Audience Profile

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Unit 1 FACT SHEET Steven Tweedale

Audience Profile

Thomas Tweedale is 16 years old he

was born in Rochdale but grew up in
Stockport and Weaverham where he
currently lives with his Mum, Dad and
brother. Thomas’ Parents are
currently retired but worked
previously as a social worker and in
airport security, placing their spending
power at about B category.

He is currently in education in
Inscape Special House School which
is a school that specialises in special

In the future he wishes to work in the

transportation industry as he has a
passion for cars, planes, trains and
tractors. He especially likes
roadworks and enjoys videoing them
out the window of our house.Thomas
has done work experience in his
school. He worked as a postman for his school delivering mail to all the teachers in
the different classrooms.

Thomas adores sheep and wishes to own his own someday and frequently asks his
Mum and Dad if we could get some but to his disappointment they have said no
each time. Thomas also likes to listen to Capital Radio; he especially likes to listen to
the travel news segment as he likes to hear if there have been any accidents in the
area. He also knows the highway code back to front. I am currently trying to get him
to help me but I've not been very successful. Thomas gets £5.50 a week from his
parents which he spends on his ipad on various games and music.

Thomas usually comes on holiday with the family three times a year where we go to
South Shields in Tyne and Wear which he very much enjoys. He tends to go abroad
every two years which thomas very much enjoys most recently we went on holiday to
Fuerteventura, however, Thomas was not very impressed as the flight was delayed
for a total of 13 hours there and back and when they arrived back to England he was
unable to get his bags as some of the workers went out on strike which Thomas
found quite hilarious. Thomas does not do his own shopping as he cannot be trusted
on his own as he does not have the social skills to be able to safely go to the shop
and pay for things. However the teachers at his school take him to the shops as part
of the life skills program to teach him the value of money and how to buy and pay for
things he needs.Thomas enjoys borrowing magazines for school that are about
Formula 1 as he likes to read about the different tracks and information about the
different racers. Thomas does not really like to read books however his favourite TV
show is Caught on Dashcam. However, he doesn't watch films as he cannot sit still
long enough to watch one.

Thomas would be in the target audience age range of Four Four Two magazine.
92% are male and 59% are under 30 and Thomas is a 16 year old male. He does
like sports and likes watching football but prefers playing it. This fits with the target
audience of Four Four Two magazine as 64% play football at least once a week. His
favourite team is Manchester United and his favourite player is Marcus Rashford.

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