values were determined and used
experimentally on more than 100 pa-
tients, a k factor for the cownoid pn,
cess growth came to be 0.8 mm per
The condylar k factor was discovered
to be variable. Some condyles did not
grow at all from the original point Mu,
while others grew significantly. The
short and small condyles were found
1111,,;@·a y. r:!
not to grow and the weak condyles
Fig. 13 Shows the initial steps in long- were given 0.0 mm for forecasting.
range growth forecasting (which is a
different method from the short range). Good, well-formed condylar heads with
Apposition of the lower border of the long necks accordingly were given a k
symphysis for males occurs at about 1 factor of 0.4 mm per year. Average
mm each 8 years. From point Mu the
mandible is grown on the arc at the condyles were to be given 0.2 mm per
sigmoid notch about 2.5 mm each year. year or 1 mm of extra growth ( from
the ramus) every five years.
CONDYLE / It should be mentioned that dam-
AVE. r··.
@o~z,.., \ '. M~ 1 1'
aged condyles did not behave normally,
nor did true prognathic types. Neither
x 9 - 1.a , '-Y'~ g fit the principle of normal growth.
- '
:: 7.2mmY. These conditions are rare and need to
@0.4 be identified because, as cases of this
kind are observed, the forecast be-
@ 0.0 comes diagnostic of abnormal growth.
In fact, some patients were discovered
who possessed actual degeneration of
the condylar head when it should have
' grown. (The reader can imagine the
bite opening and mandibular rotation
effected by this condition).
Further studies were consistent with
the behavior of gonion in the com-
Fig. 14 Shows the second series of puter study. The combined studies
steps. The coronoid is extrnded upward
and outward at a rate of 0.8 mm per showed that the gonial angle drifted
year. The condyle in th's average indi- posteriorly on the arc almost exactly
vidual is extended upward and backward
0.2 mm per year. Long condyles grow one half the total increase in mandib-
0.4 mm per year. Short and weak con- ular growth on the arc (Fig. 15).
dyles are given no further growth in the
forecasting technique. One final consideration is needed to
378 Ricketts October 1972

complete forecasting of the mandibular

form. This is a critical point because
it helps to determine the space avail-
able for the developing mandibular

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third molar at the anterior border of
the ramus or the external oblique
ridge. For this determination the RR
point was re-employed (Fig. 16). As
ANGLE the Time 1 tracing is compared with
the forecast being constructed, it is as-
sumed that stable bone is located here.
+C1@0.2 .......
Thus with normal anatomical con-
touring the coronoid process is con-
nected to RR point, which tends to
determine ramal width. Slightly below
Fig. 15 Shows the method to determine this point, the external oblique ridge
the drift of the gonial angle on the arc. will show apposition of almost 0.4 mm
In females no further additions are
given on the border of the mandible per year.
from the arc; however, in males addi-
tions of 0.2 mm per year are given. The By constructing the growth arc,
drift of the mandible occurs almost pre- growing the mandible on the arc, ex-
cisely at a pace of 50 per cent of the tending the processes and drift:ng the
total mandibular growth.
angular process according to the k fac-
tors of the studies, a new forecasting
technique now could be tested. It was
extremely valuable to have available,
from the computer, data in all of these
anatomical details. This information
alone significantly increased the confi-
dence levels.
CR. CREST Studies on the occlusal plane and erup-
TO RR tion of mandibular teeth
The author made extensive investi-
gations in 1955 on the treatment be-
havior of the occlusal plane. (Figs. 3
and 21-A). The occlusal plane was
again studied relative to more than
three dozen points and other planes
as well in a nontreated sample.
Five relations will be discussed which
seem pertinent to new clinical impli-
Fig. 16 Represents the last in the series First: The angle of the occlusal plane
of steps in forecasting the growth of to the corpus axis tended to be regular
the mandible. Art work for normal con-
tours is employed as connections are and orderly (Fig. 21-B).
made from the coronoid process to point
RR on the coronoid crest. The oblique Second: There seemed to be some
ridge of the mandible shows appos tion functional or biologic relation to the
by this method of about 0.4 mm each development of the posterior end of
year. ( See Figure 15 for comparison to
the actual.) the occlusal plane to Xi point (which,
Vu!. 42, No. 4 Arcial Growth 379

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Fig. 17. Tracing of a male, age 9 years Fig. 19 Patient MW, tracing at age
7 months, which will be forecast in the 18.5 years. It will be noted that the
subsequent illustrations. The patient had third molar has about a 40 per cent
a mild Class I malocclusion, almost end- chance of eruption, while it was given
to-end in the molars, and was never about a 50 per cent chance in the predic-
treated. Note that the darkened crypt tion. The height of the lower molar
for the developing third molar is al- (shown in Fig. 20) was missed about
most precisely on the occlusal plane and 1.5 mm. Notice the remarkable likeness
located immediately above the second of the profile and the form of the man-
molar. dible as Fig. 18 is compared wi.h Fig.
19. The interincisal angle was forecast
to the ideal, so this miss does not consti-
tute an error.

