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__|ttco of_aanree phase Dyochroneus | motor, mic eg are ° “Ta fnventigare on a) character(s | ppennarn: su. _al6K6 Uriversar Machine Ber. Gu. |Nowmeter ©- 4OOV are _e|Awmeter © - 10 AD.6 7 Vasfac 3025 #& ' p _# De Rectifier 3 | yoark woexers LOA fecey — = A Syochronous_ motor & ove © jobfel the roter rotates [aware cam Dame seeed_as -the revouriang Mero! 6m woe mae oh te tre aa tne eon sing ofa _ytioel Cec imo frome wei | — Jyrelgs , us suai) these = Chase , incates! To |wes arpwre) |_—— _ |e Soree_eerfehery -_ - a A” Biyrcmrdoous | erect(e mot T an Ae wocer fo | _ yonfeh, OF Outaely quate, oe “rotation of the ghart (| Ine motor that creates a _magnese -Metd whfch robt Go CME with AME _Ovcttations Ef he he current- cult where a vournge moved | -uce ae So can Grecerfc —— ee Te j Rouble etement watt meter 1OA Comma) wo | craton © siiwhar td abot et an’ Rooluekion —__| aor gq fetal eds eee oruceer, (9 ane oagne |e magnet - —Puuse_rovecl py an omcest beorce- vee rover turns fo Step wrth thi Reco, at the jeame mace gynenronises! det the frequency of five uses ourrent j-the rotation eerfoal fo excac cy | Jequat td an Thtegrat number ge AC cyceo* Ye Syn CmronouS motor ano) (alucsoo motmr are the moor lwotdlewy used tYees of AG mocoe tec tromouve | the Synchronous mote CONtkAHB AQ mutt pNase AC ete cro ag.o on be crater ofthe monde AAT create @ magnetic etal wham rorakes Fn Kime _voelo [the Soctwabsong = Ahe one curcent . A Sy nen ros |rooto rr 95 oy, consicé rec) aoubyy -Pect O Po sue eed uden, fmolemenctentuy excited MUbsPnase ANC. crectro- NOGA HES 0 bOtH “the rotdr anel Startde so: pigs mM , — Syrcvbrecous motors cwe Suances . Be pro = PLO Oat cer excites! apes ti pgyb —fostor sigea- In-ne fraceSonar | Se power range SWEF _earge jit] MOE Gyoonrooou> motdr2 “are are _Uded! To, Prete, hs ie) LOWtARe | Peed! tS vequitec Moree power Vaclu4 AC ener, EE Means co iePCD ean. : aan 2 sSore sancl one a copuendog lcantreg 6+ other G Operating: aa MNHRY Power Factge : : [oe u C | tf so. rie 1 hee above iwistrasioin > seaggecl: =F otc 0 a my We Dynaheoaous movor works on 2 niiiabanapan eel mag nerve tock Msg beiween —the sratyn IRAE Crovating [BoWws—me Operation oF a DyndhrOoous’ Moe OO GO| wast andion wach respeeivets. jp Jb magnesSe Pech) an —— lecres gee mages camy Sntertocnec! - [Nae act ane = rootdr @_ Suppuicd udith Ce Power « SUPE , the) GeAeTT penne get energ@esl TwS & wn atbracts Coproscte) | the rotdr Pores, thus both “the: stator anel rotcr Which makes the rotdditd rosake abrthe Bame Byo - lchronbus Speed! weh the stator pores: the) ayochro- |oeus seeed of rotextFon even ley the est cress 6503 e -the_cotdr magnetic Petal « ben tne lets ah Cheerwer|_ =| the not cov Jin, ‘ mopene + fa = Ane Be gerber Pater Pathe oumber oF pores “Men “the toacl on the mowr & motten gene wate Hire rotor even “though rune at same seeecl,tencte te | Progresstveey ofa back Ch erase by aeme: ane, cpreoney