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Final Draft

Project Name

Jackson's Birthday Party

WBS (Jeremy Khoo)

Major Task Level 1 subtasks Level 2 subtasks Level 2 subtask duration

List down names and

Discuss possible guests with 2 days
Create a guest list (1.1) addresses of possible guests
parents and Jackson (1.1.1)

List down hobbies and interests of  

Discuss Jackson’s interests with him Jackson (
and his parents (1.2.1) 1 day 
Design and print invitations (1.2) Design invitations (
List local printing companies in the 1 day
area (1.2.2) Select printing company
( 2 days

Check affordability and capacity

( 3 days
Secure a venue (1.3) Make list of 3-5 event centers (1.3.1)  Visit the event centers listed 3 days
3 days
 Approve event center (
Secure a food catering company
Make list of possible nearby catering List vegan and nonvegan 1 day
companies (1.4.1) options (
3 days
Meet with chefs (

Approve catering company 3 days


Discuss theme with Jackson and Review Jackson’s interests 1 day

Plan decorations (1.5) (
parents (1.5.1)
Purchase decorations ( 2 days

Call available DJ’s ( 2 days

Secure a DJ (1.6) Make list of local DJ’s (1.6.1)
 Approve DJ ( 3 days

Discuss with Jackson and his  
parents about the entertainment that   1 day
the party will have (1.7.1)  
Obtain entertainment (1.7)    
Call entertainment companies
Make list of local entertainment ( 3 days
companies (1.7.2)
Approve entertainment 2 days
company (

Put Decorations (1.8) Set up decorations (1.8.1) 1 day

Total Duration: 37 days

WBS Dictionary (Jeremy Khoo)

Work Package ID: 1.1.1

Work Package Name: Discuss possible guests with

parents and Jackson

Work Package Description: Jackson and his parents

will inform the project management team on the
guests that they wish to appear at the party.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: List down names and addresses

of possible guests

Work Package Description: Once prospective guests

are discussed, a word document should be created
that includes the names and addresses of the possible
guests so that invitations can be sent out.

Work Package ID: 1.2

Work Package Name: Design and print invitations

Work Package Description: Invitations need to be
created and printed to give to those that Jackson and
his parents have listed as possible guests.

Work Package ID: 1.2.1

Work Package Name: Discuss Jackson’s interests with

him and his parents

Work Package Description: The invitation needs to

display the theme of the party so it is important that
Jackson’s interests are discussed and implemented
into the invitation.

Work Package ID: 1.2.2

Work Package Name: List local printing companies in

the area

Work Package Description: Make a list of 3-5

prospective local printing companies that can print out
the invitations.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: List down hobbies and interests

of Jackson

Work Package Description: Listing down the hobbies

and interests of Jackson are important so that there is
a guideline for what should be included on the

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Design invitations

Work Package Description: Create a template for the

invitations that incorporate Jackson’s interests.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Select Printing company

Work Package Description: Taking into account budget

and location, a printing company needs to be selected
to print out the invitations. Once selected, the template
for the invitation needs to be sent to the company for

Work Package ID: 1.3

Work Package Name: Secure a venue

Work Package Description: Find a location to host the


Work Package ID: 1.3.1

Work Package Name: Make list of 3-5 event centers

Work Package Description: Look at prospective local

event centers and make a list of them.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Check affordability and capacity

Work Package Description: Research the costing and

capacity that each venue has so that it falls within
budget and can accommodate all the guests on the
guest list.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Visit the event centers listed

Work Package Description: Go and survey the

prospective event centers to have a better gauge of
capacity and ambiance.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Approve event center

Work Package Description: Finalize on the event center

with Jackson's parents after discussing all the
necessary constraints such as budget and capacity.

Work Package ID: 1.4

Work Package Name: Secure a food catering company

Work Package Description: Need to find a company

that will be able to supply food and drinks for the party.

Work Package ID: 1.4.1

Work Package Name: Make list of possible nearby

catering companies

Work Package Description: Research and list local

catering companies that can serve parties with many

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: List vegan and nonvegan options

Work Package Description: To accommodate for

different food preferences, all vegan, nonvegan, and
company’s that provide both types of food must be

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Meet with chefs

Work Package Description: Meet with chefs to discuss

pricing and food that the party will have.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Approve catering company

Work Package Description: Discuss with Jackson and

his parents about the different companies and the food
that they can provide and come to a conclusion on
which company to choose.

Work Package ID: 1.5

Work Package Name: Plan Decorations

Work Package Description: Arrange for decorations for

the party.

Work Package ID: 1.5.1

Work Package Name: Discuss theme with Jackson and


Work Package Description: The decorations need to

match the theme that Jackson and his parents approve

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Review Jackson’s interests

Work Package Description: Using the list of interests

and hobbies that Jackson gave us when designing the
invitations, we should review it with him and his
parents and try and get decorations that fall in line with
the list and the invitations that were created.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Purchase Decorations

Work Package Description: Go and buy decorations

that match the theme for what Jackson wants for the
theme of his birthday party. Decorations should be set
up the day of the event before it starts.

Work Package ID: 1.6

Work Package Name: Secure a DJ

Work Package Description: Find a DJ that can play

music for children.

Work Package ID: 1.6.1

Work Package Name: Make a list of local DJ’s

Work Package Description: List local DJ’s that can host

parties for kids and are within the area.