Fig. 18 The final projected mand:ble is

used as a frame of reference from which
the rest of the face also is forecast. The
other steps in facial growth forecasting
are not discussed in this article but are
shown here for orientation. The prog-
nosis for position of the third mo!ars
also is included. An end-to-end position
of the canines was projected and the lips
and chin tissues were included. Com-
pare this "prediction" with F.g. 19 and
see ~he overlay comparison in Fig. 20.
It will be obs2rved that at no point in
the entire face was there more than 2
mm of error in forecasting of this pa-
tient over the nine years.
380 Ricketts October 1972

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Fig. 20 Shows forecast of the mandible
compared with the actual (Fig. 19).
The solid line is the prediction; the
dotted line is the actual. A slight dif-
ference will be noted at the coro-
noid process (which could be a trac-
ing error either in the beginning or the
ending). The slight apposition on the
lower border of the ramus is insignifi-
cant remodeling. Therefore, prediction
in this case was almost absolute. The
hashed lines show the original position
of the lower incisor, lower molar and
the occlusal plane. The solid teeth show
the final position of the lower incisor
and the lower molar. The solid line
shows the position of the predicted
lower molar (note about 1.5 mm vertical
error). The predicted position of th~
lower incisor was almost absolute. The
arrow indicates the upward and back-
ward movement of Xi point. Note further Fig. 21 A. By the old method of super-
the angle between the occlusal plane and imposing on the symphysis and lower bor-
the corpus axis did not change. Th= oc- der of the mandible, it will be noted
cl usal plane was predictable by the pre- that the condyle is extending upward
diction of the movement of Xi point. and backward, re,sorption is shown on
the anterior border, the lower molar
it will be remembered, represents the moves straight upward and the lower
mandibular foramen) . While the distal incisor moves upward and backward.
The occlusal plane also is increasing to
end of the plane from the true buccal the mandibular plane.
occlusion dropped downward slightly B. Bending is seen in the mandible
as corpus axis is superimposed at pogon-
with growth, a plane, if drawn through ion. Compare with Fig. 4 in which
the second molar, would move it back the same composite,s are shown regis-
up to its. original position. This is a tered at Xi. Notice that the occlu al 0

plane tends to be more constant to the

biologic clue to the development of corpus axis and that the lower incisor
the curve of spee. tends to erupt in a straight~r upward
direction when oriented in this manner.
Third: The occlusal plane tended This is an excellent method for the eval-
to hold its relation to the embrasure uation of the behavior of the lower den-
of the lips at the forward end. (Note: tition.
without treatment)
Therefore, it seemed that the vertical growth. As the arc was growing, the
development of the lower dental arch symphysis or chin was pushed under
and the occlusal plane took place the denture as the teeth erupted up-
naturally as a function of mandibular ward and forward. This explained
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 381

Fifth: The lower molar tends to

erupt upward and fo1ward with the oc-
clusal plane from the mental protub2r-

Downloaded from by guest on 01 September 2022

ance. Given the adjustment which may
occur with leeway space in the transition
stage, the molar can be predicted as a
function also of mandibular growth
( Fig. 22). This shows clearly that space
for the erupting third molar is made
by upward and forward eruption of
the dental arch in front of it (Fig. 18).
If the lower arch is held backward,
space loss for third molar teeth can be
expected. If space is created by for-
ward movement, a better prognosis
should follow.
Fig. 22 Shows the author's concept of
growth of the mandible. These drawi:lgs Because so little is available in the
were made from composites from the literature, especially with regard to the
computer in a sample of patients aged arcial concept of growth, more study
5, 8 and 13 years. Another sample was
used for a study of patients in males was needed. If the consideration of the
alone, 18 years of age. For this method third molar could be added to d:agnos-
of superpositioning, pogonion and the
anterior border of the ramus at the cor- tic procedures, another facet could be
onoid crest are employed. These points added to knowledge and treatment
represent the true nonresorbing cortical planning. Prognosis of the third molar
bone which can be located reasonably
well with cephalometrics. The vertical may no longer need to be so guarded or
apposition at the superior border of the speculative if, by this method, accurate
ramus is d'splayed. It will further be estimates are made of space available.
noted that the occlusal plane is moving
with Xi point which moves progressively
upward. It also will be noted that the Impaction of third molars and arcial
lower incisor moves upward and for- growth prognosis
ward as resorption and remodeling and
thinning of the alveolar process occurs. All these studies pointed the way to
The lower molar is seen to move in an still another study of meaningful in-
upward and forward direction, wh ch terest to clinical orthodontics. This is
accounts for the creation of space for
the second and third molars. the lower third molar problem.
Twenty-five adult skulls exhibiting
"chin button" development ( Fig. 22). normal occlusions were studied, many
Fourth: The horizontal or antero- with the aid of a lateral head film.
posterior movement of the lower inci- From this group of skulls an hypothes:s
sor seems to be biologically related to was determined that the lower third
the APo plane. The mean values for molar must lie fifty per cent ahead of
lower incisors to the APo plane tend to the external ridge for a fifty per cent
match for malocclusions and normals favorable prognosis for its eruption.
and successfully-treated cases. This Theoretically ( as far as space is con-
means that the lower incisor relates to cerned) , the prognosis could be one
the convexity or facial type in all age hundred per cent favorable if the molar
groups. The prediction of the anterior ( in cephalometric lateral v:ew) is lo-
position of the lower incisor is, there- cated completely mesial to the ridge.
fore, related to the prediction of change Conversely, the farther distal ( or the
in convexity by whatever factor is more it is covered by the ridge), the
causing the change (Figs. 18 and 19). poorer the prognosis for eruption.
382 Ricketts October 1972

