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MBA TERM VI, Year 2023-24

Course Title : Creating Sustainable New Ventures - Marketplace Live Simulation

Credits : 1.5

Type : Elective

Session Duration : 90 minutes

Faculty :


This course focuses on experiential learning, wherein it emphasizes strategic planning and
implementation to enable one to develop professional business skills. Through a computer simulation
game, one is placed in realistic international business setting where she/he would be required to run a
company for two years in a compressed time frame (eight rounds of quarterly decision-making). The
course aims to integrate your learnings from the PGP – 1st year foundational courses in marketing,
economics, human resources, operations, accounting, finance and strategy, to address managerial
complexities closely working with a team of fellow students and successfully manage a highly complex
and integrated business. Personal leadership and strong interpersonal skills would be necessary to



Course Competencies/ Learning Outcomes

This course will employ the Marketplace Live simulation as a learning environment. One would learn
what it’s like to compete in the fast-paced, competitive market where customers are demanding, and
the competition is working hard to take away your business. It will help,
 Understand and appreciate the conditions in which organizations need to function.
 Develop problem solving skills and relate classroom learning with business problems.
 Clearly identify decision problems
 Sharpen critical thinking skills
 Identify, present and interpret evidence to analyze alternatives and take decisions, while
evolving one’s own perspectives.
 Develop an integrative thinking ability
 Identify central problems and devise necessary strategies and tactics as part of an action plan
and implement them.
Evaluation Scheme

S.No Evaluation Parameter Weightage

1 Team Simulation Performance (System) 30%

2 Individual Peer Evaluation (System) 10%

3 Ownership of Balance Scorecard (Qualitative) (System) 10%

4 Customized Objective Learning Assessment (Quantitative) (System) 20%

5 Instructor assessment (Team meetings and Final presentation) (Qualitative, Instructor) 30%

Description of evaluation Components

Team Simulation Performance
A cumulative balanced scorecard (CBS) for quarters 5 through 8 will be used to judge the success of each
firm. A team’s grade will be determined by its relative ranking on the CBS compared to the other firms in
its industry. The team’s total business performance will be based upon its financial performance, market
effectiveness, marketing performance, investments in the firm’s future, manufacturing productivity,
asset management, human resource management and creation of wealth. A total score will be
computed for each firm competing in the Marketplace Live. At the end of the exercise, each team will be
ranked in the order of performance for the total score. A letter grade will be assigned depending upon
your team’s ranking and how close it is to the team(s) above or below it.
Peer assessment
One/ two online peer reviews would be used to arrive at this score.
Ownership of Balanced scorecard
Each student will take on one of the CEO/ VP roles within the firm and declare the same in advance. To
insure that they see the link between their decisions and the balanced scorecard, they will be asked to
take ownership of at least two of the performance criteria that make up the scorecard. At the end of the
simulation game, part of the individual evaluation of the students will be judged by how well their firm
performed on these criteria compared to the performance of other firms in that industry/game.
Customized Objective Learning Assessment
An online Computer based assessment would be conducted in class/ Computer lab. This is a situational
assessment test.
Instructor Assessment
The teams are required to be meeting the instructor regularly, making the Round 5 presentation and
also the final presentation. The instructor will evolve his own metrics to allocate marks to the different
individuals in the team based upon their participation.

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