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Call available DJ’s

Work Package Description: Call available DJ’s to

discuss pricing and availability on the day of Jackson’s

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Approve DJ

Work Package Description: Discuss with parents and

finalise on a DJ.

Work Package ID: 1.7

Work Package Name: Obtain Entertainment

Work Package Description: Need to get entertainment

for the party. Entertainment includes entertainers
(clown, magician, etc.) and entertainment for kids
(bouncy houses, inflatable slides, etc.)

Work Package ID: 1.7.1

Work Package Name: Discuss with Jackson and his

parents about the entertainment that the party will

Work Package Description: Find out what

entertainment Jackson wants to have at the party and
discuss it with the parents and him.

Work Package ID: 1.7.2

Work Package Name: Make list of local entertainment


Work Package Description: Research and list local

entertainment companies that provide all the required

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Call entertainment companies

Work Package Description: Call the entertainment

companies that were listed and find out costing and

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Approve entertainment company

Work Package Description: Discuss and finalise the
entertainment company to be chosen with Jackson’s

Work Package ID: 1.8

Work Package Name: Put Decorations

Work Package Description: Decorations need to be set

up for the party.

Work Package ID: 1.8.1

Work Package Name: Set up decorations

Work Package Description: Go to the event center 2-3

hours before Jackson’s birthday party starts and set up
all the decorations.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (Melissa Hollenbeck)

Project Team Members Stakeholders

WBS Element
M. Hollenbeck J. Khoo E. Stowe Jackson Parents

1.1 Guest List R     C A

1.1.1 Discuss Possible Guests w/Parents and Jackson R Create List of Names and Addresses of Guests R        


1.2 Design and Print Invitations   R      

1.2.1 Discuss Jackson’s Interests with him and his

  R   C C

1.2.2 List Local Printing Companies in Area     R List Hobbies and Interests of Jackson   R Design Invitations     R Select Printing Company   R      


1.3 Secure a Venue R        

1.3.1 Make a List of 3-5 Event Centers     R Check Affordability and Capacity     R   C Visit Event Centers Listed C   R Approve Event Center         A

1.4 Secure a Food Catering Company     R   A

1.4.1 Make a List of Possible Catering Companies   R List Vegan and Non-Vegan Options   R Meet with Chefs   R C Approve Catering Company         A


1.5 Plan Decorations R        

1.5.1 Discuss Theme with Jackson and Parents R     C C Review Jackson’s Interests R     C Purchase Decorations R        


1.6 Secure a DJ   R     P

1.6.1 Make a List of Local DJs   R Call Available DJs   R Approve DJ   R     A

1.7 Obtain Entertainment R     C P

1.7.1 Discuss Entertainment with Jackson and Parents R        

1.7.2 Make a List of Local Entertainment Companies R Call Entertainment Companies   R Approve Entertainment Company P       A


1.8 Decorations     R    

1.8.1 Set Up Decorations     R    

Key: R=Responsible, C=Must be consulted, A=Accountable, P=Report Progress To

Milestones and Deliverables (Melissa Hollenbeck)


The deliverable in this project is to successfully execute a birthday party for Jackson.  In order for this to occur, Jackson
and his parents need to be consulted to determine their vision of this birthday party.  During this meeting a guest list will
be created along with discussing Jackson’s interests to determine a theme.  Invitations will need to be designed and
printed, a venue and caterer needs to be secured, decorations need to be bought, and a DJ and other entertainment needs
to be booked.  All of these items are deliverables associated with this project with the ultimate goal of producing a fun
birthday party for Jackson. 


Create a Guest List with Jackson and Parents – March 2021

Design and Print Invitations – April 2021

Secure a Venue – April 2021

Mail Invitations – End of May/Beginning of June 2021

Secure a DJ – May 2021

Plan Decorations – June 2021 2021

Obtain Entertainment – June 2021

Host Birthday Party – July 2021

Task Dependencies (Jeremy Khoo)

There are several task dependencies that this project has. A task dependency is how a task in a project relies on other
tasks to be able to be completed. One of the major task dependencies is that in order to design and print invitations, a
venue must be secured so that it can go on the invitation. It is also important that a guest list is created before invitations
are created before printing invitations so that there is a rough estimate of how many invitations to print. The tasks of
securing a caterer, DJ, and entertainment are all dependent on securing a venue, because with no venue there is no point
in having all of those. The last task dependency is that the task of putting decorations depends on the planning and
purchasing of decorations. It is impossible to put decorations without knowing what the decorations are and
without purchasing them.

Critical Path Tasks (Eric Stowe)

Tasks on the critical path are those that must be completed in a certain order to complete the project and are not flexible
timewise.  These tasks will determine the how long the project will take to complete.  For our project, planning a child’s
birthday party, the tasks on the critical path begin with Creating a Guest List.  Every subsequent decision depends on the
guest list—how many guests, age range, any limitations for venue and activities.  The next task on the critical path is
Securing a Venue.  Now that we know how many guests and any guest limitations, we can secure a venue that will
accommodate the party.  The next four tasks can be completed concurrently:  Planning Decorations, Deciding
Entertainment, Securing a DJ, and Securing a Food Catering Company.  All of these carry the same weight and the party
would still likely be a success if one of them could not be met.  Finally, Designing and Printing Invitations since the
previous tasks need to be completed so that the invitations will have the venue, entertainment, type of food, and name of
DJ on them and so that we will have a list of guests to send them to.

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