Number Bicuspids Extracted N onextraction

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31 13 (42%) 18 {58%)
Impacted Third Molars Erupted Third Molars
10 (33%) 21 {66%)
Space for those Impacted Space for Erupted Molars
20% 65%
Range 0-60% Range 0-120%
Extraction Impacted Third Molars Erupted Third Molars
Number 2 (15%) 11 (85%)
13 Space for Third Molars Space for Erupted Thirds
30% 74%
Range 0-60% Range 10-120%
N onextraction Impacted Third Molars Erupted Third Molars
Number 8 (45%) 10 (55%)
18 Space Available Space Available
19% 49%
Range 0-40% Range 0-80%
Erupted Cases More than 50% Space Less than 50 % Space
21 13 (66%) 33%

To check this hypothesis, thirty-one crease in space available for the third
treated cases including a variety of molar occurs in the average of cases
malocclusions were studied. The head treated with bicuspid extraction. Taken
films were taken at an average age of further in this logic, without extrac-
twenty-one years. This sample should, tion, 55 per cent of the cases may erupt
however, in no way be construed to third molars, while in this small sam-
represent the average of a practice b~- ple 80 to 85 per cent did so with ex-
cause the cases were in a group which traction, or about a 25 to 30 per cent
had been selected for other purposes. improved prognosis. This pertains to
The findings must, at best, be consid- space available and not ectopic erup-
ered preliminary and a sample of 200 tion. It should be added that the
cases is being accumulated. Chart I sample is small, and that we feel in-
will show the analysis of the sample. tuitively that our extraction cases are
Remember, the position of the third experiencing eruption of the third
molar relative to the ridge was value- molars in 65 per cent of the cases.
judged because of the nature of the This would seem to verify, also,
external ridge being oblique in char- another hypothesis: that the third
acter. molar can be prognosed early and
The preliminary conclusion from the should be removed if nonextraction is
twenty-five skulls and thirty-one head to be a part of the planned treatment,
films seems to verify the hypothesis of because 45 per cent of the nonextracted
the 50 per cent favorable prognosis cases required third molar extractions.
mentioned earlier. The nonextracted It should be remembered, too, that 15
cases, with third molars erupted, to 20 per cent of the cases required
averaged 49 per cent space in the third molar extractions even with bi-
lateral headplate. Those cases extracted cuspid extractions. Accordingly, over
averaged 74 per cent space. This would one half of our patients are candidates
seem to suggest that a 25 per cent in- for lower third molar extraction. Let
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 383

me again say that these are preliminary physis in the cephalometric film (chin
conclusions only, and further verifi- button development). Implant studies
cation is needed. It is, however, a start have shown that greatest apposition
to bringing some order out of this bewil- takes place at the inferior margin of