ty sere. cig —— 6, catteal tne _Loasl angle Oc_the cour _——+ EF _argrewmGhy{ ———|S_cleeensient: on tthe ainount of toacl that-the morte | —____|@ cleared! td handie. In omer worels, Ove ker eres ashe: tgrque cleucrnped by-the motor clepencs| lon=the “toast angie, “6” Ae Ge Gocreased Progremste| : Vet}. o_eciats 13 teaches! atwnten the eect of | reclucect Puuve Pre NOWhALe> cane)—“the, tdrque reaches| ou yowe beysbar wan ickerense> - ! . = Ya) c fs be ene “u-the wWNchONCLS MOWrs ore equipree! as AD aq uret Cage swindling’ eonsoung of Cu Coorers ) bas, cit cuted) al both encls. these win) erve-the Pureose_ of Ser TLD ef the ayochronousS 3 gz ace | | | | | { a —_|motor- | eae Dusit ae og ft Te re arts ane: z discmemensinenensl PochuctS 0 motd rj -the | Utne a Os _appticad tg the gesbor leormtnats Wah the few! terntnals Crovoe) 1eAt unex PY srtow ee roaches O Speed Of about ASF of wks Bynenrorous ISpeec), ao Weate she excitation (5 Gruen 0 the rotor cited. he pterts as! an Whaluots6n mote Ane! w hen me [thus making tre rotor td align % Syo chrodisro wort } the sratdrs Qt 4S moment the ceatdl ancl retor | _[eotes: get Gnter wored wrth each ower aol hence the _motdr @_ Qochrovion- ee | Geckavien fa athe mailer Be “rong nest - Curse bey | he -Fretd wo italligg 27 the fo cequtied 2 oe |eass fog cursent (o the PEW weating «be Cathe process _ lOf_ere: rec tro- magnettsing a pole _ hy ae Cog ctrve | qursente_ OF te cot Fo motor: \n orcler te enccite mover ,-the D-C legos rotor oP the aynch congue | ____ al the ofertt 1000 connected as sino. tb—Fig © ofthe \ e - Previews | kle aise connected the rooter eal reguiacting ream eq~ [nce S RI ane Re 09 Theisen fo AGS —___|____ | throug Ga” wae the Q90V D:c connectee! td IPe ee ___ | motdr REI | | Morougo waa the armature conne ceed! te the / ___|O=- Foow a+ e So pl a 4 J aa scl tare aia e| the o® wad wen tired! on ane) | ta read) 22OV_ on the voltmeter fs “Trorque = a WAnedS.n290 x62 vrcee : a Po 6000 LP AST Nm ayo5 D , P= BoA, wy = WOW, won 2 520w : ' Ps wit Wo a = 400 +H20 = 1490 W ~ Fique = {Eva = B-m2906-4 = e 1490 ——— eg Nm —— F |k\nen Aa = 3:04” Ars to) Wis 150w, Wa = M000 | = 150+ Ho Os 150 at = ee Prorque = Ts va, ‘> (S. 200xA-2 ___| P alice - if _ 23917 Un _ ETIONCS) _ - ae __i]hipat are the coval ims for reastitg Synchronous - —_fSeeet? sath gt —}— OF POIES the Srator has. REM {ocreoses cli a 12 pete frequency ancl Ghverseyy ase! numer 2 Em | cE _ ' : % oS = - & 2] Did) the motor PRM your expermmenk wren toe _|fereased! ? uf 80 woby é : - [No , ie cloln’e Fah _% sme ‘course ef Ape. Tus % owt £= sy LS @ owing ww tre _thercolucedon of anomer Source =| Whe seeect of G_Syochronous motor G clepenciene —_] Oo Ae Frequency of the Power Zource anal -the NUMPET fle the Dc whlch berpect 10 peaistigtng anel maso~ taihg the synchronous seeec! 00 hearkog a Knocking fscuce! whloh had -ep{cted an Oiertoac) en-the _ __ | Sysrer- ; : : - i ] a

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