Downloaded from by guest on 01 September 2022

dering third molar issue. the symphysis ( and perhaps the pos-
terior side) in the preschool years. The
D1scussroN growth by apposition may appear la-
There is little doubt that the man- teral to the midline on the symphysis
dible grows in an arc of some form. as bulk is needed for bracing.
The theory herein promulgated is that (2) This phenomenon explains why
human mandibular growth can be re- reversal lines are observed at the area
duced to a simple segment of a circle of pogonion and suprapogonion.
in a lateral cephalometric image. If
( 3) It explains why the mandibular
this arc represents the true character
plane changes extensively in some in-
of mandibular growth, the traditional
dividuals and not in others.
viewpoint that "normal" lower molar
teeth acquire space for eruption by ( 4) It shows why ankylosed teeth are
ramal resorption must be modified. observed to affect occlusal plane de-
Rather, it is suggested from recent
studies that eruption and alveolar \ 5) It explains how the early anky-
growth in the upward and forward di- los1s of a lower molar tooth terminates
rection is the process by which the with the tooth located at the lower
border of the mandible; the mandib-
space is made available.
ular arc simply continues and this tooth
The modus operandi of mandibular
becomes trapped within cortical b:me
growth described herein as a technique
and the lower border resorbs up to it.
probably closely approximates the true
nature of growth and is not merely a . (6) It suggests a reason why man-
technique. It is recognized that the d1~ular anchorage is risky in retrogna-
cephalometric image is two-plane th1c faces, because less space is avail-
rather than three and, further, that the able for molar eruption due to a more
condyle and ramus grow laterally in vertical eruption in that type than
the third dimension. However, the arc prognathic types.
explanation seems to answer many (7) It explains why the lower arches
clinical questions which could not be of brachyfacial or square faces ( tight
answered by accepting the previous arc cases) can be expanded and
theories of growth and ramal border brought forward, and will remain
resorption. When applied, this tech- stable.
nique seems to yield new views as to (8) It .explains why good dentures
possibilities of clinical treatment. may become progressively more
crowded in long, tapered faces and
Let us enumerate some of these pos-
sometimes even in normal faces.
( 1) It appears (through superposi- (9) It explains how third molar im-
tioning of outlines) that the symphysis paction can occur by bone growth
rotates essentially during growth from around the molar rather than its sub-
a horizontal to a more vertical inclina- mergence into the ramus (however, it
tion, and the suggestion is presented appears likely that this still does occur,
that the genial tubercles and the lin- and both processes are involved).
gual plate drop downward in the pro- ( 10) It offers a possibility that im-
cess. This explains the major part of paction of third molars can be pre-
the form characteristic of the sym- vented by simple enucleation (at age
384 Ricketts October 1972

6 to 8 years) of the bud which lies on (f) 1s m harmony with recent tetra-
the surface, not within the bone. cycline staining investigations showing
( 11) It suggests that abnormal an upward and forward condylar
growth or warping of the mandible growth tendency;

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can be understood as a function of (g) generally is confirmed by iso-
relative contribution of the coronoid lated cases of ankylosed teeth which
and condyloid processes. act as implants;
( 12) It shows why positioning of the ( h) suggests a probable growth tub-
roots of the lower first molar to the erosity on the superior medial wall of
buccal, or locking them under cortical the ramus generally directed or facing
bone, will prevent upward and, there- upward and inward;
fore, forward eruption of the whole ( i) offers a clear picture and expla-
lower dental arch thereby enhancing nation of clinical problems and pheno-
anchorage of the lower arch. mena which have not been understood
or explainable in the past, particularly
the behavior of the third molar;
Several individual investigations are
summarized as they apply to the cen- (j) probably reveals, if not the prin-
tral theme: the discovery of an arc of ciple of mandibular growth, patterns
a circle which, when extended and which approximate the absolute growth
properly located, will permit the clin- mechanism; and
ical projecting or forecasting of the ( k) permits the possibility of progno-
natural growth of the normal mandible sis of impacted third molars as early as
well within desirable clinical limits of the bud stage.
accuracy. The regularity and accuracy As in all biologic phenomena, varia-
with which this arcial method is now tion is the rule in nature and more de-
applied suggests that a principle may tails of growth characteristics and ex-
be operable for the phenomenon of planations for rare extremes are
mandibular development ( even though needed. However, the consistency with
it may appear as two-dimensional for which this procedure permits accurate
use with the lateral cephalometric x- forecasts suggests that it might be ap-
ray). plied as a principle for prediction.
This resulting concept of growth Following the testing on 200 cases, it
behavior: was observed that the principle would
(a) demonstrates that the mandible hold unless some input into the oro-
must grow on an arc because it was mandibular pharyngeal complex or an
shown to bend in form; environmental disturbance was ex-
(b) is in harmony with phylogenetic perienced which was of sufficient mag-
principles as an explanation of man's nitude to upset its total neurologic
shorter snout and upright posture; equilibrium.
( c) converges with the theory of Further, the incremental principle
the capsular matrices and the concept does not seem to be directly applicable
of the logarithmic spiral of mandibu- to patients with true mandibular prog-
lar development; nathism, but must be modified for that
( d) supports implant studies which specific situation. Pathologic growth
have shown that the lower border re- should not be confused with normal
sorbs in normal growth; growth. In this sense a normal projec-
( e) is in general agreement with the tion employed as a comparison might
patterns of reversal lines shown by his- be used as a diagnostic tool to deter-
tologic bone analysis; mine aberration of growth.
Vol. 42, No. 4 Arcia! Growth 385

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